King Joash of Judah
(2 Chronicles 24.1-16)
1 In the seventh year of the reign of King Jehu of Israel, Joash became king of Judah, and he ruled in Jerusalem for forty years. His mother was Zibiah from the city of Beersheba. 2 Throughout his life he did what pleased the Lord, because Jehoiada the priest instructed him. 3 However, the pagan places of worship were not destroyed, and the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there.
4 Joash called the priests and ordered them to save up the money paid in connection with the sacrifices in the Temple, both the dues paid for the regular sacrifices and the money given as freewill gifts. 5 Each priest was to be responsible for the money brought by those he served, and the money was to be used to repair the Temple, as needed.
6 But by the twenty-third year of Joash's reign the priests still had not made any repairs in the Temple. 7 So he called in Jehoiada and the other priests and asked them, “Why aren't you repairing the Temple? From now on you are not to keep the money you receive; you must hand it over, so that the repairs can be made.” 8 The priests agreed to this and also agreed not to make the repairs in the Temple.
9 Then Jehoiada took a box, made a hole in the lid, and placed the box by the altar, on the right side as one enters the Temple. The priests on duty at the entrance put in the box all the money given by the worshipers. 10 Whenever there was a large amount of money in the box, the royal secretary and the High Priest would come, melt down the silver, and weigh it. 11 After recording the exact amount, they would hand the silver over to the men in charge of the work in the Temple, and these would pay the carpenters, the builders, 12 the masons, and the stone cutters, buy the timber and the stones used in the repairs, and pay all other necessary expenses. 13 None of the money, however, was used to pay for making silver cups, bowls, trumpets, or tools for tending the lamps, or any other article of silver or of gold. 14 It was all used to pay the workers and to buy the materials used in the repairs. 15 The men in charge of the work were thoroughly honest, so there was no need to require them to account for the funds. 16 The money given for the repayment offerings and for the offerings for sin was not deposited in the box; it belonged to the priests.
17 At that time King Hazael of Syria attacked the city of Gath and conquered it; then he decided to attack Jerusalem. 18 King Joash of Judah took all the offerings that his predecessors Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, and Ahaziah had dedicated to the Lord, added to them his own offerings and all the gold in the treasuries of the Temple and the palace, and sent them all as a gift to King Hazael, who then led his army away from Jerusalem.
19 Everything else that King Joash did is recorded in The History of the Kings of Judah.
20-21 King Joash's officials plotted against him, and two of them, Jozacar son of Shimeath and Jehozabad son of Shomer, killed him at the house built on the land that was filled in on the east side of Jerusalem, on the road that goes down to Silla. Joash was buried in the royal tombs in David's City, and his son Amaziah succeeded him as king.
Yahuuda mansa Yowasi ye Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo dadaakuu
(2 Taarika 24:1-142 23-27)
1 Yehu la mansayaa sanji woorowulanjaŋo Banisirayila bankoo kaŋ, wo saŋo le mu Yowasi keta Yahuuda mansa ti. A ye maraloo ke Yerusalaamu kono le fo sanji taŋ naani. A baamaa too mu Sibiya le ti, meŋ bota Beeriseba saatewo to. 2 Yowasi baarata kuu betoo le la Yaawe* ñaa koto a la baluwo muumewo bee kono, kaatu Piriisi* Yehoyada le ye a kuluu. 3 Bari batudulaa tintiŋolu* maŋ buruka, aduŋ moolu ka sadaalu* bo aniŋ ì ka cuuraayoolu siisindi jee.
4 Saayiŋ Yowasi ko piriisoolu ye ko, “Ali sadaa feŋ senuŋolu kodoo taa, ka taa moo kuŋ joo kodoo, aniŋ kodoo bee, moolu ka meŋ ŋaniya ka a samba naŋ Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo* to. 5 Piriisoolu meŋ-wo-meŋ si feŋ bo i la sotofeŋo to, aduŋ Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo daa-wo-daa tiñaata ì si a dadaakuu.” 6 Bari Mansa Yowasi la mansayaa sanji muwaŋ niŋ sabanjaŋo ye a tara le piriisoolu maŋ hani dulaa tiñaariŋ kiliŋ dadaa Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo to. 7 Bituŋ Mansa Yowasi ye Piriisi Yehoyada kumandi, aniŋ piriisi doolu, a ko ì ye ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna ali maŋ Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo dulaa tiñaariŋolu dadaa? Saayiŋ ali te kodi taa la ali la joo to, bari ali be a dii la le Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo ye dadaa a la.” 8 Bituŋ piriisoolu sonta ko ì te kodi muta la moolu bulu, sako ì faŋolu si Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo dadaa.
9 Piriisi Yehoyada ye keesoo taa a ye huwo bo a bitindaŋo kaŋ, bituŋ a ye a londi bulubaa karoo la, sadaajanidulaa* daala, moolu ka duŋ Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo kono daameŋ to la. Piriisoolu mennu ka bundaa kanta ye kodoo bee ke keesoo ñiŋ kono, moolu ye meŋ samba naŋ Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo kono. 10 Bituŋ niŋ ì ye a je ko, kodi jamaa le be keesoo kono, mansa la konti safeerilaa niŋ piriisi kuntiyo si taa, ì ye kodoo taa meŋ be Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo kono ì ye a konti, aduŋ ì si a siti bootondiŋolu kono. 11 Bituŋ niŋ ì ye kodoo ñiŋ hapoo loŋ fokabaŋ, ì si naa a duŋ dookuulaa kuntiyolu bulu, mennu tombonta ka mara Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo dookuwo ma. Wolu fanaa si kapintaalu niŋ buŋ loolaalu joo a la, mennu ka Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo dookuu. 12 Ì si masoŋolu niŋ bere kuntulaalu joo, ì ye babaroo niŋ bere kunturiŋo fanaa saŋ ka Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo dookuu, aniŋ fannaa koteŋolu la, Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo dookuwo to. 13 Bari kodoo meŋ naata Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo to, ì maŋ kodiforo booloolu dadaa a la, waraŋ lampu meesi kunturaŋolu, waraŋ junjundirilaŋ booloolu, footaŋolu ka taa fo sani jooraŋo waraŋ kodiforo jooraŋo, Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo ye. 14 A diita dookuulaalu doroŋ ne la, aduŋ ì ye a ke Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo dookuwo le kunna. 15 Ì maŋ kewolu ñinnu ñininkaa kontiboo la, ì ye kodoo duŋ mennu bulu ka dookuulaalu joo a la, kaatu ì ka taama tiliŋo doroŋ ne la. 16 Kodoo meŋ ka bo jooseyiraŋ sadaa niŋ junube kafarilaŋ sadaa to, wolu maŋ samba naŋ Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo to wo ñaa kiliŋo la, kaatu piriisoolu le taa mu ì ti.
17 Wo waatoo la Aramu mansa Hasayeli taata Kati saatewo boyinkaŋ, aduŋ a ye jee muta. Bituŋ a muruta ka naa boyi Yerusalaamu saatewo kaŋ. 18 Bari Yahuuda mansa Yowasi ye jooraŋ senuŋolu taa le, a faa mansoolu ye mennu ŋaniya ka ì dii, aniŋ a faŋo la jooraŋolu kafuriŋo. A faa mansoolu wolu le keta Yahuuda mansoolu ti, Yehosafati, Yehoramu, aniŋ Ahasiya. A ye sanoo bee taa meŋ be mansasuwo naafulu maabodulaa to, aniŋ Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo naafulu maabodulaa to. A ye ì kii Hasayeli ye, Aramu mansa. Bituŋ Hasayeli naata boyinkaŋo baayi, a ye meŋ wulindi Yerusalaamu kamma.
19 Yowasi la mansayaa kuwolu, aniŋ a ye kuu koteŋolu mennu bee ke, ì bee safeeta Yahuuda Mansoolu la Taarika Kitaaboo le kono. 20 A faŋo la dookuulaalu le wulita, ì ye feeroo siti a kamma, aduŋ ì ye a faa Beti-Millo le, siloo kaŋ meŋ ka jii ka taa Silla. 21 A la mansakundaa dookuulaalu mennu ye a faa, wolu le mu Yosabadi ti, Simeyati dinkewo, aniŋ Yehosabadi, Someri dinkewo. Ì ye Mansa Yowasi baadee a mumuñolu la kaburoo le to, Dawuda la Saatewo* to. A dinkewo Amasiya keta a noo to mansa ti.