A Cry of Anguish and a Song of Praise
1 My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?
I have cried desperately for help,
but still it does not come.
2 During the day I call to you, my God,
but you do not answer;
I call at night,
but get no rest.
3 But you are enthroned as the Holy One,
the one whom Israel praises.
4 Our ancestors put their trust in you;
they trusted you, and you saved them.
5 They called to you and escaped from danger;
they trusted you and were not disappointed.

6 But I am no longer a human being; I am a worm,
despised and scorned by everyone!
7 All who see me make fun of me;
they stick out their tongues and shake their heads.
8 “You relied on the Lord,” they say.
“Why doesn't he save you?
If the Lord likes you,
why doesn't he help you?”

9 It was you who brought me safely through birth,
and when I was a baby, you kept me safe.
10 I have relied on you since the day I was born,
and you have always been my God.
11 Do not stay away from me!
Trouble is near,
and there is no one to help.

12 Many enemies surround me like bulls;
they are all around me,
like fierce bulls from the land of Bashan.
13 They open their mouths like lions,
roaring and tearing at me.

14 My strength is gone,
gone like water spilled on the ground.
All my bones are out of joint;
my heart is like melted wax.
15 My throat is as dry as dust,
and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.
You have left me for dead in the dust.

16 An evil gang is around me;
like a pack of dogs they close in on me;
they tear at my hands and feet.
17 All my bones can be seen.
My enemies look at me and stare.
18 They gamble for my clothes
and divide them among themselves.

19 O Lord, don't stay away from me!
Come quickly to my rescue!
20 Save me from the sword;
save my life from these dogs.
21 Rescue me from these lions;
I am helpless before these wild bulls.

22 I will tell my people what you have done;
I will praise you in their assembly:
23 “Praise him, you servants of the Lord!
Honor him, you descendants of Jacob!
Worship him, you people of Israel!
24 He does not neglect the poor or ignore their suffering;
he does not turn away from them,
but answers when they call for help.”

25 In the full assembly I will praise you for what you have done;
in the presence of those who worship you
I will offer the sacrifices I promised.
26 The poor will eat as much as they want;
those who come to the Lord will praise him.
May they prosper forever!

27 All nations will remember the Lord.
From every part of the world they will turn to him;
all races will worship him.
28 The Lord is king,
and he rules the nations.

29 All proud people will bow down to him;
all mortals will bow down before him.
30 Future generations will serve him;
they will speak of the Lord to the coming generation.
31 People not yet born will be told:
“The Lord saved his people.”
Ka kiisoo duwaa
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: A si ke niŋ juloo la ì ka a fo meŋ ye ko, “Fanikee minaŋo.” Dawuda la Jabuuroo.
1 N na Alla, n na Alla,
muŋ ne ye a tinna i ye nte bula?
Muŋ ne ye a tinna i maŋ m maakoyi?
M be ŋuntaŋ kaŋ ne,
muŋ ne ye a tinna i jamfata n na?
2 Hee n na Alla, n woosiita i ye le tiloo ñaa la,
bari i maŋ n jaabi,
aniŋ suutoo la, bari m maŋ dahaa soto.

3 Hani wo ite le mu Alla senuŋo ti,
aduŋ Banisirayilankoolu ye i la mansasiiraŋo kuliyaa niŋ jayiroo le la.
4 Ǹ na alifaa foloolu ye ì jikoo loo ite le kaŋ,
ì jikita i la, aduŋ i ye ì tanka le.
5 Ì woosiita ite le ye, aduŋ i ye ì tanka le.
Ì ye ì jikoo sembe ite le la,
aduŋ ì maŋ jikilateyi.

6 Bari nte wo maŋ ke moo ti, n ka munta le ko tumboo,
moolu jututa n na, aduŋ ì ye n ke jelefeŋo ti.
7 Moo-wo-moo ye n je a ka n ñaawali le.
Ì ka ì neŋolu le bondi n ye, ka ì kuŋolu jiijaa,
ì ka a fo ko,
8 “A ye a faŋ karafa Yaawe* le ma,
batu a ye a kiisa.
Batu a ye a tankandi,
bayiri a la kuwo ye a kontaani le.”

9 Tooñaa, ite le ye m bondi kuu
m baa wuluuñaŋo kono.
Ite le ye n tankandi, biriŋ m be m baa sunjoo to.
10 M be ite le fee kabiriŋ n wuluu luŋo la,
aduŋ m be ite le bulu biriŋ m baa be n soto la.
11 Kana jamfa n na,
kaatu kataa sutiyaata n na le,
aduŋ moo te jee meŋ si maakoyiroo dii.

12 Jawoolu jamaa le ye m murubeŋ, komeŋ ninsituuraalu,
ì ye m murubeŋ karoo bee le la,
ì ka munta le ko Basani tundoo ninsituuraa saŋaroolu.
13 Ì ka ì daalu yele n kaŋ ne komeŋ jatoolu,
ì ka bumbuŋ aniŋ ka kirimbaasi n kaŋ.
14 M fankoo suusuuta le
komeŋ niŋ jiyo bonta bankoo to.
N kuloolu bee bota ì cokoolu daa le,
n jusoo keta n kono komeŋ niŋ kaañoo yelunta.
15 M fankoo suusuuta le ka jaa,
a keta le komeŋ fenkeŋ teleŋo,
aduŋ n neŋo karata n naaliŋo bala.
I ye n tu laariŋ saayaa daa le to, buutoo kono.

16 N jawoolu ye m murubeŋ ne ko wulu koorewo,
moo jawu kafoo le ye n kuru ka m beŋ,
ì ye m buloolu niŋ n siŋolu soo le.

17 N kuloolu bee faramansata le fo m faŋo si ì konti noo.
N jawoolu ka n juubee le, ka jutunnayaa tiliŋ n na.
18 Ì ka alikuuroo* le ke n na duŋ feŋolu kunna,
ka ì talaa ñoo teema.

19 Hee Yaawe, kana jamfa n na.
Ite le mu m fankoo ti,
naa katabake i ye m maakoyi.
20 N niyo tanka n jawoolu la hawusaroo* ma.
N niyo tanka ñiŋ wulu saŋaroolu ma,
ŋa nii kiliŋo meŋ soto.

21 N tankandi ñiŋ jatoolu daa ma,
m be teeririŋ ñiŋ ninsituuraalu ñaatiliŋo la le.
22 M be a fo la m baadiŋolu ye le.
M be i jayi la baturilaalu la beŋo to le.
23 Alitolu mennu ye Yaawe kuliyaa, ali a jayi,
alitolu Yaakuba koomalankoolu, ali a horoma,
alitolu Banisirayilankoolu bee, a ñaasilaŋo si tara ali la.
24 A buka jutu moo bataariŋolu la
sako ka ñewuŋ ì la, ì la bataa kono,
bari a ka ì jaabi le
niŋ ì woosiita a ye maakoyiroo la.

25 N na jayiroo kafu baa teema sunta ite le la.
M be n na laahidoolu timmandi la moolu ñaa la le,
mennu ye i kuliyaa.
26 Fentaŋolu be domoroo ke la le ì ye kaañaŋ.
Moolu mennu ka Yaawe ñiniŋ,
wolu le be a jayi la.
Allamaa ali ye jusulaa fo abadaa.
27 Duniyaa fannaa bee la,
moolu hakiloo be bula la Yaawe la le,
aduŋ ì be muru la a kaŋ ne.
Bankoolu la siyolu bee le be sujudi la a ñaatiliŋo la.
28 Maraloo mu Yaawe le taa ti,
aduŋ ate le marata bankoolu ma.

29 Duniyaa fankamaalu bee be juuraloo ke la le,
ka baturoo ke.
Moo-wo-moo be labaŋ na bankoo kono be sujudi la a ye le,
wolu mennu te ì faŋ tundi noo la baluwo to.
30 Ñaato jamaanoolu be a batu la le.
Moolu le be Maariyo la kuwo fo la jamaani naalaalu ye,
31 ka a fo moolu ye mennu maŋ wuluu foloo,
a ye a la moolu tankandi ñaameŋ.
Ate le ye wo ke.