The Recovery of the Ax Head
1 One day the group of prophets that Elisha was in charge of complained to him, “The place where we live is too small! 2 Give us permission to go to the Jordan and cut down some trees, so that we can build a place to live.”
“All right,” Elisha answered.
3 One of them urged him to go with them; he agreed, 4 and they set out together. When they arrived at the Jordan, they began to work. 5 As one of them was cutting down a tree, suddenly his iron ax head fell in the water. “What shall I do, sir?” he exclaimed to Elisha. “It was a borrowed ax!”
6 “Where did it fall?” Elisha asked.
The man showed him the place, and Elisha cut off a stick, threw it in the water, and made the ax head float. 7 “Take it out,” he ordered, and the man reached down and picked it up.
The Syrian Army Is Defeated
8 The king of Syria was at war with Israel. He consulted his officers and chose a place to set up his camp. 9 But Elisha sent word to the king of Israel, warning him not to go near that place, because the Syrians were waiting in ambush there. 10 So the king of Israel warned the people who lived in that place, and they were on guard. This happened several times.
11 The Syrian king became greatly upset over this; he called in his officers and asked them, “Which one of you is on the side of the king of Israel?”
12 One of them answered, “No one is, Your Majesty. The prophet Elisha tells the king of Israel what you say even in the privacy of your own room.”
13 “Find out where he is,” the king ordered, “and I will capture him.”
When he was told that Elisha was in Dothan, 14 he sent a large force there with horses and chariots. They reached the town at night and surrounded it. 15 Early the next morning Elisha's servant got up, went out of the house, and saw the Syrian troops with their horses and chariots surrounding the town. He went back to Elisha and exclaimed, “We are doomed, sir! What shall we do?”
16 “Don't be afraid,” Elisha answered. “We have more on our side than they have on theirs.” 17 Then he prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord answered his prayer, and Elisha's servant looked up and saw the hillside covered with horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
18 When the Syrians attacked, Elisha prayed, “O Lord, strike these men blind!” The Lord answered his prayer and struck them blind. 19 Then Elisha went to them and said, “You are on the wrong road; this is not the town you are looking for. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are after.” And he led them to Samaria.
20 As soon as they had entered the city, Elisha prayed, “Open their eyes, Lord, and let them see.” The Lord answered his prayer; he restored their sight, and they saw that they were inside Samaria.
21 When the king of Israel saw the Syrians, he asked Elisha, “Shall I kill them, sir? Shall I kill them?”
22 “No,” he answered. “Not even soldiers you had captured in combat would you put to death. Give them something to eat and drink, and let them return to their king.” 23 So the king of Israel provided a great feast for them; and after they had eaten and drunk, he sent them back to the king of Syria. From then on the Syrians stopped raiding the land of Israel.
The Siege of Samaria
24 Some time later King Benhadad of Syria led his entire army against Israel and laid siege to the city of Samaria. 25 As a result of the siege the food shortage in the city was so severe that a donkey's head cost eighty pieces of silver, and half a pound of dove's dung cost five pieces of silver.
26 The king of Israel was walking by on the city wall when a woman cried out, “Help me, Your Majesty!”
27 He replied, “If the Lord won't help you, what help can I provide? Do I have any wheat or wine? 28 What's your trouble?”
She answered, “The other day this woman here suggested that we eat my child, and then eat her child the next day. 29 So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I told her that we would eat her son, but she had hidden him!”
30 Hearing this, the king tore his clothes in dismay, and the people who were close to the wall could see that he was wearing sackcloth under his clothes. 31 He exclaimed, “May God strike me dead if Elisha is not beheaded before the day is over!” 32 And he sent a messenger to get Elisha.
Meanwhile Elisha was at home with some elders who were visiting him. Before the king's messenger arrived, Elisha said to the elders, “That murderer is sending someone to kill me! Now, when he gets here, shut the door and don't let him come in. The king himself will be right behind him.” 33 He had hardly finished saying this, when the king arrived and said, “It's the Lord who has brought this trouble on us! Why should I wait any longer for him to do something?”
Elisa ye teeraŋ kesoo yankandi
1 Luŋ kiliŋ annabiyomu kafoo moolu ko Elisa ye ko, “A juubee, m̀ be sabatiriŋ i bulu dulaa meŋ to, a dooyaata ǹ ye le. 2 M̀ bula ŋà taa Yoridani Boloŋo to, moo-wo-moo si yiroo teyi jee. Ǹ si dulaa loo jee ka sabati a kono.” Elisa ko ì ye ko, “Ali taa.” 3 Bari kiliŋ be ì kono wo ko a ye ko, “Dukaree i niŋ i la dookuulaalu ye taa ñoo la.”
Elisa ko a ye ko, “M be taa le.” 4 Ì taata Yoridani Boloŋo to, ì ye a dati ka yiroolu teyi. 5 Kabiriŋ doo be yirisuŋo boyi kaŋ doroŋ, a la teeraŋ kesoo kolonta, a jolonta jiyo kono. A wuurita a ko, “Hee m maarii, ŋa a fuu le!” 6 Alla la moo Elisa ko a ye ko, “A jolonta mintoo maafaŋ ne?” Kewo ñiŋ ye jee yitandi a la. Wo le to Elisa ye dokoo kuntu a ye a fayi jee, aduŋ teeraŋ kesoo ñiŋ fintita, a yankata jiyo kaŋ.
7 Elisa ko a ye ko, “A sika.” Bituŋ a ye a buloo yoora a kaŋ, a ye a sika naŋ.
Aramunkoolu la kele feeroo la tiñaa
8 Wo waatoo keloo le tarata Aramu mansa niŋ Banisirayila bankoo teema. A niŋ a la mansakundaa alifaalu diyaamuta, ì ye feeroo siti. A ko ì ye ko, “N lafita n na kelediŋolu la daakaa ye loo ñiŋ dulaa kaari le.”
9 Bari Alla la moo Elisa ye Banisirayila mansa kalamutandi ka a fo a ye ko, “I si i hakilitu i kana tambi niŋ ñiŋ dulaa kaari la, kaatu Aramunkoolu be taa kaŋ jee le.” 10 Bituŋ Banisirayila mansa naata a la kewolu bula wo dulaa kanta la, Alla la moo ye a sobindi daameŋ to la kuwo la. Siiñaa jamaa Elisa ka a kalamutandi wo dulaa siifaa la le, aduŋ wo ye a tinna a ka tu a hakiloo tu la. 11 Bituŋ ñiŋ kuwo naata Aramu mansa kamfaa baake. A ye a la mansakundaa dookuulaalu kumandi, a ko ì ye ko, “Jumaa le be ǹ kono meŋ be laariŋ Banisirayila mansa kaŋ?” 12 A la mansakundaa alifaa kiliŋ ko a ye ko, “M maarii mansa, ntolu kono kiliŋ te. Elisa le mu, Banisirayila la annabiyomoo. Niŋ i ye kuma-wo-kuma fo kulloo kono, ate le ka a sindi Banisirayila mansa ma.” 13 A ko ì ye ko, “Ali taa a taradulaa ñini. M be kelediŋolu le kii la ì ye taa a muta.”
Kibaaroo naata futa a ma ko annabiyomoo ñiŋ be Dotani le. 14 Bituŋ a ye kelediŋ jamaalu kii jee, ì niŋ suwoolu niŋ keleraŋ sareetoolu*. Suutoo ì naata, ì ye saatewo bee muruŋ-muruŋ ka a beŋ.
15 Wo saamoo soomandaa juunoo kabiriŋ Elisa la dookuulaa fintita banta, a ye Aramunkoolu la kelediŋ kafu baa je, ì ye saatewo bee muruŋ-muruŋ niŋ suwoolu niŋ keleraŋ sareetoolu la. A ye Elisa kumandi a ko a ye ko, “Hee m maarii, m̀ be ke la ñaadii le?” 16 Elisa ko a ye ko, “Kana sila. Mennu be m̀ fee wolu le siyaata ka tambi mennu be ì fee.” 17 Wo le to Elisa duwaata ka a fo ko, “Dukaree Yaawe*, a ñaalu yelendi fo a si jeroo ke.” Bituŋ Yaawe ye a la dookuulaa ñaalu yelendi, a ye konkoo kaŋ bee je faariŋ suu dimbaamaalu la, aniŋ keleraŋ sareeti dimbaamaalu, Elisa dandaŋo bee la.
18 Biriŋ Aramunkoolu wulita ka naa boyi Elisa kaŋ, a duwaata, a ko, “Yaawe, dukaree ñiŋ moolu finkindi.” Aduŋ Yaawe ye a la duwaa muta, a ye ì bee ñaalu finkindi. 19 Bituŋ Elisa ko ì ye ko, “Ñiŋ te siloo ti. Jaŋ te saatewo ñiŋ ti. Ali bula n nooma ŋa taa kewo yitandi ali la, ali ka meŋ ñini.” Wo le to ì bulata a nooma, a ye ì samba Samariya saatewo to. 20 Kabiriŋ ì dunta saatewo kono doroŋ, Elisa duwaata ka a fo ko, “Yaawe, dukaree ñiŋ moolu ñaalu yelendi fo ì si i je noo.” Yaawe ye a la duwaa muta, a ye ì ñaalu yelendi, aduŋ ì ye juubeeroo ke. Bituŋ ì ye a je ko ì be Samariya saatewo le kono.
21 Kabiriŋ Banisirayila mansa ye Aramunkoolu la kelediŋolu je, a ko Elisa ye ko, “M faamaa, ŋa ì faa baŋ? Ŋa ì faa?” 22 Elisa ko a ye ko, “I lafita ñiŋ kewolu mennu faa la, fo i ye ì muta i faŋo la hawusaroo* niŋ i la kalabeñoo le la baŋ? Domoroo niŋ jiyo dii ì la, i ye ì bula ì ye muru ì la mansa yaa.”
23 Bituŋ Banisirayila mansa ye feeti baa parendi Aramunkoolu ye. Kabiriŋ ì ye domoroo ke ì ye i miŋ, a ye ì bula ì muruta ì la mansa yaa. Ka bo wo waatoo la, Aramunkoolu ye i foño Banisirayila bankoo boyinkaŋo la.
Aramunkoolu ye Samariya saatewo suki
24 Waati naata soto, Aramu bankoo mansa Beni-Hadadi ye a la kelediŋolu bee kafu ñoo ma, ì taata keledaakaa loo Samariya saatewo kamma ka a suki. 25 Sukiroo ñiŋ naata mee. Ñiŋ ye a tinna konko baa dunta Samariya saatewo kono, fo fali kuŋo ka saŋ kodiforo kuntu taŋ seyi la, aniŋ puraa buwo, wo boolindiŋ faa ka saŋ kodiforo kuntu luulu la.
26 Luŋ kiliŋ Banisirayila mansa tarata taamaŋ-taamaŋ kaŋ saatewo tata sansaŋo kaŋ santo, musoo doo ye a lenka, a ko a ye ko, “M maarii mansa, dukaree m maakoyi.” 27 Mansa ko a ye ko, “Niŋ Yaawe maŋ i maakoyi, nte be i maakoyi noo la ñaadii le? Fo m be a bo la naŋ siimaŋ kese toñonka dulaa le baŋ waraŋ wayini* yiridiŋ bitidulaa?” 28 Bari a naata a fo a ye ko, “Muŋ ne faŋo mu i la suuloo ti?” Musoo ñiŋ ko a ye ko, “Ñiŋ musoo le ko n ye ko, ‘I diŋ kambaanendiŋo samba naŋ ŋà a domo bii, bituŋ saama ǹ si m fanaa diŋ kambaanendiŋo domo.’ 29 Bituŋ ŋà n diŋ kambaanendiŋo tabi kunuŋ ŋà a domo. A saamoo n ko a ye ko, ‘I diŋ kambaanendiŋo samba naŋ ŋà a domo,’ bari a ye a diŋo ñiŋ maabo le.”
30 Kabiriŋ mansa ye ñiŋ kumoo moyi, dendikoo meŋ be dundiŋ a la a ye a fara, niikuyaa kamma la. Biriŋ a be taama kaŋ tata sansaŋo kaŋ santo, moolu mennu tarata duuma ye a je ko, a ye booto funtoolu le duŋ a bala kotondaŋo ti, niikuyaa kamma la. 31 A kumata ko, “Allamaa Alla ye kuu jawoo laa n kaŋ, niŋ Safati dinkewo Elisa kuŋo tuta a kaŋo bala bii.” 32 Bituŋ a ye kiilaa kii Elisa kamma.
Wo ye a tara Elisa niŋ alifaalu be beŋo la a la buŋo kono. Janniŋ kiilaa be futa la Elisa ma, a ko alifaalu ye ko, “Fo ali maŋ a loŋ ko ñiŋ moofaalaa ye kiilaa le kii ka naa n kuŋo kuntu? Niŋ kiilaa ñiŋ naata, ali si daa soroŋ, ali kana soŋ a ye duŋ. A maarii mansa faŋo sinkaŋo ka kuma naŋ a nooma le.” 33 Elisa tarata ñiŋ kumoo fo kaŋ doroŋ, mansa faŋo futata, a kumata ko, “Yaawe le ye ñiŋ kuu jawoo bee saabu. Muŋ ne ye a tinna nte be jiki la Yaawe la kotenke?”