Goliath Challenges the Israelites
1 The Philistines gathered for battle in Socoh, a town in Judah; they camped at a place called Ephes Dammim, between Socoh and Azekah. 2 Saul and the Israelites assembled and camped in Elah Valley, where they got ready to fight the Philistines. 3 The Philistines lined up on one hill and the Israelites on another, with a valley between them.
4 A man named Goliath, from the city of Gath, came out from the Philistine camp to challenge the Israelites. He was over nine feet tall 5 and wore bronze armor that weighed about 125 pounds and a bronze helmet. 6 His legs were also protected by bronze armor, and he carried a bronze javelin slung over his shoulder. 7 His spear was as thick as the bar on a weaver's loom, and its iron head weighed about fifteen pounds. A soldier walked in front of him carrying his shield. 8 Goliath stood and shouted at the Israelites, “What are you doing there, lined up for battle? I am a Philistine, you slaves of Saul! Choose one of your men to fight me. 9 If he wins and kills me, we will be your slaves; but if I win and kill him, you will be our slaves. 10 Here and now I challenge the Israelite army. I dare you to pick someone to fight me!” 11 When Saul and his men heard this, they were terrified.
David in Saul's Camp
12 David was the son of Jesse, who was an Ephrathite from Bethlehem in Judah. Jesse had eight sons, and at the time Saul was king, he was already a very old man. 13 His three oldest sons had gone with Saul to war. The oldest was Eliab, the next was Abinadab, and the third was Shammah. 14 David was the youngest son, and while the three oldest brothers stayed with Saul, 15 David would go back to Bethlehem from time to time, to take care of his father's sheep.
16 Goliath challenged the Israelites every morning and evening for forty days.
17 One day Jesse said to David, “Take a half-bushel of this roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread, and hurry with them to your brothers in the camp. 18 And take these ten cheeses to the commanding officer. Find out how your brothers are getting along and bring back something to show that you saw them and that they are well. 19 King Saul, your brothers, and all the other Israelites are in Elah Valley fighting the Philistines.”
20 David got up early the next morning, left someone else in charge of the sheep, took the food, and went as Jesse had told him to. He arrived at the camp just as the Israelites were going out to their battle line, shouting the war cry. 21 The Philistine and the Israelite armies took positions for battle, facing each other. 22 David left the food with the officer in charge of the supplies, ran to the battle line, went to his brothers, and asked how they were getting along. 23 As he was talking with them, Goliath came forward and challenged the Israelites as he had done before. And David heard him. 24 When the Israelites saw Goliath, they ran away in terror. 25 “Look at him!” they said to each other. “Listen to his challenge! King Saul has promised to give a big reward to the man who kills him; the king will also give him his daughter to marry and will not require his father's family to pay taxes.”
26 David asked the men who were near him, “What will the man get who kills this Philistine and frees Israel from this disgrace? After all, who is this heathen Philistine to defy the army of the living God?” 27 They told him what would be done for the man who killed Goliath.
28 Eliab, David's oldest brother, heard David talking to the men. He became angry with David and said, “What are you doing here? Who is taking care of those sheep of yours out there in the wilderness? You smart aleck, you! You just came to watch the fighting!”
29 “Now what have I done?” David asked. “Can't I even ask a question?” 30 He turned to another man and asked him the same question, and every time he asked, he got the same answer.
31 Some men heard what David had said, and they told Saul, who sent for him. 32 David said to Saul, “Your Majesty, no one should be afraid of this Philistine! I will go and fight him.”
33 “No,” answered Saul. “How could you fight him? You're just a boy, and he has been a soldier all his life!”
34 “Your Majesty,” David said, “I take care of my father's sheep. Any time a lion or a bear carries off a lamb, 35 I go after it, attack it, and rescue the lamb. And if the lion or bear turns on me, I grab it by the throat and beat it to death. 36 I have killed lions and bears, and I will do the same to this heathen Philistine, who has defied the army of the living God. 37 The Lord has saved me from lions and bears; he will save me from this Philistine.”
“All right,” Saul answered. “Go, and the Lord be with you.” 38 He gave his own armor to David for him to wear: a bronze helmet, which he put on David's head, and a coat of armor. 39 David strapped Saul's sword over the armor and tried to walk, but he couldn't, because he wasn't used to wearing them. “I can't fight with all this,” he said to Saul. “I'm not used to it.” So he took it all off. 40 He took his shepherd's stick and then picked up five smooth stones from the stream and put them in his bag. With his sling ready, he went out to meet Goliath.
David Defeats Goliath
41 The Philistine started walking toward David, with his shield bearer walking in front of him. He kept coming closer, 42 and when he got a good look at David, he was filled with scorn for him because he was just a nice, good-looking boy. 43 He said to David, “What's that stick for? Do you think I'm a dog?” And he called down curses from his god on David. 44 “Come on,” he challenged David, “and I will give your body to the birds and animals to eat.”
45 David answered, “You are coming against me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the Israelite armies, which you have defied. 46 This very day the Lord will put you in my power; I will defeat you and cut off your head. And I will give the bodies of the Philistine soldiers to the birds and animals to eat. Then the whole world will know that Israel has a God, 47 and everyone here will see that the Lord does not need swords or spears to save his people. He is victorious in battle, and he will put all of you in our power.”
48 Goliath started walking toward David again, and David ran quickly toward the Philistine battle line to fight him. 49 He reached into his bag and took out a stone, which he slung at Goliath. It hit him on the forehead and broke his skull, and Goliath fell face downward on the ground. 50 And so, without a sword, David defeated and killed Goliath with a sling and a stone! 51 He ran to him, stood over him, took Goliath's sword out of its sheath, and cut off his head and killed him.
When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they ran away. 52 The men of Israel and Judah shouted and ran after them, pursuing them all the way to Gath and to the gates of Ekron. The Philistines fell wounded all along the road that leads to Shaaraim, as far as Gath and Ekron. 53 When the Israelites came back from pursuing the Philistines, they looted their camp. 54 David got Goliath's head and took it to Jerusalem, but he kept Goliath's weapons in his own tent.
David Is Presented to Saul
55 When Saul saw David going out to fight Goliath, he asked Abner, the commander of his army, “Abner, whose son is he?”
“I have no idea, Your Majesty,” Abner answered.
56 “Then go and find out,” Saul ordered.
57 So when David returned to camp after killing Goliath, Abner took him to Saul. David was still carrying Goliath's head. 58 Saul asked him, “Young man, whose son are you?”
“I am the son of your servant Jesse from Bethlehem,” David answered.
Koliyati ye Banisirayila kelediŋ kafoo hadaañi
1 Filisitinkoolu ye ì la kelediŋolu bendi ka taa keloo la. Ì benta Soko le, saatewo meŋ be Yahuuda bankoo kaŋ. Ì daakaata Efesi-Dammimu le, meŋ tarata Soko niŋ Aseka teema. 2 Sawulu niŋ Banisirayilankoolu benta le, bituŋ ì taata daakaa Ela Wulumbaŋo to. Ì ye ì la kelediŋolu randi jee le to, ka taa Filisitinkoolu maa keloo la. 3 Filisitinkoolu tarata konko doo kaŋ, bituŋ Banisirayilankoolu fanaa tarata konko doo kaŋ, ì ye wulumbaŋo bula ì teema.
4 Kelejawaroo meŋ too mu Koliyati ti, aduŋ a bota Kati le, wo le fintita naŋ ka bo Filisitinkoolu la daakaa to. A la jaŋayaa taata le fo nonkonkatiñaa wooro. 5 A ye jaawali naafoo aniŋ jaawali dendikoo le duŋ ka a faŋo tankandi. A la jaawali dendikoo la kuliyaa kaañanta kilo taŋ luulu niŋ woorowula le fee. 6 Tankandiraŋolu mennu dadaata niŋ jaawaloo la, a ye wolu le duŋ a siŋolu bala, aduŋ tamboo meŋ fanaa dadaata niŋ jaawaloo la, a ye wo le bambu a sañoo kaŋ. 7 A la soora dokoo la waroo ka munta le ko kuruntoo, a neŋo to, newo meŋ be jee, wo la kuliyaa kaañanta kilo woorowula le fee. A la koteeri* sambalaa be tambiriŋ a ñaato le.
8 Koliyati loota, a sarita Banisirayilankoolu la kelediŋolu kaŋ. A ko ì ye ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna, ali ranta ka naa keloo la? Fo nte maŋ ke Filisitinkoo le ti baŋ, fo ali maŋ ke Sawulu la dookuulaalu le ti? Ali kee kiliŋ tomboŋ, a ye naa m maa keloo la. 9 Niŋ a ye n noo keloo la, a ye m faa, m̀ be ke la ali la joŋolu le ti. Bari niŋ ŋa a noo keloo la, ŋa a faa, ali be ke la ǹ na joŋolu ti le, ali ye dookuwo ke ǹ ye.” 10 Wo to le Koliyati ko, “Bii luŋo ŋa Banisirayilankoolu la kelediŋolu hadaañi le. Ali kee kiliŋ dii n na, n niŋ a ye keloo ke.”
11 Kabiriŋ Sawulu niŋ Banisirayilankoolu bee ye ñiŋ kumoolu moyi, ì bee kijoo farata, aduŋ ì silata baake le.
Dawuda naata keledulaa to
12 Dawuda le keta Yese Efuratankoo* dinkewo ti. Yese bota Betilehemu saatewo le to, meŋ tarata Yahuuda bankoo kaŋ. Yese ye dinkee seyi le soto. Kabiriŋ Sawulu be mansayaa la waatoo meŋ na, wo ye a tara le, Yese kotoota baake. 13 Yese dinkee keebaa saboo bulata Sawulu nooma le ka taa keloo la. A dinkee foloo too mu Eliyabu le ti, fulanjaŋo Abinadabu, sabanjaŋo Samma. 14 Dawuda le mu ì bee la dindiŋo ti. Keebaamaa saboo tarata Sawulu le nooma, 15 bari Dawuda ka taa niŋ naa le ke Sawulu yaa, kaatu a ka taa a faamaa la saajiyolu le kanta Betilehemu.
16 A taata le fo tili taŋ naani, soomandaa niŋ wulaaroo, Filisitinkoo ka naa Banisirayilankoolu hadaañi.
17 Luŋ kiliŋ Yese ko Dawuda ye ko, “Ñiŋ dempeteŋ kilo taŋo taa, aniŋ mbuuru kuŋ taŋ, i tariyaa i ye ì samba i kotoolu ye daakaa to. 18 I si ciisi taŋ taa, i ye a dii ì la kelediŋ kafu kuntiyo la. I si i kotoolu la kuwo koroosi, i ye taamanseeri naati n ye, ka a yitandi ko, i ye ì je le, aduŋ tana-wo-tana te ì la. 19 Mansa Sawulu, i kotoolu aniŋ Banisirayilankoolu bee be Filisitinkoolu kelendi kaŋ Ela Wulumbaŋo kono le.”
20 Wo saamoo soomandaa juunoo Dawuda wulita, a ye saajiyolu tu moo doo bulu ka ì kanta. A ye domoroo taa, a taata, ko Yese ye a fo a ye ñaameŋ. A be futa la daakaa to doroŋ, a ye a tara, Banisirayilankoolu pareeriŋo be wuuri la santo, ka taa keloo la. 21 Filisitinkoolu niŋ Banisirayilankoolu la kelediŋolu ranta, ì ye ì ñaa tiliŋ ñoo la, ì pareeta ka naa keloo la. 22 Dawuda ye a la feŋolu tu bakaasi kantalaa bulu, bituŋ a borita keledulaa to, a taata a kotoolu kontoŋ. 23 Kabiriŋ a niŋ ì be diyaamu kaŋ, Koliyati, Filisitinkoolu la kelejawaroo meŋ bota Kati, bota naŋ a la raŋo to, ka sari ka ì hadaañi, ko a ka a ke nuŋ ñaameŋ. Bituŋ Dawuda ye wo moyi. 24 Kabiriŋ Banisirayilankoolu ye Koliyati je, ì bee silariŋo borita a la. 25 Saayiŋ Banisirayilankoolu ka tu la a fo la le ko, “Ali ye a je le, ñiŋ kewo ka tu la naa la ñaameŋ waati-wo-waati. A ka finti le ka naa Banisirayila hadaañi. Mansa be naafulu jamaa dii la kewo la le, meŋ ye a faa. A be a dimmusoo fanaa dii la wo maarii la le, a ye a futuu, aduŋ a faamaa la dimbaayaa te naamoo joo la Banisirayila kono.”
26 Dawuda ye kewolu ñininkaa, mennu be a daala. A ko, “Muŋ ne be ke la keendiŋo ye, meŋ ye ñiŋ Filisitinkoo faa, a ye Banisirayila bondi maloo kono? Jumaa le mu ñiŋ Filisitinka sunnabaloo ti, fo a ka Alla baluuriŋo la kelediŋolu hadaañi?” 27 Ì ka meŋ fo, ì ye a bee seyinkaŋ a ye. Ì ko a ye ko, “Ñiŋ ne be ke la kewo ye, meŋ ye a faa.”
28 Kabiriŋ Eliyabu Dawuda kotoo keebaa ye a moyi, a niŋ kewolu be diyaamu kaŋ, a jusoo bota a bulu, a ye a ñininkaa ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna, i naata jaŋ? I ye wo saajiiriŋolu tu jumaa le bulu keñewuloo* kono? Ŋa a loŋ ne ko, i tuloo koleyaata le, aduŋ i jusoo jaata le. Kele juubee, wo dammaa le ye i sii jaŋ.”
29 Dawuda ko a ye ko, “Ŋa muŋ ne ke? Fo n te diyaamu la faŋ?”
30 Wo to le a sawunta moo doo yaa, a ye wo kuu kiliŋo seyinkaŋ a ye. Moolu ye a jaabi ko, a ye jaabiroo meŋ soto nuŋ koomanto. 31 Kewo doolu ye a moyi le, Dawuda ye meŋ fo. Bituŋ ì ye a fo Sawulu ye, wo fanaa ye kiilaa kii ka taa a kumandi. 32 Dawuda ko Sawulu ye ko, “Moo-wo-moo le kana jikilateyi ñiŋ Filisitinkoo la kuwo la. Nte i la dookuulaa be taa a kele la le.”
33 Sawulu ye a jaabi ko, “Ite te ñiŋ Filisitinkoo maa noo la keloo la. Ite mu dindiŋo doroŋ ne ti, aduŋ ate mu kelejawaroo le ti kabiriŋ a fondinkewo.”
34 Bari Dawuda ko Sawulu ye ko, “Nte i la dookuulaa tarata nuŋ m faamaa la saajiyolu le kanta kaŋ. Niŋ jatoo waraŋ daafeŋ saŋarariŋ* doo naata, a ye saajiyo bondi saajii koorewo kono, 35 n ka bori a nooma le, ŋa a fadi, bituŋ ŋa saajiiriŋo tankandi. Niŋ a muruta naŋ n kaŋ, n ka a kaŋo le dete, ŋa a lipa, fo a ye faa. 36 Nte i la dookuulaa ye jatoo niŋ daafeŋ saŋarariŋo doo faa le, aduŋ m be wo kuu kiliŋo le ke la ñiŋ Filisitinka sunnabaloo la, kaatu a ka Alla baluuriŋo la kelediŋolu hadaañi le. 37 Yaawe* meŋ ye n tankandi jatoolu niŋ daafeŋ saŋarariŋolu ŋooriŋolu la, ate le be m bondi la ñiŋ Filisitinkoo buloo kono.”
Wo to le Sawulu ko Dawuda ye ko, “Taa, Allamaa Yaawe ye tara i fee.”
38 Sawulu ye a faŋo la kelejooraŋolu duŋ Dawuda ye. A ye jaawali naafoo duŋ a kuŋo to, aniŋ dendikoo meŋ dadaata niŋ jaawaloo la. 39 Dawuda ye Sawulu la hawusaroo* siti kelejooraŋolu bala, a ye a kata ka taama, bari a maŋ taama noo, kaatu a maŋ dali ì la. Wo to le Dawuda ko Sawulu ye ko, “N niŋ ñinnu te taama noo la, kaatu m maŋ dali ì la.” Bituŋ a ye ì bondi. 40 A naata a la dokoo muta a buloo kono, a ye bere luulu tomboŋ bolondiŋo to, a ye a ke a la kantarilaŋ kufoo jifoo kono. Wo to le a ye a la kampuraŋo muta a buloo kono, a taata ñiŋ Filisitinkoo waliŋ.
Dawuda ye Koliyati faa
41 Koliyati ye a dati ka naa Dawuda maafaŋo la, a niŋ a la koteeri sambalaa, meŋ tarata ate faŋo ñaato. A tuta kata la naŋ ne. 42 Kabiriŋ a lookuuta Dawuda ye, a jututa a la, kaatu dindiŋo doroŋ ne mu, aduŋ a ñiiñaata le. 43 A ko Dawuda ye ko, “Fo nte mu wuloo le ti, fo i niŋ dokoolu ka naa n kaŋ!” Koliyati ye Dawuda danka ka bo niŋ a la alloolu la. 44 Filisitinkoo ko Dawuda ye ko, “Naa jaŋ! M be i suboo dii la duwoolu niŋ wulakono daafeŋolu la le, ì ye a domo.”
45 Bari Dawuda ko Koliyati ye ko, “Ite ka naa n kaŋ niŋ tamboo, sooroo aniŋ hawusaroo le la. Bari nte ka naa i kaŋ niŋ Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* too le la, meŋ mu Banisirayila la kelediŋ kafoolu la Alla ti, i ye meŋ hadaañi. 46 Bii luŋo faŋo Yaawe be i duŋ na m bulu le, aduŋ m be i noo la keloo la le, ŋa i kaŋo kuntu. Bituŋ ŋa naa Filisitinkoolu la kelediŋolu baloolu dii duwoolu niŋ daafeŋolu la, ì ye ì domo. Wo to le duniyaa bee be a loŋ na ko, Banisirayila ye Alla soto le. 47 Aduŋ moolu bee, mennu be jaŋ, be a je la le ko, Yaawe maŋ suula hawusaroolu niŋ sooroolu la ka a la moolu tankandi. Keloo mu Yaawe le taa ti, aduŋ a be ali bee duŋ na m̀ bulu le.”
48 Kabiriŋ Koliyati ka taa Dawuda boyinkaŋ, Dawuda borita katabake, ka taa a tarandi keledulaa to. 49 A ye a buloo bula a la kufoo kono, a ye beroo bondi, a ye a fayi kampuraŋo la daameŋ doroŋ, a taata Koliyati maa a fondaa to. Beroo dunta a kuŋo kono, a boyita a ñaadaa kaŋ bankoo to.
50 Dawuda ye Koliyati noo keloo la kampuraŋo niŋ beroo le la. A ye a buŋ ne, a ye a faa. Aduŋ a maŋ hawusaroo muta a buloo kono. 51 Wo to le Dawuda borita, a loota Koliyati kaŋ, a ye Koliyati la hawusaroo saba naŋ a laa kono, a ye a faa, a ye a kuŋo kuntu.
Kabiriŋ Filisitinkoolu ye a je ko, ì la kelejawaroo faata le, ì bee borita. 52 Bituŋ Banisirayila niŋ Yahuuda kewolu niŋ wuuroo naata ñaato, ka Filisitinkoolu bayindi fo Kati aniŋ Ekironi dundaŋ daalu to. Filisitinkoolu furewolu tarata laariŋ Saarayimu siloo kaŋ, ka taa fo Kati niŋ Ekironi. 53 Kabiriŋ Banisirayilankoolu bota naŋ Filisitinkoolu bayindi kaŋ, ì ye ì la daakaa feŋolu bee le taa. 54 Dawuda ye Koliyati kuŋo sika, a ye a samba Yerusalaamu, bituŋ a ye Koliyati la jooraŋolu taa, a ye ì ke a faŋo la tiriliisoo* koto.
55 Kabiriŋ Sawulu ye Dawuda je, a ka taa Koliyati boyinkaŋ, a ko a la kelediŋ kuntiyo Abuna ye ko, “Abuna, jumaa le dinkewo mu wo fondinkewo ti?”
Abuna ye a jaabi ko, “Mansa buuñaariŋ, nte maŋ a loŋ.”
56 Mansa ko, “Taa ñininkaaroo ke meŋ dinkewo mu ñiŋ fondinkewo ti.”
57 Kabiriŋ Dawuda bota Koliyati faa la doroŋ, Abuna ye a taa, a ye a samba Sawulu ye. Koliyati kuŋo tarata nuŋ Dawuda bulu le, kabiriŋ a ka taa Sawulu yaa. 58 Sawulu ye a ñininkaa ko, “Fondinkewo, jumaa le dinkewo mu ite ti?”
Dawuda ko, “Nte mu Yese dinkewo le ti, i la dookuulaa, meŋ be Betilehemu.”