A Hymn of Praise
1 Lord, you are my God;
I will honor you and praise your name.
You have done amazing things;
you have faithfully carried out
the plans you made long ago.
2 You have turned cities into ruins
and destroyed their fortifications.
The palaces which our enemies built
are gone forever.
3 The people of powerful nations will praise you;
you will be feared in the cities of cruel nations.
4 The poor and the helpless have fled to you
and have been safe in times of trouble.
You give them shelter from storms
and shade from the burning heat.
Cruel enemies attack like a winter storm,
5 like drought in a dry land.
But you, Lord, have silenced our enemies;
you silence the shouts of cruel people,
as a cloud cools a hot day.
God Prepares a Banquet
6 Here on Mount Zion the Lord Almighty will prepare a banquet for all the nations of the world—a banquet of the richest food and the finest wine. 7 Here he will suddenly remove the cloud of sorrow that has been hanging over all the nations. 8 The Sovereign Lord will destroy death forever! He will wipe away the tears from everyone's eyes and take away the disgrace his people have suffered throughout the world. The Lord himself has spoken.
9 When it happens, everyone will say, “He is our God! We have put our trust in him, and he has rescued us. He is the Lord! We have put our trust in him, and now we are happy and joyful because he has saved us.”
God Will Punish Moab
10 The Lord will protect Mount Zion, but the people of Moab will be trampled down the way straw is trampled in manure. 11 They will reach out their hands as if they were trying to swim, but God will humiliate them, and their hands will sink helplessly. 12 He will destroy the fortresses of Moab with their high walls and bring them tumbling down into the dust.
Jayiri suukuwo Yaawe ye
1 Hee Yaawe*, ite le mu n na Alla ti,
m be i sikandi la le,
m be i too jayi la le,
kaatu i ye kaawakuwolu le ke.
Biriŋ koomanto, i la feeroolu tilinta le,
ì bambanta.
2 I ye saatewo ke tumbuŋo le ti,
i ye saatee tatariŋo ke bere kutukata sapoo ti.
Banku koteŋ moolu la saatee tatariŋo
wo maŋ ke saatee ti kotenke,
aduŋ a nene te seyinkaŋ loo la.
3 Wo to banku sembemaalu be i horoma la le,
banku saŋarariŋolu la saatewolu ye sila i la.
4 I keta tankoo le ti fuwaaroolu ye,
boridulaa, fentaŋolu ye ì la niitooroo waatoo,
ka ì tanka foño baa ma,
aniŋ ka ke ì ye dubeŋo ti, kandoo waatoo.
Kaatu moo saŋaroolu la kelendiroo ka munta le
ko foño baa meŋ ka sansaŋo busa,
5 ko keñewuloo* kandoo.
Ite Yaawe le ye bantala bankoolu* maakaŋo tenkundi,
i ye kañeeri denkiloo bondi sembemaalu daa,
ko kandoo ka talaa ñaameŋ, niŋ minaayoo ye dubeŋo dii.
Alla la feeti baa Siyoni Konkoo kaŋ
6 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* be feetoo ke la bankoolu bee le ye konkoo kaŋ.
A be ke la subu kendiŋ feetoo le ti,
wayini* diimaa feetoo,
subu kendiŋo niŋ yuwo,
wayinoo niŋ a la timiyaa baa.
7 Ñiŋ konkoo kaŋ, Maarii Yaawe be kasankewo bondi la le,
meŋ be minindiŋ moolu bee la,
niikuyaa muurilammaa,
meŋ be bitiriŋ bankoolu bee kaŋ.
8 A be saayaa buruka la le fo abadaa,
a ye ñaajiyo fita moolu bee ñaa to,
a ye a la moolu la malu kuwo bondi ñiŋ duniyaa kono.
Yaawe le ye a fo.
9 Wo luŋo la, ñiŋ ne be fo la,
“A fele, ñiŋ ne mu ǹ na Alla ti,
ǹ jikita a la le, aduŋ a ye ǹ tankandi.
Ñiŋ ne mu Yaawe ti, ǹ jikita meŋ na.
Ali ŋà seewoo, ka jusulaa a la kiisandiroo la.”
Alla be Mowabi jarabi la le
10 Yaawe maakoyiri buloo be tara la ñiŋ konkoo kaŋ ne, bari a be Mowabinkoolu la kuwo jindi la le, ì ye ì toñonka ko siimaŋ kaloo meŋ be jambandi dinkoo kono. 11 Mowabi ka munta le ko meŋ be newuŋo la, a ka a buloolu wulindi, bari a kalanta ñaa-wo-ñaa, a be tuneŋ na duuma le. 12 Yaawe be Mowabi tata sansaŋ jaŋolu boyindi la le, a ye ì jindi duuma. A be ì boyindi la banku buutoo le kono.