The Prophet Micaiah Warns Ahab
(2 Chronicles 18.2-27)
1 There was peace between Israel and Syria for the next two years, 2 but in the third year King Jehoshaphat of Judah went to see King Ahab of Israel.
3 Ahab asked his officials, “Why is it that we have not done anything to get back Ramoth in Gilead from the king of Syria? It belongs to us!” 4 And Ahab asked Jehoshaphat, “Will you go with me to attack Ramoth?”
“I am ready when you are,” Jehoshaphat answered, “and so are my soldiers and my cavalry. 5 But first let's consult the Lord.”
6 So Ahab called in the prophets, about four hundred of them, and asked them, “Should I go and attack Ramoth, or not?”
“Attack it,” they answered. “The Lord will give you victory.”
7 But Jehoshaphat asked, “Isn't there another prophet through whom we can consult the Lord?”
8 Ahab answered, “There is one more, Micaiah son of Imlah. But I hate him because he never prophesies anything good for me; it's always something bad.”
“You shouldn't say that!” Jehoshaphat replied.
9 Then Ahab called in a court official and told him to go and get Micaiah at once.
10 The two kings, dressed in their royal robes, were sitting on their thrones at the threshing place just outside the gate of Samaria, and all the prophets were prophesying in front of them. 11 One of them, Zedekiah son of Chenaanah, made iron horns and said to Ahab, “This is what the Lord says: ‘With these you will fight the Syrians and totally defeat them.’” 12 All the other prophets said the same thing. “March against Ramoth and you will win,” they said. “The Lord will give you victory.”
13 Meanwhile, the official who had gone to get Micaiah said to him, “All the other prophets have prophesied success for the king, and you had better do the same.”
14 But Micaiah answered, “By the living Lord I promise that I will say what he tells me to!”
15 When he appeared before King Ahab, the king asked him, “Micaiah, should King Jehoshaphat and I go and attack Ramoth, or not?”
“Attack!” Micaiah answered. “Of course you'll win. The Lord will give you victory.”
16 But Ahab replied, “When you speak to me in the name of the Lord, tell the truth! How many times do I have to tell you that?”
17 Micaiah answered, “I can see the army of Israel scattered over the hills like sheep without a shepherd. And the Lord said, ‘These men have no leader; let them go home in peace.’”
18 Ahab said to Jehoshaphat, “Didn't I tell you that he never prophesies anything good for me? It's always something bad!”
19 Micaiah went on: “Now listen to what the Lord says! I saw the Lord sitting on his throne in heaven, with all his angels standing beside him. 20 The Lord asked, ‘Who will deceive Ahab so that he will go and be killed at Ramoth?’ Some of the angels said one thing, and others said something else, 21 until a spirit stepped forward, approached the Lord, and said, ‘I will deceive him.’ 22 ‘How?’ the Lord asked. The spirit replied, ‘I will go and make all of Ahab's prophets tell lies.’ The Lord said, ‘Go and deceive him. You will succeed.’”
23 And Micaiah concluded: “This is what has happened. The Lord has made these prophets of yours lie to you. But he himself has decreed that you will meet with disaster!”
24 Then the prophet Zedekiah went up to Micaiah, slapped his face, and asked, “Since when did the Lord's spirit leave me and speak to you?”
25 “You will find out when you go into some back room to hide,” Micaiah replied.
26 Then King Ahab ordered one of his officers, “Arrest Micaiah and take him to Amon, the governor of the city, and to Prince Joash. 27 Tell them to throw him in prison and to put him on bread and water until I return safely.”
28 “If you return safely,” Micaiah exclaimed, “then the Lord has not spoken through me!” And he added, “Listen, everyone, to what I have said!”
The Death of Ahab
(2 Chronicles 18.28-34)
29 Then King Ahab of Israel and King Jehoshaphat of Judah went to attack the city of Ramoth in Gilead. 30 Ahab said to Jehoshaphat, “As we go into battle, I will disguise myself, but you wear your royal garments.” So the king of Israel went into battle in disguise.
31 The king of Syria had ordered his thirty-two chariot commanders to attack no one else except the king of Israel. 32 So when they saw King Jehoshaphat, they all thought that he was the king of Israel, and they turned to attack him. But when he cried out, 33 they realized that he was not the king of Israel, and they stopped their attack. 34 By chance, however, a Syrian soldier shot an arrow which struck King Ahab between the joints of his armor. “I'm wounded!” he cried out to his chariot driver. “Turn around and pull out of the battle!”
35 While the battle raged on, King Ahab remained propped up in his chariot, facing the Syrians. The blood from his wound ran down and covered the bottom of the chariot, and at evening he died. 36 Near sunset the order went out through the Israelite ranks: “Each of you go back to your own country and city!”
37 So died King Ahab. His body was taken to Samaria and buried. 38 His chariot was cleaned up at the pool of Samaria, where dogs licked up his blood and prostitutes washed themselves, as the Lord had said would happen.
39 Everything else that King Ahab did, including an account of his palace decorated with ivory and of all the cities he built, is recorded in The History of the Kings of Israel. 40 At his death his son Ahaziah succeeded him as king.
King Jehoshaphat of Judah
(2 Chronicles 20.31—21.1)
41 In the fourth year of the reign of King Ahab of Israel, Jehoshaphat son of Asa became king of Judah 42 at the age of thirty-five, and he ruled in Jerusalem for twenty-five years. His mother was Azubah, the daughter of Shilhi. 43 Like his father Asa before him, he did what was right in the sight of the Lord; but the places of worship were not destroyed, and the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there. 44 Jehoshaphat made peace with the king of Israel.
45 Everything else that Jehoshaphat did, all his bravery and his battles, are recorded in The History of the Kings of Judah. 46 He got rid of all the male and female prostitutes serving at the pagan altars who were still left from the days of his father Asa.
47 The land of Edom had no king; it was ruled by a deputy appointed by the king of Judah.
48 King Jehoshaphat had ocean-going ships built to sail to the land of Ophir for gold; but they were wrecked at Eziongeber and never sailed. 49 Then King Ahaziah of Israel offered to let his men sail with Jehoshaphat's men, but Jehoshaphat refused the offer.
50 Jehoshaphat died and was buried in the royal tombs in David's City, and his son Jehoram succeeded him as king.
King Ahaziah of Israel
51 In the seventeenth year of the reign of King Jehoshaphat of Judah, Ahaziah son of Ahab became king of Israel, and he ruled in Samaria for two years. 52 He sinned against the Lord, following the wicked example of his father Ahab, his mother Jezebel, and King Jeroboam, who had led Israel into sin. 53 He worshiped and served Baal, and like his father before him, he aroused the anger of the Lord, the God of Israel.
Annabilayi Mikaya ye Ahabu dandalaa
(2 Taarika 18:2-27)
1 A ye sanji saba sii le keloo maŋ ke Aramunkoolu niŋ Banisirayilankoolu teema. 2 Bari sanji sabanjaŋo waatoo kono Yehosafati, Yahuuda mansa naata Ahabu, Banisirayila mansa yaa. 3 Wo ye a tara Ahabu ko a la mansakundaa alifaalu ye le ko, “Fo ali maŋ a loŋ ko Ramoti-Kileyadi mu ntolu le taa ti baŋ, bari m̀ maŋ feŋ-wo-feŋ ne ke ka jee taa Aramu mansa bulu?”
4 Bituŋ Mansa Ahabu ko Mansa Yehosafati ye ko, “I niŋ m be taa le baŋ, ka Ramoti-Kileyadi kele?”
Wo le to Yehosafati ko Ahabu ye ko, “Nte niŋ ite bee mu kiliŋ ne ti, n na moolu niŋ i la moolu bee mu kiliŋ ne ti, aduŋ n na suwoolu niŋ i la suwoolu bee mu kiliŋ ne ti.” 5 Bari Yehosafati ko Banisirayila mansa ye le fanaa ko, “Janniŋ ǹ ka taa, i si Yaawe* la yaamaroo ñiniŋ ñiŋ kuwo to foloo.”
6 Bituŋ Ahabu, Banisirayila mansa ye annabiyomoolu kumandi naŋ, mennu kaañanta annabiyomu keme naani fee, a ye ì ñininkaa ko, “Fo n si taa noo baŋ ka Ramoti-Kileyadi boyinkaŋ, waraŋ fo n kana taa?”
Ì ye a jaabi ko, “Taa jee kele, kaatu Maariyo be nooroo dii la i la le.”
7 Bari Yehosafati ye ñininkaaroo ke ko, “Fo annabiyomu doo koteŋ te jaŋ ǹ si Yaawe la yaamaroo ñininkaa noo meŋ bulu?”
8 Wo to le Mansa Ahabu ye a jaabi ko, “Annabiyomoo doo be jaŋ ne ǹ si Yaawe la yaamaroo ñininkaa noo meŋ fanaa bulu, bari a la kuwo maŋ diyaa nte ye, kaatu a nene buka kiilaariyaa kuma bete fo nte ma, fo kuu jawoo doroŋ. Wo le mu Mikaya ti, Imula dinkewo.”
Bari Yehosafati ko a ye ko, “Mansa, i maŋ ñaŋ na wo fo la!” 9 Wo le to Mansa Ahabu ye a la dookuulaa kiliŋ kumandi naŋ, a ye a kii ka taa Mikaya kumandi naŋ tariyaake.
10 Bituŋ mansa fuloo ñiŋ ye ì la mansa duŋ feŋolu duŋ, ì siita ì la mansasiiraŋolu kaŋ siimaŋ toñonkadulaa, Samariya saatewo dundaŋ daa* to. Annabiyomoolu bee tarata ì ñaatiliŋo la, ì be kiilaariyaa kumoolu fo kaŋ. 11 Annabiyomu kiliŋ tarata ì kono meŋ too mu Sedekiya ti, Kenaana dinkewo. A ye nee binoolu le dadaa, a ko Mansa Ahabu ye ko, “Yaawe ko, ka bo niŋ ñiŋ binoolu la, i be Aramunkoolu kele la ka ì kasaara.”
12 Wo ñaa kiliŋo ñaama fanaa, annabiyomu toomaalu mennu be jee, bee ye wo kuma kiliŋo le fo. Ì ko mansa ye ko, “Taa i ye Ramoti-Kileyadi kele. I be jee noo la le. Yaawe be nooroo dii la i la le.”
13 Bari wo waatoo la, mansa la dookuulaa meŋ taata Mikaya kumandi ko a ye ko, “A juubee, annabiyomoolu bee denta kaŋ kiliŋ ne la, aduŋ ì ka ñiŋ ne fo ko niŋ mansa taata a be nooroo ke la le. I la kumoo niŋ ì taa si ke kiliŋ ti, aduŋ i si kuma diimaa fo.”
14 Bari Mikaya ye a jaabi ko, “A be koyiriŋ ñaameŋ ko Yaawe be baluuriŋ ne, ate Yaawe ye kumoo meŋ duŋ nte daa m be wo le fo la mansa ye.”
15 Kabiriŋ Mikaya futata, a loota mansa ñaatiliŋo la, a ye a ñininkaa ko, “Mikaya, fo ǹ si taa noo ka Ramoti-Kileyadi kele, waraŋ ǹ kana taa baŋ?”
Mikaya ye a jaabi ko, “I si taa. I be jee noo la keloo la le, kaatu Yaawe be nooroo dii la i la le.”
16 Wo le to Mansa Ahabu ye a jaabi ko, “Mikaya, niŋ i be diyaamu la nte ye Yaawe too la, i si tooñaa fo n ye. Siiñaa jelu le mu m be wo kumoo fo la i ye?”
17 Bituŋ Mikaya ko, “Ŋa kuwo je le meŋ be naa ke la. Ŋa Banisirayila kelediŋolu je janjandiŋ konkoolu le kaŋ komeŋ saajiyolu mennu maŋ kantarilaa soto, aduŋ Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko, ñiŋ moolu maŋ ñaatonka soto. Ì si seyi suwo kono kayira kono.”
18 Bituŋ Mansa Ahabu ko Yehosafati ye ko, “Ŋa a fo i ye le ko a nene buka kiilaariyaa kuma bete fo nte ma, bari kuu jawoo doroŋ.”
19 Bari Mikaya tententa ka a fo ko, “I lamoyi saayiŋ Yaawe ye kumoo meŋ fo. Ŋa Yaawe je siiriŋ a la mansasiiraŋo kaŋ Arijana kono, a la malaayikoolu bee be looriŋ a karadandaŋolu la. 20 Yaawe ye ñininkaaroo ke ko, ‘Jumaa le be taa, a ye Ahabu neenee fo a si taa Ramoti-Kileyadi ka a la saayaa waliŋ jee?’
“Bituŋ ì meŋ-wo-meŋ ye i fansuŋ kumoo fo. 21 Labaŋo la, malaayika kiliŋ naata a loota Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la, a ko, ‘Nte be a neenee la le.’
22 “Yaawe ye a ñininkaa ko, ‘I be a ke noo la ñaadii le?’
“Malaayikoo ñiŋ ko a ye ko, ‘M be taa le ŋa faniyaa kumoo duŋ Ahabu la annabiyomoolu bee daa kono.’
“Wo to le Yaawe ko, ‘Ite be a ke noo la le. Taa i ye a neenee.’
23 “Bituŋ saayiŋ Yaawe ye faniyaa nooroo le bula ka duŋ i la ñiŋ annabiyomoolu bee daa kono. Yaawe ye kasaara kuwo le londi i ye.”
24 Bituŋ wo le to Sedekiya, Kenaana dinkewo naata a ye Mikaya busa a tamoo to. A ko a ye ko, “Yaawe la Nooroo bota nte kono ñaadii le ka diyaamu niŋ ite la?”
25 Mikaya ye a jaabi ko, “I be wo loŋ na le luŋo meŋ na i be bori la ka taa maabo konoto buŋo kono.”
26 Wo to le Banisirayila mansa ye kaŋo dii a la dookuulaa doo la ko, “Mikaya muta, i ye a samba Amoni ma, saatewo kumandaŋo, aniŋ Yowasi, m faŋo dinkewo. 27 I si a fo ì ye, nte mansa ko ì si ñiŋ kewo maabo bunjawoo kono. Ì si mbuurundiŋ niŋ jiiriŋ doroŋ dii a la fo janniŋ m be muru la naŋ kayira kono.”
28 Bari Mikaya ko, “Niŋ i muruta naŋ kayira kono, wo to Yaawe maŋ diyaamu ka bo niŋ nte la.” Aduŋ fanaa a ko, “Ali ali hakilitu n na ñiŋ kumoolu to, alitolu moolu bee!”
Ì ye Ahabu faa Ramoti-Kileyadi
(2 Taarika 18:28-34)
29 Bituŋ Ahabu, Banisirayila mansa aniŋ Yehosafati, Yahuuda mansa wulita ka taa keloo boyi Ramoti-Kileyadi kaŋ. 30 Ahabu ko Yehosafati ye ko, “Nte be m faŋo muluŋo faliŋ na le, ŋa duŋ keloo kono, bari ite si i la mansa duŋ feŋolu duŋ.” Bituŋ Mansa Ahabu ye a faŋo muluŋo filindi, bituŋ a dunta keloo kono.
31 Bari wo ye a tara le Aramu mansa ye ñiŋ fo nuŋ a la keleraŋ sareeti* kuntii taŋ saba niŋ fuloo ye ko, “Ali kana moo-wo-moo kele niŋ a maŋ ke Banisirayila mansa ti.” 32 Bituŋ kabiriŋ keleraŋ sareeti kelelaa kuntiyolu ye Yehosafati je doroŋ, ì ko ì faŋ ye ko, “Banisirayila mansa niŋ moo-wo-moo nte ñiŋ ti.” Wo to le ì tilinta a la ka a kele, bari Yehosafati wuurita ka a faŋ fo. 33 Kabiriŋ keleraŋ sareeti kuntiyolu ye a je ko a maŋ ke Banisirayila mansa ti, ì muruta ka bo a bayindi kaŋ.
34 Bari kewo doo ye a la kalabeñoo saba ka a fayi a kuŋ fee, aduŋ a taata Banisirayila mansa soo a la faŋ tankandiraŋ sisilaa huwo to. Bituŋ a ko a la keleraŋ sareeti borindilaa ye ko, “Sareetoo yelemandi i ye m fintindi jaŋ, kaatu m baramata le.” 35 Tiloo waatoo muumewo la keloo tarata kandiriŋ ne doroŋ. Mansa semberiŋo tarata a la sareetoo kono a ñaa be tilindiŋ Aramunkoolu la. Yeloo meŋ ka bo a la baramoo to woyita a la sareetoo duumoo kaŋ, aduŋ wo wulaaroo a faata. 36 Kabiriŋ tiloo be boyi kaŋ doroŋ, wuuroo janjanta kelediŋolu kono ka a kankulaa ko, “Kewolu bee ye seyi ì bota daameŋ!”
37 Bituŋ mansa faata teŋ ne. Ì ye a samba naŋ Samariya saatewo to ka a baadee jee. 38 Ì ye keleraŋ sareetoo ñiŋ kuu daloo to Samariya saatewo kono, cakoolu ka ì kuu daameŋ to, aduŋ wuloolu ye a yeloo newuŋ ko Yaawe ye a fo ñaameŋ.
39 Ahabu la mansayaa kuu koteŋolu, ka taa a ye kuwolu mennu bee ke, a ye mansasuwo meŋ loo ka a kono laa niŋ samañiŋolu la, a ye saatewolu mennu tata, wo kuwolu safeeta Banisirayila Mansoolu la Taarika Kitaaboo le kono. 40 Mansa Ahabu kafuta a mumuñolu ma, bituŋ a dinkewo Ahasiya siita a noo to ka ke mansa ti.
Yahuuda mansa Yehosafati
(2 Taarika 20:31—21:1)
41 Ahabu la mansayaa sanji naaninjaŋo Banisirayila bankoo kaŋ, wo saŋo le mu Asa dinkewo Yehosafati keta Yahuuda mansa ti. 42 Yehosafati siyo be sanji taŋ saba niŋ luulu le kabiriŋ a be ke la mansa ti, aduŋ a siita Yerusalaamu ka maraloo ke fo sanji muwaŋ niŋ luulu. A baamaa too mu Asuba le ti, Silihi dimmusoo. 43 Yehosafati bulata a faamaa Asa la siloolu le nooma, aduŋ a maŋ jenke. A ye kuu kendoo le baara Yaawe ñaa koto. Bari batudulaa tintiŋolu*, a maŋ wolu tiñaa. Moolu tententa le ka sadaalu* bondi jee, aniŋ ka cuuraayoolu siisindi jee. 44 Aduŋ fanaa kayiroo le tarata Yehosafati niŋ Banisirayila mansa teema.
45 Yehosafati la mansayaa kuu koteŋolu, a ye kuwolu mennu ke aniŋ a la kelediŋ kafoolu ye kuu baalu mennu ke, ì bee safeeta Yahuuda Mansoolu la Taarika Kitaaboo le kono. 46 Hani batudulaa tintiŋolu to cakoolu mennu too tuta kabiriŋ a faamaa Asa la maraloo waatoo la, a ye ì bee bayi bankoo kaŋ ne. 47 Wo waatoo la mansa maŋ tara nuŋ Edomu bankoo kaŋ, bari Yahuuda mansa la tomboŋ kumandaŋo le ye jee mara.
48 Yehosafati ye safaari kuluŋ sapoolu dadaa le mennu ñanta taa la Ofiri ka sanoo ñini, bari ì nene maŋ wuli ka teyi, ì tiñaata baa kono Esiyoni-Keberi saatewo daala. 49 Wo waatoo la, Ahabu dinkewo Ahasiya ko Yehosafati ye ko, “N na kewolu niŋ i la kewolu bula ì ye teyi ñoo la,” bari Yehosafati balanta le.
50 Bituŋ Yehosafati naata kafu a mumuñolu ma. Ì ye a sutura a bonsuŋ Dawuda la Saatewo* to. A dinkewo Yehoramu naata sii a noo to ka ke mansa ti.
Banisirayila mansa Ahasiya
51 Yehosafati la mansayaa sanji taŋ niŋ woorowulanjaŋo Yahuuda bankoo kaŋ, wo saŋo le mu Ahabu dinkewo Ahasiya keta Banisirayila mansa ti Samariya saatewo kono. 52 A ye kuu jawoo le baara Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la. A bulata a faamaa niŋ a baamaa la sila kuruŋolu nooma, aniŋ Yerobowamu Nebati dinkewo la sila kuruŋolu, wo meŋ ye a tinna Banisirayila ye junuboo ke. 53 A bulata Baali* jalaŋo nooma, ka a batu. A ye Yaawe, Banisirayila la Alla la kamfaa wulindi le komeŋ a faamaa ye a ke nuŋ ñaameŋ.