War against Edom
1 Some time later the armies of Moab and Ammon, together with their allies, the Meunites, invaded Judah. 2 Some messengers came and announced to King Jehoshaphat: “A large army from Edom has come from the other side of the Dead Sea to attack you. They have already captured Hazazon Tamar.” (This is another name for Engedi.) 3 Jehoshaphat was frightened and prayed to the Lord for guidance. Then he gave orders for a fast to be observed throughout the country. 4 From every city of Judah people hurried to Jerusalem to ask the Lord for guidance, 5 and they and the people of Jerusalem gathered in the new courtyard of the Temple. King Jehoshaphat went and stood before them 6 and prayed aloud, “O Lord God of our ancestors, you rule in heaven over all the nations of the world. You are powerful and mighty, and no one can oppose you. 7 You are our God. When your people Israel moved into this land, you drove out the people who were living here and gave the land to the descendants of Abraham, your friend, to be theirs forever. 8 They have lived here and have built a temple to honor you, knowing 9 that if any disaster struck them to punish them—a war, an epidemic, or a famine—then they could come and stand in front of this Temple where you are worshiped. They could pray to you in their trouble, and you would hear them and rescue them.
10 “Now the people of Ammon, Moab, and Edom have attacked us. When our ancestors came out of Egypt, you did not allow them to enter those lands, so our ancestors went around them and did not destroy them. 11 This is how they repay us—they come to drive us out of the land that you gave us. 12 You are our God! Punish them, for we are helpless in the face of this large army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but we look to you for help.”
13 All the men of Judah, with their wives and children, were standing there at the Temple. 14 The spirit of the Lord came upon a Levite who was present in the crowd. His name was Jahaziel son of Zechariah; he was a member of the clan of Asaph and was descended from Asaph through Mattaniah, Jeiel, and Benaiah. 15 Jahaziel said, “Your Majesty and all you people of Judah and Jerusalem, the Lord says that you must not be discouraged or be afraid to face this large army. The battle depends on God, not on you. 16 Attack them tomorrow as they come up the pass at Ziz. You will meet them at the end of the valley that leads to the wild country near Jeruel. 17 You will not have to fight this battle. Just take up your positions and wait; you will see the Lord give you victory. People of Judah and Jerusalem, do not hesitate or be afraid. Go out to battle, and the Lord will be with you!”
18 Then King Jehoshaphat bowed low, with his face touching the ground, and all the people bowed with him and worshiped the Lord. 19 The members of the Levite clans of Kohath and Korah stood up and with a loud shout praised the Lord, the God of Israel.
20 Early the next morning the people went out to the wild country near Tekoa. As they were starting out, Jehoshaphat addressed them with these words: “People of Judah and Jerusalem! Put your trust in the Lord your God, and you will stand your ground. Believe what his prophets tell you, and you will succeed.” 21 After consulting with the people, the king ordered some musicians to put on the robes they wore on sacred occasions and to march ahead of the army, singing: “Praise the Lord! His love is eternal!”
22 When they began to sing, the Lord threw the invading armies into a panic. 23 The Ammonites and the Moabites attacked the Edomite army and completely destroyed it, and then they turned on each other in savage fighting. 24 When the Judean army reached a tower that was in the desert, they looked toward the enemy and saw that they were all lying on the ground dead. Not one had escaped.
25 Jehoshaphat and his troops moved in to take the loot, and they found many cattle, supplies, clothing, and other valuable objects. They spent three days gathering the loot, but there was so much that they could not take everything. 26 On the fourth day they assembled in Beracah Valley and praised the Lord for all he had done. That is why the valley is called “Beracah.” 27 Jehoshaphat led his troops back to Jerusalem in triumph, because the Lord had defeated their enemies. 28 When they reached the city, they marched to the Temple to the music of harps and trumpets. 29 Every nation that heard how the Lord had defeated Israel's enemies was terrified, 30 so Jehoshaphat ruled in peace, and God gave him security on every side.
The End of Jehoshaphat's Reign
(1 Kings 22.41-50)
31 Jehoshaphat had become king of Judah at the age of thirty-five and had ruled in Jerusalem for twenty-five years. His mother was Azubah, the daughter of Shilhi. 32 Like his father Asa before him, he did what was right in the sight of the Lord; 33 but the pagan places of worship were not destroyed. The people still did not turn wholeheartedly to the worship of the God of their ancestors.
34 Everything else that Jehoshaphat did, from the beginning of his reign to its end, is recorded in The History of Jehu Son of Hanani which is a part of The History of the Kings of Israel.
35 At one time King Jehoshaphat of Judah made an alliance with King Ahaziah of Israel, who did many wicked things. 36 At the port of Eziongeber they built ocean-going ships. 37 But Eliezer son of Dodavahu, from the town of Mareshah, warned Jehoshaphat, “Because you have made an alliance with Ahaziah, the Lord will destroy what you have built.” And the ships were wrecked and never sailed.
Yehosafati ye a jawoolu noo
1 Ñiŋ kuwolu koolaa, Mowabinkoolu niŋ Ammoninkoolu, ì niŋ Meyuninkoolu doolu naata ka keloo boyi Yehosafati kaŋ. 2 Kiilaalu futata Yehosafati ma, ì ko a ye ko, “Kelediŋ kafu baa le ka naa i kamma ka bo naŋ Edomu, Koojii Baa kara doo la. Ì hayinaŋ, saayiŋ ì futata Hasasoni-Tamari le.” Ñiŋ saatewo too doo mu Eni-Kedi le ti. 3 Bituŋ silaŋo dunta Yehosafati la, a duwaata ka Yaawe ñininkaa, a ñanta meŋ ke la, aduŋ a ye yaamaroo dii ko, Yahuuda bankoo bee ye suŋ. 4 Bituŋ Yahuuda bankoo moolu bee benta ka maakoyiroo ñini Yaawe bulu. Ì bota naŋ ì la saatewolu bee to, ì naata Yerusalaamu ka Yaawe daani. 5 Yehosafati loota Yerusalaamunkoolu niŋ Yahuuda moo toomaalu ñaato, Yaawe Batudulaa luu kutoo to. 6 A ko:
“Hee Yaawe, m̀ mumuñolu la Alla, fo ite le maŋ ke Alla ti, meŋ be Arijana kono? Fo ite le maŋ mara ñiŋ duniyaa bankoolu bee ma? Semboo niŋ waroo bee be ite le bulu, moo te i loo noo la i fee. 7 Fo ite le maŋ ke ǹ na Alla ti, meŋ ye ñiŋ bankoo moolu bayi Banisirayilankoolu ñaato, i la moolu, aduŋ i ye ì la bankoo dii i teerimaa Iburayima koomalankoolu la fo fawu? 8 Ì sabatita jee le to, ì ye Batudulaa loo i too ye jee, ì kumata ko, 9 ‘Niŋ mantoora kuu jawoo naata ǹ kaŋ, keloo, alibalaa kuuraŋo waraŋ konkoo, ǹ si loo ñiŋ Batudulaa Buŋo* to, kaatu i too be jee le. Niŋ ǹ woosiita i ñaatiliŋo la ǹ na mantooroo waatoo la, i be i lamoyi la ǹ na le ka ǹ kiisa.’
10 “Kabiriŋ Banisirayilankoolu be bo kaŋ Misira, i maŋ soŋ ì ye Ammoninkoolu, Mowabinkoolu, aniŋ Edomunkoolu kele, ì ye ì lamfee le, ì maŋ ì kasaara. 11 Saayiŋ a fele, ì ka ǹ joo boyinkandiroo le la ka m̀ bayi ǹ na bankoo kaŋ, i faŋo ye meŋ dii ntolu la keetaafeŋo ti. 12 Hee ǹ na Alla, fo i te kiitiyo teyi la ǹ teema baŋ? Kaatu ntolu maŋ semboo soto ka ñiŋ kelediŋ kafu baa kelendi, mennu pareeta ka m̀ boyinkaŋ teŋ. Ntolu maŋ a loŋ, m̀ be meŋ ke la, bari ǹ ñaa be looriŋ ite le kaŋ.”
13 Yahuuda kewolu bee be looriŋ Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la, ì niŋ ì musuñolu aniŋ ì la dindiŋolu. 14 Bituŋ Yaawe la Nooroo jiita naŋ Lewi lasili moo doo kaŋ, meŋ be nuŋ bendulaa to jee. A too mu Yahasiyeli le ti, a bota Asa kaabiiloo le kono. A faamaa mu Jakariya le ti, Benaya le ye Jakariya wuluu, Yeyeli ye Benaya wuluu, Mataniya ye Yeyeli wuluu.
15 Bituŋ a ko, “Mansa Yehosafati, Yerusalaamunkoolu niŋ Yahuuda moo toomaalu, ali i lamoyi! Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ali ye ko: ‘Ali kana sila ñiŋ kelediŋ kafu baa la meŋ ka naa teŋ, a kana ali jikilateyi, kaatu ñiŋ keloo maŋ ke ali taa ti, nte Yaawe le taa mu. 16 Ali finti ì kamma saama, niŋ ì be tambi kaŋ niŋ konko seleraŋ siloo la Sisi saatewo daala. Ali niŋ ì be beŋ na wulumbaŋ dandaŋo la, daameŋ be Yeruweli keñewuloo* datidulaa to. 17 A maŋ jari ali ye keloo ke ñiŋ kele wuloo to, ali loo ali loodulaa to, ali ye tenkuŋ, ali ye a juubee Yaawe be nooroo dii la ali la ñaameŋ. Alitolu Yerusalaamunkoolu niŋ Yahuuda moo toomaalu, ali kana sila, aduŋ ali kana jikilateyi. Ali finti ali ye ì benduŋ saama, Yaawe be tara la ali fee le.’ ”
18 Wo to le Yehosafati sujudita, a bitita a ñaadaa kaŋ, aduŋ Yerusalaamunkoolu niŋ Yahuuda moo toomaalu bee sujudita Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la jee ka a batu. 19 Bituŋ Lewi lasiloo moolu mennu bota Kohati niŋ Kora kaabiiloolu kono, ì loota ka Yaawe, Banisirayila la Alla jayi santo.
20 Bituŋ ì wulita wo saamoo soomandaa juunoo ka taa Tekowa keñewuloo kono. Kabiriŋ ì pareeta ka taa, Yehosafati loota, a ko, “Yerusalaamunkoolu niŋ Yahuuda moo toomaalu, ali i lamoyi, niŋ ali laata Yaawe la, ali la Alla, ali be bambaŋ na le. Niŋ ali laata a la annabiyomoolu la, ali be nooroo ke la le.” 21 Kabiriŋ a niŋ moolu diyaamuta kuwolu la, ì ñanta meŋ ke la, a ye moolu tomboŋ, mennu be tambi la kelediŋolu ñaato ka suukuwo laa Yaawe ye, ka a jayi a la seneyaa niŋ a la kallankeeyaa* kaŋ ko:

“Ali Yaawe tentu,
kaatu a la kanu bambaloo be tu la le fo abadaa.”

22 Kabiriŋ ì ye a dati ka suukuwo laa ka jayiroo ke, Yaawe ye Ammoni, Mowabi aniŋ Edomu kelediŋolu mennu be naa kaŋ Yahuuda kamma, duŋ ñoo to ka ñoo kele. 23 Ammoninkoolu niŋ Mowabinkoolu ye Edomunkoolu kele fo ì ye ì bee faa kewu. Wo koolaa, ì dammaalu ye ñoo kele ka ñoo faa.
24 Kabiriŋ Yahuuda kelediŋolu futata kantari dulaa to, ì si keñewuloo kono je noo daameŋ, ì ye ì kuŋo wuli ka ì boyinkannaalu juubee, ì maŋ feŋ je fo furee kenseŋolu mennu be laariŋ bankoo to, hani kiliŋ maŋ kana. 25 Bituŋ Yehosafati niŋ a la moolu fintita naŋ ka ñiŋ moolu la feŋolu taa. Ì ye beeyaŋ jamaa le tara jee, jooraŋolu, sitifeŋolu aniŋ feŋ kummaa baalu. Ì ye ñiŋ feŋolu samba ì faŋolu ye, ì ye ì yoronda le fo ì korita. Feŋolu la siyaa kamma la, ì ye ì yoronda le fo tili saba. 26 Tili naaninjaŋo, ì bee benta Beraka Wulumbaŋo kono ka Yaawe tentu. Wo le ye a tinna ì ka jee kumandi Beraka Wulumbaŋ ne la hani bii. 27 Wo to le Yehosafati ye a la kelediŋolu ñaatonkayaa ka seyi Yerusalaamu, ì niŋ seewoo baa, kaatu Yaawe ye ì jawoolu duŋ ì bulu le. 28 Kabiriŋ ì futata Yerusalaamu, ì taata Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo to, ì niŋ kooraalu, kontiŋolu, aniŋ footaŋolu.
29 Bituŋ Alla ñaasilaŋo dunta banku toomaalu bee la, kabiriŋ ì ye a moyi Yaawe ye keloo meŋ ke Banisirayila jawoolu la. 30 Bituŋ tenkuŋo naata Yehosafati la mansamarali bankoo kaŋ, kaatu a la Alla ye kayiroo dii a la karoo bee la le.
Mansa Yehosafati labaŋo
(1 Mansoolu 22:41-50)
31 Yehosafati be nuŋ sanji taŋ saba niŋ luulu le, biriŋ a be ke la Yahuuda mansa ti. A ye sanji muwaŋ niŋ luulu le ke maraloo la Yerusalaamu. A baamaa too mu Asuba le ti, Silihi dimmusoo. 32 Yehosafati bulata a faamaa Asa sinnoo le nooma, a maŋ jenke. A ye kuu kendoo le baara Yaawe ñaa koto. 33 Bari batudulaa tintiŋolu*, a maŋ wolu tiñaa, kaatu moolu maŋ ì sondomoo bee dii ì mumuñolu la Alla la foloo.
34 Yehosafati ye kuu koteŋolu mennu ke biriŋ foloodulaa fo labandulaa to, ì be safeeriŋ Yehu, Hanani dinkewo la Taarikoo le kono, meŋ be safeeriŋ Banisirayila Mansoolu la Kitaaboo kono.
35 Ñiŋ koolaa, Yahuuda mansa Yehosafati kafuta Ahasiya ma, Banisirayila mansa, meŋ kuruŋyaata nuŋ baake. 36 Ì kambenta ka kuluŋolu dadaa ka taa Tarisi, ì ye ì dadaa Esiyoni-Keberi le. 37 Bari Annabilayi Eliyesa, Dodawahu Maresankoo diŋo ye Yehosafati dandalaa ko, “Bayiri i kafuta Ahasiya le ma, wo to Yaawe be ñiŋ kuluŋolu tiñaa la le, ali ye mennu dadaa.” Aduŋ kuluŋolu tiñaata, ì maŋ taa noo Tarisi.