The Seventh Year
(Deuteronomy 15.1-11)
1 The Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and commanded him 2 to give the following regulations to the people of Israel. When you enter the land that the Lord is giving you, you shall honor the Lord by not cultivating the land every seventh year. 3 You shall plant your fields, prune your vineyards, and gather your crops for six years. 4 But the seventh year is to be a year of complete rest for the land, a year dedicated to the Lord. Do not plant your fields or prune your vineyards. 5 Do not even harvest the grain that grows by itself without being planted, and do not gather the grapes from your unpruned vines; it is a year of complete rest for the land. 6 Although the land has not been cultivated during that year, it will provide food for you, your slaves, your hired men, the foreigners living with you, 7 your domestic animals, and the wild animals in your fields. Everything that it produces may be eaten.
The Year of Restoration
8 Count seven times seven years, a total of forty-nine years. 9 Then, on the tenth day of the seventh month, the Day of Atonement, send someone to blow a trumpet throughout the whole land. 10 In this way you shall set the fiftieth year apart and proclaim freedom to all the inhabitants of the land. During this year all property that has been sold shall be restored to the original owner or the descendants, and any who have been sold as slaves shall return to their families. 11 You shall not plant your fields or harvest the grain that grows by itself or gather the grapes in your unpruned vineyards. 12 The whole year shall be sacred for you; you shall eat only what the fields produce of themselves.
13 In this year all property that has been sold shall be restored to its original owner. 14 So when you sell land to an Israelite or buy land, do not deal unfairly. 15 The price is to be set according to the number of years the land can produce crops before the next Year of Restoration. 16 If there are many years, the price shall be higher, but if there are only a few years, the price shall be lower, because what is being sold is the number of crops the land can produce. 17 Do not cheat an Israelite, but obey the Lord your God.
The Problem of the Seventh Year
18 Obey all the Lord's laws and commands, so that you may live in safety in the land. 19 The land will produce its crops, and you will have all you want to eat and will live in safety.
20 But someone may ask what there will be to eat during the seventh year, when no fields are planted and no crops gathered. 21 The Lord will bless the land in the sixth year so that it will produce enough food for two years. 22 When you plant your fields in the eighth year, you will still be eating what you harvested during the sixth year, and you will have enough to eat until the crops you plant that year are harvested.
Restoration of Property
23 Your land must not be sold on a permanent basis, because you do not own it; it belongs to God, and you are like foreigners who are allowed to make use of it.
24 When land is sold, the right of the original owner to buy it back must be recognized. 25 If any of you Israelites become poor and are forced to sell your land, your closest relative is to buy it back. 26 If you have no relative to buy it back, you may later become prosperous and have enough to buy it back yourself. 27 In that case you must pay to the one who bought it a sum that will make up for the years remaining until the next Year of Restoration, when you would in any event recover your land. 28 But if you do not have enough money to buy the land back, it remains under the control of the one who bought it until the next Year of Restoration. In that year it will be returned to its original owner.
29 If you sell a house in a walled city, you have the right to buy it back during the first full year from the date of sale. 30 But if you do not buy it back within the year, you lose the right of repurchase, and the house becomes the permanent property of the purchasers and their descendants; it will not be returned in the Year of Restoration. 31 But houses in unwalled villages are to be treated like fields; the original owner has the right to buy them back, and they are to be returned in the Year of Restoration. 32 However, Levites have the right to buy back at any time their property in the cities assigned to them. 33 If a house in one of these cities is sold by a Levite and is not bought back, it must be returned in the Year of Restoration, because the houses which the Levites own in their cities are their permanent property among the people of Israel. 34 But the pasture land around the Levite cities shall never be sold; it is their property forever.
Loans to the Poor
35 If any Israelites living near you become poor and cannot support themselves, you must provide for them as you would for a hired worker, so that they can continue to live near you. 36 Do not charge Israelites any interest, but obey God and let them live near you. 37 Do not make them pay interest on the money you lend them, and do not make a profit on the food you sell them. 38 This is the command of the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt in order to give you the land of Canaan and to be your God.
Release of Slaves
39 If any Israelites living near you become so poor that they sell themselves to you as a slave, you shall not make them do the work of a slave. 40 They shall stay with you as hired workers and serve you until the next Year of Restoration. 41 At that time they and their children shall leave you and return to their family and to the property of their ancestors. 42 The people of Israel are the Lord's slaves, and he brought them out of Egypt; they must not be sold into slavery. 43 Do not treat them harshly, but obey your God. 44 If you need slaves, you may buy them from the nations around you. 45 You may also buy the children of the foreigners who are living among you. Such children born in your land may become your property, 46 and you may leave them as an inheritance to your children, whom they must serve as long as they live. But you must not treat any Israelites harshly.
47 Suppose a foreigner living with you becomes rich, while some Israelites become poor and sell themselves as slaves to that foreigner or to a member of that foreigner's family. 48 After they are sold, they still have the right to be bought back. A brother 49 or an uncle or a cousin or another close relative may buy them back; or if they themselves earn enough, they may buy their own freedom. 50 They must consult the one who bought them, and they must count the years from the time they sold themselves until the next Year of Restoration and must set the price for their release on the basis of the wages paid hired workers. 51-52 They must refund a part of the purchase price according to the number of years left, 53 as if they had been hired on an annual basis. Their master must not treat them harshly. 54 If they are not set free in any of these ways, they and their children must be set free in the next Year of Restoration. 55 Israelites cannot be permanent slaves, because the people of Israel are the Lord's slaves. He brought them out of Egypt; he is the Lord their God.
Senebankoo la foñondiŋo sanji woorowulanjaŋo la
(5 Musa 15:1-11)
1 Yaawe* diyaamuta Musa ye Sinayi Konkoo kaŋ, 2 ka a fo Banisirayilankoolu ye ko:
Niŋ ali dunta bankoo kaŋ m be meŋ dii la ali la, senebankoo ñanta le a kali foñondiŋo soto sanji woorowulanjaŋo la, ka nte Yaawe horoma. 3 Ali si kali ali la kunkoolu fii, aniŋ ka ali la wayini* yiribuloolu jasi, ka ali la fiifeŋolu kafu ñoo ma, sanji wooro wucoo kono. 4 Bari sanji woorowulanjaŋo la, bankoo ñanta le ka saŋ muumewo soto foñondiŋo ti, ka nte Yaawe horoma. Ali kana ali la kunkoolu fii wo saŋo la, waraŋ ka ali la wayini yiribuloolu jasi. 5 Ali kana fiifeŋ banoolu kati ka ì maabo, waraŋ ka ali la wayini yiridiŋolu kafu ñoo ma, ali maŋ mennu buloolu jasi. Bankoo ñanta le ka foñondiŋo soto wo saŋo muumewo la. 6 Bari bankoo la foñondiŋ saŋo fiifeŋolu si ke noo ali ye domotaa doroŋ ne ti, ali niŋ ali la jonkewolu niŋ ali la jommusoolu, ka taa ali ye dookuulaalu mennu luwaasi, aniŋ tumarankewolu mennu be sabatiriŋ ali fee. 7 Fiifeŋolu mennu dinta a saŋo la, ì be ke la ali la beeyaŋolu fanaa ye domotaa ti le, ka taa bankoo daafeŋ koteŋolu.
Seyindiri Saŋo Juuraloo
8 Ali si kali sanji woorowula konti ñoo kaŋ fo siiñaa woorowula. Wo be taa kaañaŋ na sanji taŋ naani niŋ kononto le fee. 9 Ali si naa saakotoŋ binoo* fee, kari woorowulanjaŋo tili tanjaŋ luŋo la, bankoo bee ye a moyi. Wo luŋo be kaañaŋ na Junube Kafari Luŋo* le fee. 10 Ka bo niŋ wo la, ali si sanji taŋ luulunjaŋo buuñaa. Ali si fansotoo kankulaa moo bee ye bankoo daa-wo-daa. A be ke la seyindiri waatoo le ti, luŋo meŋ na moo-wo-moo la keetaakenoo ñanta ka seyindi a ma. Moo-wo-moo fanaa be joŋyaa kono, ali ñanta a bula la le, ka a seyindi a la moolu ma. 11 Wo sanji taŋ luulunjaŋo be ke la ali ye Seyindiri Saŋo le ti. Ali kana fiiroo ke, waraŋ ka fiifeŋ banoolu kati, waraŋ ka ali la wayini yiridiŋolu kafu ñoo ma, ka bo wayini yiri kankaŋolu to ali maŋ mennu buloolu jasi. 12 Bayiri seyindiri waatoo le mu, ali ñanta le ka a kuliyaa. Wo saŋo fiifeŋolu si ke noo ali ye domotaa doroŋ ne ti, mennu bota kunkoolu to.
13 Ñiŋ Seyindiri Saŋo la, moo-wo-moo la keetaakenoo ñanta le ka seyindi a ma.
14 Niŋ ali be kenoo waafi la ali ñoŋ Banisirayilankoo ma, waraŋ ali be ali ñoŋ Banisirayilankoo la kenoo saŋ na a bulu, ali maŋ ñaŋ na ñoo nakari la. 15 Niŋ ali be kenoo saŋ na ali ñoŋ Banisirayilankoo ma, a daa ñanta ka sumaŋ sanji nankamoo le la, ka bo Seyindiri Saŋo bandulaa to. Kenoo waafilaa be daa le kaniŋ na, meŋ niŋ fiifeŋ sanjaani naalaalu kaañanta, janniŋ Seyindiri Saŋ koteŋo ka sii. 16 Niŋ a ye a tara saŋolu nankamoo siyaata le, a si daa lafaa wo hapoo fee. Niŋ a ye a tara duŋ saŋolu nankamoo mu dantaŋ ne ti, a si daa talaa wo hapoo fee. A ka munta le ko, fiifeŋo hapoo meŋ si soto noo wo kenoo to. 17 Ali kana ñoo nakari, kaatu ali ñanta sila la ali la Alla la le. Nte le mu Yaawe ali la Alla ti.
18 Wo to ali si taama n na luwaalu la, ali ye n na yaamaroolu muta kendeke. Niŋ ali ye wo ke, ali si baluu bankoo kaŋ, tankoo kono. 19 Bankoo fiifeŋolu si yiriwaa, aduŋ domoroo si siiroo ke, ali ye tara sabatiriŋ jee tankoo kono. 20 A si ke ali ye a fo ko, “Ntolu be muŋ ne domo la wo saŋ woorowulanjaŋo kono, niŋ m maŋ fiifeŋolu fii, aniŋ ka ì kafu ñoo ma?” 21 Nte Yaawe be neemoo jindi la ali ye le sanji wooronjaŋo kono, fo bankoo si siimaŋ jamaa bondi, meŋ be taa fo a jaaroo la, aniŋ a jaarikoo la. 22 Niŋ ali ye fiiroo ke sanji seyinjaŋo la, ali be tara la saŋ kotoo siimaŋolu le domo la ka bo sanji wooronjaŋo waatoo la. Ali si wo saŋ kotoo siimaŋolu domo le, fo katiri waatoo ye sii.
Kene seyindoo luwaalu
23 Ali maŋ ñaŋ na ali la kene-wo-kene waafi la, ka bo ali taayaa to fereŋ, kaatu kenoo bee mu nte Yaawe le taa ti. Ali mu n ye tumarankewolu niŋ luntaŋolu doroŋ ne ti. 24 Ali ñanta le ka siloo dii moolu la ka ì la kenoolu kumakaa bankoo daa-wo-daa, meŋ be marariŋ ali bulu.
25 Niŋ ali baadiŋ Banisirayilankoo fuwaareyaata, fo a ye a la keetaakenoo waafi, a baadiŋ sutuŋo le ñanta naa la, a ye wo kenoo kumakaa a ye. 26 Moo meŋ maŋ wo baadiŋ sutuŋ siifaa soto, a si ke, a ye naa sotoo ke fo a ye sii, a ye a kumakaa noo a faŋ ye. 27 Niŋ wo keta, wo maarii ñanta ka saŋolu le konti, mennu tuta wo waatoo niŋ Seyindiri Saŋ koteŋo teema. A si naa wo maarii joo wo saŋolu nankamoo la, a ye kenoo waafi meŋ ma. Wo le to a la keetaakenoo si naa muru a kaŋ. 28 Bari niŋ a ye a tara a la sotoo maŋ a sii ka a kumakaa a faŋ ye, wo to a ye wo kenoo meŋ waafi, a be tu la a sannaa bulu le fo Seyindiri Saŋo ye sii. Niŋ wo saŋo siita, a si naa bo wo bulu, ka a seyindi a tii foloo ma.
29 Wo koolaa fanaa, niŋ moo ye laabuŋo waafi saatee tatariŋo kono, janniŋ wo saŋo be kamali la, a si a kumakaa noo le, a la a waafiriŋ koolaa. A ye siloo soto ka a kumakaa wo saŋ kiliŋo wucoo doroŋ ne kono. 30 Niŋ a maŋ a kumakaa noo, fo saŋo kamalita, wo to buŋo ñiŋ be bo la a taayaa to le fereŋ, ka tara a sannaa la karoo la, a niŋ a koomalankoolu. A te seyindi la, niŋ Seyindiri Saŋo siita. 31 Bari buŋolu mennu be saatee tatabaloolu to, wolu niŋ kene fanuŋolu le be konti kiliŋ. Ì si kumakaa noo le, aniŋ ka seyindi, niŋ Seyindiri Saŋo siita.
32 Bari wo niŋ Lewi lasiloo moolu la kuwo fatata le. Itolu ye siloo soto le ka ì taalu kumakaa waati-wo-waati, mennu be saatee tatariŋolu kono. 33 Wo to Lewi lasiloo moolu taalu si kumakaa noo le. Wo mu ñiŋ ne ti ko, niŋ ì ye buŋo waafi saatee-wo-saatee kono, meŋ keta ì fansuŋ saatewo ti, a ñanta seyindi la ì ma le, niŋ Seyindiri Saŋo siita. Kaatu buŋolu mennu be Lewi lasiloo moolu la saatewolu kono, wolu mu itolu doroŋ ne la keetaafeŋo ti, Banisirayilankoolu kono. 34 Bari kenoolu mennu be ì la saatewolu dandaŋo la ì ka beeyaŋolu daañini daameŋ, wolu maŋ ñaŋ na waafi la. Wolu mu ì taalu le ti fo fawu.
Kumakaaroo fuwaaroolu niŋ joŋolu ye
35 Yaawe tententa ka a fo ko:
Niŋ ali baadiŋ Banisirayilankoo keta fuwaaroo ti ali kono, aduŋ a maŋ a faŋ samba noo, ali si a maakoyi ka a samba, ali ye a bula a ye tara sabatiriŋ ali fee, komeŋ ali ñanta ka a ke tumarankewolu niŋ luntaŋ tambilaalu ye ñaameŋ. 36 Ali kana a kaniŋ lankaŋo la, kaatu ali ñanta sila la ali Maarii Alla la le, ali ye a bula a ye tara sabatiriŋ ali fee. 37 Ali kana a maarii donto kodoo la, ali ye a kaniŋ lankaŋo la, waraŋ ka domoroo dii a la, ali ye naa a joorindi meŋ tambita wo la. 38 Nte le mu Yaawe ali la Alla ti, meŋ ye ali bondi naŋ Misira bankoo kaŋ, ka naa Kanaani bankoo dii ali la. Ŋa wo ke le ka ke ali la Alla ti.
39 Niŋ ali baadiŋ Banisirayilankoo keta fuwaaroo ti ali kono, a ye a faŋo waafi ali ma joŋo ti, ali kana a joŋyandi. 40 Ali si a muta ali faŋolu kono komeŋ ali ye dookuulaa meŋ luwaasi, waraŋ komeŋ ali ka tumarankewo muta ñaameŋ. A si dookuwo ke ali ye fo Seyindiri Saŋ koteŋo ye sii. 41 Wo waatoo la a niŋ a diŋolu si bo wo maarii bulu, ì ye muru a baadiŋolu kaŋ, aniŋ a la alifaa foloolu la keetaakenoolu be daameŋ. 42 Banisirayilankoolu mu nte Yaawe le la joŋolu ti, aduŋ nte le ye ì bondi naŋ Misira bankoo kaŋ. Wo to ì maŋ ñaŋ na ka waafi joŋolu ti. 43 Ali kana ì tilimbaliyaa mara, bari ali si sila ali la Alla la.
44 Jonkewolu niŋ jommusoolu mennu si tara noo ali bulu, ali ñanta wolu saŋ na banku koteŋ moolu le kono, mennu be ali dandaŋo la. 45 Ali si tumarankewolu fanaa saŋ noo le, mennu be sabatiriŋ ali kono, aniŋ ì la dimbaayaalu, mennu wuluuta ali la bankoo kaŋ. Wolu si ke noo ali taa ti le. 46 Ali si ì tu noo ali dinkewolu ye le, ì ye ì keetaa, niŋ ali bota jee, ì ye ke ì taa ti fo fawu. Bari ali Banisirayilanka dammaalu kana ñoo tilimbaliyaa mara.
47 A si ke noo tumarankewo waraŋ luntaŋo meŋ be sabatiriŋ Banisirayilankoolu kono, ye sotoo ke. Niŋ ali baadiŋ Banisirayilankoo doo fentaŋyaata, fo a ye a faŋo waafi wo tumarankee fankamaa ma, waraŋ wo niŋ meŋ mu lasili kiliŋ ti, 48 a si kumakaa noo le, a la a faŋo waafiriŋ koolaa. A kotoomaa waraŋ a doomaa si a kumakaa noo le, 49 waraŋ a faandiŋ, waraŋ wo dinkewo, waraŋ a baadiŋ sutuŋ doo fanaa si a kumakaa noo le. Niŋ wo nte, niŋ a faŋo si sotoo ke noo, a si a faŋ kumakaa. 50 Ate joŋo ñiŋ, a niŋ meŋ ye ate saŋ, si a diyaamu ñoo kaŋ. Ì si saŋolu konti ka bo waatoo meŋ na, a ye a faŋ waafi a ma, ka taa fo Seyindiri Saŋ koteŋo meŋ ka naa. A be daa meŋ joo la, wo ñanta kaañaŋ na samaa maneelaa la joo hapoo le fee. 51 Niŋ a ye a tara saŋolu mennu be ali niŋ Seyindiri Saŋo teema, ì siyaata le, joŋo ñiŋ be meŋ joo la, wo le be siyaa la talanteemoo ti, ate faŋo santa meŋ na. 52 Niŋ a ye a tara saŋolu mennu tuta ali niŋ a teema, ì maŋ siyaa, a be daa meŋ joo la, a te siyaa la. 53 Bari a la taroo waatoo a bulu, a ñanta ke la a ye le ko saŋ-wo-saŋ samaa maneelaa. A maŋ ñaŋ na a tilimbaliyaa mara la, ali ñaa ye tara a la.
54 Niŋ a maŋ kumakaa wo siloolu la, wo to a ñanta le ka bula, niŋ Seyindiri Saŋo siita, a niŋ a diŋolu. 55 Bayiri Banisirayilankoolu mu nte Yaawe le la joŋolu ti. Nte le ye ì bondi naŋ Misira bankoo kaŋ. Nte le mu Yaawe ali la Alla ti.