The Fall of Nineveh
1 Nineveh, you are under attack!
The power that will shatter you has come.
Prepare the defenses!
Guard the road!
Prepare for battle!
( 2 The Lord is about to restore the glory of Israel, as it was before her enemies plundered her.)
3 The enemy soldiers carry red shields
and wear uniforms of red.
They are preparing to attack!
Their chariots flash like fire!
Their horses prance!

4 Chariots dash wildly through the streets,
rushing back and forth in the city squares.
They flash like torches
and dart about like lightning.
5 The officers are summoned;
they stumble as they press forward.

The attackers rush to the wall
and set up the shield for the battering ram.
6 The gates by the river burst open;
the palace is filled with terror.
7 The queen is taken captive;
her servants moan like doves
and beat their breasts in sorrow.
8 Like water from a broken dam
the people rush from Nineveh!
“Stop! Stop!” the cry rings out—
but no one turns back.

9 Plunder the silver!
Plunder the gold!
The city is full of treasure!

10 Nineveh is destroyed, deserted, desolate!
Hearts melt with fear;
knees tremble, strength is gone;
faces grow pale.

11 Where now is the city
that was like a den of lions,
the place where young lions were fed,
where the lion and the lioness would go
and their cubs would be safe?
12 The lion killed his prey
and tore it to pieces for his mate and her cubs;
he filled his den with torn flesh.

13 “I am your enemy!” says the Lord Almighty. “I will burn up your chariots. Your soldiers will be killed in war, and I will take away everything that you took from others. The demands of your envoys will no longer be heard.”
Ninewe la kasaaroo
1 Ite Ninewe,
boyinkannaa le ka naa wuli i kamma.
Wuli ko, i ye i la tatoo kanta,
i kali siloo kaŋ juubee.
I tewo siti,
i ye i looraŋo bambandi.
2 Ali ye Banisirayila kasaara le,
Yaakuba koomalankoolu la bankoo,
ali ye ì la wayini* yiroolu kasaara,
bari Yaawe* ka naa a la semboo
niŋ a la horomoo murundi a kaŋ ne.
3 Ali jawoolu la koteeroolu* be wuleeriŋ ne,
ì kelejawaroolu la duŋ feŋolu be wuleeriŋ.
Ì la keleraŋ sareeti* newolu ka tara malamalariŋ ne,
niŋ luŋo meŋ ì be pareeriŋ keloo la.
Ì la hawusaroolu* ye tara wulindiriŋ santo.
4 Ì la keleraŋ sareetoolu si tara boriŋ-boriŋ na mbeedoolu kaŋ taariŋ,
ì ye tara kuntuŋ-kuntuŋ na.
Ì si muluŋ ko pacama dimbaa,
ì ye tara kuntuŋ-kuntuŋ na ko saŋ ŋalasoo.
5 Kelediŋ kuntiyo si a la kelediŋ bambandiŋolu kumandi naŋ,
ì kiditoo si bori saatewo tata sansaŋo to,
tankaraŋ koteeroo* londita daameŋ.
6 Boloŋo daalu si yele,
mansabuŋo ye boyi piram.
7 A be laariŋ wo le ñaama ko,
ñiŋ saatewo moolu ñanta ke la dooyaa moolu le ti,
ì ye tara mutoo kono,
a jommusoolu ye woosii ko puraa,
ì ye ì sisoolu lipa niikuyaa kamma la.
8 Ninewe ka muluŋ ne ko jiidinkoo,
meŋ jiyo ka bori.
A moolu ka bori wo le ñaama,
hani ì ko ì ye,
“Ali loo, ali loo!”
bari moo maŋ soto meŋ si loo ka muru.
9 Ali ì la kodiforoolu ñapinkaŋ,
ali ì la sanoolu ñapinkaŋ,
naafuloo kuu te jaŋ.
Feŋ-wo-feŋ kummaayaata,
a jurumoo le be jaŋ.
10 Ninewe teyita, a kenseŋyaata, a kasaarata.
A moolu kijoo teyita,
fo ì kumbaliŋolu ka busa ñoo la.
Ì semboo bee taata,
ì niyo kuyaata fo ì ñaadaa yelemata.
11 Ì la saatewo keta ñaadii le,
meŋ ka muluŋ nuŋ ko jata koloo,
jatadiŋolu daañini dulaa,
jatoolu sabatidulaa,
jatamusoolu niŋ jatadiŋolu,
daameŋ moo buka haañi ka ì waliŋ jee?
12 Jatoo ka daafeŋ koteŋolu le faa,
a ye a diŋolu konoo fandi ì la,
a ye ì kaŋo kati jatamusoolu ye.
A ka a la koloo fandi deema suboo le la,
a taradulaa ye tara faariŋ suboo la.
13 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* ye ñiŋ kumakaŋo le fo Ninewe la kuwo to ko:
“N niŋ i be janjuŋ na le!
M be i la keleraŋ sareetoolu bee jani la le fo ì ye nunku lep.
Hawusaroo le be i la kelediŋolu bee faa la.
M be feŋolu bee buusi la ali la le,
ali ye mennu ñapinkaŋ keloo kono.
Wandi bankoolu nene te ali la kiilaa la kumakaŋo moyi la kotenke.”