The Scroll and the Lamb
1 I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who sits on the throne; it was covered with writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a mighty angel, who announced in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” 3 But there was no one in heaven or on earth or in the world below who could open the scroll and look inside it. 4 I cried bitterly because no one could be found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside it. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Don't cry. Look! The Lion from Judah's tribe, the great descendant of David, has won the victory, and he can break the seven seals and open the scroll.”
6 Then I saw a Lamb standing in the center of the throne, surrounded by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb appeared to have been killed. It had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God that have been sent through the whole earth. 7 The Lamb went and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who sits on the throne. 8 As he did so, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each had a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God's people. 9 They sang a new song:
“You are worthy to take the scroll
and to break open its seals.
For you were killed, and by your sacrificial death you bought for God
people from every tribe, language, nation, and race.
10 You have made them a kingdom of priests to serve our God,
and they shall rule on earth.”
11 Again I looked, and I heard angels, thousands and millions of them! They stood around the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders, 12 and sang in a loud voice:
“The Lamb who was killed is worthy
to receive power, wealth, wisdom, and strength,
honor, glory, and praise!”
13 And I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, in the world below, and in the sea—all living beings in the universe—and they were singing:
“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb,
be praise and honor, glory and might,
forever and ever!”
14 The four living creatures answered, “Amen!” And the elders fell down and worshiped.
Saajiiriŋo niŋ kitaabu moromororiŋo
1 Bituŋ ŋa kitaabu moromororiŋo* je a bulubaa buloo kono, ate meŋ be siiriŋ mansasiiraŋo kaŋ. Safeeroolu be a kara fuloo bee la, aduŋ a be notoriŋ noto woorowula le la. 2 Ŋa malaayika sembemaa je, meŋ be kankulaaroo kaŋ niŋ sari baa la ko, “Jumaa le jarita ka ñiŋ kitaabu moromororiŋo notoolu teyi, aniŋ ka a yele?” 3 Bari hani moo kiliŋ te jee, Arijana kono waraŋ bankoo kaŋ waraŋ bankoo koto duuma, meŋ si ñiŋ kitaabu moromororiŋo yele noo, waraŋ ka a kono juubee. 4 N kumboota baake, kaatu moo maŋ soto, meŋ jarita ka wo kitaabu moromororiŋo yele, waraŋ ka a kono juubee.
5 Wo to le alifaa kiliŋo ko n ye ko, “Kana kumboo! A juubee, Yahuuda lasiloo la jatoo meŋ bota Dawuda bala, a ye nooroo ke le. Wo kamma la, ate le si kitaabu moromororiŋo la noto woorowuloo teyi noo ka a yele.”
6 Bituŋ ŋa Saajiiriŋo je looriŋ mansasiiraŋo niŋ wo daafeŋ baluuriŋ naanoo teema, wo alifaalu ye ì muruŋ-muruŋ. Saajiiriŋo ñiŋ be le ko meŋ kanateyita. Bina woorowula le be a la, aniŋ ñaa woorowula. Wolu mu Alla la noora woorowuloo le ti, a ye mennu kii duniyaa bee kono. 7 Saajiiriŋo ñiŋ naata wo kaŋ, meŋ be siiriŋ mansasiiraŋo kaŋ, a ye kitaabu moromororiŋo taa a bulubaa buloo kono. 8 Kabiriŋ Saajiiriŋo ye a taa, wo daafeŋ baluuriŋ naanoo niŋ wo alifaa muwaŋ niŋ naanoo sujudita a ñaatiliŋo la, ì meŋ-wo-meŋ niŋ kontiŋo aniŋ sani booloolu, mennu be faariŋ cuuraayoo la. Wo cuuraayoo mu Alla la moo senuŋolu la duwaa le ti. 9 Bituŋ ì ye suukuu kutoo laa ko:
“Ite le jarita ka kitaabu moromororiŋo taa,
aniŋ ka a notoolu teyi.
Kaatu ite le kanateyita,
i ye moolu kumakaa Alla ye.
Ite le yeloo keta kumakaaraŋo ti moolu bee ye,
ka bo siyolu bee kono, kaŋolu, bankoolu,
aniŋ nasiyoŋolu bee.
10 I ye wolu ke mansariŋolu le ti,
piriisiyaa* be mennu bulu,
ka ǹ na Alla batu.
Ì be maraloo ke la duniyaa kono le.”
11 Wo to le ŋa malaayikoolu jamaa je, ì ye mansasiiraŋo niŋ daafeŋ baluuriŋolu niŋ alifaalu murubeŋ. Ì mu malaayika wuliwuloolu le ti, aniŋ miliyoŋ-miliyoŋolu. Aduŋ ŋa ì la kumakaŋolu moyi le, 12 ì be a fo kaŋ niŋ sari baa la ko:
“Saajiiriŋo meŋ kanateyita nuŋ,
ate le jarita semboo niŋ fankoo bee la,
aniŋ ñaameŋo, waroo niŋ horomoo,
kallankeeyaa* niŋ jayiroo!”
13 Bituŋ n naata daafeŋolu bee moyi, mennu be Arijana kono, bankoo kaŋ, bankoo koto duuma, fankaasoo kono aniŋ dulaalu bee to. Ì kumata ka a fo ko:
“Jayiroo niŋ horomoo be ate le ye,
meŋ be siiriŋ mansasiiraŋo kaŋ,
a niŋ Saajiiriŋo!
Kallankeeyaa niŋ waroo be itolu le ye,
fo abadaa!”
14 Wo daafeŋ baluuriŋ naanoo ko, “Amiin!” aduŋ alifaalu sujudita, ì ye ì batu.