Boaz Marries Ruth
1 Boaz went to the meeting place at the town gate and sat down there. Then Elimelech's nearest relative, the man whom Boaz had mentioned, came by, and Boaz called to him, “Come over here, my friend, and sit down.” So he went over and sat down. 2 Then Boaz got ten of the leaders of the town and asked them to sit down there too. When they were seated, 3 he said to his relative, “Now that Naomi has come back from Moab, she wants to sell the field that belonged to our relative Elimelech, 4 and I think you ought to know about it. Now then, if you want it, buy it in the presence of these men sitting here. But if you don't want it, say so, because the right to buy it belongs first to you and then to me.”
The man said, “I will buy it.”
5 Boaz said, “Very well, if you buy the field from Naomi, then you are also buying Ruth, the Moabite widow, so that the field will stay in the dead man's family.”
6 The man answered, “In that case I will give up my right to buy the field, because it would mean that my own children would not inherit it. You buy it; I would rather not.”
7 Now in those days, to settle a sale or an exchange of property, it was the custom for the seller to take off his sandal and give it to the buyer. In this way the Israelites showed that the matter was settled.
8 So when the man said to Boaz, “You buy it,” he took off his sandal and gave it to Boaz. 9 Then Boaz said to the leaders and all the others there, “You are all witnesses today that I have bought from Naomi everything that belonged to Elimelech and to his sons Chilion and Mahlon. 10 In addition, Ruth the Moabite, Mahlon's widow, becomes my wife. This will keep the property in the dead man's family, and his family line will continue among his people and in his hometown. You are witnesses to this today.”
11 The leaders and the others said, “Yes, we are witnesses. May the Lord make your wife become like Rachel and Leah, who bore many children to Jacob. May you become rich in the clan of Ephrath and famous in Bethlehem. 12 May the children that the Lord will give you by this young woman make your family like the family of Perez, the son of Judah and Tamar.”
Boaz and His Descendants
13 So Boaz took Ruth home as his wife. The Lord blessed her, and she became pregnant and had a son. 14 The women said to Naomi, “Praise the Lord! He has given you a grandson today to take care of you. May the boy become famous in Israel! 15 Your daughter-in-law loves you, and has done more for you than seven sons. And now she has given you a grandson, who will bring new life to you and give you security in your old age.” 16 Naomi took the child, held him close, and took care of him.
17 The women of the neighborhood named the boy Obed. They told everyone, “A son has been born to Naomi!”
Obed became the father of Jesse, who was the father of David.
18-22 This is the family line from Perez to David: Perez, Hezron, Ram, Amminadab, Nahshon, Salmon, Boaz, Obed, Jesse, David.
Bowasi la Ruti futuwo
1 Bowasi taata sii saatewo dundaŋ daa* to, ì ka beŋ daameŋ. Kabiriŋ niimoosaatalaa*, a be meŋ na kumoo fo kaŋ nuŋ naata, Bowasi ko a ye ko, “Naa sii jaŋ, m baadiŋ!” Wo to le a taata, a siita. 2 Bowasi ye alifaa taŋ tomboŋ saatewo kono, a ko ì ye ko, “Ali sii jaŋ!” Bituŋ ì siita. 3 Wo le to a ko a ñiŋ baadiŋo ye meŋ ñanta niimoosaatoo ke la ko, “Nawomi meŋ muruta naŋ ka bo Mowabi bankoo kaŋ, a lafita m baadiŋ Elimeleki la kenoo dulaa doo waafi la le. 4 Wo kamma la, ŋa a miira n ñanta kumoo ñiŋ futandi la i ma le ka i yaamari ñiŋ na ko, niŋ i be a saŋ na, i si a ke ñiŋ moolu ñaa la mennu be siiriŋ, aniŋ n na alifaalu. Niŋ i be a kaniŋ na, a ke. Bari niŋ i te a ke la, a fo n ye, fo n si a loŋ. Moo maŋ sembe-wo-sembe le soto ñiŋ to, niŋ a maŋ ke ite ti, niŋ fulanjaŋ be a la, nte le mu.” A ko a ye ko, “M be a kaniŋ na le.”
5 Wo to le Bowasi ko a ye ko, “Luŋo meŋ na i be ñiŋ kenoo saŋ na Nawomi ma, i be Ruti Mowabinkoo saabantewo musumaa fanaa niimoosaata la le, i si a je a la kenoo si tu a baadiŋolu bulu.”
6 Ñiŋ niimoosaata kuwo kamma la, a ñiŋ baadiŋo ko, “Wo to nte te a kaniŋ noo la, kaatu niŋ ŋa wo ke, m be waaliyo le samba la naŋ n na keetaafeŋo to. Wo kamma la, ite faŋo ye a kaniŋ. Nte te wo noo la.”
7 Waati jaŋ na nuŋ Banisirayila kono, ñiŋ mu aadoo le ti: niŋ kewo be a la lafoo yitandi la niimoosaatoo to waraŋ falindiroo, a ka a la samatasiŋo le bo, a ye a duŋ doo bulu. Ñiŋ ne ka kuwo bee kumfaa Banisirayilankoolu teema. 8 Wo le to ñiŋ kewo meŋ ñanta niimoosaatoo ke la ko Bowasi ye ko, “I faŋo ye a saŋ.” Bituŋ a ye a la samatasiŋo bondi. 9 Wo to le Bowasi ye a kankulaa alifaalu ye aniŋ moolu mennu bee be jee ko, “Bii ali bee ye a seedeyaa le ko, ŋa Elimeleki, Kiliyoni aniŋ Maaloni la sotofeŋolu bee saŋ Nawomi ma le. 10 Ŋa Ruti fanaa Mowabinkoo, Maaloni la furuyaamusoo, kaniŋ ne ka a ke n na musoo ti, ka saabantee furewo too tu a la feŋolu kunto. Ŋa a ke ñiŋ ne kamma, fo a too kana fili a baadiŋolu ma aniŋ saatewo la taarikoo to. Bii ali mu seedoo le ti!”
11 Wo to le alifaalu aniŋ mennu bee be bendulaa to jee ko, “Ntolu mu seedoolu le ti. Allamaa Yaawe* ye ñiŋ musoo meŋ ka naa i la suwo kono ke ko Raheli niŋ Leya, mennu kafuriŋo ñoo ma ye Banisirayila buŋo loo. Allamaa i ye looraŋo soto Efurata* kaabiiloo kono aniŋ i too ye daraja Betilehemu. 12 Allamaa Alla ye i la buŋo ke ko Peresi la buŋo, Tamara ye meŋ wuluu Yahuuda la, ka bo niŋ diŋolu la, Yaawe be mennu dii la i la ñiŋ musoo la.”
Dawuda la bonsuŋ saataroo
13 Bowasi naata Ruti futuu, a ye a ke a la musoo ti. Bituŋ ì la kafoo koolaa, Yaawe naata a harijee dinkewo la. 14 Nawomi siiñoo musoolu kumata a ye ko, “Tentoo be Yaawe ye meŋ maŋ i fondi keetaalaa la ñiŋ luŋo la. Allamaa a too bo la Banisirayila bee kono. 15 A be i la baluwo ke la le, ko a be nuŋ ñaameŋ, aduŋ a be ke la i topatoolaa le ti i la keebaayaa waatoo kono. I bitammusu meŋ keta i kanulaa ti, aniŋ meŋ tambita i ye dinkee woorowula la, le ye a wuluu.”
16 Wo to le Nawomi ye dindiŋo taa, a ye a lembu, bituŋ a naata tara a la maroo to. 17 Musoolu mennu be jee kumata ko, “Nawomi ye dinkewo soto.” Bituŋ ì ye a toolaa Obedi la. Ate le ye Yese wuluu, Dawuda faamaa.
18 Ñiŋ ne keta Peresi koomalankoolu ti: Peresi le ye Hesironi wuluu. 19 Hesironi le ye Ramu wuluu, Ramu ye Amminadabu wuluu. 20 Amminadabu le ye Naasoni wuluu, Naasoni ye Salimoni wuluu, 21 Salimoni le ye Bowasi wuluu, Bowasi ye Obedi wuluu, 22 Obedi le ye Yese wuluu, bituŋ Yese naata Dawuda wuluu.