Wives and Husbands
1 In the same way you wives must submit yourselves to your husbands, so that if any of them do not believe God's word, your conduct will win them over to believe. It will not be necessary for you to say a word, 2 because they will see how pure and reverent your conduct is. 3 You should not use outward aids to make yourselves beautiful, such as the way you fix your hair, or the jewelry you put on, or the dresses you wear. 4 Instead, your beauty should consist of your true inner self, the ageless beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of the greatest value in God's sight. 5 For the devout women of the past who placed their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful by submitting themselves to their husbands. 6 Sarah was like that; she obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are now her daughters if you do good and are not afraid of anything.
7 In the same way you husbands must live with your wives with the proper understanding that they are more delicate than you. Treat them with respect, because they also will receive, together with you, God's gift of life. Do this so that nothing will interfere with your prayers.
Suffering for Doing Right
8 To conclude: you must all have the same attitude and the same feelings; love one another, and be kind and humble with one another. 9 Do not pay back evil with evil or cursing with cursing; instead, pay back with a blessing, because a blessing is what God promised to give you when he called you. 10 As the scripture says,
“If you want to enjoy life
and wish to see good times,
you must keep from speaking evil
and stop telling lies.
11 You must turn away from evil and do good;
you must strive for peace with all your heart.
12 For the Lord watches over the righteous
and listens to their prayers;
but he opposes those who do evil.”
13 Who will harm you if you are eager to do what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for doing what is right, how happy you are! Do not be afraid of anyone, and do not worry. 15 But have reverence for Christ in your hearts, and honor him as Lord. Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, 16 but do it with gentleness and respect. Keep your conscience clear, so that when you are insulted, those who speak evil of your good conduct as followers of Christ will become ashamed of what they say. 17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if this should be God's will, than for doing evil. 18 For Christ died for sins once and for all, a good man on behalf of sinners, in order to lead you to God. He was put to death physically, but made alive spiritually, 19 and in his spiritual existence he went and preached to the imprisoned spirits. 20 These were the spirits of those who had not obeyed God when he waited patiently during the days that Noah was building his boat. The few people in the boat—eight in all—were saved by the water, 21 which was a symbol pointing to baptism, which now saves you. It is not the washing off of bodily dirt, but the promise made to God from a good conscience. It saves you through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who has gone to heaven and is at the right side of God, ruling over all angels and heavenly authorities and powers.
Yaamaroolu musoolu niŋ ì keemaañolu ye
1 Wo ñaa kiliŋo la, alitolu musoolu, ali soŋ ali keemaañolu ma. Wo to le, ì doolu mennu maŋ laa Alla la kumoo la, hani ali maŋ diyaamu ì ye, ì si naa laa, ka bo niŋ ali la daajika betoo la, 2 ì ye meŋ je, a be seneyaariŋ Alla ñaasilaŋo kono. 3 Ali la ñiiñaa maŋ ñaŋ na ke la ñiiñaa ti, meŋ ka je banta ko deberi ñarandi feŋolu, sani ñaroolu, waraŋ sitifeŋ ñiimaalu, 4 bari ali la ñiiñaa si bo niŋ ñarandi kuwolu la, mennu be maaboriŋ ali sondomoo kono, aduŋ ì te kasaara la. Tenkuŋo niŋ mooyaa le mu naafuloo ti, meŋ kummaayaata Alla ñaatiliŋo la. 5 Musu senuŋolu mennu jikita Alla la, ì ka ì faŋ ñarandi nuŋ wo le ñaama, aduŋ ì ka soŋ ì keemaañolu ma le. 6 Saara fanaa ye wo le ke, a ye Iburayima la yaamaroolu muta, aduŋ a ka a kumandi a maarii le la. Alitolu mu Saara dimmusoolu le ti, niŋ ali tententa kuu bete kewo la, ali kana sila feŋ-wo-feŋ na.
7 Alitolu kewolu fanaa, ali hakilimaayaa ali la musoolu fee, baawo ì semboo niŋ ali semboo maŋ kaañaŋ. Ali ì buuñaa, kaatu ali niŋ ì denta badaa-badaa baluwo hiinoo la le. Ali ñiŋ ke, fo feŋ kana ali bali ali la duwaalu la.
Ka toora kuu bete kewo la
8 Labaŋo la, ali bee si ke kaŋ kiliŋ ti, aniŋ ŋaniya kiliŋ. Ali baadiŋyaa kanoo soto ñoo ye, balafaa, aniŋ fammajiyo. 9 Ali kana kuu jawoo joo niŋ kuu jawoo la, waraŋ ka nendiroo joo nendiroo la, bari wo noo to, ali Alla daani barakoo la wo maarii ye. Wo le mu kuwo ti, Alla ye ali kumandi meŋ to, fo ali fanaa si barakoo soto. 10 Kaatu a be safeeriŋ ne ko:
“Jumaa le ye baluwo kanu ali kono?
Jumaa le ka tara ñaaniriŋ baluu diimaa la?
Wo maarii si a neŋo fatandi kuma jawoo ma,
a ye fata faniyaa foo ma.
11 A ye bo kuu jawoo to,
a ye kuu kendoo baara.
A ye kayiroo ñini,
a ye a ke a hame kuwo ti.
12 Kaatu Maariyo ñaa ka tara looriŋ moo tilindiŋolu kaŋ ne,
aduŋ a tuloo ka ì la duwaa moyi le,
bari a ka kuu jawu kelaalu kiitindi le.”
13 Jumaa le si kuu jawoo ke noo alitolu la, niŋ ali be hameriŋ kuu bete kewo la? 14 Bari hani niŋ kuu bete kewo le ka a tinna, ali ka toora, a be ke la ali ye barakoo le ti. Ali kana sila ì la, aduŋ ali niyolu kana toora, 15 bari ali Kiristu* horoma ali sondomoolu kono ko Maariyo. Ali si tu pareeriŋ waati-wo-waati ka jaabiroo dii moo-wo-moo la, meŋ ye ali ñininkaa jikoo la kuwo la, ali ye meŋ soto ali sondomoo kono.
16 Bari ali ñiŋ jaabiroo ke mooyaa niŋ Alla ñaasilaŋo la. Ali kana feŋ ke, ali sondomoo si ali tuumi noo meŋ na, fo wo moolu si malu, mennu ye faniyaa laa ali kaŋ, aniŋ mennu ye kuma jawoo fo ali ma, kaatu ali ye Yeesu noomalankoolu la daajika betoo soto le. 17 A beteyaata le ka toora kuu betoo ye, ka tambi kuu jawoo la, niŋ wo tooroo mu Alla la lafoo le ti.
18 Kaatu tooñaa, Kiristu faata junuboolu le ye, siiñaa kiliŋ moo bee ye. Moo tilindiŋo faata moo tilimbaloolu ye, fo a si ǹ samba naŋ Alla yaa. Ì ye a baloo le faa, bari Alla la Nooroo ye a wulindi ka baluu. 19 Ka bo niŋ wo Nooroo la, a taata ka kawandoo ke dulaa to, furewolu niyolu be sitiriŋ mutoo kono daameŋ. 20 Wolu mu moolu le ti, mennu maŋ Alla la yaamaroo muta nuŋ, Nuha la luŋolu la. Wo waatoo la, Alla ye ì batu muñoo kono fo Nuha pareeta kuluŋ dadaa la. Wo kuluŋo kono, moo dantaŋ doroŋ, mennu mu moo seyi ti, wolu le naata kiisa ka bo niŋ jiyo la. 21 Ñiŋ mu taamanseeroo le ti batisewo* la kuwo to, meŋ ka ali kiisa saayiŋ, ka bo niŋ Yeesu Kiristu la saayaakoolaa wulindiroo la. Batisewo maŋ ke ka noo bondi baloo bala, bari ka Alla daani ka ali sondomoolu kuu, fo ali sondomoolu kana ali tuumi feŋ na. 22 Ate Yeesu taata Arijana kono le, aduŋ a be Alla bulubaa karoo le la. Malaayikoolu, kantiyolu niŋ sembetiyolu bee be a la maraloo le koto.