David Flees from Saul
1 David went to the priest Ahimelech in Nob. Ahimelech came out trembling to meet him and asked, “Why did you come here all by yourself?”
2 “I am here on the king's business,” David answered. “He told me not to let anyone know what he sent me to do. As for my men, I have told them to meet me at a certain place. 3 Now, then, what supplies do you have? Give me five loaves of bread or anything else you have.”
4 The priest said, “I don't have any ordinary bread, only sacred bread; you can have it if your men haven't had sexual relations recently.”
5 “Of course they haven't,” answered David. “My men always keep themselves ritually pure even when we go out on an ordinary mission; how much more this time when we are on a special mission!”
6 So the priest gave David the sacred bread, because the only bread he had was the loaves offered to God, which had been removed from the sacred table and replaced by fresh bread.
( 7 Saul's chief herdsman, Doeg, who was from Edom, happened to be there that day, because he had to fulfill a religious obligation.)
8 David said to Ahimelech, “Do you have a spear or a sword you can give me? The king's orders made me leave in such a hurry that I didn't have time to get my sword or any other weapon.”
9 Ahimelech answered, “I have the sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in Elah Valley; it is behind the ephod, wrapped in a cloth. If you want it, take it—it's the only weapon here.”
“Give it to me,” David said. “There is not a better sword anywhere!”
10 So David left, fleeing from Saul, and went to King Achish of Gath. 11 The king's officials said to Achish, “Isn't this David, the king of his country? This is the man about whom the women sang, as they danced, ‘Saul has killed thousands, but David has killed tens of thousands.’”
12 Their words made a deep impression on David, and he became very much afraid of King Achish. 13 So whenever David was around them, he pretended to be insane and acted like a madman when they tried to restrain him; he would scribble on the city gates and let spit drool down his beard. 14 So Achish said to his officials, “Look! The man is crazy! Why did you bring him to me? 15 Don't I have enough madmen already? Why bring another one to bother me with his crazy actions right here in my own house?”
Dawuda borita ka taa Nobu
1 Dawuda taata Piriisi* Ahimeleki yaa Nobu. Ahimeleki jarajaratoo le fintita ka taa a benduŋ, aduŋ a ye a ñininkaa ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna, i naata i faŋo ye jaŋ? I niŋ moo maŋ naa ñoo la.”
2 Dawuda ye Piriisi Ahimeleki jaabi ko, “Mansa le ye n kii haaji doo la, aduŋ a ko n ye le ko, moo maŋ ñaŋ na a loŋ na, a ye n kii meŋ na, aniŋ a ye m bula meŋ na. Ŋa a fo n na kewolu ye le, ì ñanta n tara la daameŋ. 3 Saayiŋ duŋ, muŋ ne be i bulu? Mbuuru kuŋ luulu dii n na, waraŋ feŋ-wo-feŋ be i bulu.”
4 Piriisoo ye Dawuda jaabi ko, “Mbuuru kenseŋ-kenseŋo te m bulu jaŋ. Mbuuru senuŋo* le be jaŋ. I si a taa, niŋ a ye a tara, i la kewolu niŋ musoolu maŋ kafu.”
5 Dawuda ko a ye ko, “Niŋ n ka finti waati-wo-waati, ǹ niŋ musu buka kafu. N na kewolu ka ì faŋolu seneyandi le, hani a ye a tara m be taa haajindiŋolu le la, sako niŋ a ye a tara, m be taa ñiŋ haaji senuŋ baa la.” 6 Bituŋ piriisoo ye mbuuru senuŋo dii a la, kaatu mbuuru koteŋ te jee, fo ì ye meŋ landi Alla ye, aduŋ ì ye a bondi taabulu senuŋo le kaŋ, ì ye kutamaa seyindi jee.
7 Saayiŋ Sawulu la dookuulaa doo tarata jee le wo luŋo, kaatu a ñanta diina kuu doo le timmandi la. A too mu Doyeki le ti, Edomunkoo, aduŋ a keta Sawulu la beeyaŋ kantalaa kuntiyo le ti.
8 Dawuda ye Ahimeleki ñininkaa ko, “I maŋ sooroo waraŋ hawusaroo* soto jaŋ baŋ? M maŋ n na hawusaroo samba naŋ sako n na jooraŋ koteŋolu, kaatu mansa la haajoo mu tariyaa kuwo le ti.”
9 Piriisoo ye a jaabi ko, “I ye Koliyati Filisitinkoo meŋ faa Ela wulumbaŋo kono, wo le la hawusaroo be jaŋ. A be moromororiŋ bayoo le kono efodoo* kooma. Wo koolaa hawusari koteŋ te jaŋ. Niŋ i lafita a la, i si a taa.”
Dawuda ko, “Doo te jee meŋ niŋ a mulunta, a dii n na.”
Dawuda borita Filisitinkoolu la mansa yaa
10 Bituŋ wo luŋo Dawuda borita ka bo Sawulu yaa, a taata Akisi yaa, meŋ mu Kati mansa ti.
11 Bari Akisi la dookuulaalu ko mansa ye ko, “Fo ñiŋ te Dawuda ti, bankoo la mansa. Ñiŋ ne mu kewo ti, ì ka meŋ na kuwo denkili, niŋ ì be doŋo la ko:
‘Sawulu ye moo wuloolu le faa,
bari Dawuda ye moo wuli taŋolu le faa.’ ”
12 Ñiŋ kumoolu ye Dawuda jaakali le, aduŋ a silabaata Akisi la, Kati mansa. 13 Bituŋ a ye a maañaa faliŋ a ñaa la. Niŋ ì be jee, a ka a faŋo ke ì ye le ko, moo meŋ ñaamaata. A ka maarikoolu ke mansa la koridaa daalu bala, aduŋ a ka a la yooloo bula a ye joloŋ a booraa bala.
14 Akisi ko a la dookuulaalu ye ko, “Ali ñiŋ kewo juubee, a ñaamaata le. Muŋ ne ye a tinna, ali ye a samba n ye naŋ? 15 Fo m foota ñaamaatoolu la le baŋ, fo ali ka naa ñiŋ samba naŋ, a ka naa ñaamaatoo maañaa ke n ñaatiliŋo la? Fo ñiŋ kewo be duŋ na n na buŋo kono le baŋ?”