David Is Rejected by the Philistines
1 The Philistines brought all their troops together at Aphek, while the Israelites camped at the spring in Jezreel Valley. 2 The five Philistine kings marched out with their units of a hundred and of a thousand men; David and his men marched in the rear with King Achish. 3 The Philistine commanders saw them and asked, “What are these Hebrews doing here?”
Achish answered, “This is David, an official of King Saul of Israel. He has been with me for quite some time now. He has done nothing I can find fault with since the day he came over to me.”
4 But the Philistine commanders were angry with Achish and said to him, “Send that fellow back to the town you gave him. Don't let him go into battle with us; he might turn against us during the fighting. What better way is there for him to win back his master's favor than by the death of our men? 5 After all, this is David, the one about whom the women sang, as they danced, ‘Saul has killed thousands, but David has killed tens of thousands.’”
6 Achish called David and said to him, “I swear by the living God of Israel that you have been loyal to me; and I would be pleased to have you go with me and fight in this battle. I have not found any fault in you from the day you came over to me. But the other kings don't approve of you. 7 So go back home in peace, and don't do anything that would displease them.”
8 David answered, “What have I done wrong, sir? If, as you say, you haven't found any fault in me since the day I started serving you, why shouldn't I go with you, my master and king, and fight your enemies?”
9 “I agree,” Achish replied. “I consider you as loyal as an angel of God. But the other kings have said that you can't go with us into battle. 10 So then, David, tomorrow morning all of you who left Saul and came over to me will have to get up early and leave as soon as it's light.”
11 So David and his men started out early the following morning to go back to Philistia, and the Philistines went on to Jezreel.
Filisitinkoolu ye ì koo dii Dawuda la
1 Filisitinkoolu ye ì la kelediŋ kafoolu bee bendi Afeki le, aduŋ Banisirayilankoolu, wolu daakaata Yesireeli woyoo le daala. 2 Kabiriŋ Filisitinkoolu la maralilaalu niŋ ì la kelediŋ kafu kemoolu niŋ wuli kiliŋolu be taa kaŋ, Dawuda niŋ a la kewolu niŋ Mansa Akisi tarata ì kooma le, ì be taa kaŋ. 3 Filisitinkoolu la kelediŋ kuntiyolu ye ì je, bituŋ ì ye ñininkaaroo ke ko, “Ñiŋ Hiburunkoolu* ka muŋ ne ke jaŋ?”
Akisi ye ì jaabi ko, “Ñiŋ ne mu Dawuda ti, meŋ keta nuŋ Sawulu Banisirayila la mansa la dookuulaa ti. A tarata m fee le fo meŋ siyaata sanji kiliŋ ti. Kabiriŋ a niŋ Sawulu talaata, a naata nte yaa, a maŋ feŋ ke, n nene ŋa kuu jawoo je meŋ to.”
4 Bari Filisitinkoolu la kelediŋ kuntiyolu kamfaata Akisi kamma, ì ko a ye ko, “Ñiŋ moo murundi saatewo to, i ye meŋ dii a la. Kana soŋ, a niŋ ŋà taa ñoo la keledulaa to. A si ke, a ye yelema, a ye a la moolu maakoyi, niŋ keloo be keriŋ. Ñiŋ be silañinoo le la, ka ǹ na kewolu faa, fo a niŋ a la alifaa Sawulu si ke kiliŋ ti kotenke. 5 Hani wo nte, ñiŋ mu Dawuda le ti, musoolu ka meŋ na kuwo denkili, niŋ ì be doŋo la ko:
‘Sawulu ye moo wuloolu le faa,
bari Dawuda, wo ye moo wuli taŋolu le faa.’ ”
6 Wo to le Akisi ye Dawuda kumandi, a ko a ye ko, “Niŋ tooñaa-tooñaa Yaawe* be baluuriŋ ne, i tilinta le, a be diyaa la n ye le, i ye keloo ke n niŋ n na kelediŋ kafoo ye. Kabiriŋ luŋo meŋ na i naata n yaa fo ka naa bula bii la, m maŋ sika soto i la kuwo to, bari maralilaalu maŋ lafi i la. 7 Muru i ye taa kayiroo kono, kana feŋ ke meŋ si Filisitinkoolu la maralilaalu niyo kuyaa.”
8 Dawuda ye a ñininkaa ko, “Ŋa muŋ ne ke? I ye muŋ sika le je nte i la dookuulaa la karoo la, kabiriŋ luŋo meŋ na n naata i yaa fo ka naa bula bii la? Muŋ ne ye a tinna, n te taa, ka ite m maarii mansa jawoolu kele?”
9 Akisi ye a jaabi ko, “Ŋa a loŋ ne ko, nte la karoo la i maŋ sika soto komeŋ Alla la malaayikoo. Hani wo ñaa-wo-ñaa, Filisitinkoolu la maralilaalu ko, i niŋ ì te taa ñoo la keledulaa to.” 10 Bituŋ wo to le, Akisi ko Dawuda ye ko, “Saama soomandaa ite niŋ moolu mennu bee ka dookuwo ke nuŋ Sawulu ye, ñanta wuli la juuna le, ali ye taa janniŋ fanoo ka ke.”
11 Dawuda niŋ a la kewolu wulita soomandaa juunoo ka muruŋ Filisitinkoolu la bankoo kaŋ. Bituŋ Filisitinkoolu taata fo Yesireeli.