Ruth Works in the Field of Boaz
1 Naomi had a relative named Boaz, a rich and influential man who belonged to the family of her husband Elimelech. 2 One day Ruth said to Naomi, “Let me go to the fields to gather the grain that the harvest workers leave. I am sure to find someone who will let me work with him.”
Naomi answered, “Go ahead, daughter.”
3 So Ruth went out to the fields and walked behind the workers, picking up the heads of grain which they left. It so happened that she was in a field that belonged to Boaz.
4 Some time later Boaz himself arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the workers. “The Lord be with you!” he said.
“The Lord bless you!” they answered.
5 Boaz asked the man in charge, “Who is that young woman?”
6 The man answered, “She is the foreigner who came back from Moab with Naomi. 7 She asked me to let her follow the workers and gather grain. She has been working since early morning and has just now stopped to rest for a while under the shelter.”
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8 Then Boaz said to Ruth, “Let me give you some advice. Don't gather grain anywhere except in this field. Work with the women here; 9 watch them to see where they are reaping and stay with them. I have ordered my men not to molest you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and drink from the water jars that they have filled.”
10 Ruth bowed down with her face touching the ground, and said to Boaz, “Why should you be so concerned about me? Why should you be so kind to a foreigner?”
11 Boaz answered, “I have heard about everything that you have done for your mother-in-law since your husband died. I know how you left your father and mother and your own country and how you came to live among a people you had never known before. 12 May the Lord reward you for what you have done. May you have a full reward from the Lord God of Israel, to whom you have come for protection!”
13 Ruth answered, “You are very kind to me, sir. You have made me feel better by speaking gently to me, even though I am not the equal of one of your servants.”
14 At mealtime Boaz said to Ruth, “Come and have a piece of bread, and dip it in the sauce.” So she sat with the workers, and Boaz passed some roasted grain to her. She ate until she was satisfied, and she still had some food left over. 15-16 After she had left to go and gather grain, Boaz ordered the workers, “Let her gather grain even where the bundles are lying, and don't say anything to stop her. Besides that, pull out some heads of grain from the bundles and leave them for her to pick up.”
17 So Ruth gathered grain in the field until evening, and when she had beaten it out, she found she had nearly twenty-five pounds. 18 She took the grain back into town and showed her mother-in-law how much she had gathered. She also gave her the food left over from the meal. 19 Naomi asked her, “Where did you gather all this grain today? Whose field have you been working in? May God bless the man who took an interest in you!”
So Ruth told Naomi that she had been working in a field belonging to a man named Boaz.
20 “May the Lord bless Boaz!” Naomi exclaimed. “The Lord always keeps his promises to the living and the dead.” And she went on, “That man is a close relative of ours, one of those responsible for taking care of us.”
21 Then Ruth said, “Best of all, he told me to keep gathering grain with his workers until they finish the harvest.”
22 Naomi said to Ruth, “Yes, daughter, it will be better for you to work with the women in Boaz' field. You might be molested if you went to someone else's field.” 23 So Ruth worked with them and gathered grain until all the barley and wheat had been harvested. And she continued to live with her mother-in-law.
Ruti niŋ Bowasi benta
1 Nawomi ye baadiŋo soto le a keemaa Elimeleki la karoo la, kee buuñaariŋ baa, meŋ too mu Bowasi ti. 2 Ruti Mowabinkoo ko Nawomi ye ko, “M batu, ŋa taa kunkoo to siimaŋ karaŋo la moo-wo-moo nooma meŋ ye balafaa soto n ye.” Nawomi ko a ye ko, “Taa, n dimmusoo.” 3 Wo le to a fintita banta ka taa karaŋ feefewo la kunkoo kono katirilaalu nooma. A naata ke, a dunta Bowasi la kunkoo kono, meŋ keta Elimeleki baadiŋo ti.
4 A maŋ mee, Bowasi faŋo futata ka bo Betilehemu. A ye a la katirilaalu kontoŋ ko, “Yaawe* ye tara ali fee!” Wolu fanaa ye a joo ko, “Allamaa Yaawe neema la i ma!” 5 Bowasi ye a la katirilaalu la kuntiyo ñininkaa, “Jumaa le la foromusundiŋ mu ñiŋ ti?” 6 Bituŋ katirilaalu la kuntiyo ñiŋ ye a jaabi ko, “Mowabinkoo le mu, meŋ niŋ Nawomi naata ñoo la ka bo Mowabi bankoo kaŋ. 7 Kabiriŋ a futata, a ko ǹ ye le ko, ‘Ali yamfa n ye, ŋa naa karaŋ feefewo la katirilaalu nooma.’ A dunta, a tarata dookuwo la kabiriŋ soomandaa fo saayiŋ, fo a ye foñondiŋo domandiŋ meŋ ke.”
8 Bowasi ko Ruti ye ko, “N dimmusoo, i lamoyi m ma. Kana taa karaŋ feefewo la kunku doo to, kana taa dulaa to jaŋ koolaa. Sabati jaŋ, i niŋ n na dookuulaa musoolu. 9 Kunkoo juubee, kewolu be katiroo la daameŋ to. Bituŋ i ye bula musoolu nooma. N ko n na dookuulaa kewolu ye le ko, ì kana i batandi. Kewolu ye jiibindaalu bii le, niŋ mindoo ye i muta, i si jiyo taa ì kono, i ye i miŋ.”
10 Bituŋ Ruti ñoyita bankoo to, a kunjimintoo diyaamuta ka a fo Bowasi ye ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna nte ye ñiŋ balafaa soto ite ñaato ka beteyaa m fee teŋ, nte mu luntaŋo ti ñaa-wo-ñaa?”
11 Bowasi ye a jaabi ko, “Ì ye a bee fo n ye le, i ye meŋ ke i bitammusu ye, kabiriŋ i keemaa la baŋo niŋ saayiŋ teema. I ye i baamaa niŋ i faamaa bula ñaameŋ, aniŋ i wuluubankoo ka naa sabati moolu kono, i maŋ mennu loŋ nuŋ. 12 I ye meŋ ke, Allamaa Yaawe ye i joo a la. Allamaa Yaawe ye i joo jooñaa senuŋ na, Banisirayilankoolu la Alla, i naata i faŋ karafa meŋ ma.”
13 A ko Bowasi ye ko, “M maarii, Allamaa i ye tenteŋ ka balafaa n ye. I ye n sabarindi, i diyaamuta n ye ñaameŋ, wo ye nte i la dookuulaa musoo niyo seewondi le, m maŋ tara i la dookuulaa musoolu la palaasoo to ñaa-wo-ñaa.”
14 Kabiriŋ domori waatoo siita, Bowasi ko a ye ko, “Naa jaŋ, i ye mbuuroo doo bula wayini* kumuŋo kono, i ye a domo.” Wo to le Ruti siita katirilaalu daala. Bowasi ye dempeteŋo fanaa dii a la, a ye a domo, fo a konoo faata, a ye too tu. 15 Kabiriŋ a wulita karaŋ feefewo la, Bowasi ye kaŋo dii a la dookuulaa kewolu la ko, “Hani niŋ a ye tombondiroo ke kunsitoolu le teema, ali kana feŋ-wo-feŋ fo a ye. 16 Ali si siimaŋ kaloo doolu joloŋ a ye faŋ, ka bo kunsitindiŋolu bala, ali ye ì bula a ye ì tomboŋ, aduŋ ali kana a malundi.”
17 Ruti ye karaŋ feefewo ke fo wulaaroo. A ye baali* siimaŋo meŋ kafu ñoo ma, a ye a toñonka, a taata kaañaŋ kilo taŋ ñoŋ ne fee. 18 A ye a duni ka muru suwo kono, a bitammusu ye a je, a ye meŋ kafu ñoo ma, aduŋ domori too meŋ fanaa tuta, a ye a samba naŋ ne, a ye a dii a la. 19 Bituŋ a bitammusu ko a ye ko, “I ye karaŋ feefewo ke mintoo le bii? I ye dookuwo ke mintoo le? Allamaa neema ke la ñiŋ kewo ye, meŋ ye i kalamuta.” Wo to le Ruti naata a fo a bitammusu ye, a ye dookuwo ke meŋ na dulaa to. A ko, “Ŋa dookuwo ke kewo meŋ na kunkoo to bii, a too mu Bowasi le ti.” 20 Nawomi ko a bitammusu ye ko, “Allamaa Yaawe neema la ñiŋ kewo ma. Yaawe maŋ i dahaa ka hiina a la moolu ma, mennu be baluuriŋ aniŋ mennu maŋ tara baluuriŋ.” Nawomi ko a ye kotenke ko, “Wo kewo mu m̀ baadiŋ sutuŋo le ti, ate fanaa mu moo le ti ǹ na niimoosaatalaalu* kono.”
21 Ruti Mowabinkoo ko a ye ko, “A ko n ye le faŋ ko, ‘I niŋ n na dookuulaalu ye tara ñoo kaŋ, fo janniŋ ì be n na siimaŋo bee baŋ na kati la.’ ” 22 Nawomi ko a bitammusu Ruti ye ko, “N diŋo, a be beteyaa la le, i niŋ a la dookuulaa musoolu kali taa, kaatu moo doolu si i batandi noo ì la kunkoo to le.”
23 Wo to le Ruti niŋ Bowasi la dookuulaa musoolu tarata karaŋ feefewo ke kaŋ fo sanjaanoo banta. Bituŋ a tuta sabatiriŋ a bitammusoo fee.