A Prayer for Justice
1 O Lord, my God, I come to you for protection;
rescue me and save me from all who pursue me,
2 or else like a lion they will carry me off
where no one can save me,
and there they will tear me to pieces.

3-4 O Lord, my God, if I have wronged anyone,
if I have betrayed a friend
or without cause done violence to my enemy
if I have done any of these things—
5 then let my enemies pursue me and catch me,
let them cut me down and kill me
and leave me lifeless on the ground!

6 Rise in your anger, O Lord!
Stand up against the fury of my enemies;
rouse yourself and help me!
Justice is what you demand,
7 so bring together all the peoples around you,
and rule over them from above.
8 You are the judge of all people.
Judge in my favor, O Lord;
you know that I am innocent.
9 You are a righteous God
and judge our thoughts and desires.
Stop the wickedness of evildoers
and reward those who are good.

10 God is my protector;
he saves those who obey him.
11 God is a righteous judge
and always condemns the wicked.
12 If they do not change their ways,
God will sharpen his sword.
He bends his bow and makes it ready;
13 he takes up his deadly weapons
and aims his burning arrows.

14 See how wicked people think up evil;
they plan trouble and practice deception.
15 But in the traps they set for others,
they themselves get caught.
16 So they are punished by their own evil
and are hurt by their own violence.

17 I thank the Lord for his justice;
I sing praises to the Lord, the Most High.
Tanka ñini duwaaraŋo
Dawuda la duwaa suukuumaa, a ye meŋ laa Yaawe* ye, Kusi la kuwo to, Benjamini lasiloo moo.
1 Hee Yaawe, n na Alla,
n ka tankoo ñini ite le bulu.
M bondi n toorandilaalu bulu,
i ye n kiisa ì ma.
2 Niŋ wo nte, ì jatamaalu si m faraŋ-faraŋ taariŋ,
ì ye n janjaŋ, moo te n tankandi noo la.

3 Hee Yaawe, n na Alla,
niŋ a ye a tara ŋa kuu le ke,
niŋ a ye a tara ŋa kuu tilimbaloo le taamandi,
4 niŋ a ye a tara ŋa n teerimaa joo kuu jawoo le la,
waraŋ ka n jawoo tiñaa, daliila te a la,
5 wo to Allamaa n jawoolu ye m bayindi,
ì ye m muta.
Allamaa ì ye n doriŋ-doriŋ bankoo to fo n siyo ye baŋ,
ì ye m furewo landi buutoo kono.
6 Hee Yaawe, wuli i la kamfaa kaŋ,
i ye loo n jawoolu kamma,
ì niŋ ì la jusukandoo.
N na Alla, maamaŋ.
Ite ye kiitiiteyi koyiriŋo le kaniŋ.
7 Banku moolu bee kafu ñoo ma i ñaatiliŋo la,
i ye tara marariŋ ì ma, ka bo Arijana kono.
8 Yaawe, ite le ka kiitiyo teyi moo bee ye.
Sembetii Baa, kiitiyo teyi n ye
ka n na boloo yitandi,
aniŋ n na sootaaribaliyaa.
9 Moo kuruŋolu la kuruŋyaa daŋ,
i ye moo tilindiŋolu londi ka bambaŋ.
Ite Alla tilinta le,
i ka moo-wo-moo la miiroo
niŋ a la hame kuwolu koroosi le.

10 Alla le mu n ye tankaraŋ koteeroo* ti,
a ka moolu kiisa le
tiliŋo be mennu sondomoo to.
11 Alla le mu kiitiiteyilaa tilindiŋo ti,
a ka tu a la kamfaa yitandi la le,
kuu jawoo kamma la.

12 Niŋ moo kuruŋolu maŋ tuubiseyi,
Alla be a la hawusaroo* diyaa la ì kamma le.
A be a la kalandiŋo ŋaaji la le ka a parendi.
13 A ye a la moofaa jooraŋolu parendi le,
ka paree bundiroo ke la a la kalabeñe dimbaamaalu la.
14 A juubee, moo kuruŋo ka kuu jawoo le fudi.
A ka tara konomaariŋ feere kuruŋo doroŋ ne la,
a ye naa jamfaa kuwo wuluu.
15 A ka jamfaa dinkoo le siŋ moo koteŋolu kamma,
bituŋ a faŋo ye naa boyi wo dinkoo kono.
16 A la feere kuruŋolu ka naa donko
a faŋo kuŋo le kaŋ.
A ka fitinoo meŋ kurukuru,
a be denkuŋ na a faŋo le kaŋ.

17 M be Yaawe tentu la a la tiliŋo kaŋ ne.
M be suukuwo laa la le
ka Yaawe jayi a too la,
Mansa Tallaa.