A Prayer for Protection
1 Hear my cry, O God;
listen to my prayer!
2 In despair and far from home
I call to you!

Take me to a safe refuge,
3 for you are my protector,
my strong defense against my enemies.

4 Let me live in your sanctuary all my life;
let me find safety under your wings.
5 You have heard my promises, O God,
and you have given me what belongs to those who honor you.

6 Add many years to the king's life;
let him live on and on!
7 May he rule forever in your presence, O God;
protect him with your constant love and faithfulness.

8 So I will always sing praises to you,
as I offer you daily what I have promised.
Duwaa, ka tankoo ñini Alla bulu
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: A si laa niŋ kontiŋolu la. Dawuda la Jabuuroo le mu.
1 Hee Alla, i lamoyi n kumboo kaŋo la.
N na duwaa moyi.
2 N ka i kumandi le ka bo fo duniyaa daŋo to,
tuma meŋ na n jikilateyita.
N samba tankaraŋ bere baa to,
meŋ jamfabaata n ti.
3 Bayiri ite le mu n tankandilaa ti,
i mu n ye tata bambandiŋo le ti
n jawoolu ñaato.
4 M be ñaaniriŋ i Batudulaa la le,
n na baluwo bee kono,
ka tara tankariŋ i la suturoo dampammaa koto.
5 Kaatu ite Alla ye nte la laahidoolu moyi le,
aduŋ i ye keetaafeŋo le dii n na,
i ka meŋ dii moolu la mennu ye i kuliyaa.

6 Allamaa i ye mansa ke siimaa ti.
Allamaa a la marali saŋolu tentendi la
jamaani naalaalu to.
7 Hee Alla, Allamaa a la maraloo noo ye tu i ñaa koto fo fawu.
Kaayaa a ye, ka i la kanu bambaloo
niŋ i la tiliŋo yitandi a la.
8 Wo kamma la m be suukuwolu laa la le
ka i jayi niŋ i too la fo abadaa,
aduŋ m be n na laahidoolu timmandi la le luŋ-wo-luŋ.