The Destiny of the Wicked and of the Good
1 Don't be worried on account of the wicked;
don't be jealous of those who do wrong.
2 They will soon disappear like grass that dries up;
they will die like plants that wither.

3 Trust in the Lord and do good;
live in the land and be safe.
4 Seek your happiness in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart's desire.

5 Give yourself to the Lord;
trust in him, and he will help you;
6 he will make your righteousness shine like the noonday sun.

7 Be patient and wait for the Lord to act;
don't be worried about those who prosper
or those who succeed in their evil plans.

8 Don't give in to worry or anger;
it only leads to trouble.
9 Those who trust in the Lord will possess the land,
but the wicked will be driven out.

10 Soon the wicked will disappear;
you may look for them, but you won't find them;
11 but the humble will possess the land
and enjoy prosperity and peace.

12 The wicked plot against good people
and glare at them with hate.
13 But the Lord laughs at wicked people,
because he knows they will soon be destroyed.

14 The wicked draw their swords and bend their bows
to kill the poor and needy,
to slaughter those who do what is right;
15 but they will be killed by their own swords,
and their bows will be smashed.

16 The little that a good person owns
is worth more than the wealth of all the wicked,
17 because the Lord will take away the strength of the wicked,
but protect those who are good.

18 The Lord takes care of those who obey him,
and the land will be theirs forever.
19 They will not suffer when times are bad;
they will have enough in time of famine.
20 But the wicked will die;
the enemies of the Lord will vanish like wild flowers;
they will disappear like smoke.

21 The wicked borrow and never pay back,
but good people are generous with their gifts.
22 Those who are blessed by the Lord will possess the land,
but those who are cursed by him will be driven out.

23 The Lord guides us in the way we should go
and protects those who please him.
24 If they fall, they will not stay down,
because the Lord will help them up.

25 I am old now; I have lived a long time,
but I have never seen good people abandoned by the Lord
or their children begging for food.
26 At all times they give freely and lend to others,
and their children are a blessing.

27 Turn away from evil and do good,
and your descendants will always live in the land;
28 for the Lord loves what is right
and does not abandon his faithful people.
He protects them forever,
but the descendants of the wicked will be driven out.
29 The righteous will possess the land
and live in it forever.

30 The words of good people are wise,
and they are always fair.
31 They keep the law of their God in their hearts
and never depart from it.

32 Wicked people watch good people
and try to kill them;
33 but the Lord will not abandon them to their enemy's power
or let them be condemned when they are on trial.

34 Put your hope in the Lord and obey his commands;
he will honor you by giving you the land,
and you will see the wicked driven out.

35 I once knew someone wicked who was a tyrant;
he towered over everyone like a cedar of Lebanon;
36 but later I passed by, and he wasn't there;
I looked for him, but couldn't find him.

37 Notice good people, observe the righteous;
peaceful people have descendants,
38 but sinners are completely destroyed,
and their descendants are wiped out.

39 The Lord saves the righteous
and protects them in times of trouble.
40 He helps them and rescues them;
he saves them from the wicked,
because they go to him for protection.
Muñoo niŋ dankeneyaa yaamaroo
Dawuda la Jabuuroo.
1 Kana diminnaa moo jawoolu la kuwo kamma la.
Kana ñaabo kuu kuruŋ kelaalu fee.
2 Sambii ì be yeemaŋ na komeŋ ñaamoo,
aduŋ ì be noro la le komeŋ fita juu kitiŋo.

3 Dankeneyaa Yaawe* la, i ye baara kuu betoo la,
fo i si baluu ñiŋ bankoo kaŋ tankoo kono.
4 Seewoo Yaawe la kuwo la,
aduŋ hame kuwolu mennu be i sondomoo to,
a be ì dii la i la le.

5 I faŋ seyi Yaawe ma,
i ye laa a la, aduŋ a be i maakoyi la le.
6 A be i la tiliŋo yitandi la le, a ye koyi lewu,
aniŋ i boloo, komeŋ tilikuntewo.

7 Muña Yaawe ye, i ye a batu.
Kana diminnaa moolu la kuwo la, mennu ka ñaatotaa soto,
mennu ka feere jawoolu taamandi,
aduŋ a ka ì wati.

8 Kamfaa bula, i ye i koo dii saŋaroo la.
Kana diminnaa,
wo ka kuu jawoo doroŋ ne saabu.
9 Kaatu moo kuruŋolu be wafati la ñiŋ bankoo kaŋ ne,
bari moolu mennu jikita Yaawe la,
wolu le be ñiŋ bankoo keetaa la.

10 Hani a te mee la, moo kuruŋolu be yeemaŋ na.
I si ì ñiniŋ, bari i te ì je la.
11 Bari fammajiilaalu le be bankoo keetaa la,
aduŋ ì be tara la seewooriŋ firiŋo le kono,
aniŋ kayira baa.

12 Moo jawoo ka feeroo siti moo tilindiŋo kamma le,
fo a ka i ñimmakiŋ a kamma.
13 Bari Maariyo ka jele moo jawoo la le,
kaatu a ye a je le ko,
sambii a la luŋo be sii la.

14 Moo jawoolu ka ì la hawusaroolu* buusi le,
ì ye ì la kalabeñoolu saba,
ka paree fuwaaroolu faa la,
aniŋ moo bataariŋolu,
aniŋ ka moolu kanateyi,
mennu ka taama tiliŋo la.
15 Bari ì la hawusaroolu be ì faŋolu jusoo le soo la,
aduŋ ì la kalabeñoolu be kati la le.

16 Moo tilindiŋolu ye domandiŋo meŋ soto,
wo le fisiyaata moo jawoolu la soto baa ti.
17 Kaatu Yaawe be moo jawoolu fankoo baŋ na le,
bari a be moo tilindiŋolu kanta la le.

18 Yaawe ka sootaaribaloolu le la baluu tiloo kanta,
aduŋ ì la keetaafeŋo be tu la le fo abadaa.
19 Ì te bula la maloo kono koleyaa waatoo la.
Konkoo waatoo la, ì konoo be faa la le.

20 Yaawe be moo kuruŋolu kasaara la le.
A jawoolu be ke la le komeŋ wulakono firoo,
ì be yeemaŋ na le komeŋ siisiyo.

21 Moo jawoo ka dontoroo ke le, aduŋ a buka a joo,
bari moo kendoo buloo warata sooroo to le.
22 Yaawe neemata mennu ma,
wolu le be a la laahidi bankoo keetaa la,
bari a ye mennu danka,
wolu be wafati la bankoo kaŋ ne.

23 Yaawe le ka moo kanda a taaraŋ siloo kaŋ,
aduŋ niŋ meŋ na kuwo ye a kontaani,
a ka a maarii tanka le.
24 Hani niŋ a takita, a te boyi la,
kaatu Yaawe le ye a buloo muta.

25 Kabiriŋ m be dindiŋ, fo saayiŋ n keebaayaata,
n nene maŋ a je Maariyo ye a koo dii moo tilindiŋo la,
waraŋ ka a diŋolu je domori daanoo la.
26 A ka sooroo ke kendeke le, aniŋ ka moolu donto,
aduŋ a diŋolu ka ke neema moolu le ti.

27 I bo kuu jawoo to, i ye kuu kendoo baara,
fo i si tu bankoo kaŋ fo abadaa.
28 Kaatu Yaawe ye tiliŋo le kanu,
aduŋ a te a koo dii la a la moo tilindiŋolu la.
A ka ì kanta le fo abadaa,
bari moo jawoolu koomalankoolu,
a be wolu wafati la bankoo kaŋ ne.
29 Moo tilindiŋolu le be bankoo keetaa la,
ì koomoo be tu la jee le fo abadaa.

30 Moo tilindiŋo daakumoo mu ñaameŋo le ti,
aduŋ a ka meŋ fo a neŋo la,
wo mu tiliŋo doroŋ ne ti.
31 A ka a Maarii Alla la karandiroo muta a sondomoo kono le,
aduŋ a buka a lamfee.

32 Moo jawoo ka tara moo kendoo koroosi kaŋ ne,
ka siloo ñini ka a faa.
33 Bari Yaawe te a tu la a ye a semboo taamandi a kaŋ,
waraŋ ka a bula ì ye a muta kiitiyo kono.

34 I lamoyi Yaawe ma, i ye taama a la siloo la,
aduŋ a be horomoo dii la i la le,
ka bankoo keetaa,
aduŋ i ñaa be moo jawoolu wafati luŋo je la le.

35 Ŋa moo jawoo je le, meŋ tilimbaliyaata,
aduŋ a ye buŋ ka jaŋ,
komeŋ Libanooni sedari* yiroo.
36 Bari ñaato, biriŋ m be tambi la, a te keriŋ kotenke,
ŋa a ñini ñaa-wo-ñaa, m maŋ a je noo.

37 Moo kendoo koroosi,
aduŋ i si moo tilindiŋo la kuwo hakilitu.
Jikoo be kayiramoo ye le.
38 Bari junubentuŋolu be kasaara la le fereŋ,
aduŋ moo jawoolu koomalankoolu be buruka la le.

39 Moo tilindiŋolu la tankoo ka bo Yaawe le bulu.
Ate le mu ì la semberaŋo ti, mantooroo waatoo la.
40 A ka ì maakoyi le ka ì bondi.
A ka ì bondi moo jawoolu bulu le, ka ì tankandi,
kaatu ì tarata semberiŋ ate le la.