In Praise of the Temple
1 Lord, do not forget David
and all the hardships he endured.
2 Remember, Lord, what he promised,
the vow he made to you, the Mighty God of Jacob:
3 “I will not go home or go to bed;
4 I will not rest or sleep,
5 until I provide a place for the Lord,
a home for the Mighty God of Jacob.”

6 In Bethlehem we heard about the Covenant Box,
and we found it in the fields of Jearim.
7 We said, “Let us go to the Lord's house;
let us worship before his throne.”

8 Come to the Temple, Lord, with the Covenant Box,
the symbol of your power,
and stay here forever.
9 May your priests do always what is right;
may your people shout for joy!

10 You made a promise to your servant David;
do not reject your chosen king, Lord.
11 You made a solemn promise to David—
a promise you will not take back:
“I will make one of your sons king,
and he will rule after you.
12 If your sons are true to my covenant
and to the commands I give them,
their sons, also, will succeed you for all time as kings.”

13 The Lord has chosen Zion;
he wants to make it his home:
14 “This is where I will live forever;
this is where I want to rule.
15 I will richly provide Zion with all she needs;
I will satisfy her poor with food.
16 I will bless her priests in all they do,
and her people will sing and shout for joy.
17 Here I will make one of David's descendants a great king;
here I will preserve the rule of my chosen king.
18 I will cover his enemies with shame,
but his kingdom will prosper and flourish.”
Mansa la kuwo duwaa
Moolu ka ñiŋ suukuwo le laa, niŋ ì be Alla Batudulaa Buŋo* waliŋ na.
1 Yaawe*, i hakiloo ye bula Dawuda la,
aniŋ a ye bataa kuwolu mennu bee muña.
2 I miira a ye laahidoo meŋ taa,
aniŋ a kalita ite Sembetii Baa ye ñaameŋ,
Yaakuba ka meŋ batu,
3 a ko, “N te duŋ na n na buŋo kono,
sako n si n laa n na laaraŋo kaŋ,
4 n te m faŋ bula la ka siinoo,
hani n ñaa, n te a biti la,
5 fo niŋ ŋa dulaa ñiniŋ Yaawe ye,
sabatidulaa, Sembetii Baa ye,
Yaakuba ka meŋ batu.”

6 A fele, ŋà Kambeŋ Kunewo* la kuwo moyi Efurata* le,
aduŋ n naata a tara Yaari kunkoolu le to.
7 Bituŋ ǹ ko,
“Ali ŋà taa Yaawe la sabatidulaa to.
Ali ŋà sujudi a siŋo koto.”

8 Yaawe, wuli, i ye duŋ i la sabatidulaa to,
i niŋ i la Kambeŋ Kunewo,
meŋ mu i la semboo misaaloo ti.
9 Allamaa tiliŋo dendikamaa ye tara dundiŋ i la piriisoolu* la,
aduŋ i la moo tilindiŋolu si wuuri seewoo kamma la.

10 I la laahidoo juubee Dawuda la kuwo kamma, i la dookuulaa,
kana i bo i la mansa tombondiŋo to.
11 Yaawe, i ye laahidi bambandiŋo le dii Dawuda la,
i te meŋ baayi la.
I ye ñiŋ ne fo a ye ko,
“M be i diŋo le ke la i noo to mansa ti,
meŋ be bo la i faŋo balajaatoo bala.
12 Niŋ i diŋolu ye n na kambeŋo muta,
aniŋ m be yaamaroolu mennu dii la ì la,
ì diŋolu fanaa be sii la i noo to le,
ka ke mansoolu ti fo abadaa.”

13 Baawo Yaawe ye Siyoni* le tomboŋ,
a la lafoo mu ñiŋ ne ti,
ka jee ke a yaa ti.
14 A ye ñiŋ ne fo ko,
“M be sabati la jaŋ ne fo abadaa,
m be tara la jaŋ ne, ŋa jaŋ ne lafi.
15 M be neema la Siyoni ma,
a suulafeŋolu bee le to.
M be konkoo bo la a la fuwaaroolu la le.
16 M be kiisoo dendikamaa le duŋ na a la piriisoolu la,
aduŋ a la moo tilindiŋolu be tu la wuuroo niŋ seewoo le la.

17 “M be Dawuda koomalankoolu semboo lafaakuu la jee le.
M be n na tomboŋ moo la mansayaa lampoo tu la malariŋ ne.
18 A jawoolu wo,
m be maloo dendikamaa le tu la dundiŋ ì la.
Bari ate la mansanaafoo be tu la malamala la a kuŋo to le.”