The Reward of Obedience to the Lord
1 Happy are those who obey the Lord,
who live by his commands.

2 Your work will provide for your needs;
you will be happy and prosperous.
3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine in your home,
and your children will be like young olive trees around your table.
4 A man who obeys the Lord
will surely be blessed like this.

5 May the Lord bless you from Zion!
May you see Jerusalem prosper
all the days of your life!
6 May you live to see your grandchildren!

Peace be with Israel!
Lannamoolu la neemoo
Moolu ka ñiŋ suukuwo le laa, niŋ ì be Alla Batudulaa Buŋo* waliŋ na.
1 Barakoo be moo le ye,
meŋ silata Yaawe* la,
meŋ ka taama a la siloo la.
2 I maarii ye meŋ dookuu i buloo la,
i be a tinewo domo la le.
I be seewoo la le,
aduŋ i be firiŋ na le.
3 I la musoo be ke la i la suwo kono le,
komeŋ yiri dinnaa baa.
I diŋolu be ke la i la domori miraŋo dandaŋo la le,
komeŋ yiri faliŋ kutoolu.
4 Tooñaa, moo meŋ silata Yaawe la,
a be neema la a ma teŋ ne.

5 Allamaa Yaawe neema la i ma ka bo Siyoni*.
Allamaa i ñaa ye Yerusalaamu la firiŋo je,
i baluu tiloo bee la.
6 Allamaa i ye i diŋolu diŋolu je.
Kayiroo ye tara Banisirayila fee.