The Rewards of Wisdom
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
1 My child, learn what I teach you and never forget what I tell you to do. 2 Listen to what is wise and try to understand it. 3 Yes, beg for knowledge; plead for insight. 4 Look for it as hard as you would for silver or some hidden treasure. 5 If you do, you will know what it means to fear the Lord and you will succeed in learning about God. 6 It is the Lord who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding. 7 He provides help and protection for those who are righteous and honest. 8 He protects those who treat others fairly, and guards those who are devoted to him.
9 If you listen to me, you will know what is right, just, and fair. You will know what you should do. 10 You will become wise, and your knowledge will give you pleasure. 11 Your insight and understanding will protect you 12 and prevent you from doing the wrong thing. They will keep you away from people who stir up trouble by what they say— 13 those who have abandoned a righteous life to live in the darkness of sin, 14 those who find pleasure in doing wrong and who enjoy senseless evil, 15 unreliable people who cannot be trusted.
16 You will be able to resist any immoral woman who tries to seduce you with her smooth talk, 17 who is faithless to her own husband and forgets her sacred vows. 18 If you go to her house, you are traveling the road to death. To go there is to approach the world of the dead. 19 No one who visits her ever comes back. He never returns to the road to life. 20 So you must follow the example of good people and live a righteous life. 21 Righteous people—people of integrity—will live in this land of ours. 22 But God will snatch the wicked from the land and pull sinners out of it like plants from the ground.
Ñaameŋo la jooroo
1 N diŋo, niŋ i sonta n na kumoolu la,
i ye n na yaamaroolu tu i kono,
2 ka i tuloo tu ñaameŋo la kuwo to,
i ye i hakiloo tu fo i si fahaamuroo ke,
3 niŋ i hameta kuwo kesoo soto la,
ka i kaŋo sikandi ka fahaamuroo ñini,
4 niŋ i ye a ñini, komeŋ i ka kodiforoo ñini ñaameŋ,
niŋ i ye a muta, komeŋ i ka naafuloo muta ñaameŋ,
5 wo to i be Yaawe* ñaasilaŋo kalamuta la le,
i be Alla loŋ na le.
6 Kaatu Yaawe le ka moo so ñaameŋo la,
londoo niŋ fahaamuroo bee ka bo ate le bulu.
7 A ka ñaatotaa dii moo tilindiŋolu le la,
a ka ke tankaraŋo ti moo kendoolu ye.
8 Kaatu a ka moo tilindiŋolu la siloolu kanta le,
aduŋ a ka tankandiri ke a la tooñaa moolu la.
9 Wo to i be sila betoolu loŋ na le,
mennu tilinta, ì soobeeyaata, aniŋ ì foroyaata.
10 Kaatu ñaameŋo be duŋ na i sondomoo kono le,
aduŋ londoo be diyaa la i ye le.
11 Kekuu loŋo le be i tankandi la,
fahaamuroo fanaa be i kanta la le.
12 Ñaameŋo le be i tankandi la moo kuruŋolu la siloolu ma,
ka bo moolu bulu mennu la kumoo buka ke tooñaa ti,
13 mennu ka i koo dii sila tilindiŋolu la,
ka tara diboo le kono,
14 kuu jawu kewo ka mennu kontaani,
aniŋ mennu ka seewoo, niŋ kuu kuruŋo be keriŋ,
15 mennu la siloolu be jenkeriŋ,
aniŋ mennu buka sila kende taama.
16 A be i tankandi la musu jeenelaa ma le,
aniŋ musu tulunnaa, meŋ na kumoo ka neeneeroo ke.
17 A ye a fansuŋ kee bula jee le,
a ye a ñaa kaasi ì la futuu kambeŋo la,
a ye meŋ ke Alla ñaatiliŋo la.
18 Kaatu a la buŋo mu saayaa dinkiraa le ti,
a la siloolu ka moo samba fureeduu.
19 Moolu mennu ka taa a yaa,
buka muruŋ kotenke ka baluu.
20 Wo kamma la, taama niŋ moo kendoolu la siloo la,
aduŋ i ye bula moo tilindiŋolu nooma.
21 Kaatu moo tilindiŋolu be sabati la laahidi bankoo kaŋ ne,
mennu maŋ sootaari soto fanaa si tara jee.
22 Bari moo kuruŋolu be wafati la le ka bo ñiŋ bankoo kaŋ,
aduŋ ì be tilimbaloolu fintindi la jee le.