Christ's Humility and Greatness
Romans 12v5
1 Your life in Christ makes you strong, and his love comforts you. You have fellowship with the Spirit, and you have kindness and compassion for one another. 2 I urge you, then, to make me completely happy by having the same thoughts, sharing the same love, and being one in soul and mind. 3 Don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves. 4 And look out for one another's interests, not just for your own. 5 The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had:
6 He always had the nature of God,
but he did not think that by force he should try to remain equal with God.
7 Instead of this, of his own free will he gave up all he had,
and took the nature of a servant.
He became like a human being
and appeared in human likeness.
8 He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death—
his death on the cross.
9 For this reason God raised him to the highest place above
and gave him the name that is greater than any other name.
10 And so, in honor of the name of Jesus
all beings in heaven, on earth, and in the world below
will fall on their knees,
11 and all will openly proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Shining as Lights in the World
12 So then, dear friends, as you always obeyed me when I was with you, it is even more important that you obey me now while I am away from you. Keep on working with fear and trembling to complete your salvation, 13 because God is always at work in you to make you willing and able to obey his own purpose.
14 Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15 so that you may be innocent and pure as God's perfect children, who live in a world of corrupt and sinful people. You must shine among them like stars lighting up the sky, 16 as you offer them the message of life. If you do so, I shall have reason to be proud of you on the Day of Christ, because it will show that all my effort and work have not been wasted.
17 Perhaps my life's blood is to be poured out like an offering on the sacrifice that your faith offers to God. If that is so, I am glad and share my joy with you all. 18 In the same way, you too must be glad and share your joy with me.
Timothy and Epaphroditus
19 If it is the Lord's will, I hope that I will be able to send Timothy to you soon, so that I may be encouraged by news about you. 20 He is the only one who shares my feelings and who really cares about you. 21 Everyone else is concerned only with their own affairs, not with the cause of Jesus Christ. 22 And you yourselves know how he has proved his worth, how he and I, like a son and his father, have worked together for the sake of the gospel. 23 So I hope to send him to you as soon as I know how things are going to turn out for me. 24 And I trust in the Lord that I myself will be able to come to you soon.
25 I have thought it necessary to send to you our brother Epaphroditus, who has worked and fought by my side and who has served as your messenger in helping me. 26 He is anxious to see you all and is very upset because you had heard that he was sick. 27 Indeed he was sick and almost died. But God had pity on him, and not only on him but on me, too, and spared me an even greater sorrow. 28 I am all the more eager, then, to send him to you, so that you will be glad again when you see him, and my own sorrow will disappear. 29 Receive him, then, with joy, as a believer in the Lord. Show respect to all such people as he, 30 because he risked his life and nearly died for the sake of the work of Christ, in order to give me the help that you yourselves could not give.
Kiristu la fammajiyo niŋ a la waroo
1 Fo ali maŋ wakiilindiroo soto Kiristu* kono, aniŋ sabarindiroo ka bo niŋ a la kanoo la? Fo ali maŋ kafuñooyaa soto ka bo niŋ Noora Kuliŋo la? Fo ali maŋ mooyaa niŋ balafaa soto ñoo ye? 2 Baawo ali ye wolu soto le, ali n na seewoo timmandi niŋ hame kiliŋo sotoo la, ali ye kanu kiliŋ ne soto. Ali soŋ ñoo ma, ali ye ke ŋaniya kiliŋ ti, aniŋ hakili kiliŋ. 3 Ali kana feŋ ke ali fansuŋ nafaa kamma, waraŋ ka horomoo ñini ali faŋo ye, bari ali baadiŋ Yeesu noomalankoolu muta fammajiyo niŋ horomoo kono ka tambi ali faŋolu la. 4 Ali meŋ-wo-meŋ kana a la kuŋ kiliŋ nafaa doroŋ juubee, bari a si doolu fanaa taa juubee.
5 Ali daajikoolu ñanta ke la le ko Kiristu Yeesu daajikoo be ñaameŋ:
6 Ate ye Alla mankutoo soto ñaa-wo-ñaa,
bari a maŋ wo muta a la ñantoo ti,
ka a faŋo niŋ Alla kaañandi.
7 A maŋ a faŋ muta feŋ ti,
a ye a fammajii ka ke joŋo ti,
a naata wuluu niŋ hadamadiŋ muluŋo la.
Duniyaa moolu ye a je a la hadamadiŋyaa kono le,
8 a ye a fammajii yaamarimutoo la ñaameŋ.
A maŋ balaŋ ka faa,
bari a sonta le ka hani faa yiribantambiloo bala.
9 Wo kamma la, Alla ye ate le la kuwo warandi,
ka mansasiiraŋo dii a la feŋolu bee kunto.
A ye too meŋ dii ate la
wo la horomoo maŋ ñoŋo soto.
10 Wo le ye a tinna ka bo niŋ Yeesu too la,
niilamaa feŋolu bee be ñoyi la a ñaatiliŋo la le,
mennu be Arijana kono,
duniyaa kono jaŋ,
waraŋ bankoo kono duuma.
11 Ì neŋolu kiliŋ-kiliŋ naa be a seedeyaa la le ko,
Yeesu Kiristu le mu Maariyo ti,
ka horomoo dii Alla la, m̀ Faamaa.
Ka ke looloolu ti ñiŋ duniyaa dibiriŋo kono
12 N kanuntewolu, biriŋ n tarata ali fee, ali ye n na yaamaroolu muta ali bulu fuloo le la. Saayiŋ, bayiri m be jamfariŋ ali la le, wo yaamarimutoo kummaayaata baake le. Wo to ali katoo bee ke, ali niŋ silaŋo niŋ jarajaroo, fo ali si ali la kiisa timmariŋo soto. 13 Kaatu Alla meŋ be dookuwo la alitolu kono, ate le be ali la hamoo niŋ kebaaroolu taamandi la, fo kuwolu si ke ko a la hame betoo be ñaameŋ.
14 Ali kana feŋ ke ŋunuŋunoo kono, waraŋ ñoo soosoo, 15 bari ali si seneyaa fo moo kana ali tuumi noo feŋ na. Ali ye ke Alla la dindiŋolu ti sootaaribaliyaa kono ñiŋ jamaani jawoo niŋ jamaani jenkeriŋo kono. Ali si mala ko looloolu ñiŋ duniyaa kono, 16 niŋ ali ye baluwo kumoo muta. Wo to le, Kiristu la naa luŋo la, m be kibiri noo la ali la kuwo to ko, n na boroo niŋ dookuwo ali ye, wolu maŋ ke kenseŋ ti. 17 Ali la lannoo keta le ko jani sadaa*, ŋa meŋ dii Alla la. Hani niŋ a ye a tara, nte yeloo le be boŋ na wo kaŋ miŋ feŋ sadaa ti, wo be ke la nte ye jusulaa le ti, aniŋ seewoo n niŋ ali bee ye. 18 Wo ñaa kiliŋo la, alitolu fanaa si jusulaa, ali niŋ nte bee ye seewoo.
Timoti niŋ Epaforoditus
19 Ŋa ñiŋ jikoo soto Maarii Yeesu kono le ko, a te mee la, m be Timoti kii la naŋ ali kaŋ, fo niŋ a muruta naŋ, n si jusulaa soto ka bo niŋ kibaaroolu la alitolu la kuwo to. 20 Nte maŋ moo-wo-moo soto, meŋ ye ñiŋ ñoŋ ŋaniya kendoo soto ali la kuwo to ko ate. 21 Wo doolu bee ka ì fansuŋ nafaa le ñini, ì buka Yeesu Kiristu la nafaa ñini. 22 Alitolu ye a loŋ ne kendeke ko, Timoti ye a faŋo la kuwo yitandi le. A tarata m maakoyi kaŋ n na dookuwo kono kibaari betoo ye le ko dindiŋo ka a faamaa maakoyi ñaameŋ. 23 Wo kamma la, n lafita le ka a kii naŋ ali kaŋ, bari foloo-foloo, n ñanta a loŋ na le, n na kuwolu be laa la ñaameŋ. 24 Aduŋ ŋa ñiŋ dankeneyaa soto Maariyo kono le ko, a te mee la, m faŋo be naa la.
25 Bari ŋa a miira, a kummaayaata le ka m̀ baadiŋo* Epaforoditus murundi ali kaŋ. Ate fanaa mu n dookuuñoo le ti, aniŋ m mooñoo kelediŋo. A mu ali la kiilaa le ti fanaa, ali ye meŋ kii ka n na suulakuwolu topatoo. 26 Ali la kuwo ye a meeyaa le waati jaŋ, aduŋ a niyo toorata le, kaatu a naata a loŋ ne ko, ali ye a la kuuraŋo kibaaroo moyi le. 27 Tooñaa, a kuuranta nuŋ baake le, fo a be naa faa la. Bari Alla ye balafaa soto a ye le, aduŋ wo maŋ ke ate dammaa ye, kaatu niŋ wo nte, a la kuwo be nte la sunoo kafu la le.
28 Wo kamma la, m be hameriŋ baake le ka a murundi naŋ ali kaŋ, fo niŋ ali ye a je kotenke, ali si seewoo, aduŋ n na niitooroo si talaa. 29 Wo to, ali si a jiyaa niŋ seewoo baa la, Maariyo kono. Aduŋ ali si a ñoŋ moo siifaalu horoma, 30 kaatu domandiŋ, a si faa Kiristu la dookuwo kamma la. A ye a niyo le laa fo a si wo maakoyiroo timmandi n ye, alitolu faŋolu maŋ meŋ ke noo.