The Cities Assigned to the Levites
1 In the plains of Moab across the Jordan from Jericho the Lord said to Moses, 2 “Tell the Israelites that from the property they receive they must give the Levites some cities to live in and pasture land around the cities. 3 These cities will belong to the Levites, and they will live there. The pasture land will be for their cattle and all their other animals. 4 The pasture land is to extend outward from the city walls five hundred yards in each direction, 5 so that there is a square area measuring one thousand yards on each side, with the city in the middle. 6 You are to give the Levites six cities of refuge to which any of you can escape if you kill someone accidentally. In addition, give them forty-two other cities 7 with their pasture land, making a total of forty-eight. 8 The number of Levite cities in each tribe is to be determined according to the size of its territory.”
The Cities of Refuge
(Deuteronomy 19.1-13Joshua 20.1-9)
9 The Lord told Moses 10 to say to the people of Israel: “When you cross the Jordan River and enter the land of Canaan, 11 you are to choose cities of refuge to which any of you can escape if you kill someone accidentally. 12 There you will be safe from the dead person's relative who seeks revenge. No one accused of manslaughter is to be put to death without a public trial. 13 Choose six cities, 14 three east of the Jordan and three in the land of Canaan. 15 These will serve as cities of refuge for Israelites and for foreigners who are temporary or permanent residents. Anyone who kills someone accidentally can escape to one of them.
16-18 “If, however, any of you use a weapon of iron or stone or wood to kill someone, you are guilty of murder and are to be put to death. 19 The dead person's nearest relative has the responsibility for putting the murderer to death. When he finds you, he is to kill you.
20 “If you hate someone and kill him by pushing him down or by throwing something at him 21 or by striking him with your fist, you are guilty of murder and are to be put to death. The dead person's nearest relative has the responsibility for putting the murderer to death. When he finds you, he is to kill you.
22 “But suppose you accidentally kill someone you do not hate, whether by pushing him down or by throwing something at him. 23 Or suppose that, without looking, you throw a stone that kills someone whom you did not intend to hurt and who was not your enemy. 24 In such cases the community shall judge in your favor and not in favor of the dead person's relative who is seeking revenge. 25 You are guilty only of manslaughter, and the community is to rescue you from the dead person's relative, and they are to return you to the city of refuge to which you had escaped. You must live there until the death of the man who is then High Priest. 26 If you leave the city of refuge to which you have escaped 27 and if the dead person's relative finds you and kills you, this act of revenge is not murder. 28 Any of you guilty of manslaughter must remain in the city of refuge until the death of the High Priest, but after that you may return home. 29 These rules apply to you and your descendants wherever you may live.
30 “Those accused of murder may be found guilty and put to death only on the evidence of two or more witnesses; the evidence of one witness is not sufficient to support an accusation of murder. 31 Murderers must be put to death. They cannot escape this penalty by the payment of money. 32 If they have fled to a city of refuge, do not allow them to make a payment in order to return home before the death of the High Priest. 33 If you did this, you would defile the land where you are living. Murder defiles the land, and except by the death of the murderer there is no way to perform the ritual of purification for the land where someone has been murdered. 34 Do not defile the land where you are living, because I am the Lord and I live among the people of Israel.”
Lewi lasiloo moolu la saatewolu
1 Yaawe* diyaamuta Musa ye, Mowabi kene fanuŋo to, Yoridani Boloŋo daala, Yeriko be a ye a kankuŋ doo la:
2 Banisirayilankoolu yaamari ì ye saatewolu dii, ka bo ì la keetaafeŋo to meŋ be ì bulu, ka ì dii Lewi lasiloo moolu la ka sabati ì kono. Ali si beeyaŋ daañini dulaalu fanaa dii ì la, ñiŋ saatewolu dandaŋolu la. 3 I si a je ì si saatewolu soto ì be sabati la daameŋ, aniŋ daañini dulaalu ì la ninsoolu ye, baalu, saajiyolu aniŋ beeyaŋ koteŋolu.
4 Ali ye beeyaŋ daañini dulaalu mennu dii Lewi lasiloo moolu la saatewolu daala, ì be fanundi la le fo simfaañaa wuli kiliŋ keme luulu, ka bo saatee sansaŋo karoo bee la. 5 Saatewo banta la, ali simfaañaa wuli saba sumaŋ tilibo kara maafaŋo la, ali ye simfaañaa wuli saba sumaŋ tilijii kara maafaŋo la, ali ye simfaañaa wuli saba sumaŋ bulubaa kara maafaŋo la, ali ye simfaañaa wuli saba sumaŋ maraa kara maafaŋo la, saatewo ye tara teema. Ñiŋ kenoo si ke saatewolu ye beeyaŋ daañini dulaa ti.
6 Ali ye saatee wooro mennu dii Lewi lasiloo moolu la, wolu le be ke la tankañini dulaa saatewolu ti moo ye, meŋ ye moo faa lañinoo kono, a si bori noo, a ye taa jee. Ali saatee taŋ naani niŋ fula fanaa lafaa ì ye ñiŋ saatewolu kaŋ. 7 A bee kafoo ñoo ma, ali ñanta saatee taŋ naani niŋ seyi le dii la Lewi lasiloo moolu la, ì niŋ ì beeyaŋ daañini dulaalu. 8 Ali be saatewolu mennu dii la Lewi lasiloo moolu la ka bo Banisirayilankoolu niyo to, ali si jamaa bondi lasili baalu taa to, ali ye domandiŋo bondi lasilindiŋolu taa to. Ko ì kiliŋ-wo-kiliŋ na sotoo be keetaafeŋolu to ñaameŋ, ali ñanta ì la saatewolu dii la Lewi lasiloo moolu la wo le ñaama.
Tankañini dulaa saatewolu
(5 Musa 19:1-13Yosuwa 20:1-9)
9 Bituŋ Yaawe diyaamuta Musa ye, 10 ka a fo Banisirayilankoolu ye ko:
Niŋ ali teyita Yoridani Boloŋo la ka duŋ Kanaani bankoo kaŋ, 11 ali saatewo doolu tomboŋ, wolu ye ke tankañini dulaa saatewolu ti moo ye, meŋ ye moo faa lañinoo kono, a si bori ka taa jee. 12 Saatewolu ñinnu si ke tankañini dulaa ti, ka tanka julujoolaa ma, i si a je meŋ ye faaroo ke, a te faa la fo niŋ kiitiyo keta jamaa moolu bee ñaatiliŋo la. 13 Ali be ñiŋ saatee wooroo meŋ dii la teŋ, wolu le be ke la ali ye tankañini dulaa ti. 14 Ali saatee saba dii ka bo Yoridani Boloŋo ñiŋ kankuŋo la, ali ye saba dii ka bo Kanaani, ka ke tankañini dulaa ti. 15 Ñiŋ saatee wooroo be ke la tankañini dulaa saatewolu le ti alitolu Banisirayilankoolu ye, ali niŋ luntaŋolu, aniŋ tumarankewolu mennu be sabatiriŋ ali fee. I si a je niŋ moo ye moo faa lañinoo kono, a si bori ka taa jee.
16 Niŋ moo meŋ ye a ñoŋ moo lipa newo la, a faata, a maarii mu moofaalaa le ti, a ñanta le ka faa. 17 Niŋ beroo tarata moo bulu meŋ si moo faa noo, a ye moo lipa a la, a faata, a mu moofaalaa le ti, a ñanta le ka faa. 18 Niŋ dokoo tarata moo bulu meŋ si moo faa noo, a ye moo lipa a la, a faata, a mu moofaalaa le ti, a ñanta le ka faa. 19 Furewo ñiŋ baadiŋ sutuŋo meŋ be a la juloo joo la, ñanta faarilaa ñiŋ faa la le. Niŋ a niŋ a benta, a ñanta a faa la le. 20 Niŋ meŋ fanaa ye a ñoŋ moo ñori konnanteeyaa kono, waraŋ a tawuta a ye moo buŋ feŋ na, wo naata wo maarii faa, a fanaa mu moofaalaa le ti. 21 Niŋ moo ye moo junku, jawuyaa kamma fo a faata a bulu, a fanaa ñanta le ka faa, moofaalaa le mu. Furewo la julujoolaa ñanta ñiŋ faarilaa fanaa faa la le, niŋ a niŋ a benta.
22 A si ke noo moo ye moo ñori, a maŋ ke jawuyaa kaŋ ti, waraŋ a ye feŋ fayi a kaŋ lañinoo kono, 23 waraŋ beroo ye tara moo bulu meŋ si moo faa noo, a ye joloŋ a bulu, a maŋ ke tawoo kaŋ ti, a ye moo faa, bari a ye a tara a maŋ a je, aduŋ jawuyaa kuu fanaa te ì teema. 24 Niŋ wo keta, jamaa moolu si kiitiyo teyi faarilaa ñiŋ niŋ julujoolaa teema, ko ñiŋ luwaa be laariŋ ñaameŋ. 25 Jamaa moolu le ñanta ñiŋ faarilaa kanandi la julujoolaa ma. Bituŋ ì ye a murundi tankañini dulaa saatewo to, a kanata ka taa daameŋ. Moofaalaa ñiŋ si tara jee fo niŋ piriisi* kuntiyo faata, ì ye meŋ toloo niŋ tulu* senuŋo la.
26 Moofaalaa ñiŋ, a maŋ ñaŋ na finti la saatewo ye banta la, a borita daameŋ ka tankoo ñini. 27 Niŋ julujoolaa ye a tara saatewo banta la, a ye a faa, kiitii te a kunna moofaa la kuwo to. 28 Kaatu moofaalaa ñiŋ ñanta sabati la tankañini dulaa saatewo ñiŋ kono le fo niŋ piriisi kuntiyo faata. Niŋ piriisi kuntiyo ñiŋ faata, a si muru noo a yaa le.
29 Ñiŋ be ke la luwaa looriŋo le ti ali ye, jamaani naalaalu bee la, ali be sabatiriŋ daa-wo-daa to.
30 Niŋ moo-wo-moo ye moo faa, a maarii ñanta faa la le ko moofaalaa, niŋ seedoolu sotota a la. Bari faarilaa ñiŋ te faa noo la seede kiliŋo la seedeyaaroo kaŋ.
31 Ali kana kumakaari kodoo muta, ka moofaalaa niyo tankandi meŋ ñanta ka faa. Ñiŋ maarii ñanta faa la le.
32 Ali kana kumakaari kodoo muta, moo la kuwo to meŋ borita ka taa tankoo ñini tankañini dulaa saatewo to, ka a bula a ye muru ka tara sabatiriŋ a yaa janniŋ piriisi kuntiyo be faa la.
33 Ali kana bankoo kosondi, ali be sabatiriŋ meŋ kaŋ. Moofaa ka a kosondi le. Feŋ te wo junuboo kafari noo la bankoo kaŋ fo faarilaa fanaa yeloo ye boŋ. Wo dammaa le be bankoo seneyandi la. 34 Ali kana bankoo nondi ali be sabatiriŋ meŋ kaŋ, nte faŋo la sabatidulaa. Nte Yaawe faŋo le be sabatiriŋ alitolu Banisirayilankoolu fee.