Israel's Moral Corruption
1 It's hopeless! I am like a hungry person who finds no fruit left on the trees and no grapes on the vines. All the grapes and all the tasty figs have been picked. 2 There is not an honest person left in the land, no one loyal to God. Everyone is waiting for a chance to commit murder. Everyone hunts down their own people. 3 They are all experts at doing evil. Officials and judges ask for bribes. The influential people tell them what they want, and so they scheme together. 4 Even the best and most honest of them are as worthless as weeds.
The day has come when God will punish the people, as he warned them through their watchmen, the prophets. Now they are in confusion. 5 Don't believe your neighbor or trust your friend. Be careful what you say even to your husband or wife. 6 In these times sons treat their fathers like fools, daughters oppose their mothers, and young women quarrel with their mothers-in-law; your enemies are the members of your own family.
7 But I will watch for the Lord; I will wait confidently for God, who will save me. My God will hear me.
The Lord Brings Salvation
8 Our enemies have no reason to gloat over us. We have fallen, but we will rise again. We are in darkness now, but the Lord will give us light. 9 We have sinned against the Lord, so now we must endure his anger for a while. But in the end he will defend us and right the wrongs that have been done to us. He will bring us out to the light; we will live to see him save us. 10 Then our enemies will see this and be disgraced—the same enemies who taunted us by asking, “Where is the Lord your God?” We will see them defeated, trampled down like mud in the streets.
11 People of Jerusalem, the time to rebuild the city walls is coming. At that time your territory will be enlarged. 12 Your people will return to you from everywhere—from Assyria in the east, from Egypt in the south, from the region of the Euphrates River, from distant seas and far-off mountains. 13 But the earth will become a desert because of the wickedness of those who live on it.
The Lord's Compassion on Israel
14 Be a shepherd to your people, Lord, the people you have chosen. Although they live apart in the wilderness, there is fertile land around them. Let them go and feed in the rich pastures of Bashan and Gilead, as they did long ago.
15 Work miracles for us, Lord, as you did in the days when you brought us out of Egypt. 16 The nations will see this and be frustrated in spite of all their strength. In dismay they will close their mouths and cover their ears. 17 They will crawl in the dust like snakes; they will come from their fortresses, trembling and afraid. They will turn in fear to the Lord our God.
18 There is no other god like you, O Lord; you forgive the sins of your people who have survived. You do not stay angry forever, but you take pleasure in showing us your constant love. 19 You will be merciful to us once again. You will trample our sins underfoot and send them to the bottom of the sea! 20 You will show your faithfulness and constant love to your people, the descendants of Abraham and of Jacob, as you promised our ancestors long ago.
Annabiyomoo woosiita Banisirayila la jenkoo la
1 Nte la kuwo be balafaa le daa to!
N na kuwo ka muluŋ ne ko moo meŋ,
a be lafiriŋ yiridiŋ katoo la,
a be lafiriŋ wayini* karaŋo la wayini kankaŋo to,
bari hani feŋ maŋ tu jee,
a be meŋ faŋo domo la,
sooto kumfoloolu to hani feŋ te jee,
a si lafi meŋ na.
2 Alla ñaasilaŋ moolu bee banta bankoo kaŋ,
hani moo tilindiŋ kiliŋ maŋ tu.
Moo bee be hameriŋ ka yeloo boŋ,
ka jawuyaa wereŋo laa hani ì faŋo baadiŋolu kamma.
3 Ì ka kuu kuruŋo baara ì bulu jinsoolu la le,
aduŋ ì kalanta wo la le.
Maralilaalu ka feŋolu kaniŋ moolu bulu,
kiitiikuntulaalu ka dukoo muta moolu bulu,
sembetiyolu ka kaŋo dii ka kuwo laa,
ko itolu lafita a la ñaameŋ.
Ì ka deŋ teŋ ne ka tooñaa nakari.
4 Ì kono kendoolu be le ko ŋaniŋ biroo,
ì kono tilindiŋolu be ko ŋaniŋ sutoo.
Luŋo naata le,
ì la annabiyomoolu ka luŋo meŋ fo ì ye.
Alla la jaraboo le be naa ì kaŋ,
ì la dewuŋ waatoo, wo le siita.

5 Ali kana laa siiñoo la,
ali kana jiki kafuñoo la,
hani ali faŋo futuumusoo,
ali a loŋ ali be meŋ fo la a ye.
6 Dinkewo si malubaliyaa a faa la,
dimmusoo ye i loo a baa fee,
bitammusoo ye i loo a keemaa baa fee.
Ali jawoolu mu ali faŋolu bunkononkañoolu le ti.

7 Bari nte wo de,
n ñaa be tara la looriŋ Yaawe* le kaŋ,
m be ate le batu la ka n kiisa,
aduŋ n na Alla be n na kumoo moyi la le.
Alla la moolu ye i tuubiseyi ka ì jikoo loo a kaŋ
8 Jawoolu,
ali kana kontaani ka ǹ je bataa kono.
M̀ boyita ñaa-wo-ñaa piram,
m̀ be wuli la le kotenke.
M̀ be diboo kono ñaa-wo-ñaa,
Yaawe le be ke la ǹ ye maloo ti.
9 Ŋà junube kuwo le ke a la,
wo kamma la m̀ be muña la a la kamfaa la ǹ kamma le,
fo janniŋ a be loo la ǹ na kuwo la,
a ye ǹ na kuwo tooñaa londi.
A be m̀ fintindi la diboo kono le,
ka ǹ dundi maloo kono,
m̀ be a la makatibayoo je la le.
10 Jawoolu ñaa be boyi la ñiŋ kaŋ ne,
aduŋ ì si malu,
itolu mennu ka ǹ ñaawali ko,
“Ali la Alla Yaawe, a lee?”
Ǹ ñaa be boyi la ì la kooroo kaŋ ne,
aduŋ a si ke ǹ ñaa la jaŋ,
ko mbeedikaŋ buutoo,
dori-dori laaloo.
Banisirayila be seyi la a ñaama le
11 Ali la saatee tata sansaŋolu loo luŋo be naa le,
aniŋ ali la naanewolu lafaa luŋo.
12 Wo luŋo la,
moolu be ali waliŋ na le
ka bo Asiriya aniŋ Misira saatewolu to,
ka bo biriŋ Misira ka taa fo Yufurati Boloŋo to,
ka bo biriŋ fankaasi fo fankaasi,
aniŋ ka bo biriŋ konko fo konko.
13 Bari duniyaa banku koteŋolu si tumbuŋ
jee siilaalu la baara kuwo kamma la,
ì la baaroo joo be ke la wo le ti.
Duwaa niŋ tenturoo
14 Hee Yaawe,
i la moolu kanta niŋ i la taamaraŋ dokoo la,
ko kantarilaa ka a la saajiyolu daañini ñaameŋ.
Itolu mu i taa le ti.
Ì daala be faariŋ banku kendoo la,
bari ì be siiriŋ ì faŋ ye wuloo kono.
I bula ì ye i daañini Basani aniŋ Kileyadi,
ko ì ka a ke ñaameŋ waati jaŋ koomanto.

15 Kaawakuwolu yitandi ǹ na,
ko i ye a ke nuŋ tiloolu la ñaameŋ,
biriŋ i ye i la moolu ñaatonkayaa ka bo Misira.

16 Banku koteŋolu ñanta a je la le,
ì ye malu,
ì niŋ ì la sembe waroo bee,
ì si jaakali fo ì te diyaamu noo la,
waraŋ ka moyiroo ke.
17 Ì ye kankaŋo kunuŋ ko saa,
ko kuruntu feŋolu,
ì jarajaratoo ye finti naŋ ì la tatoolu kono,
ì kijafaratoo ye naa ite Yaawe kaŋ, ǹ na Alla,
ì ye sila i la.

18 Alla koteŋ ne be keriŋ baŋ ko ite?
Ite le ka junuboolu kafari i la moolu ye,
mennu tuta baluuriŋ,
ite le ka yamfa ì la sookiri kuwolu la.
I la kamfaa buka tu fo abadaa,
i ka lafi le ka tara hiinanteeyaariŋ doroŋ.
19 I be balafaa soto la ǹ ye le kotenke,
i ye ǹ na junuboolu tuutuu,
ka ì fayi baa baa duuma.
20 I be hiina la ǹ ye le,
ka i la kanu bambandiŋo yitandi ǹ na,
ko i kalita a la ñaameŋ m̀ mumuñolu ye,
Iburayima niŋ Yaakuba, m̀ bonsuŋolu,
biriŋ waati jaŋ koomanto.