Jonah Disobeys the Lord
1 One day the Lord spoke to Jonah son of Amittai. 2 He said, “Go to Nineveh, that great city, and speak out against it; I am aware of how wicked its people are.” 3 Jonah, however, set out in the opposite direction in order to get away from the Lord. He went to Joppa, where he found a ship about to go to Spain. He paid his fare and went aboard with the crew to sail to Spain, where he would be away from the Lord.
4 But the Lord sent a strong wind on the sea, and the storm was so violent that the ship was in danger of breaking up. 5 The sailors were terrified and cried out for help, each one to his own god. Then, in order to lessen the danger, they threw the cargo overboard. Meanwhile, Jonah had gone below and was lying in the ship's hold, sound asleep.
6 The captain found him there and said to him, “What are you doing asleep? Get up and pray to your god for help. Maybe he will feel sorry for us and spare our lives.”
7 The sailors said to each other, “Let's draw lots and find out who is to blame for getting us into this danger.” They did so, and Jonah's name was drawn. 8 So they said to him, “Now, then, tell us! Who is to blame for this? What are you doing here? What country do you come from? What is your nationality?”
9 “I am a Hebrew,” Jonah answered. “I worship the Lord, the God of heaven, who made land and sea.” 10 Jonah went on to tell them that he was running away from the Lord.
The sailors were terrified, and said to him, “That was an awful thing to do!” 11 The storm was getting worse all the time, so the sailors asked him, “What should we do to you to stop the storm?”
12 Jonah answered, “Throw me into the sea, and it will calm down. I know it is my fault that you are caught in this violent storm.”
13 Instead, the sailors tried to get the ship to shore, rowing with all their might. But the storm was becoming worse and worse, and they got nowhere. 14 So they cried out to the Lord, “O Lord, we pray, don't punish us with death for taking this man's life! You, O Lord, are responsible for all this; it is your doing.” 15 Then they picked Jonah up and threw him into the sea, and it calmed down at once. 16 This made the sailors so afraid of the Lord that they offered a sacrifice and promised to serve him.
17 At the Lord's command a large fish swallowed Jonah, and he was inside the fish for three days and three nights.
Yunusa borita Alla ma
1 Yaawe* la kumoo naata Amitayi dinkewo Yunusa kaŋ. 2 A ko a ye ko, “Wuli, i ye taa wo saatee baa to, meŋ too mu Ninewe ti. Ì fatandi ì la kuu kuruŋ kewo la, i ye a fo ì ye ko, ŋa ì la kuruŋyaa kalamuta le.”
3 Yunusa wulita, a maŋ taa, bari a borita Yaawe ma, a ye a kuŋo tiliŋ Tarisi saatewo to. A taata fo Yopa, daameŋ a ye kuluŋo tara jee, meŋ ka taa Tarisi. Kabiriŋ a ye paasoo joo, a bulata kuluŋo kono ka taa Tarisi, fo a si bori noo Yaawe ma.
4 Bituŋ Yaawe ye foño baa wulindi Baa Baa* ñiŋ kono, turubaadoo wulita, fo kuluŋo lafita ka teyi. 5 Kulunkono dookuulaalu bee silata, bituŋ moo-wo-moo ye a la jalaŋo daani. Ì ye ì la marisandiisoolu fayi baa kono fo kuluŋo si feeyaa. Bari Yunusa tarata nuŋ kuluŋo duuma le, a ye i laa, siinoo ye a taa. 6 Kuluŋ kuntiyo taata a yaa, a ko a ye ko, “Ite ka siinoo ñaadii le? Wuli, i ye i la Alla daani! A si ke noo, a ye balafaa ǹ ye, i si a je ǹ te kasaara la.”
7 Bituŋ kulunkono dookuulaalu ko ñoo ye ko, “Ali naa ŋà alikuuroo fayi, fo ǹ si a loŋ meŋ ye ñiŋ kuu jawoo saabu.” Ì ye kuuriŋo fayi, aduŋ Yunusa le fintita jee. 8 Bituŋ ì ye a ñininkaa ko, “A fo ǹ ye meŋ ye a saabu ñiŋ mantooroo laata ntolu kaŋ? Muŋ ne mu i la dookuwo ti? I bota mintoo le? I bota banku jumaa le to? I bota moo jumaa le bala?” 9 A ye ì jaabi ko, “Nte mu Hiburunkoo* le ti, aduŋ n ka Yaawe batu le, Arijana Maariyo, meŋ ye baa niŋ bankoo daa.” 10 Ñiŋ ye ì kijoo fara le, aduŋ ì ye a ñininkaa ko, “I ye muŋ ne ke?” Ì ye a loŋ ne ko, a ka bori Yaawe le la, kaatu koomanto, a ye a fo ì ye le. 11 Baa ka saŋara-saŋara laalaa. Bituŋ ì ye a ñininkaa ko, “Ǹ ñanta muŋ ne ke la i la, fo baa si tenkuŋ ǹ ye?” 12 A ye ì jaabi ñiŋ na ko, “Ali n sika, ali ye m fayi baa kono, i si a je a si tenkuŋ. Ŋa a loŋ ne ko, nte le ye a saabu, ñiŋ turubaadoo ka naa ali kaŋ.” 13 Bari hani wo ñaa-wo-ñaa, kewolu naata a kata ka kuluŋo sembendi tintoo la. Bari ì maŋ a samba noo, kaatu baa saŋarata le ka tambi foloo la. 14 Wo to le ì kumboota Yaawe ye ko, “Hee Yaawe, kana ntolu bee faa ñiŋ moo kiliŋo dammaa la saayaa kamma la. Kana m̀ muta kuu la ka moo faa, meŋ maŋ kuu jawu ke, kaatu ite, hee Yaawe, meŋ diyaata i ye, i ka wo le ke.” 15 Bituŋ ì ye Yunusa sika, ì ye a fayi baa kono, aduŋ baa saŋarariŋo naata tenkuŋ. 16 Kabiriŋ wo to ñiŋ kewolu silata Yaawe la baake le. Bituŋ ì naata sadaa* bo a ye, ì ye laahidoo taa a ye.
17 Bari Yaawe ye ñee baa le yaamari, ka Yunusa kunuŋ, aduŋ a tarata ñewo kono le fo tili saba aniŋ suuto saba.