Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet
1 It was now the day before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. He had always loved those in the world who were his own, and he loved them to the very end.
2 Jesus and his disciples were at supper. The Devil had already put into the heart of Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, the thought of betraying Jesus. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had given him complete power; he knew that he had come from God and was going to God. 4 So he rose from the table, took off his outer garment, and tied a towel around his waist. 5 Then he poured some water into a washbasin and began to wash the disciples' feet and dry them with the towel around his waist. 6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Are you going to wash my feet, Lord?”
7 Jesus answered him, “You do not understand now what I am doing, but you will understand later.”
8 Peter declared, “Never at any time will you wash my feet!”
“If I do not wash your feet,” Jesus answered, “you will no longer be my disciple.”
9 Simon Peter answered, “Lord, do not wash only my feet, then! Wash my hands and head, too!”
10 Jesus said, “Those who have taken a bath are completely clean and do not have to wash themselves, except for their feet. All of you are clean—all except one.” ( 11 Jesus already knew who was going to betray him; that is why he said, “All of you, except one, are clean.”)
12 After Jesus had washed their feet, he put his outer garment back on and returned to his place at the table. “Do you understand what I have just done to you?” he asked. 13 “You call me Teacher and Lord, and it is right that you do so, because that is what I am. 14 I, your Lord and Teacher, have just washed your feet. You, then, should wash one another's feet. 15 I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you. 16 I am telling you the truth: no slaves are greater than their master, and no messengers are greater than the one who sent them. 17 Now that you know this truth, how happy you will be if you put it into practice!
18 “I am not talking about all of you; I know those I have chosen. But the scripture must come true that says, ‘The man who shared my food turned against me.’ 19 I tell you this now before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe that ‘I Am Who I Am.’ 20 I am telling you the truth: whoever receives anyone I send receives me also; and whoever receives me receives him who sent me.”
Jesus Predicts His Betrayal
(Matthew 26.20-25Mark 14.17-21Luke 22.21-23)
21 After Jesus had said this, he was deeply troubled and declared openly, “I am telling you the truth: one of you is going to betray me.”
22 The disciples looked at one another, completely puzzled about whom he meant. 23 One of the disciples, the one whom Jesus loved, was sitting next to Jesus. 24 Simon Peter motioned to him and said, “Ask him whom he is talking about.”
25 So that disciple moved closer to Jesus' side and asked, “Who is it, Lord?”
26 Jesus answered, “I will dip some bread in the sauce and give it to him; he is the man.” So he took a piece of bread, dipped it, and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, “Hurry and do what you must!” 28 None of the others at the table understood why Jesus said this to him. 29 Since Judas was in charge of the money bag, some of the disciples thought that Jesus had told him to go and buy what they needed for the festival, or to give something to the poor.
30 Judas accepted the bread and went out at once. It was night.
The New Commandment
31 After Judas had left, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man's glory is revealed; now God's glory is revealed through him. 32 And if God's glory is revealed through him, then God will reveal the glory of the Son of Man in himself, and he will do so at once. 33 My children, I shall not be with you very much longer. You will look for me; but I tell you now what I told the Jewish authorities, ‘You cannot go where I am going.’ 34 And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples.”
Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial
(Matthew 26.31-35Mark 14.27-31Luke 22.31-34)
36 “Where are you going, Lord?” Simon Peter asked him.
“You cannot follow me now where I am going,” answered Jesus; “but later you will follow me.”
37 “Lord, why can't I follow you now?” asked Peter. “I am ready to die for you!”
38 Jesus answered, “Are you really ready to die for me? I am telling you the truth: before the rooster crows you will say three times that you do not know me.
Yeesu ye a la saayiboolu siŋolu kuu
1 Janniŋ Maariyo Tambi Tumoo Juuraloo* be sii la, Yeesu ye a loŋ ne ko, a la waatoo siita le ka bo ñiŋ duniyaa kono ka taa a Faamaa yaa. Baawo a ye a fansuŋ moolu kanu le, mennu be duniyaa kono, a ye ñiŋ kanoo yitandi ì la le fo labandulaa to.
2 Bituŋ Yeesu niŋ a la saayiboolu be siimaŋo la. Ibiliisa ye Yeesu jamfaa kuwo ke Yudas, Simoni Isikariyoti dinkewo sondomoo kono le fokabaŋ. 3 Yeesu ye a loŋ ne ko, a Faamaa ye kuwolu bee duŋ a buloo kono le, aduŋ ate bota naŋ Alla le yaa, aniŋ a be muru la jee le to. 4 Wo to le a wulita siimaŋ taabuloo kunto, a ye a la waramboo landi kara la, a ye serebetoo taa, a ye a siti a tewo to. 5 Wo koolaa a ye jiyo ke fenkeŋo kono. Bituŋ a ye a dati ka saayiboolu siŋolu kuu, aniŋ ka ì fita niŋ serebetoo la, a ye meŋ siti a tewo to. 6 Kabiriŋ Yeesu futata Simoni Pita ma, Pita ko a ye ko, “M Maarii, fo ite le ka naa n siŋolu kuu baŋ?” 7 Wo to le Yeesu ye a jaabi ko, “Ite maŋ a loŋ foloo, m be meŋ ke kaŋ, bari i be a loŋ na le ñaato siniŋ.” 8 Bituŋ Pita ko a ye ko, “Ite te n siŋolu kuu la muk!” Yeesu ye a jaabi ko, “Niŋ nte maŋ i kuu, i niŋ nte te kafuñooyaa soto la.” 9 Wo to le Simoni Pita ko a ye ko, “M Maarii, kana n siŋolu doroŋ kuu, bari m buloolu niŋ n kuŋo fanaa kuu.” 10 Bari Yeesu ko a ye ko, “Moo meŋ ye i kuu, wo maarii maŋ suula kuwo la, fo a siŋolu doroŋ, kaatu a muumewo seneyaata le. Alitolu seneyaata le, bari a maŋ ke ali bee ti.” 11 Yeesu ye a loŋ ne, meŋ be a jamfaa la. Wo le ye a tinna a ko, “A maŋ ke ko, ali bee le seneyaata.”
12 Kabiriŋ Yeesu ye a la saayiboolu siŋolu kuu, a ye a la waramboo duŋ. A siita kotenke, a ko ì ye ko, “Fo alitolu ye a loŋ ne baŋ, ŋa meŋ ke ali ye? 13 Alitolu ka n kumandi karammoo le la, aniŋ Maariyo. Wo mu tooñaa le ti, kaatu nte mu wo le ti. 14 Nte mu ali Maariyo le ti, aniŋ ali karammoo, aduŋ ŋa ali siŋolu kuu. Wo to alitolu fanaa ñanta ñoo siŋolu kuu la le. 15 Baawo ŋa misaaloo le dii ali la, ali fanaa ñanta a ke la le ko ŋa a ke ali ye ñaameŋ. 16 Tooñaa-tooñaa, m be a fo la ali ye, joŋo la kuwo maŋ wara ka tambi a maariyo la, aduŋ kiilaa fanaa la kuwo maŋ wara ka tambi meŋ ye a kii. 17 Niŋ ali ye ñiŋ kuwolu loŋ, aduŋ ali ye ì ke fanaa, ali be barakoo soto la le.
18 “Nte maŋ tara diyaamu kaŋ alitolu bee la kuwo la. Ŋa mennu tomboŋ, ŋa wolu loŋ ne. Bari ñiŋ keta le, fo Kitaabu Senuŋo si timma, meŋ ko:
‘Ate meŋ niŋ nte denta n na domoroo la,
a naata yelema n jawoo le ti.’
19 “Ŋa ñiŋ fo ali ye le saayiŋ, janniŋ a be naa ke la, fo niŋ a keta, ali si laa ko, m mu wo le ti. 20 Tooñaa-tooñaa, m be a fo la ali ye, meŋ ye moo-wo-moo buuñaa, nte ye meŋ kii, wo ye nte le buuñaa. Aduŋ meŋ ye nte buuñaa, wo ye Alla le buuñaa, meŋ ye n kii.”
Yeesu ye a jamfaalaa la kuwo saata
(Matiyu 26:20-25Maaka 14:17-21Luka 22:21-23)
21 Kabiriŋ Yeesu ye ñiŋ kumoolu fo, a niikuyaatoo ye a bankee ko, “Tooñaa-tooñaa, m be a fo la ali ye, moo kiliŋ ne be n jamfaa la alitolu kono.” 22 Wo to le saayiboolu ye ñoo juubee, aduŋ ì jaakalita, a ka meŋ na kuwo fo. 23 Saayiboo Yeesu ye meŋ kanu be siiriŋ a kara la. 24 Wo kamma la, Simoni Pita ye taamanseeroo ke wo saayiboo ye ka a fo a ye ko, “A ñininkaa, a ka meŋ na kuwo diyaamu.” 25 Wo to le meŋ be siiriŋ Yeesu kara la, a ko a ye ko, “M Maarii, jumaa le mu wo ti?” 26 Bituŋ Yeesu ye jaabiroo ke ko, “Ate le mu moo ti, m be ñiŋ mbuuru kuntoo dii la meŋ na, niŋ ŋa a bula booloo kono.” Bituŋ kabiriŋ a ye mbuuru kuntoo bula booloo kono, a ye a dii Yudas la, Simoni Isikariyoti dinkewo. 27 Kabiriŋ a ye mbuuru kuntoo taa, Seetaanoo* dunta a sondomoo kono. Bituŋ Yeesu ko a ye ko, “I be taa meŋ ke la, a ke katabake.”
28 Bari saayiboolu mennu be domoroo la jee, ì maŋ a loŋ, meŋ ye a tinna a ye ñiŋ kumoo fo a ye. 29 Kodikufoo be Yudas le bulu, wo kamma la saayibe doolu ye a miira le ko, Yeesu ye a kii le ka feŋolu saŋ, ì suulata mennu la juuraloo to, waraŋ ka feŋ dii fuwaaroolu la. 30 Kabiriŋ Yudas ye mbuuru kuntoo taa doroŋ, a fintita banta. Aduŋ suwo kuuta le.
Yaamari kutoo
31 Biriŋ Yudas fintita banta, Yeesu ko, “Waatoo siita le, fo Moo Dinkewo* la semboo niŋ waroo si yitandi, aduŋ a be Alla la semboo niŋ waroo yitandi la le. 32 Aduŋ niŋ Moo Dinkewo ye Alla la semboo niŋ waroo yitandi, wo to Alla fanaa be Moo Dinkewo la semboo niŋ waroo yitandi la le, aduŋ a te mee la.
33 “N na dindiŋolu, nte be ali fee le foloo fo waatindiŋ. Ali be n ñini la le, bari saayiŋ m be a fo la ali ye, ŋa meŋ fo Yahuudoolu ye fokabaŋ: Nte be tara la daameŋ to, ali te naa noo la jee.
34 “Ŋa yaamari kutoo le dii ali la teŋ: Ali ñoo kanu. Ko ŋa ali kanu ñaameŋ, ali fanaa ñanta ñoo kanu la wo le ñaama. 35 Niŋ ali ye kanoo soto ñoo ye, moolu bee be a loŋ na le ko, alitolu mu n na saayiboolu le ti.”
Yeesu ye Pita la balaŋo fo
(Matiyu 26:31-35Maaka 14:27-31Luka 22:31-34)
36 Wo to le Simoni Pita ko Yeesu ye ko, “M Maarii, i be taa la mintoo le?” Bituŋ Yeesu ye a jaabi ko, “M be taa la daameŋ, i te n nooma noo la jee saayiŋ, bari ñaato siniŋ i be n nooma la jee le.” 37 Bari Pita ko a ye ko, “M Maarii, muŋ ne ye a tinna n te i nooma noo la saayiŋ? M be n niyo laa la i ye le.” 38 Wo to le Yeesu ye a jaabi ko, “Fo i pareeta le ka i niyo laa n ye baŋ? Tooñaa-tooñaa, m be a fo la i ye, janniŋ duntuŋo be kookolee la, i be balaŋ na n na kuwo la le fo siiñaa saba.”