Israel's Return Home
1 The Lord says, “The time is coming when I will be the God of all the tribes of Israel, and they will be my people. 2 In the desert I showed mercy to those people who had escaped death. When the people of Israel longed for rest, 3 I appeared to them from far away. People of Israel, I have always loved you, so I continue to show you my constant love. 4 Once again I will rebuild you. Once again you will take up your tambourines and dance joyfully. 5 Once again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria, and those who plant them will eat what the vineyards produce. 6 Yes, the time is coming when sentries will call out on the hills of Ephraim, ‘Let's go up to Zion, to the Lord our God.’”
7 The Lord says,
“Sing with joy for Israel,
the greatest of the nations.
Sing your song of praise,
‘The Lord has saved his people;
he has rescued all who are left.’
8 I will bring them from the north
and gather them from the ends of the earth.
The blind and the lame will come with them,
pregnant women and those about to give birth.
They will come back a great nation.
9 My people will return weeping,
praying as I lead them back.
I will guide them to streams of water,
on a smooth road where they will not stumble.
I am like a father to Israel,
and Ephraim is my oldest son.”

10 The Lord says,
“Nations, listen to me
and proclaim my words on the far-off shores.
I scattered my people, but I will gather them
and guard them as a shepherd guards his flock.
11 I have set Israel's people free
and have saved them from a mighty nation.
12 They will come and sing for joy on Mount Zion
and be delighted with my gifts—
gifts of grain and wine and olive oil,
gifts of sheep and cattle.
They will be like a well-watered garden;
they will have everything they need.
13 Then the young women will dance and be happy,
and men, young and old, will rejoice.
I will comfort them and turn their mourning into joy,
their sorrow into gladness.
14 I will fill the priests with the richest food
and satisfy all the needs of my people.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”
The Lord's Mercy on Israel
15 The Lord says,
“A sound is heard in Ramah,
the sound of bitter weeping.
Rachel is crying for her children;
they are gone,
and she refuses to be comforted.
16 Stop your crying
and wipe away your tears.
All that you have done for your children
will not go unrewarded;
they will return from the enemy's land.
17 There is hope for your future;
your children will come back home.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

18 “I hear the people of Israel say in grief,
Lord, we were like an untamed animal,
but you taught us to obey.
Bring us back;
we are ready to return to you,
the Lord our God.
19 We turned away from you,
but soon we wanted to return.
After you had punished us,
we hung our heads in grief.
We were ashamed and disgraced
because we sinned when we were young.’

20 “Israel, you are my dearest child,
the one I love best.
Whenever I mention your name,
I think of you with love.
My heart goes out to you;
I will be merciful.
21 Set up signs and mark the road;
find again the way by which you left.
Come back, people of Israel,
come home to the towns you left.
22 How long will you hesitate, faithless people?
I have created something new and different,
as different as a woman protecting a man.”
The Future Prosperity of God's People
23 The Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says, “When I restore the people to their land, they will once again say in the land of Judah and in its towns,
‘May the Lord bless the sacred hill of Jerusalem,
the holy place where he lives.’
24 People will live in Judah and in all its towns, and there will be farmers, and shepherds with their flocks. 25 I will refresh those who are weary and will satisfy with food everyone who is weak from hunger. 26 So then, people will say, ‘I went to sleep and woke up refreshed.’
27 “I, the Lord, say that the time is coming when I will fill the land of Israel and Judah with people and animals. 28 And just as I took care to uproot, to pull down, to overthrow, to destroy, and to demolish them, so I will take care to plant them and to build them up. 29 When that time comes, people will no longer say,
‘The parents ate the sour grapes,
But the children got the sour taste.’
30 Instead, those who eat sour grapes will have their own teeth set on edge; and everyone will die because of their own sin.”
31 The Lord says, “The time is coming when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. 32 It will not be like the old covenant that I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and led them out of Egypt. Although I was like a husband to them, they did not keep that covenant. 33 The new covenant that I will make with the people of Israel will be this: I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 None of them will have to teach a neighbor to know the Lord, because all will know me, from the least to the greatest. I will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their wrongs. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
35 The Lord provides the sun for light by day,
the moon and the stars to shine at night.
He stirs up the sea and makes it roar;
his name is the Lord Almighty.
36 He promises that as long as the natural order lasts,
so long will Israel be a nation.
37 If one day the sky could be measured
and the foundations of the earth explored,
only then would he reject the people of Israel
because of all they have done.
The Lord has spoken.

38 “The time is coming,” says the Lord, “when all of Jerusalem will be rebuilt as my city, from Hananel Tower west to the Corner Gate. 39 And the boundary line will continue from there on the west to the hill of Gareb and then around to Goah. 40 The entire valley, where the dead are buried and garbage is dumped, and all the fields above Kidron Brook as far as the Horse Gate to the east, will be sacred to me. The city will never again be torn down or destroyed.”
Banisirayila la seyoo
1 Yaawe* le ye ñiŋ fo ko: “Wo waatoo la m be ke la Banisirayila lasiloolu bee le la Alla ti, aduŋ ì be ke la n na moolu le ti.”
2 Yaawe ye wo le fo ko:
“Moolu mennu kanata hawusaroo* la faaroo ma,
ŋa hiinoo soto ì ye keñewuloo* kono le,
tuma meŋ ì be dahaa ñiniŋo la.”

3 Yaawe ye a faŋ lankenemayandi Banisirayila ye le biriŋ koomanto, a ko:
“Ŋa ali kanu niŋ badaa-badaa kanoo le la,
aduŋ n tententa n na kanu bambaloo kaŋ ali ye le.
4 M be i lookuu la le kotenke,
ite, n Dimmusuriŋ* Banisirayila,
aduŋ i be seyinkaŋ loo la le.
I be i la tambuuroolu sika la le kotenke,
i ye finti banta,
i niŋ seewootoolu ye i doŋ.
5 I be wayini* yiri kankaŋolu fii la le kotenke,
Samariya konkoolu kaŋ.
Ì fiilaalu be ì fii la le,
aduŋ ì faŋolu le be ì diŋolu domoo foloo la.
6 Luŋo be naa le kantarilaalu be lenkaroo ke la
Efurayimu* konkoolu kaŋ ko,
‘Ali wuli, ŋà taa Siyoni* Konkoo kaŋ,
Yaawe, ǹ na Alla yaa.’ ”

7 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Ali seewooriŋo ye suukuwo laa Yaakuba ye,
ali wuuri banku koteŋolu bee ñaatonkoo Banisirayila ye.
Ali a kankulaa, ali ye jayiroo ke, ka a fo ko,
‘Hee Yaawe, i ye i la moolu kiisa le,
Banisirayila toomaalu.’
8 A juubee, m be ì bondi la naŋ
bankoo meŋ be maraa kara maafaŋo la,
ŋa ì kafu naŋ ñoo ma
ka bo duniyaa dulaa jamfariŋolu to.
Finkintewolu niŋ lanjuurutoolu be tara la ì kono le,
konomaatoolu niŋ tintoolu bee,
ì kafu jamaa baa le be seyi la naŋ.
9 Ì ñaajiitoo le be naa,
ì be tara la duwaa le la, niŋ m be ì tambindi kaŋ ka seyi.
M be ì samba la niŋ woyoolu dandaŋo le la,
sila deerariŋolu kaŋ, ì te taki la daameŋ,
kaatu m mu Banisirayila Faamaa le ti,
n dinkee foloo le mu Efurayimu ti.

10 “Alitolu bankoolu bee,
ali i lamoyi nte Yaawe la kumoo la,
aduŋ ali si a kankulaa
dulaalu mennu be jamfajaŋo to ko,
nte meŋ ye Banisirayila janjandi,
m be a kafu la ñoo ma le,
ŋa a kanta
ko kantarilaa ka a la beeyaŋolu kanta ñaameŋ.
11 Nte Yaawe ye Yaakuba kumakaa le,
ŋa a bondi moolu bulu le
mennu semboo warata a ti.
12 Ì be naa le ì seewootoo niŋ suukuwo ye wuuri Siyoni Konkoo kaŋ,
aduŋ nte Yaawe ye beteyaa meŋ yitandi ì la,
wo be ì faramansandi la le,
i la fiifeŋolu la karoo la,
siimaŋo, wayini* yiridiŋ jiyo, aniŋ olifu* tuloo,
ka taa saajiyolu niŋ ninsoolu la jiidoo.
Ì la baluwo be ke la le ko naakoo meŋ jiibonta kendeke,
aduŋ ì niyo te toora la kotenke.
13 Wo tumoo le mu sunkutoolu be seewoo la,
ì niŋ doŋo,
ka taa fondinkewolu niŋ keebaalu kafuriŋo.
M be ì la kumboo yelemandi la seewoo le ti.
M be ì jusoo ñabu la le,
ŋa jusulaa seyi ì ye niikuyaa noo to.
14 M be piriisoolu* niyo balundi la niŋ domori kendoo le la,
aduŋ n na beteyaa be n na moolu wasa la le.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
Yaawe be balafaa la Banisirayila ye le
15 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Kumboo kaŋo moyita Rama le,
saŋakumboo aniŋ woosii baa.
Raheli be a diŋolu kumboo kaŋ.
A balanta ka sabari,
kaatu ì te keriŋ kotenke.”

16 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Ali ali kaŋo foñondi kumboo la,
ali ye ali ñaajiyo daŋ,
kaatu ali ye meŋ dookuu a be joo la le.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
“Ì be muru la naŋ ne ka bo ali jawoolu la bankoo kaŋ.
17 Ali la jikoo be timma la le ñaato siniŋ.
Ali koomalankoolu be seyi la
ì fansuŋ bankoo kaŋ ne.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.

18 Yaawe ko:
“Ŋa a moyi le famfaŋ Efurayimu be woosii kaŋ ko:
‘I ye n kuluu le komeŋ tuuraariŋ nunsoobaloo.
M murundi, fo n si muru n ñaama,
kaatu ite le mu Yaawe, n na Alla ti.
19 Biriŋ n jenketa,
n tuubiseyita n na jenkoo la le,
aniŋ biriŋ ŋa m faŋ kalamuta,
niikuyaa ye a tinna le
fo n ka n sisoo lipa.
M maluta, m bulata dooyaaroo kono.
Kaatu n na fondinkeeyaa malu kuwolu le tarata laariŋ n kaŋ.’ ”
20 Yaawe ko:
“Fo Efurayimu maŋ ke n kanu diŋo le ti baŋ?
Fo a maŋ ke n jusukunto diŋo le ti baŋ?
N ka tu la a jalayi la ñaa-wo-ñaa,
hani wo n hakiloo ka tara a kaŋ ne.
A la kuwo loo be faariŋ n kono le.
Tooñaa, m be balafaa yitandi la a la le.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.

21 “Ali sila taamanseerilaŋolu loo ali faŋolu ye,
ali ye suuteerilaŋ dokoolu dadaa.
Ali i miira siloo la kendeke,
ali taata nuŋ meŋ na.
Ite Dimmusuriŋ Banisirayila,
seyi naŋ i la ñiŋ saatewolu to.
22 Ite Dimmusuriŋ fisiriwallee,
janniŋ muŋ tuma le i be tara la jenkeŋ-jenkeŋ na?
Nte Yaawe be kuu kutoo le daa la duniyaa:
Musoo le be muru la a keemaa kamma.”
Alla la moolu la firiŋo ñaato siniŋ
23 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo*, Banisirayila la Alla ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: “Niŋ ŋa Yahuuda bankoo niŋ a saatewolu moolu murundi ì la firiŋo kono, ì be kali ñiŋ kumoolu fo la le kotenke ko: ‘Allamaa Yaawe neema la konko senuŋo* ma, tiliŋo ka tara daameŋ.’ 24 Yahuuda bankoo niŋ a saatewolu moolu bee si tara siiriŋ ñoo kaŋ, ka taa senelaalu niŋ kantarilaalu mennu niŋ ì la beeyaŋolu ka tara yaayi la. 25 M be moo nii koririŋolu kereyandi la le, aduŋ m be moo bataariŋolu wasa la le.”
26 Wo tumoo le mu n kuninta, ŋa n ñaa yele. A keta nuŋ siinoo diimaa le ti.
27 Yaawe ko: “A juubee, luŋolu be naa le, m be Banisirayila bankoo niŋ Yahuuda bankoo fandi la hadamadiŋo niŋ beeyaŋolu la le. 28 Bayiri koomanto ŋa ì juubee le, ŋa ì wutu, ka ì boyindi duuma, ka ì bondi ì noo to, ka ì kasaara, ka maasiiboo naati ì kaŋ. Bari m be a je la le ko, ŋa ì loo, ka ì tutu. Nte Yaawe le ye a fo. 29 Wo luŋolu la moolu te a fo la ko,
‘Wuluulaalu le ye yiridiŋ kumuŋo domo,
a naata ì diŋolu ñiŋo faa.’
30 Bari meŋ be ke la wo le mu ñiŋ ti, moo-wo-moo be faa la a fansuŋ junuboo le ye. Moo-wo-moo ye yiridiŋ kumuŋo domo, a faŋo le ñiŋo be faa la.”

31 A ko:
“Luŋolu be naa le,
wo tumoo m be kambeŋ* kutoo le siti la
n niŋ Banisirayila niŋ Yahuuda teema.
32 A te ke la ko ŋa kambeŋo meŋ siti
n niŋ ì mumuñolu teema,
kabiriŋ ŋa ì tambindi ka ì bondi naŋ Misira bankoo kaŋ.
N keta ì ye le komeŋ ì keemaa le mu n ti,
bari hani wo ì ye n na kambeŋo tiñaa le.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.

33 “M be kambeŋ kutoo meŋ siti la
n niŋ Banisirayila teema,
wo luŋolu la, a be ke la ñiŋ ne ti:
M be n na yaamaroolu ke la ì hakiloolu kono le,
ŋa ì safee ì sondomoolu bala.
M be ke la ì la Alla le ti,
aduŋ ì be ke la n na moolu le ti.
34 Moo te a ñoŋ moo doo karandi la kotenke,
waraŋ ka a fo a baadiŋo ye ko,
‘Yaawe loŋ!’
kaatu ì bee le be n loŋ na,
biriŋ moondiŋ, fo moo baa.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.

“M be yamfa la ì la kuu kuruŋolu la le,
n hakiloo te tara la ì la junuboolu kaŋ kotenke.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.

35 Yaawe le ye tiloo bondi ka mala tilibuloo la,
aniŋ karoo niŋ looloolu ka mala suutoo la.
Ate le ka baa maamandi,
a jiibaliŋolu ye kuma.
A too mu Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo le ti,
aduŋ a ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
36 “Ko ñiŋ kuu looriŋolu nene te baayi la,
m be a ke la wo le ñaama,
ka a je ko Banisirayila ye tara keriŋ,
ì ye ke n na moolu ti fo fawu.”

37 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Niŋ moo si saŋ fatoolu sumaŋ noo,
aniŋ ka bankoo fondamaŋolu daŋo bondi noo,
wo to nte fanaa si n koo dii noo Banisirayilankoolu bee la,
ì kekuwolu kamma la.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.

38 A ko: “A juubee, luŋolu be naa le, ì be Yerusalaamu saatewo seyinkaŋ loo la n tooyaa la, ka bo Hananeli Tata Jaŋo to ka taa fo Tonkoŋ Dundaŋ Daa to. 39 A naanewo be lafaa la banta la le, a ye tiliŋ Karebu Konkoo to la, a ye kuntu niŋ Kowa maafaŋo to la. 40 Wulumbaŋo muumewo bee, ì ka furewolu baadee daameŋ, aniŋ ì ka seebuutoo boŋ jee, ka taa jindaalu mennu taata fo Kidironi Wulumbaŋo to, ka taa Suu Dundaŋ Daa to tilibo kara maafaŋo la, wolu bee le be janku la nte Yaawe ye. Moo te saatewo ñiŋ boyi la waraŋ ka a kasaara kotenke.”