A Useless Treaty with Egypt
1 The Lord has spoken: “Those who rule Judah are doomed because they rebel against me. They follow plans that I did not make, and sign treaties against my will, piling one sin on another. 2 They go to Egypt for help without asking for my advice. They want Egypt to protect them, so they put their trust in Egypt's king. 3 But the king will be powerless to help them, and Egypt's protection will end in disaster. 4 Although their ambassadors have already arrived at the Egyptian cities of Zoan and Hanes, 5 the people of Judah will regret that they ever trusted that unreliable nation, a nation that fails them when they expect help.”
6 This is God's message about the animals of the southern desert: “The ambassadors travel through dangerous country, where lions live and where there are poisonous snakes and flying dragons. They load their donkeys and camels with expensive gifts for a nation that cannot give them any help. 7 The help that Egypt gives is useless. So I have nicknamed Egypt, ‘The Harmless Dragon.’”
The Disobedient People
8 God told me to write down in a book what the people are like, so that there would be a permanent record of how evil they are. 9 They are always rebelling against God, always lying, always refusing to listen to the Lord's teachings. 10 They tell the prophets to keep quiet. They say, “Don't talk to us about what's right. Tell us what we want to hear. Let us keep our illusions. 11 Get out of our way and stop blocking our path. We don't want to hear about your holy God of Israel.”
12 But this is what the holy God of Israel says: “You ignore what I tell you and rely on violence and deceit. 13 You are guilty. You are like a high wall with a crack running down it; suddenly you will collapse. 14 You will be shattered like a clay pot, so badly broken that there is no piece big enough to pick up hot coals with or to dip water from a cistern.”
15 The Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says to the people, “Come back and quietly trust in me. Then you will be strong and secure.” But you refuse to do it. 16 Instead, you plan to escape from your enemies by riding fast horses. And you are right—escape is what you will have to do! You think your horses are fast enough, but those who pursue you will be faster! 17 A thousand of you will run away when you see one enemy soldier, and five soldiers will be enough to make you all run away. Nothing will be left of your army except a lonely flagpole on the top of a hill. 18 And yet the Lord is waiting to be merciful to you. He is ready to take pity on you because he always does what is right. Happy are those who put their trust in the Lord.
God Will Bless His People
Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness.
19 You people who live in Jerusalem will not weep any more. The Lord is compassionate, and when you cry to him for help, he will answer you. 20 The Lord will make you go through hard times, but he himself will be there to teach you, and you will not have to search for him any more. 21 If you wander off the road to the right or the left, you will hear his voice behind you saying, “Here is the road. Follow it.” 22 You will take your idols plated with silver and your idols covered with gold, and will throw them away like filth, shouting, “Out of my sight!” 23 Whenever you plant your crops, the Lord will send rain to make them grow and will give you a rich harvest, and your livestock will have plenty of pasture. 24 The oxen and donkeys that plow your fields will eat the finest and best fodder. 25 On the day when the forts of your enemies are captured and their people are killed, streams of water will flow from every mountain and every hill. 26 The moon will be as bright as the sun, and the sun will be seven times brighter than usual, like the light of seven days in one. This will all happen when the Lord bandages and heals the wounds he has given his people.
God Will Punish Assyria
27 The Lord's power and glory can be seen in the distance. Fire and smoke show his anger. He speaks, and his words burn like fire. 28 He sends the wind in front of him like a flood that carries everything away. It sweeps nations to destruction and puts an end to their evil plans. 29 But you, God's people, will be happy and sing as you do on the night of a sacred festival. You will be as happy as those who walk to the music of flutes on their way to the Temple of the Lord, the defender of Israel.
30 The Lord will let everyone hear his majestic voice and feel the force of his anger. There will be flames, cloudbursts, hailstones, and torrents of rain. 31 The Assyrians will be terrified when they hear the Lord's voice and feel the force of his punishment. 32 As the Lord strikes them again and again, his people will keep time with the music of drums and harps. God himself will fight against the Assyrians. 33 Long ago a place was prepared where a huge fire will burn the emperor of Assyria. It is deep and wide, and piled high with wood. The Lord will breathe out a stream of flame to set it on fire.
Yahuuda niŋ Misira la kambeŋ nafantaŋo
1 Yaawe* ye a bankee le ko:
“Kooroo be boyi la n na ñiŋ dindiŋ balannaalu kaŋ ne,
moolu mennu ka ì fansuŋ feeroolu taamandi mennu maŋ ke n taa ti,
ka kambeŋo siti meŋ maŋ ke n na lafoo ti,
ka junuboo sapi ñoo kaŋ.
2 Ì ka taa Misira,
ì buka n na yaamaroo ñini,
ka taa maakoyiroo ñini Firawoona bulu,
fo ì si tara Misira la tankoo koto.
3 Bari Firawoona la maakoyiroo be naa ke la ì ye malu kuwo le ti,
Misira la tankoo si naa ke ì ye dooyaaroo ti.
4 Ì la kiilaalu futata Misira bankoo kaŋ ñaa-wo-ñaa,
Sowani niŋ Hanesi saatewolu to,
5 Yahuuda bee be malu la le,
kaatu wo moolu te ì nafaa la,
ì te ì maakoyi noo la feŋ ne to,
fo niŋ ì ye maloo niŋ dooyaaroo naati ì ye.”

6 Ñiŋ kiilaariyaa kumoo le fota Nekefu* tundoo daafeŋolu la kuwo to:
Ñiŋ kiilaalu ka taa niŋ banku le la,
ì be bataa niŋ niitooroo taki la daameŋ.
Jata kewolu niŋ jata musoolu le be siloo kaŋ,
daŋaroolu niŋ capatoolu.
Ì ye faloolu niŋ ñonkomoolu dunindi ì la naafuloo la,
ka ì samba wo banku nafantaŋo to.
7 Misira la maakoyiroo te nafaa soto la ì ye.
Wo to saayiŋ, ŋa a kumandi Rahabu sooneeyaariŋo le la.
8 Saayiŋ taa, i ye a safee ì ñaa la, walaa bala,
i ye a ke ì ye kitaaboo fanaa kono,
fo a si ke ì ye seede koyoo ti fo abadaa.
9 Ñinnu mu balannaalu le ti,
moolu mennu ka faniyaa fo.
Ì buka paree ka i lamoyi Yaawe la yaamaroo la.
10 Ì ka a fo jerilaalu ye le ko,
“Ali kana jeroo ke kotenke!”
Ì ka a fo annabiyomoolu fanaa ye le ko,
“Ali kana tooñaa fo ntolu ye!
Ali kuma diimaalu fo ǹ ye,
ali ka neeneeri kumoo bankee ǹ ye!
11 Ali bo tooñaa siloo kaŋ,
ali jenke wo siloo ye,
aduŋ ali si i foño ka Banisirayila la Senuŋ Baa la kumoo fo ǹ ye.”

12 Wo to saayiŋ, Banisirayila la Senuŋ Baa ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Bayiri ali balanta a la ñiŋ kiilaariyaa kumoo la le,
ka moo mantoora, wo le mu ali la jikiraŋo ti,
neeneeroo, wo le mu ali la semberaŋo ti,
13 ñiŋ junuboo be ke la ali ye le ko tata sansaŋ jaŋo meŋ farata,
a be laamaariŋ,
kataba kiliŋ a ye naa boyi piram.
14 A be teyiŋ-teyiŋ na le ko daandiŋo,
a bee ye nunku lep,
ali te teyindaŋ kiliŋ soto la,
ka dimbaa bii a la ka bo sinkiroo to,
waraŋ ka jiyo bii a la ka bo jiibindaa kono.”

15 Maarii Yaawe, Banisirayila la Senuŋ Baa ye ñiŋ ne fo ko,
“Niŋ ali tuubita ali ye tenkuŋ,
wo le mu ali la kiisoo ti.
Niŋ ali naata n kaŋ tenkuŋo kono,
ali ye lannoo soto,
wo le be ke la ali la semboo ti.”
Bari ali maŋ soŋ.
16 Ali ko, “Hanii, m̀ be sele la suwoolu le kaŋ ŋà bori.”
Haa, ali si bori!
Ali ko, “M̀ be bori la le,”
aduŋ, “M̀ be sele la suu tariŋolu le kaŋ.”
Ali bayindilaalu fanaa be tariyaa la wo le ñaama.
17 Moo wuli kiliŋ be bori la le,
moo kiliŋo silaŋñaa kamma la,
moo luulu silaŋñaa kamma la,
ali bee be bori la le,
ali ye ke ko bandeeri dokoo
meŋ dammaa tuta konkoo kaŋ santo,
waraŋ taamanseeri dokoo
meŋ dammaa tuta konkoriŋo kaŋ.
18 Hani wo, Yaawe be hameriŋ ne ka hiina ali ma,
a pareeta le ka balafaa yitandi ali la,
kaatu Yaawe mu Alla le ti meŋ tilinta.
Seewoo be moolu le ye mennu ka ì jikoo loo a kaŋ.
Alla be neema la a la moolu ma le
19 Hee Siyoninkoolu*, alitolu mennu be sabatiriŋ Yerusalaamu, ali te kumboo la kotenke. Niŋ ali kumboota maakoyiroo la, a be hiinoo yitandi la ali la a ñaama le. Niŋ a ye a moyi doroŋ, a be ali jaabi la le. 20 Yaawe ye a la kuluuroo domoroo niŋ toorandiroo jiyo dii ali la ñaa-wo-ñaa, hani wo ate meŋ mu ali karammoo ti, a te a faŋ maabo la ali ma kotenke, ali be a je la le.
21 Niŋ ali jenketa ka bo siloo kaŋ, bulubaa la waraŋ maraa la, ali tuloo be a kumakaŋo moyi la ali kooma le ko, “Ñiŋ ne mu siloo ti, ali taama niŋ a la.”
22 Ali be ali la jalaŋolu tiñaa la le, ali ye mennu muuri kodiforoo niŋ sanoo la. Ali be ì fayi la le ko feŋ nooriŋo, ali ye a fo ì ye ko, “Ali taa jana.”
23 Yaawe be samaa jindi la ali la fiifeŋolu kaŋ ne, siimaŋo meŋ be faliŋ na bankoo kaŋ si beteyaa, a ye siyaa. Wo luŋo la, ali la ninsi koorewolu be daañiniŋo ke la dulaa fanuriŋ baalu le to. 24 Ninsoolu niŋ faloolu mennu ka bankoo sene, ì si beeyaŋ domori koomaa domo, ì ye meŋ tenteŋ a feeraŋo niŋ a kooraŋo la. 25 Wo faari luŋ baa la, niŋ tata jaŋolu be boyi la, boloŋolu si woyi konko jaŋolu bee kaŋ, aniŋ konkoriŋolu bee. 26 Niŋ Yaawe be a la moolu la baramoo jaara la, ka bataariŋolu la dimiŋolu jaara, karoo si mala ko tiloo. Tiloo la maloo si lafaa ko siiñaa woorowula ko tili woorowula kemperiŋo maloo.
Alla be Asiriya bankoo jarabi la le
27 A juubee, Yaawe bota naŋ dulaa jaŋ ne,
a la kamfaa niijii kaŋo ka munta le
ko dimbaa niŋ siisii budubudoo,
kamfaa kumoo le be faariŋ a daa kono,
a neŋo ka mala ko dimbaa.
28 A niijii foñoo ka munta le ko waamoo
meŋ futata kaŋo to.
A ka bankoolu tenteŋ kasaara tamewo le kono.
A ka karafee juloo bula moolu ŋaaŋaa la ka ì filindi.

29 Banisirayilankoolu, ali be denkiloo laa la le suutoo,
ko niŋ ali be luŋ buuñaariŋo le juura kaŋ.
Ali jusoolu si tara laariŋ,
ko niŋ moolu niŋ footaŋ kumakaŋolu ka taa Yaawe la Konkoo kaŋ,
Yaawe, Banisirayila la Semberaŋ Beroo.

30 Yaawe be moolu moyindi la a kaŋ kallankeeyaariŋo* la le,
aduŋ ì be a je la le, a busari buloo be jii kaŋ naŋ duuma,
a niŋ kamfaa baa niŋ dimbaa wuleŋo,
saŋ feteŋo, turubaadoo aniŋ saŋ beroo.
31 Asiriyankoolu kijoo be teyi la le,
niŋ ì ye Yaawe kaŋo moyi,
niŋ a ye ì kele niŋ a la dokoo la.
32 Yaawe ye lipari-wo-lipari laa ì kaŋ a la mantooralaŋ dokoo la,
wo niŋ tantaŋolu niŋ kooraalu kumakaŋo le be taa ñoo la.
A buloo be teekariŋ santo le ka ì kele.
33 Tooñaa, ì meeta Tofeti parendi kaŋ ne,
ì ye a parendi mansa le kamma.
A dinkoo bee mu dimbaa le ti,
ì ye a fanundi ka a dinkandi.
Loo niŋ dimbaa be fuumariŋ a kono.
Yaawe la niijii foñoo meŋ malariŋo ka woyi naŋ,
a be a hilihilindi la le.