God Will Punish Babylon
1 This is a message about Babylon, which Isaiah son of Amoz received from God.
2 On the top of a barren hill raise the battle flag! Shout to the soldiers and raise your arm as the signal for them to attack the gates of the proud city. 3 The Lord has called out his proud and confident soldiers to fight a holy war and punish those he is angry with.
4 Listen to the noise on the mountains—the sound of a great crowd of people, the sound of nations and kingdoms gathering. The Lord of Armies is preparing his troops for battle. 5 They are coming from far-off countries at the ends of the earth. In his anger the Lord is coming to devastate the whole country.
6 Howl in pain! The day of the Lord is near, the day when the Almighty brings destruction. 7 Everyone's hands will hang limp, and everyone's courage will fail. 8 They will all be terrified and overcome with pain, like the pain of a woman in labor. They will look at each other in fear, and their faces will burn with shame. 9 The day of the Lord is coming—that cruel day of his fierce anger and fury. The earth will be made a wilderness, and every sinner will be destroyed. 10 Every star and every constellation will stop shining, the sun will be dark when it rises, and the moon will give no light.
11 The Lord says, “I will bring disaster on the earth and punish all wicked people for their sins. I will humble everyone who is proud and punish everyone who is arrogant and cruel. 12 Those who survive will be scarcer than gold. 13 I will make the heavens tremble, and the earth will be shaken out of its place on that day when I, the Lord Almighty, show my anger.
14 “The foreigners living in Babylon will run away to their homelands, scattering like deer escaping from hunters, like sheep without a shepherd. 15 Anyone who is caught will be stabbed to death. 16 While they look on helplessly, their babies will be battered to death, their houses will be looted, and their wives will be raped.”
17 The Lord says, “I am stirring up the Medes to attack Babylon. They care nothing for silver and are not tempted by gold. 18 With their bows and arrows they will kill the young men. They will show no mercy to babies and take no pity on children. 19 Babylonia is the most beautiful kingdom of all; it is the pride of its people. But I, the Lord, will overthrow Babylon as I did Sodom and Gomorrah! 20 No one will ever live there again. No wandering Arab will ever pitch a tent there, and no shepherd will ever pasture a flock there. 21 It will be a place where desert animals live and where owls build their nests. Ostriches will live there, and wild goats will prance through the ruins. 22 The towers and palaces will echo with the cries of hyenas and jackals. Babylon's time has come! Her days are almost over.”
Kiilaariyaa kumoo Babiloni la kuwo to
1 Kiilaariyaa kumoo fele Babiloni la kuwo to, meŋ lankenemata Yesaya Amosi dinkewo ye.
2 Yaawe* ko: “Ali bandeeroo wulindi konko turoo kaŋ,
ali ye kelediŋolu lenka,
ka a fo ì ye naa duŋ,
niŋ moo kummaalu la dundaŋ daalu la.
3 Ŋa n na moo kerekereriŋolu yaamari le,
ŋa n na kelejawaroolu kumandi,
n na kandaa sikandiriŋolu,
fo ì si n na kamfaa taamandi.”
4 Ali i lamoyi, maakaŋo le be konkoolu kaŋ,
ko niŋ moo jamaalu le be jee.
Ali i lamoyi, wuurikaŋo le ka kuma mansamarali bankoolu kaŋ,
ko niŋ bankoolu le ka beŋ.
Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* le be a la kelediŋ kafoolu parendi kaŋ keloo ye.
5 Ì bota naŋ dulaa jaŋ baa le to,
ka bo saŋ fatoolu daŋo to.
Yaawe niŋ a la kamfaa le naata
ka naa bankoo bee kasaara.
6 Ali wuuri, kaatu Yaawe la luŋo sutiyaata naŋ ne,
a luŋo niŋ kasaaroo le be naa kaŋ ka bo ate Alla Tallaa bulu.
7 Ñiŋ be a tinna le, moolu bee buloo ye lamfu,
ì kijoo ye ì fara.
8 Silaŋ baa be duŋ na ì la le,
dimiŋo niŋ niitooroo ye i miniŋ ì la.
Ì be ŋuntaŋ na le ko, niŋ musoo be tiŋo to.
Ì kija kuntutoo be ñoo juubee la le,
ì ñaadaa ye yelema silaŋo kamma.
9 A juubee, Yaawe la luŋo ka naa le,
luŋ koleŋ baa,
jusukandoo aniŋ kamfaa koleŋo naa luŋo,
ka duniyaa kenseŋyandi,
ka junubelaalu kasaara jee.
10 Saŋo looloolu niŋ ì la maloo te je la.
Niŋ tiloo be wuli la, a si dibi,
aduŋ karoo te mala la.
11 Yaawe ko, “M be duniyaa mantoora la a la kuu jawu kewo la le,
ŋa moo kuruŋolu jarabi ì la junube kuu kewo la.
M be faŋ wara moolu la faŋ wara maañaa daŋ na le,
ŋa moo tooralaalu la faŋ sikandoo jindi.
12 M be moolu yaatewo dooyandi la le ko saniforoo,
ì sotoo ye koleyaa ko Ofiri tundoo sanoolu.
13 Wo luŋo la, m be a ke la le saŋ fatoolu ye jarajara,
duniyaa ye maamaŋ a noo to,
nte Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo la kamfaa kaŋ,
niŋ n na kamfaa baa luŋo siita.
14 “Moo-wo-moo boritoo be muruŋ na a la moolu yaa le, a wuluu bankoo kaŋ,
ko ì ka minaŋo meŋ deema,
ko saajii janjandiŋolu mennu maŋ kantarilaa soto.
15 Ì ye moo-wo-moo muta, ì be a soo la niŋ sooroo le la,
ì ye mennu bee muta, hawusaroo* le be ì faa la.
16 Ì be ì la dindiŋolu busa la ka ì janjaŋ ì faŋolu ñaa la le,
ì ye ì la bunkono feŋolu fuufuu,
ì ye ì la musoolu ñapinkaŋ.
17 “A juubee, m be Midiyaninkoolu wulindi la ì kaŋ ne,
mennu daa te sani la kuu to,
waraŋ ka haaji soto kodiforoo to.
18 Ì la kaloolu be fondinkewolu faa la le,
ì te balafaa soto la deenaanoolu ye,
sako ka hiinoo yitandi dindiŋolu la.
19 Babiloni keta mansamarali bankoolu bee kono ñaroo le ti,
a moolu ka tintiŋ wo kuwo le la,
bari Alla le be ì la bankoo kasaara la
ko Sodomu niŋ Komora.
20 Moo te sabati la jee kotenke,
moo te tara la jee jamaani naalaalu bee kono.
Araabu yaayilaa te a la tiriliisoo* loo la jee,
sako kantarilaa la saajii si i foñondiŋ jee.
21 Bari wulakono daafeŋolu le be i laa la jee,
moolu la buŋolu ye faa kiikiyaŋolu la,
suruntu kunoolu si baluu jee,
minaŋolu ye tuluŋ jee.
22 Suluwolu si kuma ì la saatee tatoolu to,
kunkuwuloolu, ì la mansabuŋ ñiimaalu kono.
A waatoo sutiyaata naŋ ne,
a luŋolu maŋ jamfa.”