The Peaceful Kingdom
1 The royal line of David is like a tree that has been cut down; but just as new branches sprout from a stump, so a new king will arise from among David's descendants.

2 The spirit of the Lord will give him wisdom
and the knowledge and skill to rule his people.
He will know the Lord's will and honor him,
3 and find pleasure in obeying him.
He will not judge by appearance or hearsay;
4 he will judge the poor fairly
and defend the rights of the helpless.
At his command the people will be punished,
and evil persons will die.
5 He will rule his people with justice and integrity.

6 Wolves and sheep will live together in peace,
and leopards will lie down with young goats.
Calves and lion cubs will feed together,
and little children will take care of them.
7 Cows and bears will eat together,
and their calves and cubs will lie down in peace.
Lions will eat straw as cattle do.
8 Even a baby will not be harmed
if it plays near a poisonous snake.
9 On Zion, God's sacred hill,
there will be nothing harmful or evil.
The land will be as full of knowledge of the Lord
as the seas are full of water.
The Exiled People Will Return
10 A day is coming when the new king from the royal line of David will be a symbol to the nations. They will gather in his royal city and give him honor. 11 When that day comes, the Lord will once again use his power and bring back home those of his people who are left in Assyria and Egypt, in the lands of Pathros, Ethiopia, Elam, Babylonia, and Hamath, and in the coastlands and on the islands of the sea. 12 The Lord will raise a signal flag to show the nations that he is gathering together again the scattered people of Israel and Judah and bringing them back from the four corners of the earth. 13 The kingdom of Israel will not be jealous of Judah any more, and Judah will not be the enemy of Israel. 14 Together they will attack the Philistines on the west and plunder the people who live to the east. They will conquer the people of Edom and Moab, and the people of Ammon will obey them. 15 The Lord will dry up the Gulf of Suez, and he will bring a hot wind to dry up the Euphrates, leaving only seven tiny streams, so that anyone can walk across. 16 There will be a highway out of Assyria for those of his people Israel who have survived there, just as there was for their ancestors when they left Egypt.
Kayira mansamarali bankoo
1 Yese koomalankoolu keta le ko yirijuu kuntoo,
bari maralilaa be soroŋ na a bala le kotenke,
a suloolu ye soroŋo fintindi, a ye diŋ.
2 Yaawe* la Nooroo be tara la a fee le,
ñaameŋo niŋ fahaamuroo nooroo,
yaamaroo niŋ semboo nooroo,
londoo niŋ Yaawe ñaasilaŋo nooroo.
3 Yaawe ñaasilaŋo, wo le be ke la
a la kontaani kuwo ti.

A buka kiitiyo kuntu
ka bo niŋ moo muluŋo la,
waraŋ moyilaa moyi kumoo.
4 A be fentaŋolu la kiitiyo kuntu la tiliŋo le kono,
a ye bankoo fuwaaroolu la kuwo kiitii niŋ tooñaa siloo la.
A la kumoo be banku moolu kuluu la le,
a la yaamaroo ye suŋ moo kuruŋolu la saayaa la.
5 Tiliŋo le be ke la a la teesitiraŋo ti,
tooñaa ye tara minindiŋ a tewo bala.

6 A la waatoo la, suluwo niŋ saajiiriŋo be sabati la ñoo kaŋ ne,
soloo niŋ baariŋo ye tara laariŋ dulaa kiliŋ.
Ninsiriŋo niŋ jatoo be domoroo ke la ñoo kaŋ ne,
dindiŋ mereŋo ye ì kenkeŋ.
7 Ninsoo niŋ daafeŋ saŋarariŋo* be domoroo ke la ñoo kaŋ ne,
ì diŋolu ye i laa ñoo daala,
jatoo ye ñaamoo ñimi ko ninsoo.
8 Dindiŋ mereŋo si tuluŋ biidaa la dinka daa to le,
bondi diŋo ye a buloo bula daŋaroo la laadulaa kono.
9 Feŋ te tara la Alla la konko senuŋo* kaŋ,
meŋ si moo mantoora,
waraŋ ka moo kasaara,
kaatu duniyaa bee be faa la moolu le la,
mennu ye Yaawe loŋ,
ko baa ka tara faariŋ jiyo la ñaameŋ.
10 Wo luŋo la, maralilaa meŋ be bo la Yese bala ko yirisuloo, be loo la moolu ye bandeeriyaa le daa to. Bankoolu bee be tara la ate le kooma, aduŋ a sabatidulaa be faa la niŋ neemoo le la.
Mutamoolu be muru la le
11 Wo luŋo la, Maariyo be a bulu sembemaa taa la le kotenke, ka moo toomaalu kaniŋ mennu tuta a la moolu kono, ka bo Asiriya, ka taa fo Misira bankoo bulubaa niŋ maraa la, ka bo Kusi*, Elamu, Babiloni, Hamati, aniŋ ka taa fo Baa Baa* borindoo la.

12 A be bandeeroo wulindi la bankoolu ye le,
a ye Banisirayila mutamoolu bendi,
a ye Yahuuda moo janjandiŋolu kafu ñoo kaŋ,
ka bo duniyaa tonkoŋ naanoo to.
13 Efurayimu* la kiiliyaa maañaa be yeemaŋ na le,
aduŋ Yahuuda la jarinteeyaa be daŋ na.
Banisirayila te kiiliyaa tiliŋ na Yahuuda la,
sako Yahuuda si jarinteeyaa tiliŋ Banisirayila la.
14 Ì be Filisitinkoolu boyinkaŋ na ñoo la tilijii karoo la le,
ì ye tilibolankoolu fanaa ñapinkaŋ.
Ì si ì buloo laa Edomu niŋ Mowabi kaŋ,
Ammoninkoolu ye soŋ ì ma.
15 Yaawe be Misira baajiyo buruka la le,
a be a buloo finjaŋ na Yufurati Boloŋo kunto le,
a ye a jandi niŋ foño kandi baa la.
A be a talaŋ-talaŋ na woyindiŋ woorowula le ti,
fo moolu niŋ samatoolu si kuntu noo jee.
16 Sila baa le be tara la a la moo toomaalu ye jee,
mennu bota Asiriya,
ko a be nuŋ Banisirayila ye ñaameŋ,
kabiriŋ ì bota naŋ Misira.