Law or Faith
1 You foolish Galatians! Who put a spell on you? Before your very eyes you had a clear description of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross! 2 Tell me this one thing: did you receive God's Spirit by doing what the Law requires or by hearing the gospel and believing it? 3 How can you be so foolish! You began by God's Spirit; do you now want to finish by your own power? 4 Did all your experience mean nothing at all? Surely it meant something! 5 Does God give you the Spirit and work miracles among you because you do what the Law requires or because you hear the gospel and believe it?
6 Consider the experience of Abraham; as the scripture says, “He believed God, and because of his faith God accepted him as righteous.” 7 You should realize, then, that the real descendants of Abraham are the people who have faith. 8 The scripture predicted that God would put the Gentiles right with himself through faith. And so the scripture announced the Good News to Abraham: “Through you God will bless all people.” 9 Abraham believed and was blessed; so all who believe are blessed as he was.
10 Those who depend on obeying the Law live under a curse. For the scripture says, “Whoever does not always obey everything that is written in the book of the Law is under God's curse!” 11 Now, it is clear that no one is put right with God by means of the Law, because the scripture says, “Only the person who is put right with God through faith shall live.” 12 But the Law has nothing to do with faith. Instead, as the scripture says, “Whoever does everything the Law requires will live.”
13 But by becoming a curse for us Christ has redeemed us from the curse that the Law brings; for the scripture says, “Anyone who is hanged on a tree is under God's curse.” 14 Christ did this in order that the blessing which God promised to Abraham might be given to the Gentiles by means of Christ Jesus, so that through faith we might receive the Spirit promised by God.
The Law and the Promise
15 My friends, I am going to use an everyday example: when two people agree on a matter and sign an agreement, no one can break it or add anything to it. 16 Now, God made his promises to Abraham and to his descendant. The scripture does not use the plural “descendants,” meaning many people, but the singular “descendant,” meaning one person only, namely, Christ. 17 What I mean is that God made a covenant with Abraham and promised to keep it. The Law, which was given four hundred and thirty years later, cannot break that covenant and cancel God's promise. 18 For if God's gift depends on the Law, then it no longer depends on his promise. However, it was because of his promise that God gave that gift to Abraham.
19 What, then, was the purpose of the Law? It was added in order to show what wrongdoing is, and it was meant to last until the coming of Abraham's descendant, to whom the promise was made. The Law was handed down by angels, with a man acting as a go-between. 20 But a go-between is not needed when only one person is involved; and God is one.
The Purpose of the Law
21 Does this mean that the Law is against God's promises? No, not at all! For if human beings had received a law that could bring life, then everyone could be put right with God by obeying it. 22 But the scripture says that the whole world is under the power of sin; and so the gift which is promised on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ is given to those who believe.
23 But before the time for faith came, the Law kept us all locked up as prisoners until this coming faith should be revealed. 24 And so the Law was in charge of us until Christ came, in order that we might then be put right with God through faith. 25 Now that the time for faith is here, the Law is no longer in charge of us.
Romans 8v16
26 It is through faith that all of you are God's children in union with Christ Jesus. 27 You were baptized into union with Christ, and now you are clothed, so to speak, with the life of Christ himself. 28 So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free people, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are the descendants of Abraham and will receive what God has promised.
Luwaa waraŋ lannoo
1 Alitolu Kalatiyanka toolewolu, jumaa le ye ali dookuu? Yeesu la faa yiribantambiloo kaŋ, wo yitandita ali la koyike le, fo a mulunta ko, ali faŋo ñaa ye a je le.
2 M batu, ŋa ali ñininkaa kuu kiliŋ na: Fo ali ye Noora Kuliŋo soto niŋ Luwaa yaamarimutoo le la baŋ, waraŋ fo ali ye a soto le, kaatu ali laata kumoo le la, ali ye meŋ moyi? 3 Fo ali la tooleeyaa be warariŋ teŋ ne? Ali ye a dati niŋ Nooroo le la, bari saayiŋ, fo ali be a kata kaŋ ne ka a timmandi niŋ ali fansuŋ semboo la? 4 Ali dunta kuu jamaa meŋ bee kono fokabaŋ, fo ì bee keta kensenke le baŋ? Fo ali maŋ ì la kummaayaa fahaamu? 5 Fo Alla ye a la Nooroo dii ali la le baŋ, aniŋ ka kaawakuwolu ke ali kono, kaatu ali ka Luwaa yaamaroolu muta le, waraŋ fo a ka ì ke le, kaatu ali laata kumoo le la, ali ye meŋ moyi? 6 Fo ali hakiloo maŋ bula ko, “Iburayima laata Alla la le, aduŋ a la wo lannoo le naata a ke moo tilindiŋo ti Alla ñaa koto”?
7 Wo kamma la, ali si a loŋ ko, moolu mennu ye lannoo soto, wolu le mu Iburayima diŋolu ti. 8 A fota le nuŋ, janniŋ a be ke la, Kitaabu Senuŋo kono ko, moolu mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti, Alla be ì tilindi la ka bo niŋ ì la lannoo le la. Alla ye ñiŋ kibaari betoo fo Iburayima ye le ko, “Nasiyoŋolu bee be neemoo soto la ka bo niŋ ite le la.” 9 Wo to moolu mennu ye lannoo soto, wolu niŋ Iburayima meŋ ye lannoo soto, ì be neemoo soto la le.
Kiristu ye ǹ kumakaa Luwaa la dankoo bulu
10 Moolu mennu bee be jikiriŋ Luwaa yaamarimutoo la, ì be dankoo le koto, kaatu a be safeeriŋ ne ko:
“Dankoo be moo-wo-moo le ye, meŋ maŋ yaamaroolu bee muta, mennu be safeeriŋ Luwaa Kitaaboo* kono, ka ì ke a ñaama.”
11 Saayiŋ a koyita le ko, Luwaa buka moo tilindi noo Alla ñaatiliŋo la, kaatu “moo tilindiŋo be baluu la ka bo niŋ lannoo le la.” 12 Bari Luwaa maŋ tara dendiŋ lannoo la, kaatu a fota le ko, “Moo meŋ ka Luwaa yaamaroolu bee muta, wo be baluu la a la le.” 13 Kiristu* ye ǹ kumakaa Luwaa la dankoo bulu le, baawo a faŋo ye wo dankoo taa ntolu la kuwo kamma ko a be safeeriŋ ñaameŋ ko:
“Dankoo be moo-wo-moo le ye, meŋ be dendiŋ yiroo bala.”
14 Ñiŋ keta le fo neemoo, Alla ye meŋ laahidi Iburayima ye, a si naa ka bo niŋ Kiristu Yeesu la, moolu ye mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti, aniŋ fo ǹ si Nooroo soto noo, a ye meŋ laahidi, ka bo niŋ lannoo la.
Luwaa niŋ laahidoo
15 Baadiŋolu*, m be ñiŋ taamanseeri la ali ye kuwo le la, meŋ ka ke luŋ-wo-luŋ: Hani hadamadiŋolu, niŋ ì ye laahidoo dii keetaa la kuwo to, aduŋ ì ye a bambandi, moo-wo-moo le te wo buruka noo la, waraŋ ka feŋ kafu noo a ma. 16 Kabiriŋ Alla ye laahidoolu dii Iburayima la, a ye ì dii a niŋ a koomalankoo le la. A te safeeriŋ ko, “a niŋ a koomalankoolu,” meŋ mu jamaa ti, bari a be safeeriŋ ne ko, “a koomalankoo,” aduŋ wo mu Kiristu le ti.
17 M be meŋ fo kaŋ, wo mu ñiŋ ne ti ko: Kambeŋo le foloota Luwaa ñaa, aduŋ Alla ye a bambandi le. Wo to, Musa la Luwaa* meŋ naata sanji keme naani niŋ taŋ saba koolaa, wo te kambeŋo buruka noo la ka laahidoo tiñaa. 18 Niŋ a ye a tara, keetaa sotota Luwaa le la, wo to a maŋ soto laahidoo la kotenke. Bari Alla ye keetaa dii Iburayima la ka bo niŋ laahidoo le la.
19 Wo to saayiŋ, muŋ ne mu Luwaa daliiloo ti? A naata kafu laahidoo ma junuboo la kuwo le kamma, fo janniŋ wo koomalankoo ka naa, laahidoo diita meŋ na. Aduŋ Luwaa dunta teemalankoo le bulu ka bo niŋ malaayikoolu la. 20 Saayiŋ, teemalankoo te moo kiliŋ ye, bari Alla mu kiliŋ ne ti.
21 Wo to, fo Luwaa niŋ Alla la laahidoolu waaliita ñoo ye le baŋ? Wo te ke noo la muk! Niŋ Luwaa diita, meŋ si baluwo dii noo, wo to tooñaa, tiliŋo Alla ñaatiliŋo la ka naa niŋ Luwaa le la. 22 Bari Kitaabu Senuŋo ye ñiŋ bankee le ko, duniyaa bee be junuboo semboo le koto, fo kiisoo meŋ laahidita si naa moolu ye, mennu laata Yeesu Kiristu la. 23 Bari janniŋ lannoo ka naa, m̀ be mutariŋ Luwaa le bulu nuŋ, ǹ soronta fo niŋ lannoo lankenemayaata. 24 Ka bo ñiŋ siloo la Luwaa keta ǹ ye kuluurilaa le ti fo niŋ Kiristu naata waatoo meŋ na, fo ǹ si tiliŋ noo ka bo niŋ lannoo la. 25 Bari saayiŋ, lannoo naata le, aduŋ ǹ te mutariŋ kotenke wo kuluurilaa bulu. 26 Kaatu alitolu bee mu Alla diŋolu le ti ka bo niŋ lannoo la Kiristu Yeesu kono. 27 Alitolu mennu bee batiseeta* Kiristu kono, ali ye Kiristu le duŋ. 28 Wo to Yahuudiyaa niŋ Jirisinkayaa te jee, joŋyaa niŋ foroyaa, waraŋ kewo niŋ musoo, kaatu alitolu bee mu kiliŋ ne ti Kiristu Yeesu kono. 29 Aduŋ niŋ ali mu Kiristu taalu ti, wo to ali mu Iburayima koomalankoolu niŋ a keetaalaalu le ti laahidoo kamma la.