Paul and the Other Apostles
1 Fourteen years later I went back to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus along with me. 2 I went because God revealed to me that I should go. In a private meeting with the leaders I explained the gospel message that I preach to the Gentiles. I did not want my work in the past or in the present to be a failure. 3 My companion Titus, even though he is Greek, was not forced to be circumcised, 4 although some wanted it done. Pretending to be believers, these men slipped into our group as spies, in order to find out about the freedom we have through our union with Christ Jesus. They wanted to make slaves of us, 5 but in order to keep the truth of the gospel safe for you, we did not give in to them for a minute.
6 But those who seemed to be the leaders—I say this because it makes no difference to me what they were; God does not judge by outward appearances—those leaders, I say, made no new suggestions to me. 7 On the contrary, they saw that God had given me the task of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as he had given Peter the task of preaching the gospel to the Jews. 8 For by God's power I was made an apostle to the Gentiles, just as Peter was made an apostle to the Jews. 9 James, Peter, and John, who seemed to be the leaders, recognized that God had given me this special task; so they shook hands with Barnabas and me, as a sign that we were all partners. We agreed that Barnabas and I would work among the Gentiles and they among the Jews. 10 All they asked was that we should remember the needy in their group, which is the very thing I have been eager to do.
Paul Rebukes Peter at Antioch
11 But when Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him in public, because he was clearly wrong. 12 Before some men who had been sent by James arrived there, Peter had been eating with the Gentile believers. But after these men arrived, he drew back and would not eat with the Gentiles, because he was afraid of those who were in favor of circumcising them. 13 The other Jewish believers also started acting like cowards along with Peter; and even Barnabas was swept along by their cowardly action. 14 When I saw that they were not walking a straight path in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you have been living like a Gentile, not like a Jew. How, then, can you try to force Gentiles to live like Jews?”
Jews and Gentiles Are Saved by Faith
15 Indeed, we are Jews by birth and not “Gentile sinners,” as they are called. 16 Yet we know that a person is put right with God only through faith in Jesus Christ, never by doing what the Law requires. We, too, have believed in Christ Jesus in order to be put right with God through our faith in Christ, and not by doing what the Law requires. For no one is put right with God by doing what the Law requires. 17 If, then, as we try to be put right with God by our union with Christ, we are found to be sinners, as much as the Gentiles are—does this mean that Christ is serving the cause of sin? By no means! 18 If I start to rebuild the system of Law that I tore down, then I show myself to be someone who breaks the Law. 19 So far as the Law is concerned, however, I am dead—killed by the Law itself—in order that I might live for God. I have been put to death with Christ on his cross, 20 so that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. This life that I live now, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave his life for me. 21 I refuse to reject the grace of God. But if a person is put right with God through the Law, it means that Christ died for nothing!
Kiilaalu sonta Pawulu la dookuwo la
1 Bituŋ sanji taŋ niŋ naani koolaa, m muruta Yerusalaamu, n niŋ Barinabas, aduŋ ŋà Titus fanaa samba ñoo la. 2 N taata jee yaamaroo le kaŋ, meŋ lankenemata n ye. Ŋa n na dookuwo la kuwo landi Yeesu la kafoo ñaatonkoolu ye suturoo kono ka ì kalamutandi, n ka Yeesu la kibaari betoo kawandi moolu ye ñaameŋ, mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti. Ŋa a saata ì ye le fo a si ke ñaa-wo-ñaa, n na dookuwo kana ke kuu kenseŋo ti. 3 Bari hani n taañoo Titus meŋ mu Jirisinkoo ti, ì maŋ a diyaakuyaa ka sunna.
4 Ñiŋ kuwo naata wuli le, biriŋ moo doolu mennu ye ì faŋolu ke baadiŋolu* ti, ì feeretoo dunta ali la kafoo kono ka ǹ na firiŋo koroosi, ŋà meŋ soto Kiristu* Yeesu kono, fo ì si ǹ joŋyandi. 5 Bari ntolu maŋ soŋ ì la kumoo lamoyi la hani domandiŋ fo kibaari betoo tooñaa si tu ali fee.
6 Hani ñaatonkoo doolu mennu be Yeesu la kafoo kono Yerusalaamu, moolu ka mennu muta horoma moolu ti, fo ì jarita horomoo la le, waraŋ fo ì maŋ jari a la, wo maŋ ke nte la haaji ti, kaatu Alla buka moo kiitindi a la maañaa la meŋ ka je, wo ñaatonkoolu maŋ feŋ kafu nte ma. 7 Ì maŋ balaŋ n na dookuwo la, bari ì ye a je le ko, Alla ye kibaari betoo karafa m ma le ka a kawandi moo koteŋolu ye, mennu maŋ sunna, ko Alla ye kibaari betoo karafa Pita ma ñaameŋ ka a kawandi Yahuudoolu ye, mennu sunnata. 8 Alla meŋ ye dookuwo ke ka bo niŋ Pita la, moolu kono mennu sunnata, ate le fanaa be dookuwo la ka bo niŋ nte la sunnabaloolu kono.
9 Biriŋ Yankuba, Kefas aniŋ Yohana mennu mu samasiŋolu ti Yeesu la kafoo kono, ye hiinoo je, Alla ye meŋ dii n na ka n ke kiilaa* ti, ì naata ì buloo dii n niŋ Barinabas la. Ñiŋ ye ǹ na kafuñooyaa le yitandi ko, ntolu si taa moolu yaa, mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti, itolu ye taa Yahuudoolu yaa. 10 Bari ì naata a fo ǹ ye ko, ǹ kana ñina fuwaaroolu la, mennu be ì fee. Wo mu kuwo le ti, n tarata meŋ kata kaŋ baake.
Pawulu ye Kefas jalayi
11 Kabiriŋ Kefas naata Antiyoki saatewo kono, ŋa a soosoo kenebaa to le, kaatu a ye kuwo le ke, meŋ maŋ tiliŋ. 12 Janniŋ moo doolu ka naa, mennu bota Yankuba yaa, a niŋ moolu mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti, ì ka domoroo ke ñoo kaŋ ne, bari kabiriŋ wo kewolu futata doroŋ, a ye a faŋ jamfandi wolu ma, kaatu a silata Yahuudoolu le la, mennu ye sunnoo kuwo kummaayandi. 13 A la wo le ye a tinna, Yahuudi toomaalu fanaa dunta bunaafayiyaa kono. Hani Barinabas faŋo naata bula ì nooma, feŋ te fo Kefas la maañaa.
14 Kabiriŋ ŋa ì la wo maañaa je, meŋ maŋ tara looriŋ tooñaa kaŋ kibaari betoo kono, n ko Kefas ye ì bee ñaa la ko, “Ite mu Yahuudoo le ti, bari hani wo, i buka maa ko Yahuudoo. Niŋ ite ka maa ko meŋ maŋ ke Yahuudoo ti, wo to, muŋ ne ye a tinna i ka moo koteŋolu diyaakuyaa mandi ko Yahuudoolu?”
Moo te tilindi noo la lannoo kooma
15 Wuluwo to, ntolu mu Yahuudoolu le ti. M̀ maŋ bo moolu kono, Yahuudoolu ka mennu kumandi jaahiloolu la. 16 Bari hani wo, ŋà a loŋ ne ko, ka Musa la Luwaa* la yaamaroolu muta, wo te moo-wo-moo tilindi noo la Alla ñaatiliŋo la, bari wo tiliŋo ka naa ka bo niŋ lannoo le la Yeesu Kiristu kono. Wo kamma la, m̀ fanaa naata laa Kiristu Yeesu la, fo ǹ si tilindi noo Alla ñaatiliŋo la ka bo niŋ lannoo la Kiristu kono. N na tiliŋo maŋ bo niŋ Luwaa la yaamaroolu la, kaatu ì mutoo te hani moo kiliŋ ne tilindi noo la Alla ñaatiliŋo la.
17 Ntolu be a kata kaŋ ne ka tilindi Alla ñaatiliŋo la Kiristu kafuñooyaa kono. Bari niŋ a naata je ko, ntolu faŋolu mu junubelaalu le ti, fo wo ye a yitandi le ko, Kiristu mu dookuulaa le ti junuboo ye baŋ? Wo te ke noo la muk! 18 Niŋ ŋa Luwaa buruka, n naata muru ŋa a londi kotenke, wo to ŋa m faŋ yitandi le ko, m mu Luwaa tiñaalaa le ti. 19 M faata ka bo niŋ Luwaa la karoo la, fo n si baluu Alla ye.
20 Wo to n niŋ Kiristu pempenta yiribantambiloo bala le. A maŋ ke ko, nte faŋo le be baluuriŋ, bari Kiristu le be baluuriŋ n kono. M be baluwo meŋ to saayiŋ, wo baluwo be looriŋ lannoo le kaŋ ŋa meŋ soto Alla Dinkewo* la, meŋ ye n kanu, aniŋ a ye a niyo laa n ye.
21 M maŋ Alla la hiinoo muta kuu kenseŋo ti, kaatu niŋ tiliŋo Alla ñaatiliŋo la si soto noo ka bo niŋ Luwaa la yaamarimutoo le la, wo to Kiristu la saayaa maŋ daliila soto.