1 God said, “Mortal man, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the people of Israel.”
2 So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat. 3 He said, “Mortal man, eat this scroll that I give you; fill your stomach with it.” I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey.
4 Then God said, “Mortal man, go to the people of Israel and say to them whatever I tell you to say. 5 I am not sending you to a nation that speaks a difficult foreign language, but to the Israelites. 6 If I sent you to great nations that spoke difficult languages you didn't understand, they would listen to you. 7 But none of the people of Israel will be willing to listen; they will not even listen to me. All of them are stubborn and defiant. 8 Now I will make you as stubborn and as tough as they are. 9 I will make you as firm as a rock, as hard as a diamond; don't be afraid of those rebels.”
10 God continued, “Mortal man, pay close attention and remember everything I tell you. 11 Then go to the people of your nation who are in exile and tell them what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to them, whether they pay attention to you or not.”
12 Then God's spirit lifted me up, and I heard behind me the loud roar of a voice that said, “Praise the glory of the Lord in heaven above!” 13 I heard the wings of the creatures beating together in the air, and the noise of the wheels, as loud as an earthquake. 14 The power of the Lord came on me with great force, and as his spirit carried me off, I felt bitter and angry. 15 So I came to Tel Abib beside the Chebar River, where the exiles were living, and for seven days I stayed there, overcome by what I had seen and heard.
The Lord Appoints Ezekiel as a Lookout
(Ezekiel 33.1-9)16 After the seven days had passed, the Lord spoke to me. 17 “Mortal man,” he said, “I am making you a lookout for the nation of Israel. You will pass on to them the warnings I give you. 18 If I announce that someone evil is going to die but you do not warn him to change his ways so that he can save his life, he will die, still a sinner, but I will hold you responsible for his death. 19 If you do warn an evil man and he doesn't stop sinning, he will die, still a sinner, but your life will be spared.
20 “If someone truly good starts doing evil and I put him in a dangerous situation, he will die if you do not warn him. He will die because of his sins—I will not remember the good he did—and I will hold you responsible for his death. 21 If you do warn a good man not to sin and he listens to you and doesn't sin, he will stay alive, and your life will also be spared.”
Ezekiel Will Be Unable to Talk
22 I felt the powerful presence of the Lord and heard him say to me, “Get up and go out into the valley. I will talk to you there.”
23 So I went out into the valley, and there I saw the glory of the Lord, just as I had seen it beside the Chebar River. I fell face downward on the ground, 24 but God's spirit entered me and raised me to my feet. The Lord said to me, “Go home and shut yourself up in the house. 25 You will be tied with ropes, mortal man, and you will not be able to go out in public. 26 I will paralyze your tongue so that you won't be able to warn these rebellious people. 27 Then, when I speak to you again and give you back the power of speech, you will tell them what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying. Some of them will listen, but some will ignore you, for they are a nation of rebels.”
1 Bituŋ Yaawe* ko n ye ko, “Ite hadamadiŋo, ŋa ñiŋ kitaaboo meŋ dii i la teŋ, a domo. I ye naa taa ka diyaamu Banisirayilankoolu ye.” 2 Wo to le ŋa n daa yele, a ye wo kitaaboo dii n na, ka a domo. 3 A naata a fo n ye ko, “Hadamadiŋo, ñiŋ kitaaboo taa, i ye a domo fo i konoo ye faa a la tep.” Wo to le, ŋa a taa ŋa a domo. Bituŋ a diyaata n daa ko liyo.
Yaawe ye Esekiyeli bambandi dookuwo kamma
4 Bituŋ a ko n ye ko, “Hadamadiŋo, wuli i ye taa Banisirayilankoolu kaŋ, i ye n na kumoolu futandi ì ma. 5 M maŋ i kii kaŋyelemoolu kaŋ, i maŋ mennu la kaŋo moyi, bari Banisirayilankoolu le mu, i niŋ mennu ka kaŋ kiliŋo fo. 6 Bari hani niŋ ŋa i kii moolu le kaŋ, i niŋ mennu buka kaŋ kiliŋo fo, wolu be i lamoyi la i la le. 7 Bari Banisirayilankoolu te soŋ na i lamoyi la i la, kaatu ì maŋ soŋ ka i lamoyi nte faŋo la. Ì mu moo kuŋ jaaroolu le ti, ì sondomoolu fanaa jaata le. 8 M be i niŋ ì kaañandi la ñaa jaa aniŋ kuŋ jaa la le. 9 M be i bambandi la le ko beroo. Kana sila ì la, waraŋ i kijoo si i fara, kaatu Banisirayilankoolu mu moo muritiriŋolu le ti.”
10 A ko n ye ko, “Hadamadiŋo, i hakiloo tu ñiŋ kumoolu to n ka mennu bee fo i ye, i si i lamoyi kendeke. 11 Saayiŋ, wuli i ye taa i la moolu kaŋ, i niŋ mennu be mutoo kono, i ye diyaamu ì ye. I si kumoolu sindi ì ma, nte Yaawe, i Maariyo be meŋ fo kaŋ i ye, fo ì be i lamoyi la i la le baŋ, waraŋ fo ì te i lamoyi la i la.”
12 Wo waatoo la le, Yaawe la Nooroo ye n samba. Bituŋ ŋa kumakaŋ baa moyi n kooma meŋ ko, “Tenturoo niŋ jayiroo be Yaawe ye, meŋ be mansasiiraŋo kaŋ.” 13 Ŋa daafeŋolu dampaŋolu moyi kosi la ñoo la, aniŋ sareeti siŋolu maakaŋ baa mennu be ì dandaŋo la.
14 Bituŋ Yaawe la Nooroo ye n samba, kamfaa niŋ niikuyaa naata duŋ n na. Yaawe sembe baa jiita n kaŋ ka m mara. 15 N taata mutamoolu yaa Teli-Abibu saatewo to Kebari Boloŋo daala. Bituŋ n sabatita ì fee jee fo tili woorowula, n niŋ jaakaloo.
Yaawe ye Esekiyeli tomboŋ Banisirayila la koroosirilaa ti
16 Bituŋ wo tili woorowuloo koolaa le, Yaawe la kumoo naata n kaŋ ko: 17 “Hadamadiŋo, ka bo saayiŋ na ŋa ite le tomboŋ ka i ke Banisirayilankoolu ye koroosirilaa ti, ka n na kumoolu lamoyi, ka ì sindi ì ma, aniŋ ka ì dandalaa. 18 Niŋ n ko moo kuruŋo ye ko, ‘Ite moo kuruŋo, a te baayi la i be faa la le,’ saayiŋ ite koroosirilaa maŋ naa feŋ fo ka wo moo kuruŋo dandalaa fo a si a la sila kuruŋo bula, ka baluu. A la wo kuruŋyaa le be a tinna la a ye faa, bari a la saayaa dunoo be tara la laariŋ ite le kaŋ. 19 Bari niŋ a ye a tara i ye a maarii dandalaa le, aduŋ a maŋ soŋ ka a la kuu jawoo kewo bula waraŋ a la sila kuruŋo, a la wo kuruŋyaa le be a tinna la a ye faa. A la saayaa dunoo te tara la laariŋ ite kaŋ, aduŋ ite be tanka la saayaa ma le.
20 “Wo ñaa kiliŋo la, niŋ moo tilindiŋo ye a la tiliŋo bula, a ye a dati ka kuu tilimbaloo ke, m be kalewo le laa la a ñaato, a ye boyi ka faa. Niŋ i maŋ a dandalaa, a la wo kuu kuruŋ kewo le be a tinna la a ye faa. A ye kuu betoolu mennu bee ke nuŋ, n hakili te bula la ì la. Aduŋ a la saayaa dunoo be tara la laariŋ ite le kaŋ. 21 Bari niŋ i ye wo moo tilindiŋo dandalaa le ko, a kana junuboo ke, a naata i la yaamaroo muta, wo to wo maarii te faa la, a be baluu la le. Aduŋ ite fanaa be tanka la saayaa ma le.”
Esekiyeli mumuneeyaata
22 Bituŋ Yaawe semboo jiita n kaŋ kotenke, a ye m mara. A ko n ye ko, “Wuli i ye taa wo kene fanuŋo to, m be diyaamu la i ye jee le to.” 23 Bituŋ n naata wuli, n taata wo kene fanuŋo to. Ŋa Yaawe la kallankeeyaa* je jee, a be malamala kaŋ, ko ŋa a je nuŋ ñaameŋ, Kebari Boloŋo daala. Bituŋ ŋa m fayi bankoo to, m bitita n ñaadaa kaŋ.
24 Yaawe la Nooroo dunta n na, a ye n londi m moo fula siŋo la. Bituŋ a naata diyaamu n ye ko: “Taa i la buŋo kono, i ye bundaa soroŋ i faŋ fee. 25 A fele, hadamadiŋo, ì be naa i siti la niŋ julukesoolu le la, m be a ke la le, i kana finti noo banta ka tara moolu kono. 26 Aduŋ m be i neŋo muta la le, meŋ be a tinna la i te diyaamu noo la wo moo muritiriŋolu ye, ka ì jalayi ì la kuu jawoolu la. 27 Bari niŋ n suulata i la ka n na kumoolu fo moolu ye waati meŋ na, m be i neŋo bo la mutariŋ ne, fo i si diyaamu noo ì ye, i si a fo ì ye ko, Maarii Yaawe le ye ñiŋ kumoolu fo ì ye. Moo-wo-moo lafita i lamoyi la i la, a si i lamoyi. Moo meŋ maŋ lafi i lamoyi la i la fanaa, a si a tu jee, kaatu ì mu moo muritiriŋolu le ti.”