The Lord Orders Israel to Leave Mount Sinai
1 The Lord said to Moses, “Leave this place, you and the people you brought out of Egypt, and go to the land that I promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and to their descendants. 2 I will send an angel to guide you, and I will drive out the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. 3 You are going to a rich and fertile land. But I will not go with you myself, because you are a stubborn people, and I might destroy you on the way.”
4 When the people heard this, they began to mourn and did not wear jewelry any more. 5 For the Lord had commanded Moses to tell them, “You are a stubborn people. If I were to go with you even for a moment, I would completely destroy you. Now take off your jewelry, and I will decide what to do with you.” 6 So after they left Mount Sinai, the people of Israel no longer wore jewelry.
The Tent of the Lord's Presence
7 Whenever the people of Israel set up camp, Moses would take the sacred Tent and put it up some distance outside the camp. It was called the Tent of the Lord's presence, and anyone who wanted to consult the Lord would go out to it. 8 Whenever Moses went out there, the people would stand at the door of their tents and watch Moses until he entered it. 9 After Moses had gone in, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the door of the Tent, and the Lord would speak to Moses from the cloud. 10 As soon as the people saw the pillar of cloud at the door of the Tent, they would bow down. 11 The Lord would speak with Moses face-to-face, just as someone speaks with a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp. But the young man who was his helper, Joshua son of Nun, stayed in the Tent.
The Lord Promises to Be with His People
12 Moses said to the Lord, “It is true that you have told me to lead these people to that land, but you did not tell me whom you would send with me. You have said that you know me well and are pleased with me. 13 Now if you are, tell me your plans, so that I may serve you and continue to please you. Remember also that you have chosen this nation to be your own.”
14 The Lord said, “I will go with you, and I will give you victory.”
15 Moses replied, “If you do not go with us, don't make us leave this place. 16 How will anyone know that you are pleased with your people and with me if you do not go with us? Your presence with us will distinguish us from any other people on earth.”
17 The Lord said to Moses, “I will do just as you have asked, because I know you very well and I am pleased with you.”
18 Then Moses requested, “Please, let me see the dazzling light of your presence.”
19 The Lord answered, “I will make all my splendor pass before you and in your presence I will pronounce my sacred name. I am the Lord, and I show compassion and pity on those I choose. 20 I will not let you see my face, because no one can see me and stay alive, 21 but here is a place beside me where you can stand on a rock. 22 When the dazzling light of my presence passes by, I will put you in an opening in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will take my hand away, and you will see my back but not my face.”
Yaawe ye Banisirayilankoolu yaamari ka bo Sinayi Konkoo to
1 Yaawe* ko Musa ye ko, “I niŋ moolu, i ye mennu bondi naŋ Misira, si bo ñiŋ dulaa to, ali ye taa bankoo to, n kalita Iburayima, Isiyaaka, aniŋ Yaakuba ye daameŋ na ko, m be a dii la ì koomalankoolu la le. 2 M be malaayikoo le tambindi la ali ñaato, fo a si Kanaaninkoolu, Amorinkoolu, Hitinkoolu, Perisinkoolu, Hiwinkoolu, aniŋ Yebusinkoolu bayi. 3 Ali be taa bankoo le to, keekewo niŋ liyo ka woyi daameŋ. Bari nte faŋo niŋ ali te taa ñoo la, kaatu ali kuŋo jaata baake le, n si ali kasaara noo siloo kaŋ ne.”
4 Kabiriŋ moolu ye ñiŋ niitoora kuwo moyi, ì ye a dati ka woosii. Bituŋ ì maŋ naa ñara duŋ kotenke, 5 kaatu Yaawe ye Musa yaamari le nuŋ, ka a fo ì ye ko, “Ali mu moo kaŋ jaaroolu le ti. Niŋ a ye a tara, n niŋ ali be taa la ñoo la, a te waati sii la, m be ali tumbuŋ na. Saayiŋ ali si ali la ñaroolu bondi, n si naa a loŋ, m be meŋ ke la ali la.” 6 Kabiriŋ Banisirayilankoolu bota Sinayi Konkoo to, ì maŋ ñaroolu duŋ kotenke.
Tiriliisoo daakaa ye banta la
7 Saayiŋ, Musa ka tiriliisoo* le samba, a ye a wanka daakaa banta la dulaa jaŋ to, ka a kumandi Bendulaa Tiriliisoo la. Moo-wo-moo lafita Yaawe la lafoo ñini la, a ka taa Bendulaa Tiriliisoo le to daakaa banta la. 8 Niŋ Musa be taa tiriliisoo to waati-wo-waati, moolu bee ka wuli le, ì ye loo ì la tiriliisoolu dundaŋ daalu to, ka Musa juubee, fo a ye duŋ tiriliisoo kono. 9 Niŋ Musa ka duŋ tiriliisoo kono, minaayi samasimmaa le ka jii naŋ, a ye loo tiriliisoo dundaŋ daa to. Yaawe ye naa diyaamu a ye. 10 Niŋ moolu ye minaayi samasimmaa je looriŋ tiriliisoo dundaŋ daa to waati-wo-waati doroŋ, ì bee ka loo ì la tiriliisoolu dundaŋ daalu to le, ì ye sujudi.
11 Yaawe niŋ Musa ka diyaamu ñoo ye le, ko moo niŋ a teeroo ka diyaamu ñaameŋ. Bituŋ Musa si muruŋ daakaa dulaa to. Bari a la fondinkee maakoyilaa, meŋ keta Yosuwa ti, Nuni dinkewo, ka sabati tiriliisoo le koto.
Yaawe la laahidoo ka tara a la moolu fee
12 Musa ko Yaawe ye ko, “Tooñaa le mu, i ko ŋa ñiŋ moolu ñaatonkayaa, ka taa wo bankoo kaŋ, bari i maŋ a fo n ye, n niŋ meŋ be taa ñoo la. I ko le ko, i ye n loŋ baake le, aduŋ n na kuwo ye i seewoo le. 13 Niŋ n na kuwo ye i seewoo, i la siloo yitandi n na, fo n si i loŋ kendeke, aniŋ ka i seewondi. I hakiloo si tara ñiŋ kaŋ ko, ñiŋ moolu mu i fansuŋ moolu le ti.”
14 Yaawe ye a jaabi ko, “N niŋ i be taa ñoo la le, aduŋ m be dahaa dii la i la le.”
15 Wo to le Musa ko a ye ko, “Niŋ i niŋ m̀ maŋ taa ñoo la, wo to kana m̀ bondi jaŋ. 16 Moolu be a loŋ noo la ñaadii le ko, i seewoota n niŋ i la moolu la kuwo la le, niŋ i niŋ m̀ maŋ taa ñoo la? I la taroo m̀ fee, wo le be ǹ niŋ duniyaa moolu bo la ñoo to.”
17 Wo to le Yaawe ko Musa ye ko, “I ye meŋ fo, m be wo le ke la, kaatu ŋa i loŋ baake le, aduŋ i la kuwo ye n seewoo le.”
Musa lafita Yaawe la mansabaayaa je la
18 Musa ko, “Dukaree, i si i la mansabaayaa yitandi n na.”
19 Yaawe ye a jaabi ko, “M be n na beteyaa bee yitandi la i la le, aduŋ m be n too ‘Yaawe’ kankulaa la i ñaatiliŋo la le. N ñanta hiina la mennu ye, m be hiinoo dii la ì la le. N ñanta balafaa soto la mennu ye, m be balafaa la wolu ye le.”
20 Bari a ko Musa ye ko, “I te n ñaadaa je noo la, kaatu hadamadiŋo te n je la, a ye baluu.”
21 Bituŋ Yaawe ko, “A fele, dulaa le be n daala, i si loo noo bere baa kaŋ daameŋ. 22 Niŋ n na semboo niŋ waroo ka tambi, m be i ke la berehuwo le kono, aduŋ m be i muuri la m buloo le la, fo ŋa tambi. 23 Wo to le, n si naa m buloo bondi, i si n kooma je, bari n ñaadaa, i te wo je noo la.”