Craftsmen for the Tent of the Lord's Presence
(Exodus 35.30—36.1)
1 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “I have chosen Bezalel, the son of Uri and grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah, 3 and I have filled him with my power. I have given him understanding, skill, and ability for every kind of artistic work— 4 for planning skillful designs and working them in gold, silver, and bronze; 5 for cutting jewels to be set; for carving wood; and for every other kind of artistic work. 6 I have also selected Oholiab son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, to work with him. I have also given great ability to all the other skilled workers, so that they can make everything I have commanded to be made: 7 the Tent of my presence, the Covenant Box and its lid, all the furnishings of the Tent, 8 the table and its equipment, the lampstand of pure gold and all its equipment, the altar for burning incense, 9 the altar for burnt offerings and all its equipment, the washbasin and its base, 10 the magnificent priestly garments for Aaron and his sons to use when they serve as priests, 11 the anointing oil, and the sweet-smelling incense for the Holy Place. In making all these things, they are to do exactly as I have commanded you.”
Sabbath, the Day of Rest
12 The Lord commanded Moses 13 to tell the people of Israel, “Keep the Sabbath, my day of rest, because it is a sign between you and me for all time to come, to show that I, the Lord, have made you my own people. 14 You must keep the day of rest, because it is sacred. Whoever does not keep it, but works on that day, is to be put to death. 15 You have six days in which to do your work, but the seventh day is a solemn day of rest dedicated to me. Whoever does any work on that day is to be put to death. 16 The people of Israel are to keep this day as a sign of the covenant. 17 It is a permanent sign between the people of Israel and me, because I, the Lord, made heaven and earth in six days, and on the seventh day I stopped working and rested.”
18 When God had finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two stone tablets on which God himself had written the commandments.
Besaleli niŋ Oholiyabu
(2 Musa 35:30—36:1)
1 Yaawe* ko Musa ye ko:
2 A fele, ŋa Uri dinkewo Besaleli tomboŋ, meŋ keta Huri mamariŋo ti, aduŋ a bota Yahuuda lasiloo le kono. 3 A be faariŋ n na Nooroo le la. Ŋa fahaamuroo dii a la le, semboo aniŋ londoo, ka bulukalaŋ dookuu-wo-dookuu ke, 4 ka feeroo soto ka feŋ ñiimaalu nuunee, aniŋ ka ì dookuu niŋ sanoo la, kodiforoo aniŋ jaawaloo, 5 ka bere ñiimaalu kuntu, ka sani kedulaalu dadaa ì ye, ka babara dookuwo ke, aniŋ ka bulukalaŋ dookuu siifaalu bee ke.
6 Ŋa Oholiyabu fanaa tomboŋ ne, Ahisamaki dinkewo, meŋ bota Dani lasiloo kono, a niŋ a ye dookuwo ke. Aduŋ fanaa ŋa semboo dii mecetiyolu bee la le bulukalaŋ dookuwo la karoo la, fo ì si feŋ-wo-feŋ ke, ŋa meŋ yaamari ka dookuu: 7 Bendulaa Tiriliisoo, Kambeŋ Kunewo* niŋ a bitindaŋo, aniŋ tiriliisoo konoto feŋolu bee, 8 taabuloo niŋ a jooraŋolu, saniforo lampu looraŋo niŋ a jooraŋolu bee, cuuraayi siisindidulaa, 9 sadaajanidulaa* niŋ a jooraŋolu, fenkeŋo niŋ a looraŋo, 10 aniŋ fanaa dendika kummaalu piriisoo* Haaruna ye, aniŋ dendikoolu a dinkewolu ye, niŋ ì be piriisiyaa dookuwo ke la n ye, 11 tulu senuŋo*, aniŋ cuuraayi diimaa dulaa senuŋo ye. Ì ñanta a dadaa la le, ko ŋa i yaamari ñaameŋ.
Loobula Luŋo
12 Yaawe ye Musa yaamari ñiŋ ne la, 13 ka a fo Banisirayilankoolu ye ko:
Ali si ali hakiloo tu Loobula Luŋo to. N na foñondiŋ luŋo le mu. A keta taamanseeri le ti alitolu niŋ nte Yaawe teema jamaanoolu ye mennu be naa. Ñiŋ ne be a yitandi la ali la ko, nte Yaawe ye ali ke m fansuŋ moo senuŋolu le ti. 14 Ali ali hakiloo tu Loobula Luŋo to, kaatu luŋ buuñaariŋo le mu ali ye. Moo-wo-moo maŋ a luŋo kuliyaa, ali ñanta a faa la le. Niŋ moo ye dookuwo ke Loobula Luŋo la, wo maarii be bondi la a la moolu kono. 15 Ali si dookuwo ke fo tili wooro, bari tili woorowulanjaŋ luŋo wo mu Loobula Luŋo le ti, luŋ buuñaariŋo nte Yaawe ye. Moo-wo-moo ye dookuwo ke Loobula Luŋo la, ali ñanta a maarii faa la le. 16 Banisirayilankoolu ñanta Loobula Luŋo hakilitu la le, ka a juura, aduŋ a si ke kambeŋo ti jamaanoolu ye mennu be naa. 17 A be ke la taamanseeri le ti meŋ be tara la n niŋ Banisirayilankoolu teema fo abadaa. Kaatu ŋa saŋo niŋ bankoo daa tili wooro le, aduŋ tili woorowulanjaŋ luŋo la, m maŋ daaroo ke, ŋa n dahaa le.

18 Kabiriŋ Yaawe pareeta diyaamoo la Musa ye Sinayi Konkoo kaŋ, a ye seedeyaa walaa fuloo dii a la, berewalaalu, ate faŋo ye yaamaroolu safee daameŋ.