1 And so the king and Haman went to eat with Esther 2 for a second time. Over the wine the king asked her again, “Now, Queen Esther, what do you want? Tell me and you shall have it. I'll even give you half the empire.”
3 Queen Esther answered, “If it please Your Majesty to grant my humble request, my wish is that I may live and that my people may live. 4 My people and I have been sold for slaughter. If it were nothing more serious than being sold into slavery, I would have kept quiet and not bothered you about it; but we are about to be destroyed—exterminated!”
5 Then King Xerxes asked Queen Esther, “Who dares to do such a thing? Where is this man?”
6 Esther answered, “Our enemy, our persecutor, is this evil man Haman!”
Haman faced the king and queen with terror. 7 The king got up in a fury, left the room, and went outside to the palace gardens. Haman could see that the king was determined to punish him for this, so he stayed behind to beg Queen Esther for his life. 8 He had just thrown himself down on Esther's couch to beg for mercy, when the king came back into the room from the gardens. Seeing this, the king cried out, “Is this man going to rape the queen right here in front of me, in my own palace?”
The king had no sooner said this than the eunuchs covered Haman's head. 9 Then one of them, who was named Harbonah, said, “Haman even went so far as to build a gallows at his house so that he could hang Mordecai, who saved Your Majesty's life. And it's seventy-five feet tall!”
“Hang Haman on it!” the king commanded.
10 So Haman was hanged on the gallows that he had built for Mordecai. Then the king's anger cooled down.
Hamani la deŋo
1 Bituŋ mansa niŋ Hamani taata Mansamusoo* Esita la feetoo to. 2 Wo tili fulanjaŋo meŋ, ì be wayinoo* miŋ kaŋ, mansa ko kotenke ko, “Mansamusoo Esita, muŋ ne mu i la hame kuwo ti? A be dii la i la le. I lafita muŋ ne la? Hani bankoo talantewo a si ke i taa ti.”
3 Bituŋ Mansamusoo Esita ye a jaabi ko, “M maarii, niŋ ŋa maakoyiroo je i ñaato, aduŋ a diyaata i ye, n niyo si ke n taa ti, wo le mu n na hame kuwo ti, aduŋ n na moolu la baluwo, wo le mu n lafinna kuwo ti. 4 Kaatu ì ye nte niŋ n na moolu saŋ ne ka ǹ kasaara, ka m̀ faa aniŋ ka ǹ tumbuŋ. Niŋ a ye a tara ì ye ǹ saŋ ne ka ǹ ke jommusoolu niŋ jonkewolu ti, n te feŋ fo la nuŋ, kaatu ñiŋ niitoora siifaa te jari la ka ite mansa batandi.”
5 Mansa Ahasuweru ye Mansamusoo Esita ñininkaa ko, “Jumaa le mu wo ti? Moo jumaa le haañita ka ñiŋ kuu siifaa ke?”
6 Esita ko a ye ko, “Ǹ toorandilaa niŋ ǹ jawoo mu ñiŋ Hamani moo kuruŋo le ti.”
Bituŋ Hamani ye a ñaa mala mansa niŋ a la musoo kaŋ. 7 Mansa kamfaatoo wulita, a ye a la wayinoo tu jee, a taata a la mansabuŋo luu ñiimaa baa to. Hamani ye a loŋ ne ko, silaŋ mansa be meŋ ke la wo te baayi la. A tuta kooma ka Mansamusoo Esita daani a niyo la kuwo kamma. 8 Kabiriŋ mansa bota naŋ a la mansabuŋo luwo to ka muru feeti buŋ baa to, a ye Hamani tara boyiriŋ siiraŋo kaŋ Esita be nonkommaariŋ meŋ kaŋ. Mansa sarita, “Fo a be ñapi la mansamusoo kaŋ ne, niŋ wo niŋ nte be buŋo kono?”
Kabiriŋ ñiŋ kumoo bota mansa daa kono doroŋ, ì ye Hamani ñaadaa muuri. 9 Bituŋ Haribona mansa la dookuulaa doo ko mansa ye ko, “Moo dendulaa meŋ jamfoo si taa kaañaŋ nonkonkatiñaa taŋ luulu fee le be looriŋ Hamani la buŋo daala. A ye a dadaa Moridekayi le ye meŋ ka diyaamu ka ite mansa maakoyi.”
Mansa ko, “Ali a deŋ a bala!” 10 Bituŋ ì ye Hamani deŋ moo dendulaa bala a faŋo ye meŋ parendi Moridekayi ye. Bituŋ mansa la kamfaa bota.