Living in the Light
1 Since you are God's dear children, you must try to be like him. 2 Your life must be controlled by love, just as Christ loved us and gave his life for us as a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice that pleases God.
3 Since you are God's people, it is not right that any matters of sexual immorality or indecency or greed should even be mentioned among you. 4 Nor is it fitting for you to use language which is obscene, profane, or vulgar. Rather you should give thanks to God. 5 You may be sure that no one who is immoral, indecent, or greedy (for greed is a form of idolatry) will ever receive a share in the Kingdom of Christ and of God.
6 Do not let anyone deceive you with foolish words; it is because of these very things that God's anger will come upon those who do not obey him. 7 So have nothing at all to do with such people. 8 You yourselves used to be in the darkness, but since you have become the Lord's people, you are in the light. So you must live like people who belong to the light, 9 for it is the light that brings a rich harvest of every kind of goodness, righteousness, and truth. 10 Try to learn what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the worthless things that people do, things that belong to the darkness. Instead, bring them out to the light. ( 12 It is really too shameful even to talk about the things they do in secret.) 13 And when all things are brought out to the light, then their true nature is clearly revealed; 14 for anything that is clearly revealed becomes light. That is why it is said,
“Wake up, sleeper,
and rise from death,
and Christ will shine on you.”
15 So be careful how you live. Don't live like ignorant people, but like wise people. 16 Make good use of every opportunity you have, because these are evil days. 17 Don't be fools, then, but try to find out what the Lord wants you to do.
18 Do not get drunk with wine, which will only ruin you; instead, be filled with the Spirit. 19 Speak to one another with the words of psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing hymns and psalms to the Lord with praise in your hearts. 20 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, always give thanks for everything to God the Father.
Wives and Husbands
21 Submit yourselves to one another because of your reverence for Christ.
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as to the Lord. 23 For a husband has authority over his wife just as Christ has authority over the church; and Christ is himself the Savior of the church, his body. 24 And so wives must submit themselves completely to their husbands just as the church submits itself to Christ.
25 Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. 26 He did this to dedicate the church to God by his word, after making it clean by washing it in water, 27 in order to present the church to himself in all its beauty—pure and faultless, without spot or wrinkle or any other imperfection. 28 Men ought to love their wives just as they love their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself. ( 29 None of us ever hate our own bodies. Instead, we feed them, and take care of them, just as Christ does the church; 30 for we are members of his body.) 31 As the scripture says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one.” 32 There is a deep secret truth revealed in this scripture, which I understand as applying to Christ and the church. 33 But it also applies to you: every husband must love his wife as himself, and every wife must respect her husband.
Moo kutoo la baluuñaa
1 Wo kamma la, ali ke Alla nikinnaalu ti, kaatu ali mu a kanudiŋolu le ti. 2 Ali taama kanoo kono, ko Kiristu* ye ǹ kanu ñaameŋ, fo a ye a faŋo dii ǹ na sadaa* ti, meŋ seeroo diyaata Alla ye. 3 Bari ali si fata laañooyaa tuluŋo ma, seneyaabaliyaa siifaa bee aniŋ hadumoo, ñiŋ kuwolu maŋ ñaŋ na fo la ali kono faŋ, kaatu wolu maŋ ke moo senuŋolu la kuwo ti. 4 Kuma nooriŋo, diyaamu kalantaŋo aniŋ sanaari jawoo kana bo ali daa kono. Ñiŋ kuwolu maŋ beteyaa, bari ì noo to, ali si Alla tentu. 5 Ali si ñiŋ loŋ koyirinke ko, laañooyaa tulunnaa, moo seneyaabaloo waraŋ moo hadumeriŋo, wolu nene te kara soto la Kiristu niŋ Alla la mansabaayaa to. Moo meŋ hadumeta, ali si ñiŋ loŋ a la kuwo to ko, hadumoo mu jalambatoo le ti. 6 Ali kana soŋ, moo ye ali neenee niŋ kuma kenseŋolu la. Ñiŋ kuwolu le ye a tinna, Alla la kamfaa baa be naa la moolu kaŋ, mennu maŋ soŋ a ma. 7 Wo kamma la, ali niŋ wo moo siifaalu kana kafuñooyaa soto. 8 Ali mu diboo le ti nuŋ, bari saayiŋ ali mu maloo le ti Maariyo kono. Wo kamma la, ali baluu ko moolu mennu mu maloo taa ti. 9 Kaatu kuwolu, maloo ka mennu diŋ, ì ka je beteyaa, tiliŋo aniŋ tooñaa le kono. 10 Aduŋ ali si a kata ka kuwo loŋ, meŋ si Maariyo kontaanindi. 11 Ali kana ali daa bula diboo la baara nafantaŋolu kono, bari ali si wolu waañaari. 12 Ì ka mennu ke kulloo kono, hani ka wolu fo faŋ, wo mu malu kuwo le ti. 13 Bari feŋ-wo-feŋ maloo ye meŋ waañaari, wo ka je le, a mu meŋ ti, 14 aduŋ feŋ-wo-feŋ meŋ jeta maloo kono, wo fanaa keta maloo le ti. Wo kamma la, a fota le ko:
“Ite siinoolaa, kuniŋ i ye wuli saayaa kono,
aduŋ Kiristu be a la maloo mala la i kaŋ ne.”
15 Wo to, ali ali hakiloo tu ali baluuñaa to. Ali kana ke ñaamembaloolu ti, bari ali si ke ñaamendiŋolu ti. 16 Ali ali la waatoo taa kuu, kaatu ñiŋ luŋolu jawuyaata le. 17 Wo kamma la, ali kana tooleeyaa, bari ali si a fahaamu, meŋ mu Maariyo la lafoo ti.
18 Aduŋ ali kana siira doloo la, meŋ ka fankeñaa lombaliyaa saabu ka kuu nooriŋolu ke, bari ali si faa niŋ Noora Kuliŋo la. 19 Ali diyaamu ñoo ye niŋ jabuuroolu la, jayiri suukuwolu aniŋ suukuu senuŋolu. Ali Maariyo tentu ali la suukuwolu la, ali ye a jayi niŋ ali sondomoolu bee la. 20 Kuu-wo-kuu to, ali si tenturoo dii Alla la, m̀ Faamaa, m̀ Maarii Yeesu Kiristu too la.
Futuuñoolu la baluuñaa senuŋo
21 Ali soŋ ñoo ma Kiristu ñaasilaŋo kamma la. 22 Musoolu, ali soŋ ali keemaañolu ma, ko ali ñanta soŋ na Maariyo ma ñaameŋ. 23 Kaatu kewo le mu kuntiyo ti a la musoo ye ko Kiristu mu kuŋo ti a baloo ye ñaameŋ, meŋ mu a la kafoo ti, a faŋo mu ǹ na Kiisandirilaa le ti. 24 Ko Kiristu la kafoo ka soŋ a ma ñaameŋ, musoolu fanaa ñanta soŋ na ì keemaañolu ma wo le ñaama kuu-wo-kuu to.
25 Kewolu, ali ali la musoolu kanu ko Kiristu ye a la kafoo kanu ñaameŋ. A ye hani a faŋo dii a la le, 26 fo a si a seneyandi. A ye a kuu niŋ batiseeroo* le la, aniŋ a la kumoo ti, 27 fo a si a parendi a faŋo ye kallankeeyaa* kono. A ye wo ke le, fo lanjuuroo, noroo waraŋ wo ñoŋ kuu siifaa doo te soto la a bala, bari a si seneyaa sootaaribaliyaa kono. 28 Wo ñaa kiliŋo la, kewolu ñanta ì la musoolu kanu la le ko ì ye ì faŋolu baloolu kanu ñaameŋ. Kewo meŋ ye a la musoo kanu, a ye a faŋo le kanu. 29 Kaatu moo nene maŋ a faŋo baloo koŋ, bari a ka a domorindi le, aduŋ a ka a topatoo le, ko Kiristu fanaa ka a la kafoo topatoo ñaameŋ, 30 baawo ntolu mu suufoolu le ti a baloo ye.
31 “Wo kamma la, kewo ka a baa niŋ a faa bula jee le,
a niŋ a la musoo ye naki ñoo la, ì ye ke balajaata kiliŋ ti.”
32 Kulloo baa be maaboriŋ ñiŋ kumoo kono le, bari ŋa a fahaamu ko, a ka Kiristu niŋ a la kafoo la kuwo le yitandi. 33 Hani wo, ali meŋ-wo-meŋ ñanta ali la musoolu kanu la le ko ali ye ali faŋolu kanu ñaameŋ, aduŋ musoo ñanta a keemaa horoma la le.