From Death to Life
1 In the past you were spiritually dead because of your disobedience and sins. 2 At that time you followed the world's evil way; you obeyed the ruler of the spiritual powers in space, the spirit who now controls the people who disobey God. 3 Actually all of us were like them and lived according to our natural desires, doing whatever suited the wishes of our own bodies and minds. In our natural condition we, like everyone else, were destined to suffer God's anger.
4 But God's mercy is so abundant, and his love for us is so great, 5 that while we were spiritually dead in our disobedience he brought us to life with Christ. It is by God's grace that you have been saved. 6 In our union with Christ Jesus he raised us up with him to rule with him in the heavenly world. 7 He did this to demonstrate for all time to come the extraordinary greatness of his grace in the love he showed us in Christ Jesus. 8-9 For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it. 10 God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do.
One in Christ
11 You Gentiles by birth—called “the uncircumcised” by the Jews, who call themselves the circumcised (which refers to what men do to their bodies)—remember what you were in the past. 12 At that time you were apart from Christ. You were foreigners and did not belong to God's chosen people. You had no part in the covenants, which were based on God's promises to his people, and you lived in this world without hope and without God. 13 But now, in union with Christ Jesus you, who used to be far away, have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 For Christ himself has brought us peace by making Jews and Gentiles one people. With his own body he broke down the wall that separated them and kept them enemies. 15 He abolished the Jewish Law with its commandments and rules, in order to create out of the two races one new people in union with himself, in this way making peace. 16 By his death on the cross Christ destroyed their enmity; by means of the cross he united both races into one body and brought them back to God. 17 So Christ came and preached the Good News of peace to all—to you Gentiles, who were far away from God, and to the Jews, who were near to him. 18 It is through Christ that all of us, Jews and Gentiles, are able to come in the one Spirit into the presence of the Father.
Romans 8v16
19 So then, you Gentiles are not foreigners or strangers any longer; you are now citizens together with God's people and members of the family of God. 20 You, too, are built upon the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, the cornerstone being Christ Jesus himself. 21 He is the one who holds the whole building together and makes it grow into a sacred temple dedicated to the Lord. 22 In union with him you too are being built together with all the others into a place where God lives through his Spirit.
Kiisoo mu Alla la sooroo le ti
1 Waatoo sotota le nuŋ, ali faata ka bo niŋ ali la kebaara jawoolu niŋ junuboolu la, 2 ali taamata mennu la siloo la. Wo waatoo la, ali bulata ñiŋ duniyaa kuwolu nooma, ali ye maralilaa le nooma, meŋ semboo be maraloo la foñoo kono. Wo mu nooroo le ti, meŋ be dookuwo la moolu kono, mennu maŋ soŋ Alla ma. 3 M̀ fanaa nene tarata wo moolu kono le nuŋ ka m̀ balajaatoolu la hame kuwolu nooma. Ǹ tarata sondiŋ m̀ balajaatoolu niŋ ǹ na niidiyaa kuwolu le la. Wo kamma la, ǹ niŋ ǹ na hadamadiŋyaa mankutoo keta kasaaroo diŋolu le ti, ko hadamadiŋ koteŋolu bee be ñaameŋ.
4 Bari Alla, meŋ balafaa warata baake, a ye ǹ kanu niŋ a la kanu baa le la: 5 Hani biriŋ m̀ faata ǹ na junuboolu kamma la, a naata ǹ niŋ Kiristu* balundi ñoo la. Ali kiisata ka bo niŋ hiinoo le la! 6 A ye ǹ niŋ Yeesu wulindi ñoo la le, a ye ǹ niŋ a sindi Arijana dinkiraalu to Kiristu Yeesu kafuñooyaa kono. 7 A ye ñiŋ bee ke le, fo a la hiinoo la fanka baa aniŋ beteyaa, a ye meŋ soto ǹ ye Kiristu Yeesu kafuñooyaa kono, si yitandi jamaanoolu bee la, mennu be naa la.
8 Ali kiisata ka bo niŋ hiinoo le la, biriŋ ali ye lannoo soto. Ali la kata kuwolu maŋ a sii ali la, Alla la sooroo le mu. 9 Kiisoo maŋ naa ka bo niŋ ali la baara bete kewo la, fo moo kana kibiri noo. 10 Ntolu mu Alla la dookuwo le ti, a ye mennu daa ka bo niŋ Kiristu Yeesu la, ka baara betoolu ke, a ye mennu parendi nuŋ, fo ǹ si taama ì la.
Kiristu la kuwo ye Yahuudoolu niŋ moo koteŋolu ke kiliŋ ti
11 Ali hakiloo si bula ali la Alla lombaliyaa waatoo la. Ali maŋ wuluu Yahuudiyaa kono, mennu ka ali kumandi sunnabaloolu la, bari ì ka ì faŋolu kumandi sunnariŋolu la, hani wo sunnoo keta hadamadiŋ buloo doroŋ ne la. 12 Ali kana ñina ko, ali maŋ Kiristu la kafuñooyaa soto noo nuŋ, bari ali keta luntaŋolu le ti, mennu maŋ Banisirayila la bankudiŋyaa soto. Ali maŋ niyo soto kambeŋolu kono, Alla ye mennu laahidi. Ali maŋ jikoo soto ñiŋ duniyaa kono, aduŋ ali maŋ Alla loŋ.
13 Bari saayiŋ, ali be Kiristu Yeesu kafuñooyaa kono le: Alitolu mennu tarata jamfariŋ Alla la nuŋ, ali naata sutiyaa a la le ka bo niŋ Kiristu yeloo la.
14 Ate le mu ǹ na kayiroo ti, meŋ ye m̀ bee ke kiliŋ ti. A ye jawuyaa sansaŋo tiñaa le, meŋ be ntolu Yahuudoolu niŋ alitolu moo koteŋolu teema nuŋ. Ka bo niŋ a faŋo baloo diyo le la, 15 a ye Luwaa la yaamaroolu niŋ saratoolu tuutuu fo ǹ kana ke moo fula ti kotenke, bari a si ntolu niŋ alitolu daa moo kuta kiliŋ ti a faŋo kono. Ka bo niŋ wo siloo le la, a ye kayiroo naati. 16 A ye ntolu Yahuudoolu niŋ alitolu moo koteŋolu bee niŋ Alla diyandi le ka bo niŋ balajaata kiliŋ na, meŋ faata yiribantambiloo bala, a ye jawuyaa baŋ daameŋ. 17 A naata le ka kayiroo kibaari ali ye, alitolu mennu be jamfariŋ nuŋ, a ye kayiroo kibaari moolu fanaa ye le, mennu be sutiyaariŋ a la. 18 Ka bo niŋ ate le la, m̀ bee ye siloo soto ka futa Faamaa la, Noora kiliŋ kono.
19 Wo to, ali maŋ ke luntaŋolu niŋ tumarankewolu ti kotenke, bari ali mu bankudiŋñoolu le ti ali niŋ Alla la moo senuŋolu, aniŋ a la dimbaayaa. 20 A ye ali loo kiilaalu* niŋ kiilaariyaa kumafolaalu le la fondamaŋo kaŋ, Kiristu Yeesu faŋo mu bere kummaa baa ti daameŋ. 21 Ka bo niŋ ate le la, looroo bee timmata ñoo bala, aduŋ a ka tu yiriwaa la le ka ke buŋ senuŋo ti Maariyo kono. 22 Ate le kono alitolu fanaa loota ñoo la ka ke buŋo ti, Alla be sabatiriŋ daameŋ ka bo niŋ a la Nooroo la.