Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
1 In the second year that Nebuchadnezzar was king, he had a dream. It worried him so much that he couldn't sleep, 2 so he sent for his fortunetellers, magicians, sorcerers, and wizards to come and explain the dream to him. When they came and stood before the king, 3 he said to them, “I'm worried about a dream I've had. I want to know what it means.”
4 They answered the king in Aramaic, “May Your Majesty live forever! Tell us your dream, and we will explain it to you.”
5 The king said to them, “I have made up my mind that you must tell me the dream and then tell me what it means. If you can't, I'll have you torn limb from limb and make your houses a pile of ruins. 6 But if you can tell me both the dream and its meaning, I will reward you with gifts and great honor. Now then, tell me what the dream was and what it means.”
7 They answered the king again, “If Your Majesty will only tell us what the dream was, we will explain it.”
8 At that, the king exclaimed, “Just as I thought! You are trying to gain time, because you see that I have made up my mind 9 to give all of you the same punishment if you don't tell me the dream. You have agreed among yourselves to go on telling me lies because you hope that in time things will change. Tell me what the dream was, and then I will know that you can also tell me what it means.”
10 The advisers replied, “There is no one on the face of the earth who can tell Your Majesty what you want to know. No king, not even the greatest and most powerful, has ever made such a demand of his fortunetellers, magicians, and wizards. 11 What Your Majesty is asking for is so difficult that no one can do it for you except the gods, and they do not live among human beings.”
12 At that, the king flew into a rage and ordered the execution of all the royal advisers in Babylon. 13 So the order was issued for all of them to be killed, including Daniel and his friends.
God Shows Daniel What the Dream Means
14 Then Daniel went to Arioch, commander of the king's bodyguard, who had been ordered to carry out the execution. Choosing his words carefully, 15 he asked Arioch why the king had issued such a harsh order. So Arioch told Daniel what had happened.
16 Daniel went at once and obtained royal permission for more time, so that he could tell the king what the dream meant. 17 Then Daniel went home and told his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah what had happened. 18 He told them to pray to the God of heaven for mercy and to ask him to explain the mystery to them so that they would not be killed along with the other advisers in Babylon. 19 Then that same night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision, and he praised the God of heaven:
20 “God is wise and powerful!
Praise him forever and ever.
21 He controls the times and the seasons;
he makes and unmakes kings;
it is he who gives wisdom and understanding.
22 He reveals things that are deep and secret;
he knows what is hidden in darkness,
and he himself is surrounded by light.
23 I praise you and honor you, God of my ancestors.
You have given me wisdom and strength;
you have answered my prayer
and shown us what to tell the king.”
Daniel Tells the King the Dream and Explains It
24 So Daniel went to Arioch, whom the king had commanded to execute the royal advisers. He said to him, “Don't put them to death. Take me to the king, and I will tell him what his dream means.”
25 At once Arioch took Daniel into King Nebuchadnezzar's presence and told the king, “I have found one of the Jewish exiles who can tell Your Majesty the meaning of your dream.”
26 The king said to Daniel (who was also called Belteshazzar), “Can you tell me what I dreamed and what it means?”
27 Daniel replied, “Your Majesty, there is no wizard, magician, fortuneteller, or astrologer who can tell you that. 28 But there is a God in heaven, who reveals mysteries. He has informed Your Majesty what will happen in the future. Now I will tell you the dream, the vision you had while you were asleep.
29 “While Your Majesty was sleeping, you dreamed about the future; and God, who reveals mysteries, showed you what is going to happen. 30 Now, this mystery was revealed to me, not because I am wiser than anyone else, but so that Your Majesty may learn the meaning of your dream and understand the thoughts that have come to you.
31 “Your Majesty, in your vision you saw standing before you a giant statue, bright and shining, and terrifying to look at. 32 Its head was made of the finest gold; its chest and arms were made of silver; its waist and hips of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, and its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. 34 While you were looking at it, a great stone broke loose from a cliff without anyone touching it, struck the iron and clay feet of the statue, and shattered them. 35 At once the iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold crumbled and became like the dust on a threshing place in summer. The wind carried it all away, leaving not a trace. But the stone grew to be a mountain that covered the whole earth.
36 “This was the dream. Now I will tell Your Majesty what it means. 37 Your Majesty, you are the greatest of all kings. The God of heaven has made you emperor and given you power, might, and honor. 38 He has made you ruler of all the inhabited earth and ruler over all the animals and birds. You are the head of gold. 39 After you there will be another empire, not as great as yours, and after that a third, an empire of bronze, which will rule the whole earth. 40 And then there will be a fourth empire, as strong as iron, which shatters and breaks everything. And just as iron shatters everything, it will shatter and crush all the earlier empires. 41 You also saw that the feet and the toes were partly clay and partly iron. This means that it will be a divided empire. It will have something of the strength of iron, because there was iron mixed with the clay. 42 The toes—partly iron and partly clay—mean that part of the empire will be strong and part of it weak. 43 You also saw that the iron was mixed with the clay. This means that the rulers of that empire will try to unite their families by intermarriage, but they will not be able to, any more than iron can mix with clay. 44 At the time of those rulers the God of heaven will establish a kingdom that will never end. It will never be conquered, but will completely destroy all those empires and then last forever. 45 You saw how a stone broke loose from a cliff without anyone touching it and how it struck the statue made of iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold. The great God is telling Your Majesty what will happen in the future. I have told you exactly what you dreamed, and have given you its true meaning.”
The King Rewards Daniel
46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar bowed to the ground and gave orders for sacrifices and offerings to be made to Daniel. 47 The king said, “Your God is the greatest of all gods, the Lord over kings, and the one who reveals mysteries. I know this because you have been able to explain this mystery.” 48 Then he gave Daniel a high position, presented him with many splendid gifts, put him in charge of the province of Babylon, and made him the head of all the royal advisers. 49 At Daniel's request the king put Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in charge of the affairs of the province of Babylon; Daniel, however, remained at the royal court.
Mansa Nebukanesa la siiboo
1 Mansa Nebukanesa la mansayaa sanji fulanjaŋo kono, a siiboota. A jaakalita le fo a maŋ siinoo noo. 2 Bituŋ mansa ye yaamaroo dii ko, ì si ñiŋ moolu kumandi naŋ: batuutaatiyolu, kumfanuntewolu, saabutiyolu, aniŋ lonnaalu, ka naa a la siiboo fasari a ye. Kabiriŋ ì naata, ì loota mansa ñaatiliŋo la, 3 a ko ì ye ko, “N siiboota le, aduŋ a ye n jaakali le. N lafita a loŋ na le a kotoo mu meŋ ti.”
4 Ì ye mansa jaabi Arameya kaŋo to ko, “Mansa, Allamaa i mee la! Ntolu mu i la dookuulaalu le ti. I la siiboo fo ǹ ye, m̀ be a fasari la i ye le.”
5 Mansa ye ì jaabi ko, “Ŋa ñiŋ kaŋo le dii ko, niŋ ali maŋ siiboo ñiŋ fo n ye, aniŋ a fasaroo, ì be ali jasiŋ-jasiŋ na le, aniŋ ka ali la buŋolu bee tumbuŋ. 6 Bari niŋ ali ye siiboo ñiŋ fo n ye aniŋ a fasaroo, m be feŋolu dii la ali la le, ka ali joo, aniŋ ka buuñaa baa dii ali la. Wo to saayiŋ, ali siiboo ñiŋ fo n ye, aniŋ a fasaroo.”
7 Ì ye mansa jaabi tukuŋ ko, “Mansa, ntolu mu i la dookuulaalu le ti. I la siiboo fo ǹ ye, aduŋ m̀ be a fasari la i ye le.”
8 Mansa ye ì jaabi ko, “A koyita m ma le ko, ali be a kata kaŋ ne ka waatoo soto, kaatu ali ye a je le ko, ŋa kaŋo meŋ dii a bambanta le. 9 N na kaŋo mu ñiŋ ne ti ko, niŋ ali maŋ siiboo ñiŋ fo n ye, m be duni kuliŋ ne laa la ali kaŋ. Ali kambenta ñoo kaŋ ne, ka tara faniyaa niŋ neeneeri kumoolu fo kaŋ n ñaatiliŋo la, fo niŋ a meeta, kuwolu si faliŋ. Saayiŋ, ali siiboo fo n ye, wo le to m be a loŋ na ko, ali si a fasari noo n ye le.”
10 Lonnaalu ñinnu ye jaabiroo ke ko, “Mansa, moo te duniyaa kono, meŋ si a fo noo, i ye meŋ ñininkaa. Kaatu hani mansa sembemaa baa kiliŋ nene maŋ ñiŋ ñoŋ kuwo ñininkaa, sako a si a fo batuutaatiyo, juubeerilaa, waraŋ lonnaa ye a fo. 11 Mansa, i ka meŋ ñininkaa teŋ, a koleyaata le, aduŋ moo te a fo noo la i ye, niŋ a maŋ ke alloolu ti, aduŋ wolu maŋ tara sabatiriŋ hadamadiŋolu kono.”
12 Wo kumoo ye a tinna le mansa kamfaata kamfaañaa jawu la, aduŋ a ye yaamaroo dii ko ì si Babiloni moo ñaamendiŋolu bee faa. 13 Bituŋ ì ye kumoo ñiŋ kankulaa ko, ì be moo ñaamendiŋolu bee faa la le, aduŋ ì taata Daniyeli niŋ a kafuñoolu nooma, ka ì faa.
14 Mansa kantalaa kelediŋolu la kuntiyo, Ariyoki pareeta le ka taa Babiloni moo ñaamendiŋolu bee faa. Bari Daniyeli diyaamuta a ye feeroo niŋ ñaameŋo le la. 15 A ko Ariyoki ye le ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna mansa ye ñiŋ kuma koleŋ baa kankulaa?” Bituŋ Ariyoki ye kuwo bee fo Daniyeli ye. 16 Wo le to Daniyeli taata mansa kaŋ, a ye a daani ka waatoo dii a la fo a si siiboo ñiŋ fasari a ye.
Alla ye mansa la siiboo lankenemayandi Daniyeli ye
17 Bituŋ Daniyeli muruta a la buŋo to, a ye kuwo ñiŋ fo a kafuñoolu ye, Hananiya, Misayeli, aniŋ Asariya. 18 A ko ì ye le ko, ì si duwaa ka Arijana Maarii daani balafaa la, aniŋ ka a daani ka mansa la siiboo kulloo yitandi ì la, i si a je ì te ì niŋ Babiloni moo ñaamendiŋ doolu faa la ñoo la. 19 Bituŋ wo suutoo la, kulloo ñiŋ naata lankenemayandi Daniyeli ye jeroo kono. Wo le to a ye Arijana Maarii tentu ko:

20 “Tentoo be Alla ye fo abadaa,
meŋ taa mu ñaameŋo niŋ semboo ti.
21 Ate le ka waatoolu niŋ jamaanoolu yelemandi,
ate le ka mansoolu londi,
aduŋ ate le ka ì bondi.
Ate le ka ñaameŋo dii, aniŋ londoo.
22 A ka kuwolu lankenemayandi le, mennu nukunta baake.
Kuu-wo-kuu be diboo kono,
a ye a loŋ ne,
aduŋ maloo le ye a murubeŋ.
23 M be i jayi la, m be i tentu la,
ite meŋ mu m mumuñolu la Alla ti.
I ye n so ñaameŋo niŋ semboo la le,
aduŋ ŋa i daani meŋ na,
i ye a yitandi n na le saayiŋ,
kaatu i ye mansa la jaakali kuwo yitandi n na le.”
Daniyeli ye mansa la siiboo fo a ye aniŋ a fasaroo
24 Bituŋ Daniyeli taata Ariyoki yaa, mansa ye meŋ bula Babiloni moo ñaamendiŋolu faa la. A ko a ye ko, “Kana Babiloni moo ñaamendiŋolu faa. N samba mansa yaa, aduŋ m be a la siiboo fasari la a ye le.”
25 Wo le to Ariyoki ye Daniyeli samba mansa yaa katabake, bituŋ a ko mansa ye ko, “Mansa, ŋa kee le je Yahuuda moolu kono, mennu be mutoo kono jaŋ, meŋ si i la siiboo fasari noo i ye.”
26 Mansa diyaamuta Daniyeli ye, ì ka meŋ kumandi Belitesasa too fanaa la, a ko a ye ko, “Fo ite be nte la siiboo fo noo la n ye le, aniŋ a fasaroo?”
27 Daniyeli ye mansa jaabi ko, “Moo maŋ soto meŋ si kulloo kuwo fo noo i ye, i ye meŋ ñininkaa, biriŋ moo ñaamendiŋolu, kumfanuntewolu, batuutaatiyolu, waraŋ juubeerilaalu. 28 Bari Alla sotota le, meŋ ka kulloolu lankenemayandi, aduŋ a ye a yitandi ite Mansa la le, kuwolu mennu be ke la labandulaa to. Saayiŋ, m be siiboo ñiŋ fo la i ye le, i ye jeroo meŋ ke, kabiriŋ i be siinoo la.
29 “Mansa, kabiriŋ i be laariŋ, i be siinoo la, i siiboota kuwo le la meŋ be naa ke la ñaato. Alla meŋ ka kulloolu lankenemayandi, ate le ye a yitandi i la, meŋ be naa ke la. 30 Alla ye ñiŋ kulloo lankenemayandi nte ye le, a maŋ ke ko nte le ñaamenta moo koteŋolu bee ti, bari a daliiloo mu ñiŋ ne ti fo ite Mansa si a fasaroo loŋ, aduŋ i si miiroolu fahaamu noo, mennu dunta i sondomoo kono.
31 “Mansa, i la jeroo kono, i ye moo muluŋo le terentoo je. Moo muluŋo ñiŋ, a warata le, a be malamala kaŋ baake, aduŋ a keñaa silaŋo warata le. A be looriŋ i ñaato. 32 Ñiŋ moo muluŋo kuŋo mu sani ñiimaa le ti, a sisoo niŋ a buloolu mu kodiforoo le ti, a konoo niŋ a wutoolu mu jaawaloo le ti, 33 a siŋolu mu newo le ti, a dafatoolu dulaa doolu mu newo le ti, dulaa doolu mu potoo ti. 34 Kabiriŋ i be a juubee kaŋ, bere baa kuntuta naŋ konkoo bala, moo bulu maŋ a maa, aduŋ a ye moo muluŋo ñiŋ dafatoolu busa, mennu mu newo niŋ potoo ti, a ye ì janjaŋ. 35 Bituŋ newo, potoo, jaawaloo, kodiforoo, aniŋ sanoo bee teyita ka janjaŋ ñoo la, ì keta ko ŋañaa meŋ ka tu siimaŋ toñonkadulaa to, katiri koolaa. Foñoo ye a bee le samba, hani a noo maŋ tu jee. Bari beroo meŋ boyita a kaŋ, a naata ke konko baa le ti, aduŋ a ye duniyaa bee le beŋ.
36 “Siiboo ñiŋ mu wo le ti. Saayiŋ Mansa, m̀ be a fasari la i ye le. 37 Ite Mansa, ite le mu mansoolu la mansakewo ti. Arijana Maarii ye mansamarali bankoo dii i la le, semboo, waroo, aniŋ horomoo. 38 A ye i ke maralilaa le ti moolu bee kunna, daafeŋolu, aniŋ kunoolu, duniyaa daa-wo-daa. Ite le mu wo sani kuŋo ti. 39 Ite koolaa mansamarali banku doo le be wuli la, meŋ dooyaata i taa ti. Wo koolaa mansamarali banku sabanjaŋo be wuli la le, meŋ mu jaawaloo ti, aduŋ duniyaa bee be tara la a la maroo le to. 40 Bituŋ mansamarali banku naaninjaŋo fanaa be soto la le, aduŋ a be bambaŋ na le komeŋ newo, meŋ ka feŋolu bee teyi ka ì janjaŋ. Newo ka feŋolu teyi ka ì janjaŋ ñaameŋ, ñiŋ mansamarali banku naaninjaŋo be mansamarali banku doolu bee janjaŋ na wo le ñaama. 41 Aduŋ ko i ye a je ñaameŋ, dafatoolu niŋ sinkondiŋolu dulaa doolu mu potoo le ti, dulaa doolu mu newo ti, a be ke la mansamarali banku talaŋ-talandiŋo le ti. A be newo la bambaŋ muluŋo le soto la a kono, ko i ye newo niŋ potoo je ñaamiriŋ ñaameŋ. 42 Sinkondiŋolu dulaa doolu mu newo ti ñaameŋ, aniŋ dulaa doolu mu potoo ti ñaameŋ, wo le mu ñiŋ ti ko, mansamarali banku naaninjaŋo ñiŋ kara kiliŋo be bambaŋ na le, a kara doo te bambaŋ na. 43 I ye a je le newo niŋ potoo kenseŋo ñaamita. Wo mu ñiŋ ne ti ko, wo mansamarali bankoo maralilaalu be kafu la le, ka futuu ñoo ye. Bari a kuwo te muta noo la, komeŋ newo niŋ potoo buka ñaami noo ñaameŋ. 44 Wo mansoolu la waatoo la, Arijana Maarii be mansamarali bankoo le londi la, meŋ nene te baŋ na, aduŋ moo koteŋolu te ì semboo laa noo la a kaŋ. A be wo mansamarali banku koteŋolu bee le teyi la, ka ì janjaŋ, ì ye baŋ, aduŋ a be tu la looriŋ ne fo abadaa. 45 I ye a je le beroo kuntuta naŋ konkoo bala, moo bulu maŋ a maa, aduŋ a ye ñinnu bee teyi le ka ì janjaŋ: newo, jaawaloo, potoo, kodiforoo, aniŋ sanoo. Alla meŋ warata, wo le ye a yitandi ite Mansa la, meŋ be naa ke la ñaato. Siiboo ñiŋ mu tooñaa le ti, aduŋ a fasaroo mu lanna kuwo le ti.”
Mansa ye Daniyeli joo
46 Bituŋ Mansa Nebukanesa bitita Daniyeli ye bankoo to ka a horoma, aduŋ a ye yaamaroo dii ko, ì si sadaa* bo, aniŋ ka cuuraayoo siisindi a ye. 47 Mansa ko Daniyeli ye ko, “Tooñaa, i la Alla le warata alla koteŋolu bee ti, aduŋ ate le mu mansoolu Maarii ti, meŋ ka kulloolu lankenemayandi. Wo le ye a tinna i ye ñiŋ kulloo kotoo fo noo.”
48 Bituŋ mansa ye palaasi horomariŋ baa dii Daniyeli la, a ye buuñaa feŋ baalu dii a la, aduŋ a ye a marandi Babiloni tundoo bee ma. A ye ate le tomboŋ fanaa ka tara marariŋ Babiloni moo ñaamendiŋolu bee la kuwolu ma. 49 Daniyeli ye mansa daani a kafuñoolu ye le, Sadiraki, Mesaki, aniŋ Abedineko, aduŋ mansa ye ì ke maralilaalu le ti Babiloni tundoo kaŋ. Bari Daniyeli faŋo tuta mansasuwo le kono.