A Vision of a Basket of Fruit
1 I had another vision from the Sovereign Lord. In it I saw a basket of fruit. 2 The Lord asked, “Amos, what do you see?”
“A basket of fruit,” I answered.
The Lord said to me, “The end has come for my people Israel. I will not change my mind again about punishing them. 3 On that day the songs in the palace will become cries of mourning. There will be dead bodies everywhere. They will be cast out in silence.”
Israel's Doom
4 Listen to this, you that trample on the needy and try to destroy the poor of the country. 5 You say to yourselves, “We can hardly wait for the holy days to be over so that we can sell our grain. When will the Sabbath end, so that we can start selling again? Then we can overcharge, use false measures, and fix the scales to cheat our customers. 6 We can sell worthless wheat at a high price. We'll find someone poor who can't pay his debts, not even the price of a pair of sandals, and we'll buy him as a slave.”
7 The Lord, the God of Israel, has sworn, “I will never forget their evil deeds. 8 And so the earth will quake, and everyone in the land will be in distress. The whole country will be shaken; it will rise and fall like the Nile River. 9 The time is coming when I will make the sun go down at noon and the earth grow dark in daytime. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken. 10 I will turn your festivals into funerals and change your glad songs into cries of grief. I will make you shave your heads and wear sackcloth, and you will be like parents mourning for their only child. That day will be bitter to the end.
11 “The time is coming when I will send famine on the land. People will be hungry, but not for bread; they will be thirsty, but not for water. They will hunger and thirst for a message from the Lord. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken. 12 People will wander from the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean and then on around from the north to the east. They will look everywhere for a message from the Lord, but they will not find it. 13 On that day even healthy young men and women will collapse from thirst. 14 Those who swear by the idols of Samaria, who say, ‘By the god of Dan’ or ‘By the god of Beersheba’—those people will fall and not rise again.”
Jeri naaninjaŋo: Yiridiŋ sinsiŋo
1 M Maarii Yaawe* ye n jerindi ñiŋ ne la:
Ŋa sinsiŋo le je, yiridiŋ mooriŋolu be a kono. 2 Bituŋ Yaawe ye n ñininkaa ko, “Amosi, i ye muŋ ne je?” Ŋa a jaabi ko, “Sinsiŋo, yiridiŋ mooriŋolu be a kono.” Bituŋ a ko n ye ko, “N na moolu Banisirayilankoolu la kuwo kiitiyo moota le. N te yamfa la ì ye muk.
3 Wo luŋo la,
denkiloo meŋ ka laa mansabuŋo to,
be yelema la kumboo le ti.
Furee jamaa le be tara la fatafatariŋ dulaalu to taariŋ.
Kaawakuu! Deyoo si ke tek.”
Maarii Yaawe le ye a fo.
Haasidiyaa niŋ tilimbaliyaa kuwo
4 Ali i lamoyi ñiŋ na alitolu mennu ka i tuu fuwaaroolu kaŋ, ali ka sembentaŋolu kasaara bankoo kaŋ. 5 Ali ka tara i miira kaŋ Kari Kuta Juuraloo* la baŋo waatoo doroŋ ne la, Loobula Luŋo be baŋ na waatoo meŋ na, fo ali si tenteŋ noo ali la safaaroo la, ka ali la siimaŋ kesoolu waafi. Ali buka tonkutonku faŋ ka ali la sumandirilaŋ pootoolu talaa, ali ye daa jawu baa laa ì kaŋ, ali ye moolu neenee ali la peesarilaŋ kuruŋolu la. 6 Hani siimaŋ kese fuufulewolu, ali ka ì waafi le. Ali ye fuwaaroolu saŋ joŋolu ti, kaatu ì maŋ ì la juloolu joo noo, hani juloo meŋ te tambi la samata soŋo la.
7 Alitolu Yaakuba koomalankoolu, ali ka kibiri Yaawe meŋ na, a kalita ñiŋ ne la ko:
“N nene te ñina la ali la baara jawu la muk.
8 Ñiŋ baara jawoolu kamma la,
duniyaa si jarajara,
duniyaa moolu bee ye woosii.
Bankoo bee si jarajara,
a si jiijaa ko Nayili baajiyo ka ke ñaameŋ
meŋ be Misira.”

9 Maarii Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Wo luŋo la,
n si tiloo boyindi tilikuntewo waatoo,
ŋa diboo duŋ duniyaa kono tilibula baa.
10 N si ali la diina juuraloolu yelemandi ali ye saŋawoosiyo ti,
ŋa ali la denkiloo yelemandi kumboo ti.
N si a saabu ali ye booto funtoolu duŋ,
ali ye ali kuŋolu lii niikuyaa kamma la.
N si ñiŋ waatoo ke waati ti ali ye,
komeŋ niŋ moo be woosii la a dinkee kiliŋo la faa la.
Ñiŋ luŋo bee be ke la niikuyaa le ti ali ye.”

11 Maarii Yaawe tententa a ko, “Luŋolu be naa, m be konko jawoo le duŋ na bankoo kaŋ. A te ke la domori konko ti, waraŋ jii kuu, bari a be ke la nte Yaawe la kumakaŋolu moyoo konkoo le ti. 12 Ali si bankoo tonkoŋ naanoo bee yaayi. Ali si yamali-yamali daa-wo-daa ka nte Yaawe la kumakaŋo ñini, bari ali te a soto la. 13 Wo luŋo la, ali la sunkutu ñiimaalu niŋ ali la fondinkee mereŋolu bee si lamfu mindoo kamma la. 14 Ì ka ì kali Asima too la, jalammusoo meŋ be Samariya, Dani aniŋ Beeriseba jalaŋolu toolu la, wo kamma la ì si boyi, aduŋ ì te wuli la kotenke.”