Be Ready for the Lord's Coming
1 There is no need to write you, friends, about the times and occasions when these things will happen. 2 For you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord will come as a thief comes at night. 3 When people say, “Everything is quiet and safe,” then suddenly destruction will hit them! It will come as suddenly as the pains that come upon a woman in labor, and people will not escape. 4 But you, friends, are not in the darkness, and the Day should not take you by surprise like a thief. 5 All of you are people who belong to the light, who belong to the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6 So then, we should not be sleeping like the others; we should be awake and sober. 7 It is at night when people sleep; it is at night when they get drunk. 8 But we belong to the day, and we should be sober. We must wear faith and love as a breastplate, and our hope of salvation as a helmet. 9 God did not choose us to suffer his anger, but to possess salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us in order that we might live together with him, whether we are alive or dead when he comes. 11 And so encourage one another and help one another, just as you are now doing.
Final Instructions and Greetings
12 We beg you, our friends, to pay proper respect to those who work among you, who guide and instruct you in the Christian life. 13 Treat them with the greatest respect and love because of the work they do. Be at peace among yourselves.
14 We urge you, our friends, to warn the idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15 See that no one pays back wrong for wrong, but at all times make it your aim to do good to one another and to all people.
This, then, is how you should pray ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us ou
16 Be joyful always, 17 pray at all times, 18 be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.
19 Do not restrain the Holy Spirit; 20 do not despise inspired messages. 21 Put all things to the test: keep what is good 22 and avoid every kind of evil.
23 May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being—spirit, soul, and body—free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 He who calls you will do it, because he is faithful.
25 Pray also for us, friends.
26 Greet all the believers with the kiss of peace.
27 I urge you by the authority of the Lord to read this letter to all the believers.
28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Maariyo la luŋo
1 Baadiŋolu*, m̀ maŋ suula ka safeeroo ke waatoolu niŋ luŋolu la kuwo to, 2 baawo a koyita ali faŋolu la le ko, Maariyo la luŋo be naa la le ko suŋo ka naa suutoo la ñaameŋ. 3 Niŋ moolu ko, “Kayiroo niŋ tenkuŋo le be keriŋ,” bituŋ waati kiliŋ doroŋ, kasaaroo si boyi ì kaŋ ko tiŋo ka boyi musukonomaa kaŋ ñaameŋ, moo te kana noo la a ma.
4 Bari baadiŋolu, alitolu maŋ tara diboo kono, wo luŋo te ali tereŋ noo la ko suŋo. 5 Alitolu bee mu maloo diŋolu le ti, aniŋ tiloo diŋolu. M̀ maŋ ke suutoo taa ti, sako diboo. 6 Wo to, ali ǹ kana siinoo ko moo koteŋolu ka a ke ñaameŋ, bari ali ŋà tu ǹ ñaa la, ŋà soobeeyaa kendeke. 7 Kaatu moolu mennu ka siinoo, wolu ka siinoo suutoo le la, aduŋ moolu mennu ka siira, wolu ka siira suutoo le la. 8 Bari ntolu mennu mu tiloo taa ti, ali ŋà soobeeyaa. Ali ŋà lannoo niŋ kanoo duŋ ko sisi tankandiraŋo, aduŋ ka jikoo soto kiisoo la kuwo to, ali ŋà wo ke ǹ na tankandirilaŋ naafoo ti. 9 Alla maŋ ǹ tomboŋ fo ǹ taa si ke a la kamfaa baa ti, bari a ye ǹ tomboŋ ne ka kiisoo soto ka bo niŋ m̀ Maarii Yeesu Kiristu* la. 10 A faata ǹ ye le, fo m̀ be baluuriŋ baŋ, waraŋ m̀ faata, bari ǹ niŋ a si baluu noo ñoo la, niŋ a muruta naŋ. 11 Wo kamma la, ali ñoo sabarindi, ali ye ñoo bambandi, ko ali be a kaŋ ñaameŋ.
Yaamari labaŋolu
12 Baadiŋolu, m̀ be ali daani kaŋ ko, ali si moolu buuñaa, mennu be dookuwo la ali fee, aniŋ mennu marata ali ma Maariyo too la, aniŋ ì ka ali yaamari. 13 Ali horoma baa dii ì la kanoo kono, ì la dookuwo kamma la. Ali tara kayiroo kono ñoo fee.
14 Baadiŋolu, m̀ be ali wakiilindi la, ali si moolu dandalaa, mennu maŋ lafi dookuwo la. Ali jooteentuŋolu wakiilindi, ali ye moolu maakoyi mennu lamfuta, aduŋ ali si ke muñalaa ti moolu bee ye. 15 Ali a je ko, moo-wo-moo kana kuu jawoo joo kuu jawoo la, bari ali si hame ka kuu betoo ke ñoo ye, aniŋ moolu bee.
16 Ali seewoo waati-wo-waati, 17 ali kana i dahaa duwaa la. 18 Ali Alla tentu kuu-wo-kuu to, kaatu wo le mu a la lafoo ti ali ye, Kiristu Yeesu kafuñooyaa kono. 19 Ali kana balaŋ Noora Kuliŋo ma, 20 aduŋ ali kana jutu kiilaariyaa kumoolu la, 21 bari ali kuwolu bee kisikisi. Ali si i deŋ kuu betoo la. 22 Ali fata kuu jawoo siifaa bee ma.
23 Allamaa Alla faŋo meŋ ka kayiroo dii, a ye ali muumewo seneyandi. Allamaa ali la nooroolu, ali niyolu aniŋ ali balajaatoolu bee ye tanka sootaari sotoo ma, fo janniŋ Maarii Yeesu Kiristu be naa la. 24 Ate meŋ ka ali kumandi, a foroyaata le, aduŋ a be wo ke la le.
25 Baadiŋolu, ali duwaa ǹ ye. 26 Ali baadiŋolu bee kontoŋ niŋ sumburu senuŋo la. 27 M be ali yaamari la kendeke Maariyo too la, ali si ñiŋ leetaroo karaŋ baadiŋolu bee ye.
28 M̀ Maarii Yeesu Kiristu la hiinoo ye tara ali fee.