Military and Civil Organization
1 This is the list of the Israelite heads of families and clan leaders and their officials who administered the work of the kingdom. Each month of the year a different group of twenty-four thousand men was on duty under the commander for that month.
2-15 The following were the commanders for each month:
First month: Jashobeam son of Zabdiel (he was a member of the clan of Perez, a part of the tribe of Judah)
Second month: Dodai, a descendant of Ahohi (Mikloth was his second in command)
Third month: Benaiah son of Jehoiada the priest; he was the leader of “The Thirty” (his son Ammizabad succeeded him as commander of this group)
Fourth month: Asahel, brother of Joab (his son Zebadiah succeeded him)
Fifth month: Shamhuth, a descendant of Izhar
Sixth month: Ira son of Ikkesh from Tekoa
Seventh month: Helez, an Ephraimite from Pelon
Eighth month: Sibbecai from Hushah (he was a member of the clan of Zerah, a part of the tribe of Judah)
Ninth month: Abiezer from Anathoth in the territory of the tribe of Benjamin
Tenth month: Maharai from Netophah (he was a member of the clan of Zerah)
Eleventh month: Benaiah from Pirathon in the territory of the tribe of Ephraim
Twelfth month: Heldai from Netophah (he was a descendant of Othniel)
Administration of the Tribes of Israel
16-22 This is the list of the administrators of the tribes of Israel:
Tribe AdministratorReuben Eliezer son of ZichriSimeon Shephatiah son of MaacahLevi Hashabiah son of KemuelAaron ZadokJudah Elihu, one of King David's brothersIssachar Omri son of MichaelZebulun Ishmaiah son of ObadiahNaphtali Jeremoth son of AzrielEphraim Hoshea son of AzaziahWest Manasseh Joel son of PedaiahEast Manasseh Iddo son of ZechariahBenjamin Jaasiel son of AbnerDan Azarel son of Jeroham
23 King David did not take a census of the people who were under the age of twenty, because of the Lord's promise to make the people of Israel as numerous as the stars in the sky. 24 Joab, whose mother was Zeruiah, began to take a census, but he did not complete it. God punished Israel because of this census, so the final figures were never recorded in King David's official records.
Administrators of the Royal Property
25-31 This is the list of those who administered the royal property:
Royal storerooms: Azmaveth son of Adiel
Local storerooms: Jonathan son of Uzziah
Farm labor: Ezri son of Chelub
Vineyards: Shimei from Ramah
Wine cellars: Zabdi from Shepham
Olive and sycamore trees (in the western foothills): Baal Hanan from Geder
Olive oil storage: Joash
Cattle in the Plain of Sharon: Shitrai from Sharon
Cattle in the valleys: Shaphat son of Adlai
Camels: Obil, an Ishmaelite
Donkeys: Jehdeiah from Meronoth
Sheep and goats: Jaziz, a Hagrite
David's Personal Advisers
32 Jonathan, King David's uncle, was a skillful adviser and a scholar. He and Jehiel son of Hachmoni were in charge of the education of the king's sons. 33 Ahithophel was adviser to the king, and Hushai the Archite was the king's friend and counselor. 34 After Ahithophel died, Abiathar and Jehoiada son of Benaiah became advisers. Joab was commander of the royal army.
Kelediŋolu niŋ moo toomaalu la kafoolu
1 Ñinnu le mu kaabiila ñaatonkoolu ti, aniŋ ñaatonkoolu mennu marata wuli kiliŋ kafoolu niŋ keme kiliŋ kafoolu ma, aniŋ kuntiyolu mennu marata bankoo dookuu kuwolu ma. Ñiŋ ñaatonkoolu le tombonta ka mara kafoolu ma, mennu ka ñoo faliŋ-faliŋ dookuwo la kari-wo-kari. Kafu-wo-kafu kee wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
2 Ñinnu le mu ñaatonkoolu ti mennu marata kari-wo-kari dookuu siŋo ma:
Kari foloo, Yasobeyamu Sabudiyeli dinkewo le marata kafu foloo ma. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee. 3 A mu Peresi koomalankoo le ti, aduŋ kari foloo la kelediŋ ñaatonkoolu la kuntiyo le mu a ti.
4 Dodayi Ahohi koomalankoo le marata kari fulanjaŋo ma, a ye Mikiloti ke a la kafoo ñaatonkoo ti. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
5 Ñaatonka sabanjaŋo meŋ marata kari sabanjaŋo ma, mu Benaya le ti, Piriisi* Yehoyada dinkewo. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee. 6 Ñiŋ ne mu wo Benaya ti meŋ be wo kelejawara taŋ saboo kono, aduŋ ate le ye ì ñaatonkayaa, bari a dinkewo Ammisabadi le be marariŋ a la kafoo ma.
7 Ñaatonka naaninjaŋo meŋ marata kari naaninjaŋo ma, mu Asaheli le ti, Yowabu doomaa, aduŋ a dinkewo Sebadiya le ye a noo taa. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
8 Ñaatonka luulunjaŋo meŋ marata kari luulunjaŋo ma, mu Samuhuti le ti, Isari koomalankoo. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
9 Ñaatonka wooronjaŋo meŋ marata kari wooronjaŋo ma, mu Ira le ti, Ikesi Tekowankoo dinkewo. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
10 Ñaatonka woorowulanjaŋo meŋ marata kari woorowulanjaŋo ma, mu Helesi le ti, Peloninkoo, Efurayimu* koomalankoo. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
11 Ñaatonka seyinjaŋo meŋ marata kari seyinjaŋo ma, mu Sibekayi le ti, Husankoo, Sera koomalankoo. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
12 Ñaatonka konontonjaŋo meŋ marata kari konontonjaŋo ma, mu Abiyesa le ti, Anatotinkoo, Benjamini koomalankoo. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
13 Ñaatonka tanjaŋo meŋ marata kari tanjaŋo ma, mu Maharayi le ti, Netofankoo, Sera koomalankoo. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
14 Ñaatonka taŋ niŋ kilinjaŋo meŋ marata kari taŋ niŋ kilinjaŋo ma, mu Benaya le ti, Piratoninkoo, Efurayimu koomalankoo. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
15 Ñaatonka taŋ niŋ fulanjaŋo meŋ marata kari taŋ niŋ fulanjaŋo ma, mu Helidayi le ti, Netofankoo, Otiniyeli koomalankoo. A la kafoo kono, moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani le be jee.
Banisirayila lasili maralilaalu
16 Ñinnu le mu maralilaalu ti mennu marata Banisirayila lasiloolu moolu ma:
Ka bo Rubeni lasiloo kono, Eliyesa Sikiri dinkewo le mu maralilaa ñaatonkoo ti.Ka bo Simeyoni lasiloo kono, Sefatiya Maaka dinkewo le mu.17 Ka bo Lewi lasiloo kono, Hasabiya Kemuweli dinkewo le mu.Ka bo Haaruna kaabiiloo kono, Sadoki le mu.18 Ka bo Yahuuda lasiloo kono, Elihu le mu, Dawuda kotoomaa.Ka bo Isakari lasiloo kono, Omuri Mikayeli dinkewo le mu.19 Ka bo Sebuluni lasiloo kono, Isimaya Obadiya dinkewo le mu.Ka bo Nafutali lasiloo kono, Yeremoti Asiriyeli dinkewo le mu.20 Ka bo Efurayimu lasiloo kono, Hoseya Asasiya dinkewo le mu.Ka bo Manase lasili talanteemoo kono tilijii karoo la, Yoweli Pedaya dinkewo le mu.21 Ka bo Manase lasili talanteemoo kono tilibo karoo la Kileyadi tundoo kaŋ, Ido Jakariya dinkewo le mu.Ka bo Benjamini lasiloo kono, Yaasiyeli Abuna dinkewo le mu.22 Ka bo Dani lasiloo kono, Asareli Yerohamu dinkewo le mu.
Ñinnu le mu Banisirayila lasili maralilaa ñaatonkoolu ti.
23 Dawuda maŋ moolu yaatee mennu siyo be sanji muwaŋ ye duuma, Yaawe la laahidoo kaŋ ko, a be Banisirayilankoolu siyandi la le komeŋ looloolu.
24 Yowabu, Seruya dinkewo le ye a dati nuŋ ka ì yaatee, bari a maŋ a labaŋ. Alla la kamfaa baa jiita Banisirayila kaŋ, wo le ye a tinna ñiŋ yaatewo maŋ naa safee Mansa Dawuda la Taarika Kitaaboo kono.
Mansakundaa la fankoo maralaalu
25 Ñinnu le mu moolu ti mennu marata mansakundaa la fankoo ma:
Asimaweti, Adiyeli dinkewo le marata mansa la naafulu maabodulaa ma meŋ be Yerusalaamu,
Yonatani, Usiya dinkewo le marata bankoo naafulu maabodulaa ma, mennu be saatee baalu niŋ saateeriŋolu aniŋ tatoolu kono.
26 Esiri, Kelubu dinkewo le marata kunkukono dookuulaalu ma.
27 Simeyi Ramankoo, le marata wayini* yiri kankaŋolu ma.
Sabudi Sefamunkoo, le marata dulaa ma, ì ka wayinoo maabo daameŋ to.
28 Baali-Hanani Kederinkoo, le marata olifu* yiroolu niŋ sooto yiroolu ma Sefela* konkotundoo* kaŋ.
Yowasi le marata olifu tulu maabodulaa ma.
29 Sitirayi, Saroninkoo le marata koorewolu ma, mennu ka daañiniŋo ke Saroni tundoo kaŋ.
Safati, Adulayi dinkewo le marata koorewolu ma, mennu be wulumbaŋolu kono.
30 Obili, Isimayila koomalankoo le marata ñonkomoolu ma.
Yeedeya, Meronotinkoo le marata faloolu ma.
31 Yasisi, Hajara koomalankoo le marata saajiyolu niŋ baalu ma.
Ñinnu bee mu mansa la dookuulaalu le ti, mennu marata a la sotofeŋolu ma.
Dawuda la yaamarilaalu
32 Yonatani, Dawuda bariŋ mu yaamarilaa le ti, a ye londoo soto baake, aduŋ a mu safeerilaa le ti. Yehiyeli, Hakimoni dinkewo le marata mansa dinkewolu la kuwolu ma. 33 Ahitofeli mu mansa la yaamarilaa le ti, aduŋ Husayi Arikinkoo mu mansa teerimaa le ti. 34 Yehoyada, Benaya dinkewo aniŋ Abiyata le seyita Ahitofeli noo to. Yowabu le mu mansa la kelediŋ ñaatonkoo ti.