Yaawe ye kiitiyo meŋ landi Banisirayila kamma
1 Ali i lamoyi kumoo la Yaawe* ye meŋ fo,
a ye ñiŋ ne fo n ye ko:
“Ali wuli, ali ye ali la kuwo kiitiyo laa konkoolu ñaa koto,
konkoriŋolu ye ali la diyaamukaŋo moyi.”
2 Ali i lamoyi, alitolu konkoolu,
alitolu duniyaa fondamaŋolu mennu be tu la fo abadaa.
Ali i lamoyi Yaawe la kiitiyo la,
a ye meŋ landi a la moolu kamma, Banisirayilankoolu,
a niŋ ì ka taa loo kiitii kenoo le to.

3 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“N na moolu,
ŋa muŋ ne ke ali la?
Ŋa ali batandi muŋ ne la?
Ali n jaabi.
4 Nte le ye ali bondi naŋ Misira,
ka ali fintindi naŋ joŋyaa bankoo kaŋ.
Ŋa Musa kii ka ali ñaatonkayaa,
Haaruna aniŋ Miriyaamu.
5 N na moolu,
ali i miira Balaki Mowabi mansa ye feeroo meŋ siti ali kamma nuŋ,
aniŋ Balaamu Bewori dinkewo ye a jaabi ñaameŋ.
Ali i miira ali la taamasiloo la,
ka bo Sitimu ka taa Kilikali,
ali be a kalamuta la le,
nte Yaawe ye baara kendoolu mennu ke.”
Alla suulata meŋ na
6 “Nte niŋ muŋ ne be naa Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la,
ka sujudi ñiŋ Mansa Baa ñaatiliŋo la?
Fo n niŋ jani sadaalu* ye naa a ñaatiliŋo la baŋ,
fo sanji kiliŋ ninsoolu?
7 Fo Yaawe be seewoo la saakotoŋ wuliwuloolu boo la le baŋ,
olifu* tulu daloolu, mennu maŋ dandulaa soto?
Fo ŋa n dinkee foloo bo sadaa ti baŋ n na baara jawoolu kamma,
m faŋo diŋo, ka ke n ye junube kafarilaŋo ti?”
8 Ite hadamadiŋo,
Yaawe ye a fo i ye le,
meŋ mu kuu kendoo ti,
aduŋ a ye meŋ kaniŋ i bulu,
wo le mu,
ka tooñaa taamandi,
ka beteyaa kanu,
aniŋ ka bula Alla nooma, i Maarii,
fammajiyo kono.
Alla be Yerusalaamu jarabi la
9 Ka sila Yaawe la,
wo le mu ñaameŋo ti.
Yaawe ye kiliroo ke Yerusalaamu saatewo to ko:
“Ali i lamoyi,
ali si sila busoo la,
aniŋ busoo maarii.
10 Naafuloo meŋ be moo kuruŋolu la buŋolu kono,
ì maŋ ì soto niŋ tiliŋo siloo la.
Ì ka sumandiroo ke sumandaŋ kuruŋolu le la,
mennu haraamuta.
N si n ñaa kaasi noo wo la ñaadii?
11 N si soŋ noo peesarilaŋ kuruŋo la kuwo la ñaadii,
aniŋ sumandirilaŋ kuruŋolu?
12 Ali la saatewo fentiyolu ye ì la fankoo soto fitinoo le la.
Ali la saatee moolu ka faniyaa le fo,
ka neeneeroo ke ì neŋ kolomoo la.

13 “Ali la junube kuwolu kamma la,
ŋa a dati le ka ali halaki busoo la,
ŋa ali bula ali ye kasaara.
14 Ali si domoroo ke fo,
bari ali te faa la,
ali be tara la konkoriŋ ne doroŋ.
Ali be tu la feŋ yoronnoo le la,
bari ì te ali nafaa la,
aduŋ ali ye feŋ-wo-feŋ maabo,
keloo mantooroo le be a bee taa la ali bulu.
15 Ali si fiiroo ke,
bari ali te a munafaŋo soto la.
Ali si olifu yiridiŋolu biti,
bari ali te a tuloo nafaa soto la.
Ali si wayini* yiridiŋolu biti,
bari ali te a jiyo miŋ na.
16 Kaatu ali tarata Omuri la sila kuruŋolu le nooma,
aduŋ ali ye Ahabu la dimbaayaa moolu jikoo le taa,
ali bulata ì la yaamaroolu nooma.
Wo kamma la,
m be ali la saatewo ke la tumbuŋo le ti,
a moolu ye ke jelefeŋo ti,
aduŋ ali si muña tooñeeri kumoolu kaŋ,
banku koteŋo moolu be mennu fo la ali ye.”
1 Hear ye now what the LORD saith; Arise, contend thou before the mountains, and let the hills hear thy voice. 2 Hear ye, O mountains, the LORD’s controversy, and ye strong foundations of the earth: for the LORD hath a controversy with his people, and he will plead with Israel. 3 O my people, what have I done unto thee? and wherein have I wearied thee? testify against me. 4 For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of servants; and I sent before thee Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. 5 O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of the LORD.
6 ¶ Wherewith shall I come before the LORD, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? 7 Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? 8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
9 The LORD’s voice crieth unto the city, and the man of wisdom shall see thy name: hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it.
10 ¶ Are there yet the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the scant measure that is abominable? 11 Shall I count them pure with the wicked balances, and with the bag of deceitful weights? 12 For the rich men thereof are full of violence, and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies, and their tongue is deceitful in their mouth. 13 Therefore also will I make thee sick in smiting thee, in making thee desolate because of thy sins. 14 Thou shalt eat, but not be satisfied; and thy casting down shall be in the midst of thee; and thou shalt take hold, but shalt not deliver; and that which thou deliverest will I give up to the sword. 15 Thou shalt sow, but thou shalt not reap; thou shalt tread the olives, but thou shalt not anoint thee with oil; and sweet wine, but shalt not drink wine.
16 ¶ For the statutes of Omri are kept, and all the works of the house of Ahab, and ye walk in their counsels; that I should make thee a desolation, and the inhabitants thereof an hissing: therefore ye shall bear the reproach of my people.