1 Yerusalaamunkoolu,
ali kafu ñoo ma ka kelediŋ kafoolu loo.
Jawoolu ye ǹ suki le.
Ì niŋ busoo,
ì be Banisirayila maralilaa busa la a tamoo le to.
Maralilaa tilindiŋo be wuluu la Betilehemu
2 Alitolu Efurata*-Betilehemunkoolu,
Yaawe* ye ñiŋ ne fo ko,
“Ali la saatewo keta saateeriŋo ti ñaa-wo-ñaa Yahuuda,
bari Banisirayila maralilaa be bo la alitolu le kono,
a be maraloo ke la niŋ nte Yaawe tooyaa le la.
A foloota naŋ waati jaŋ ne la, kabiriŋ.”

3 Yaawe be a la moolu fili la ì jawoolu bulu le,
fo janniŋ ñiŋ maralilaa be wuluu la.
Wo le to a baadiŋ toomaalu be naa bo la mutoo kono,
ì ye muru ka kafu Banisirayilanka koteŋolu ma.

4 A be ke la a la moolu ye le ko saajii kantalaa,
Yaawe la mansabaayaa semboo kaŋ,
Yaawe, a la Alla too la waroo kaŋ.
Ì la baluwo be tara la tankoo le kono,
aduŋ a too la waroo be taa le
fo duniyaa daŋo to.
5 Kayiroo sabatindilaa be ke la ate le ti.
Asiriyankoolu be noo la keloo to
Niŋ Asiriyankoolu naata boyi ǹ na bankoo kaŋ,
ì dunta naŋ ǹ na tatoolu kono,
m̀ be ñaatonka bambandiŋ jamaa le tomboŋ na ì kamma.
6 Ì si Asiriya bankoo mara hawusaroo* la,
meŋ mu Nimurodi koomalankoolu la bankoo ti,
ì be a mara la hawusari kesoo le la.
Ì si m̀ bo Asiriyankoolu bulu,
niŋ ì naata boyi ǹ na bankoo kaŋ,
niŋ ì ye ì siŋo loo ǹ na bankoo naanewo to.
Banisirayila moo toomaalu be janjandiŋ
7 Yaakuba koomalankoolu mennu tuta,
be tara la janjandiŋ bankoolu le kaŋ.
Ì la kuwo be muluŋ na le komeŋ komboo,
Yaawe ye meŋ jindi naŋ,
waraŋ samaajiyo, ñaamoolu kaŋ.
Ì te ì jiki sembe la moo la,
sako ì si taamaayaa hadamadiŋ na.
8 Moo toomaalu mennu tuta Yaakuba koomalankoolu kono,
be tara la banku koteŋolu le kaŋ,
ko jatoo ka tara wulakono daafeŋolu kono ñaameŋ,
ko niŋ jatoo dunta saajii koorewo kono,
ka ñapi ì kaŋ,
ka ì suboo kuntuŋ-kuntuŋ.
Tankandirilaa te soto la.
9 Ì be ì buloo wulindi la ì jawoolu kunto le,
aduŋ ì jawoolu bee le be kasaara la.
Jalaŋo waraŋ batuutaayaa te soto la Banisirayila kotenke
10 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Niŋ ñiŋ waatoo siita,
m be ali la keleraŋ suwoolu kasaara la ali bulu le,
ŋa ali la keleraŋ sareetoolu* tiñaa.
11 M be ali la saatewolu kasaara la le,
ŋa ali la tatoolu bee teyiŋ-teyiŋ.
12 M be ali la batuutaayaa kuwo bee le kasaara la,
bitaarilaa te soto la ali kono kotenke.
13 M be ali la jalaŋ leseriŋolu kasaara la ali bulu le,
aniŋ bere samasiŋolu, ali ka mennu batu.
Ali te sujudi la feŋolu ye kotenke,
ali faŋo buloo ye mennu dadaa.
14 M be ali la Asera* jalaŋ dokoolu wutu la le,
ŋa ali la saatewolu kasaara.
15 N jusu kandiriŋo le be bankoolu jarabi la,
mennu maŋ n na yaamaroo muta,
n kamfaatoo baa le be n joo la ì to.”
1 Now gather thyself in troops, O daughter of troops: he hath laid siege against us: they shall smite the judge of Israel with a rod upon the cheek. 2 But thou, Beth-lehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. 3 Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel.
4 ¶ And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth. 5 And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men. 6 And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders.
7 And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the LORD, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.
8 ¶ And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. 9 Thine hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off. 10 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots: 11 And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strong holds: 12 And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers: 13 Thy graven images also will I cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands. 14 And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee: so will I destroy thy cities. 15 And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.