Kewo ko:
1 M baarimmusu, n na maañoo,
m be naa kaŋ n na naakoo to le,
ka n na miiri* niŋ seerandi feŋ koteŋolu kafu ñoo ma.
M be n na liyo niŋ a kaañoo domo la le,
ŋa n na wayinoo* niŋ n na keekewo miŋ.

N teerimaalu, ali domoroo ke, ali ye i miŋ,
ali ye siira kanoo kono.
Suukuu naaninjaŋo
Musoo ko:
2 M be siinoo kaŋ,
bari n hakiloo maŋ tenkuŋ.
I lamoyi baŋ,
n jusukuŋo le be konkondiroo la.

Kewo ko:
M baarimmusu, n kanuntewo,
bundaa yele n ye,
n na puraariŋo, n na musu timmariŋo.
N kuŋo bee sinanta tuutuwo la le,
suuto komboo ye n kuntiñoo bee sinandi.

Musoo ko:
3 Ŋa n wura le fokabaŋ,
m maŋ paree ka n na feŋolu duŋ kotenke.
Ŋa n siŋolu kuu le fokabaŋ,
m maŋ paree ka ì nondi kotenke.

4 N jusukuŋo ye a buloo duŋ daahuwo la,
a la kuwo loo ye m baloo bee futufaa.
5 N wulita wo le ñaama
ka bundaa yele n jusukuŋo ye,
miiri tuloo be suleŋ na m buloo la,
karabaanijiyo be tondi la m bulukondiŋolu la,
sorondaŋo kaŋ.
6 Ŋa daa yele n jusukuŋo ye,
yaarafaŋ, a ye a koo dii le, a taata.
A la taa ye n niyo fitii,
ŋa a ñini, bari m maŋ a je,
ŋa a kili, bari a maŋ n jinkaŋ.

7 N niŋ saatee kantalaalu benta,
biriŋ ì be saatee muruŋ-muruŋo la,
ì ye n lipa fo ì ye m barama.
Ñiŋ saatee tata kantalaalu,
ì ye n na bitiraŋ faanoo wafu n na,
ì ye a samba.
8 Alitolu Yerusalaamu dimmusuriŋolu,
ŋa ali daani,
niŋ ali ye n jusukuŋo je,
ali si a fo a ye ko,
kanoo meeyaa ye n saasandi le.

Musoolu ko:
9 Musoolu bee musu ñiimaa,
i jusukuŋo fisiyaata kee doolu ti ñaadii le?
A la kuwo tambita doolu la ñaadii le,
fo i ka ǹ daani a la kuwo la teŋ?

Musoo ko:
10 N jusukuŋo jaatoo kereyaata le,
fo a ka malamala,
a ñoŋo te kee wuliwuloolu kono.
11 A ñaadaa ka malamala le ko saniforoo,
a kuntiña kesoo bee be fooyaariŋ,
a be findiŋ ko kemboo.
12 A ñaakesoolu be koyiriŋ ne ko woyoo daala puraa,
ko puraa meŋ ye i kuu keekewo kono,
ì bee be kekuuriŋ.
13 A kaaraa be le ko bambewo,
seerandi feŋolu ka faliŋ daameŋ.
A daaturoo be ko firi ñiimaa,
a bee be sinandiŋ miiri tuloo la.
14 A buloolu be le ko sani mulumuloo,
ì bee be ñarariŋ luuluwo la.
A sisoo be deerariŋ ko samañiŋo,
ì ye meŋ ñarandi safiiri beroolu la.
15 A siŋolu be le ko bere samasiŋ ñiimaa,
meŋ be looriŋ sani looraŋo kaŋ.
A alihaaloo be le ko Libanooni Konkoo,
a be bambandiŋ ko sedari* yiroo.
16 A daakumoo diyaata,
a la kuwo bee le ye n ñaabo.
Yerusalaamu dimmusuriŋolu,
n jusukuŋo be teŋ ne,
ate le mu n teerimaa ti.
The Man
1 I have entered my garden,
my sweetheart, my bride.
I am gathering my spices and myrrh;
I am eating my honey and honeycomb;
I am drinking my wine and milk.
The Women
Eat, lovers, and drink
until you are drunk with love!
The Fourth Song
The Woman
2 While I slept, my heart was awake.
I dreamed my lover knocked at the door.
The Man
Let me come in, my darling,
my sweetheart, my dove.
My head is wet with dew,
and my hair is damp from the mist.
The Woman
3 I have already undressed;
why should I get dressed again?
I have washed my feet;
why should I get them dirty again?

4 My lover put his hand to the door,
and I was thrilled that he was near.
5 I was ready to let him come in.
My hands were covered with myrrh,
my fingers with liquid myrrh,
as I grasped the handle of the door.
6 I opened the door for my lover,
but he had already gone.
How I wanted to hear his voice!
I looked for him, but couldn't find him;
I called to him, but heard no answer.

7 The sentries patrolling the city found me;
they struck me and bruised me;
the guards at the city wall tore off my cape.
8 Promise me, women of Jerusalem,
that if you find my lover,
you will tell him I am weak from passion.
The Women
9 Most beautiful of women,
is your lover different from everyone else?
What is there so wonderful about him
that we should give you our promise?
The Woman
10 My lover is handsome and strong;
he is one in ten thousand.
11 His face is bronzed and smooth;
his hair is wavy,
black as a raven.
12 His eyes are as beautiful as doves by a flowing brook,
doves washed in milk and standing by the stream.
13 His cheeks are as lovely as a garden
that is full of herbs and spices.
His lips are like lilies,
wet with liquid myrrh.
14 His hands are well-formed,
and he wears rings set with gems.
His body is like smooth ivory,
with sapphires set in it.
15 His thighs are columns of alabaster
set in sockets of gold.
He is majestic, like the Lebanon Mountains
with their towering cedars.
16 His mouth is sweet to kiss;
everything about him enchants me.
This is what my lover is like,
women of Jerusalem.