Musa la suukuwo
1 Bituŋ Musa niŋ Banisirayilankoolu ye ñiŋ suukuwo laa Yaawe* ye:
“M be suukuwo laa la Yaawe ye le,
kaatu a la semboo niŋ waroo yitandita le,
a ye suwoolu niŋ ì borindilaalu bee fayi baa kono.
2 N semboo ka bo Yaawe le bulu,
n ka suukuwo laa ate le ye,
a keta n tankandirilaa le ti.
Ate le mu n na Alla ti, m be a jayi la le,
m faamaa la Alla, m be a sikandi la le.
3 Yaawe mu kelejawaroo le ti.
Yaawe le mu a too ti.
4 A ye Firawoona la kelediŋolu
niŋ a la keleraŋ sareetoolu* bee fayi baa kono le.
Firawoona la kelediŋ kende baalu tuta Kulunjumbe Baa kono.
5 Baa diinoŋo ye ì muuri,
ì tunenta diinoŋo to komeŋ beroo.
6 Hee, Yaawe, i bulubaa buloo la sembe waroo!
Hee, Yaawe! I bulubaa buloo la semboo le ye i jawoolu bee kasaara.
7 I la mansayaa la waroo kaŋ, i ye i jawoolu bee faa.
I ye i la kamfaa jawuyandi, a ye ì jani komeŋ siimaŋ kaloolu.
8 I la niijiyo semboo ye baajiyo moolondi santo, a loota komeŋ sansaŋo,
jiyolu mennu be baa dulaa diinondiŋ baa to, naata bambaŋ.

9 “I jawoolu ye daa wara kumoolu fo ko,
‘M̀ be ì bayindi la, aduŋ m̀ be ì tarandi la le.
M̀ be ì la naafuloo talaa la le,
meŋ diyaata ǹ ye, m̀ be wo le taa la.
M̀ be ǹ na hawusaroo* saba la,
m̀ be ì bee kasaara la le.’
10 Bari Yaawe, i la niijii kiliŋo meŋ bota i bala,
wo le ye Misirankoolu bee tundi baa kono.
Ì tunenta le komeŋ beroo, baa diinoŋo kono.

11 “Hee Yaawe! Jumaa le be alloolu kono, mennu niŋ ite mulunta?
Jumaa le mulunta ko ite,
i la mansayaa senuŋo,
i la sembe waroo,
i la kaawakuwolu?
12 I ye i bulubaa buloo coodi, bankoo ye ì kunuŋ.

13 “I la kanu bambaloo kaŋ, i ye i la moolu mennu tanka,
i be i ñaatonkayaa la le.
I la semboo kaŋ, i be ì kenkeŋ na le fo i la dinkiraa senuŋo to.
14 Bankoolu be a moyi la le, ì be jarajara la,
silaŋo be duŋ na Filisitinkoolu la le.
15 Edomu alifaalu kijoolu be teyi la le,
Mowabi ñaatonkoolu ye tu jarajaroo la,
Kanaaninkoolu be jikilateyi la le,
16 kija kuntoo aniŋ silaŋo le be boyi la ì kaŋ.
Hee, Yaawe, kabiriŋ i la moolu be tambi kaŋ,
i la moolu, i ye mennu bondi joŋyaa kono,
ì jawoolu tuta tenkundiŋ ne komeŋ beroo.
17 Hee Yaawe, i be i la moolu naati la le,
aduŋ i be ì sabatindi la i la konkoo le kaŋ,
dulaa meŋ, i ye a parendi ka ke i faŋo la dinkiraa ti,
dulaa senuŋo meŋ, i faŋo le ye a dadaa.
18 Yaawe be maraloo ke la le ka bo saayiŋ fo abadaa.”
Miriyaamu la suukuwo
19 Kabiriŋ Firawoona la suwoolu, keleraŋ sareetoolu aniŋ suuborindilaalu dunta baa kono, Yaawe ye baajiyo murundi ì kaŋ, bari Banisirayilankoolu taamata banku jaaroo le kaŋ baa kono.
20 Bituŋ Miriyaamu, annabiyomu musoo, meŋ keta Haaruna baarimmusoo ti, ye tambuuroo taa, musoolu bee bulata a nooma, ì niŋ tambuuroolu niŋ doŋo.
21 Miriyaamu ka ñiŋ ne laa ì ye:
“Ali suukuwo laa Yaawe ye,
kaatu a la semboo niŋ waroo yitandita le,
a ye suwoolu niŋ ì borindilaalu bee fayi baa kono.”
Musa ye jii kuyaariŋo diyandi
22 Wo to le Musa ye Banisirayilankoolu ñaatonkayaa ka ì bondi Kulunjumbe Baa maafaŋo la ka duŋ Suri Keñewuloo kono. Ì taamata keñewuloo* kono le fo tili saba, bari ì maŋ jiyo je ì ñaa la. 23 Bituŋ ì taata fo dulaa to, ì ka a fo daameŋ ye Mara. Bari jiyo meŋ be jee, a kuyaata le fo moo maŋ a miŋ noo. Ñiŋ ne ye a tinna, ì ye a toolaa Mara la. 24 Moolu woosiita Musa ye ko, “M̀ be muŋ ne miŋ na?” 25 Wo to le Musa kumboota Yaawe ye, aduŋ Yaawe ye babara telendaŋo yitandi a la. A ye a fayi jiyo kono, bituŋ jiyo naata diyaa.
Is anyone among you sick Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
Yaawe ye yaamaroo ke, bituŋ a ye luwaa londi ì ye jee. Aduŋ a ye ì kotobo jee le fanaa to. 26 A ko, “Niŋ ali ye ali hakiloo tu nte Yaawe ali la Alla la ñiŋ kumoo to, kuwo meŋ tilinta, ali ye wo ke n ñaa koto, aniŋ ali ye n na yaamaroolu muta, ka n na luwaalu bee ke a ñaama, n te hani kuuraŋ kiliŋ ne naati la ali kaŋ ko ŋa meŋ ke Misirankoolu la. Kaatu nte le mu Yaawe ti, meŋ ka ali jaara.”
27 Bituŋ ì taata Elimu, daameŋ woyi taŋ niŋ fula aniŋ tamaree suŋ taŋ woorowula tarata jee. Ì daakaata jiyo daala jee.
The Song of Moses
1 Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord:

“I will sing to the Lord, because he has won a glorious victory;
he has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.
2 The Lord is my strong defender;
he is the one who has saved me.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
my father's God, and I will sing about his greatness.
3 The Lord is a warrior;
the Lord is his name.

4 “He threw Egypt's army and its chariots into the sea;
the best of its officers were drowned in the Red Sea.
5 The deep sea covered them;
they sank to the bottom like a stone.

6 “Your right hand, Lord, is awesome in power;
it breaks the enemy in pieces.
7 In majestic triumph you overthrow your foes;
your anger blazes out and burns them up like straw.
8 You blew on the sea and the water piled up high;
it stood up straight like a wall;
the deepest part of the sea became solid.
9 The enemy said, ‘I will pursue them and catch them;
I will divide their wealth and take all I want;
I will draw my sword and take all they have.’
10 But one breath from you, Lord, and the Egyptians were drowned;
they sank like lead in the terrible water.

11 Lord, who among the gods is like you?
Who is like you, wonderful in holiness?
Who can work miracles and mighty acts like yours?
12 You stretched out your right hand,
and the earth swallowed our enemies.
13 Faithful to your promise, you led the people you had rescued;
by your strength you guided them to your sacred land.
14 The nations have heard, and they tremble with fear;
the Philistines are seized with terror.
15 The leaders of Edom are terrified;
Moab's mighty men are trembling;
the people of Canaan lose their courage.
16 Terror and dread fall upon them.
They see your strength, O Lord,
and stand helpless with fear
until your people have marched past—
the people you set free from slavery.
17 You bring them in and plant them on your mountain,
the place that you, Lord, have chosen for your home,
the Temple that you yourself have built.
18 You, Lord, will be king forever and ever.”
The Song of Miriam
19 The Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground. But when the Egyptian chariots with their horses and drivers went into the sea, the Lord brought the water back, and it covered them.
20 The prophet Miriam, Aaron's sister, took her tambourine, and all the women followed her, playing tambourines and dancing. 21 Miriam sang for them:
“Sing to the Lord, because he has won a glorious victory;
he has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.”
Bitter Water
22 Then Moses led the people of Israel away from the Red Sea into the desert of Shur. For three days they walked through the desert, but found no water. 23 Then they came to a place called Marah, but the water there was so bitter that they could not drink it. That is why it was named Marah. 24 The people complained to Moses and asked, “What are we going to drink?” 25 Moses prayed earnestly to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood, which he threw into the water; and the water became fit to drink.
There the Lord gave them laws to live by, and there he also tested them. 26 He said, “If you will obey me completely by doing what I consider right and by keeping my commands, I will not punish you with any of the diseases that I brought on the Egyptians. I am the Lord, the one who heals you.”
27 Next they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees; there they camped by the water.