Allantaŋyaa luŋ labaŋolu kono
1 I si ñiŋ kalamuta ko, luŋ labaŋolu kono, waati koleŋolu be naa la le. 2 Moolu be ì faŋolu doroŋ ne kanu la, ì be ke la kodilandiyolu le ti, faŋ wara moolu, kibirilaalu, tooñeeri kumafolaalu, wuluulaa soosoolaalu, wasabaloolu aniŋ seneyaabaloolu. 3 Ì te kanoo soto la, aduŋ ì te paree la ka yamfa, bari ì be ke la kajafirilaalu le ti. Ì be ke la faŋ mutabaloolu le ti, ì be saŋara la le, aduŋ ì be kuu betoo bee koŋ na le. 4 Ì be ke la jamfantuŋolu niŋ hakilitubaloolu le ti, aduŋ ì be faa la niŋ faŋ waroo le la. Ì be niidiyaa le kanu la ka tambi Alla la. 5 Ì ka munta le ko Alla ñaasilannaalu, bari ì maŋ soŋ a la semboo ma. Fata wo moo siifaalu ma!
6 Ì doolu ka feeretoo duŋ wandi buŋolu kono le ka musu lamfuriŋolu filindi niŋ ì la kumoolu la. Wo musoolu la junuboolu dunoo be laariŋ ì faŋolu le kaŋ, ì la hame kuwo le ka ì mara. 7 Ì ka tu karandiri kutoo le nooma la waati-wo-waati, bari ì nene maŋ naa tooñaa loŋ noo. 8 Ko Yannes niŋ Yamberes balanta Annabilayi Musa ma nuŋ ñaameŋ, ñiŋ karandirilaalu fanaa ka balaŋ tooñaa ma wo le ñaama, baawo ì hakiloolu nakarita le, ì maŋ lanna tooñaa soto. 9 Bari ì te jamfabaa la, kaatu ì la tooleeyaa be waañaari la moolu bee ye le, ko a keta Yannes niŋ Yamberes la ñaameŋ.
Pawulu la misaaloo niŋ Kitaabu Senuŋolu la semboo
10 Saayiŋ, ite meeta m fee le, i ye n na karandiroo loŋ ne, m maañaa to, ŋa natoo meŋ soto n na baluwo ye, n na lannoo, n na muñoo, n na kanoo, aniŋ n na wakiiloo. 11 I ye tooroolu niŋ bataalu loŋ ne, mennu keta nte la Antiyoki saatewo kono, Ikoniyumu aniŋ Listara. Moo te wo tooroolu la jawuyaa fo noo la! Bari hani wo, Maariyo ye n kanandi wo kuwolu bee kono le.
12 Tooñaa, moo-wo-moo meŋ lafita ka baluu Alla la siloo la Kiristu* Yeesu kono, wo maarii be toora la le. 13 Bari moo jawoolu niŋ neeneerilaalu la kuruŋyaa ka tu jawuyaa la le doroŋ, ì ka tu doolu neenee la le, aduŋ ì faŋolu ka tu neeneeroo le kono.
14 Bari ite, Timoti, i si tu bambandiŋ kuwolu kono, i ye mennu karaŋ nuŋ, aduŋ i laata ì la. Kana wo kuwolu bula, baawo i ye a loŋ ne, i ye ì karaŋ mennu bulu. 15 Biriŋ i la dindiŋyaa waatoo la, i ye Kitaabu Senuŋolu loŋ ne. Wolu le ka ñaameŋo dii i la, ka i taamandi noo ka kiisoo soto, ka bo niŋ lannoo la Kiristu Yeesu kono. 16 Kaatu Kitaabu Senuŋo bee safeeta ka bo niŋ Alla la Nooroo le la, aduŋ a ye nafaa soto karandiroo to le, jalayiroo, kuluuroo, aniŋ nindiroo baluu tilindiŋo ye. 17 Wo siloo la, Alla la moolu bee buloo si koyi Alla la dookuwo to, ì si jooraŋolu soto, mennu ñanta baara betoo bee to.
The Last Days
1 Remember that there will be difficult times in the last days. 2 People will be selfish, greedy, boastful, and conceited; they will be insulting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, and irreligious; 3 they will be unkind, merciless, slanderers, violent, and fierce; they will hate the good; 4 they will be treacherous, reckless, and swollen with pride; they will love pleasure rather than God; 5 they will hold to the outward form of our religion, but reject its real power. Keep away from such people. 6 Some of them go into people's houses and gain control over weak women who are burdened by the guilt of their sins and driven by all kinds of desires, 7 women who are always trying to learn but who can never come to know the truth. 8 As Jannes and Jambres were opposed to Moses, so also these people are opposed to the truth—people whose minds do not function and who are failures in the faith. 9 But they will not get very far, because everyone will see how stupid they are. That is just what happened to Jannes and Jambres.
Last Instructions
10 But you have followed my teaching, my conduct, and my purpose in life; you have observed my faith, my patience, my love, my endurance, 11 my persecutions, and my sufferings. You know all that happened to me in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra, the terrible persecutions I endured! But the Lord rescued me from them all. 12 Everyone who wants to live a godly life in union with Christ Jesus will be persecuted; 13 and evil persons and impostors will keep on going from bad to worse, deceiving others and being deceived themselves. 14 But as for you, continue in the truths that you were taught and firmly believe. You know who your teachers were, 15 and you remember that ever since you were a child, you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, 17 so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.