Nasaretinkoolu balanta Yeesu ma
(Matiyu 13:53-58Luka 4:16-30)
1 Yeesu bota jee, a naata a fansuŋ saatewo to, a niŋ a la saayiboolu. 2 Loobula Luŋo la a naata karandiroo ke ì la diina bendulaa* kono. Moo jamaa mennu ye i lamoyi a la, ì jaakalita. Bituŋ ì ko, “Ñiŋ kewo ye ñiŋ bee soto mintoo le? Muŋ ne mu ñiŋ ñaameŋ siifaa ti, meŋ diita a la? A ka ñiŋ kaawakuwolu ke ñaadii le? 3 Fo ñiŋ ne maŋ ke kapintaa ti baŋ, Mariyaama dinkewo, aduŋ Yankuba, Yusufa, Yudas aniŋ Simoni kotoomaa? Fo a baarimmusoolu maŋ tara m̀ fee jaŋ baŋ?” Wo to le ì ye a la kuwo muta kasi ti. 4 Bituŋ Yeesu ko ì ye ko, “Annabiyomoo maŋ dasa horomoo la fo a fansuŋ saatewo kono, aniŋ a baadiŋolu kono niŋ a faŋo la dimbaayaa kono.” 5 Yeesu maŋ naa kaawakuu jamaa ke noo jee, fo a ye a buloo meŋ laa kuurantoo dantaŋ kaŋ, a ye ì kendeyandi. 6 Aduŋ a jaakalita ì la lannabaliyaa la.
Yeesu ye a la saayibe taŋ niŋ fuloo kii
(Matiyu 10:5-15Luka 9:1-6)
Yeesu taata ka bo saatee ka taa saatee ka moolu karandi. 7 Bituŋ a ye a la saayibe taŋ niŋ fuloo kumandi, a naata ì fula-fula kii, aduŋ a ye kaŋo dii ì la seetaani jawoolu kaŋ. 8 A ye ì dandalaa ko, ì maŋ ñaŋ na feŋ samba la ì la taamasiloo kaŋ, fo taamaraŋ dokoo doroŋ. Ì kana mbuuroo waraŋ kufu samba, waraŋ kodoo bula ì la jifoolu kono. 9 Ì si samatoolu duŋ, bari ì kana dendika fulanjaŋo samba. 10 Aduŋ a ko ì ye ko, “Niŋ ali dunta buŋo kono daameŋ, ali si sabati jee fo janniŋ ali be taa la. 11 Niŋ ì maŋ ali jiyaa daameŋ to, aduŋ ì maŋ soŋ i lamoyi la ali la kumoo la, ali fintitoo si ali siŋolu konkoŋ ka ke seedeyaa ti ì ye.”
12 Bituŋ saayiboolu fintita, ì taata, aduŋ ì ye moolu kawandi le ko, ì ñanta tuubi la le, ì ye ì koo dii ì la junuboolu la. 13 Ì ye seetaani jawu jamaa le bayi, aniŋ ì ye tuloo maa kuurantoo jamaa la, wolu kendeyaata.
Yaayaa Batiseerilaa la saayaa
(Matiyu 14:1-12Luka 9:7-9)
14 Mansa Herodi naata Yeesu la kuwo kibaaroo moyi a la darajoo kamma la. Doolu ko, “Yaayaa Batiseerilaa le wulindita saayaa kono. Wo le ye a tinna a ye semboo soto ka ñiŋ kaawakuwolu ke.” 15 Bari doolu ko, “Annabilayi Eliya le mu.” Aduŋ doolu ko, “A mu annabiyomoo le ti ko annabiyomu doolu, mennu tambita nuŋ.” 16 Bari kabiriŋ Herodi ye ñiŋ moyi, a ko, “Ŋa Yaayaa Batiseerilaa meŋ kuŋo kuntu, wo le wulindita naŋ saayaa kono.” 17 Bayiri Herodi ye yaamaroo dii le nunto ko, ì ye Yaayaa muta, ì ye a siti bunjawoo kono. A ye ñiŋ ke Herodiyas le la kuwo kamma. Herodiyas mu a kotoomaa Filipi la musoo le ti, Herodi ye meŋ taa a bulu. 18 Yaayaa ka a fo Herodi ye le nuŋ ko, “Luwaa maŋ soŋ, i ye i baadiŋo la musoo taa a bulu ka a futuu.” 19 Wo kamma la Herodiyas ye Yaayaa koŋ, aduŋ a lafita ka a faa, bari a maŋ a ke noo, 20 kaatu Herodi silata Yaayaa la le. A ye a loŋ ne ko, Yaayaa mu moo tilindiŋo le ti, aniŋ moo senuŋo. Wo kamma la a ye Yaayaa tu mutoo kono. Niŋ Herodi ye i lamoyi Yaayaa la, a niyo ka toora baake le, bari hani wo, a ka lafi ka a lamoyi.
21 Bari Herodiyas naata siloo soto waatoo le la, biriŋ Herodi la wuluu luŋo juuraloo siita. Wo waatoo la, Herodi ye juurali baa parendi a la maralilaalu ye, aniŋ kelediŋ kuntiyolu, ì niŋ Kalilee bankoo ñaatonkoolu. 22 Bituŋ Herodiyas dimmusoo naata, a ye i doŋ, aduŋ wo ye Mansa Herodi niŋ a la luntaŋolu seewondi le. Bituŋ mansa naata a fo a ye ko, “I lafita feŋ-wo-feŋ na, a daani, m be a ke la i ye le!” 23 Aduŋ a ye a la laahidoo bambandi kaloo la. A ko, “Feŋ-wo-feŋ, i be meŋ daani la nte bulu, m be a dii la i la le, hani n na maralibankoo talantewo!” 24 Sunkutoo fintita, a ko a baamaa ye ko, “M be muŋ ne daani la?” A baamaa ko a ye ko, “Yaayaa Batiseerilaa kuŋo daani.”
25 Wo loo niŋ baroo teema, sunkutoo tariyaatoo naata mansa kaŋ, a ko a ye ko, “N lafita, i ye Yaayaa Batiseerilaa kuŋo dii n na palaatoo kaŋ saayiŋ.” 26 Mansakewo sunuta baake, bari a la kaloo niŋ luntaŋolu kamma la, a maŋ lafi ka a la laahidoo tiñaa. 27 Wo loodulaa kiliŋo to, a ye a la kelediŋ kantarilaa kii ka Yaayaa kuŋo naati. Kelediŋo taata, a ye Yaayaa kuŋo kuntu bunjawoo kono, 28 aduŋ a ye a naati palaatoo kaŋ. Bituŋ a ye a dii sunkutoo la, sunkutoo ye a dii a baamaa la. 29 Kabiriŋ Yaayaa la saayiboolu ye ñiŋ moyi, ì naata, ì ye a furewo samba, ì ye a landi kaburoo kono.
Yeesu ye kee wuli luulu domorindi
(Matiyu 14:13-21Luka 9:10-17Yohana 6:1-14)
30 Yeesu la saayiboolu muruta a kaŋ. Ì ye kuwolu bee saata a ye, ì ye mennu ke aniŋ ì ye mennu karandi. 31 Yeesu ko ì ye ko, “Ali ŋà taa dulaa kiideeriŋo to, fo ali si i dahaa domandiŋ.” A ye wo fo kaatu moo jamaa le be taa niŋ naa la, fo ì maŋ hani a ñaa soto ka domoroo ke. 32 Wo to le ì bulata kuluŋo la ka taa dulaa kiideeriŋo to, ì dammaa. 33 Bari moo jamaa le ye ì taatoo je, aduŋ ì ye ì suutee le. Bituŋ moolu tariyaatoo taata ì siŋo la ka bo saatewolu bee to, aduŋ ì futata Yeesu niŋ saayiboolu ñaa.
34 Yeesu be futa kaŋ baa kankuŋo la doroŋ, a ye kafu baa je. A balafaata ì ye, kaatu ì ka munta le ko saajiyolu, mennu maŋ kantarilaa soto. Bituŋ a ye a dati ka ì karandi kuu jamaa la. 35 Kabiriŋ suwo be naa kuu la, a la saayiboolu naata a kaŋ ka a fo a ye ko, “Jaŋ mu dulaa kiideeriŋo le ti, aduŋ suwo kuuta le. 36 Wo kamma la ì bula, ì ye taa ñiŋ dulaalu niŋ a dantanna saatewolu kono ka domoroo saŋ ì faŋolu ye.” 37 Bari Yeesu ye ì jaabi ko, “Alitolu si domoroo dii ì la.” Bituŋ ì ko a ye ko, “Fo ǹ si taa denaari keme fula ñoŋ mbuuroo saŋ ka a dii ì la domoroo ti baŋ?” 38 A ye ì ñininkaa ko, “Mbuuru kuŋ jelu le be ali bulu? Ali taa a juubee.” Kabiriŋ ì ye a juubee, ì ko a ye ko, “Mbuuru kuŋ luulu le be m̀ bulu, aniŋ ñee muru fula!”
39 Wo to le Yeesu ye kafoo bee yaamari ka kafundiŋ sii ñaama kitiŋolu kaŋ. 40 Bituŋ ì siita. Kafundiŋ-wo-kafundiŋ ye moo keme waraŋ moo taŋ luulu le soto. 41 A ye mbuuru kuŋ luuloo niŋ ñee muru fuloo taa, a ye santo juubee, a ye Alla daani ka domoroo barakandi. Wo koolaa, a ye mbuuru kuŋolu kuntu, a ye ì dii saayiboolu la, ka ì dii moolu la. Aduŋ a ye ñee muru fuloo fanaa talaa ì bee teema. 42 Moolu bee ye domoroo ke fo ì konoo faata. 43 Wo koolaa, saayiboolu ye sinsiŋ taŋ niŋ fula le fandi mbuuru kuntu toolu niŋ ñewolu la. 44 Aduŋ mennu ye ñiŋ mbuuroo domo, wolu mu kee wuli luulu le ti.
Yeesu taamata baajiyo kaŋ
(Matiyu 14:22-33Yohana 6:15-21)
45 Wo koolaa doroŋ, Yeesu ye a la saayiboolu yaamari ka bula kuluŋo kono ka taa a ñaato baa kara doo la, Betisayida saatewo to. Bituŋ a naata kafoo bula, ì taata. 46 Wo to le a faŋo bota jee, a taata konkoo santo ka duwaa. 47 Kabiriŋ wulaaroo siita, kuluŋo be baa kono, ate doroŋ ne tarata tintoo la jee. 48 A ye a je ko, jaaroo maŋ sooneeyaa ì bulu, kaatu foñoo maŋ ì diyaa. Duntuŋ kumoo maafaŋo la Yeesu naata ì kaŋ, a be taama kaŋ baajiyo kaŋ. A be naa tambi la ì la. 49 Kabiriŋ ì ye a je taama kaŋ jiyo kaŋ, ì ye a miira ko, a mu mañamafeŋ kaawakuuyaariŋo le ti. Bituŋ ì wuurita santo, 50 kaatu ì bee le ye a je, aduŋ ì silata. Bari wo loo niŋ baroo teema, a diyaamuta ì ye ko, “Ali kijoo kana fara, nte le mu. Ali kana sila.” 51 A dunta kuluŋo kono ì fee doroŋ, foñoo tenkunta. Bituŋ saayiboolu naata kaawa baake, 52 kaatu ì maŋ hani wo kaawakuu tambilaa la kummaayaa fahaamu noo, Yeesu ye meŋ ke mbuuru kuŋ luuloolu la. Ì maŋ a fahaamu noo, kaatu ì sondomoo bambanta.
Yeesu la kendeyandiroo Kennesareti tundoo kaŋ
(Matiyu 14:34-36)
53 Kabiriŋ a niŋ a la saayiboolu teyita, ì jiita Kennesareti tundoo le la. Ì ye ì la kuluŋo saba tintoo kaŋ. 54 Kabiriŋ ì ye ì la kuluŋo bula doroŋ, moolu naata a suutee. 55 Wo to le ì borita dulaalu bee to wo maafaŋo la, ì ye a dati ka kuurantoolu bee naati a kaŋ ì la basoolu kaŋ dulaa-wo-dulaa to, ì ye a moyi Yeesu be daameŋ. 56 A naata dulaa-wo-dulaa to, saateeriŋ, saatee baa waraŋ tundoo kaŋ, ì ka ì la kuurantoolu landi marisewolu to. Bituŋ ì ka a daani, fo kuurantoolu si a la waramba tuloo doroŋ maa. Aduŋ mennu bee ye a maa, ì kendeyaata le.
Jesus Is Rejected at Nazareth
(Matthew 13.53-58Luke 4.16-30)
1 Jesus left that place and went back to his hometown, followed by his disciples. 2 On the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue. Many people were there; and when they heard him, they were all amazed. “Where did he get all this?” they asked. “What wisdom is this that has been given him? How does he perform miracles? 3 Isn't he the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon? Aren't his sisters living here?” And so they rejected him.
4 Jesus said to them, “Prophets are respected everywhere except in their own hometown and by their relatives and their family.”
5 He was not able to perform any miracles there, except that he placed his hands on a few sick people and healed them. 6 He was greatly surprised, because the people did not have faith.
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Disciples
(Matthew 10.5-15Luke 9.1-6)
Then Jesus went to the villages around there, teaching the people. 7 He called the twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two. He gave them authority over the evil spirits 8 and ordered them, “Don't take anything with you on the trip except a walking stick—no bread, no beggar's bag, no money in your pockets. 9 Wear sandals, but don't carry an extra shirt.” 10 He also told them, “Wherever you are welcomed, stay in the same house until you leave that place. 11 If you come to a town where people do not welcome you or will not listen to you, leave it and shake the dust off your feet. That will be a warning to them!”
12 So they went out and preached that people should turn away from their sins. 13 They drove out many demons, and rubbed olive oil on many sick people and healed them.
The Death of John the Baptist
(Matthew 14.1-12Luke 9.7-9)
14 Now King Herod heard about all this, because Jesus' reputation had spread everywhere. Some people were saying, “John the Baptist has come back to life! That is why he has this power to perform miracles.”
15 Others, however, said, “He is Elijah.”
Others said, “He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of long ago.”
16 When Herod heard it, he said, “He is John the Baptist! I had his head cut off, but he has come back to life!” 17 Herod himself had ordered John's arrest, and he had him tied up and put in prison. Herod did this because of Herodias, whom he had married, even though she was the wife of his brother Philip. 18 John the Baptist kept telling Herod, “It isn't right for you to marry your brother's wife!”
19 So Herodias held a grudge against John and wanted to kill him, but she could not because of Herod. 20 Herod was afraid of John because he knew that John was a good and holy man, and so he kept him safe. He liked to listen to him, even though he became greatly disturbed every time he heard him.
21 Finally Herodias got her chance. It was on Herod's birthday, when he gave a feast for all the top government officials, the military chiefs, and the leading citizens of Galilee. 22 The daughter of Herodias came in and danced, and pleased Herod and his guests. So the king said to the girl, “What would you like to have? I will give you anything you want.” 23 With many vows he said to her, “I swear that I will give you anything you ask for, even as much as half my kingdom!”
24 So the girl went out and asked her mother, “What shall I ask for?”
“The head of John the Baptist,” she answered.
25 The girl hurried back at once to the king and demanded, “I want you to give me here and now the head of John the Baptist on a plate!”
26 This made the king very sad, but he could not refuse her because of the vows he had made in front of all his guests. 27 So he sent off a guard at once with orders to bring John's head. The guard left, went to the prison, and cut John's head off; 28 then he brought it on a plate and gave it to the girl, who gave it to her mother. 29 When John's disciples heard about this, they came and got his body, and buried it.
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
(Matthew 14.13-21Luke 9.10-17John 6.1-14)
30 The apostles returned and met with Jesus, and told him all they had done and taught. 31 There were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his disciples didn't even have time to eat. So he said to them, “Let us go off by ourselves to some place where we will be alone and you can rest a while.” 32 So they started out in a boat by themselves to a lonely place.
33 Many people, however, saw them leave and knew at once who they were; so they went from all the towns and ran ahead by land and arrived at the place ahead of Jesus and his disciples. 34 When Jesus got out of the boat, he saw this large crowd, and his heart was filled with pity for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began to teach them many things. 35 When it was getting late, his disciples came to him and said, “It is already very late, and this is a lonely place. 36 Send the people away, and let them go to the nearby farms and villages in order to buy themselves something to eat.”
37 “You yourselves give them something to eat,” Jesus answered.
They asked, “Do you want us to go and spend two hundred silver coins on bread in order to feed them?”
38 So Jesus asked them, “How much bread do you have? Go and see.”
When they found out, they told him, “Five loaves and also two fish.”
39 Jesus then told his disciples to make all the people divide into groups and sit down on the green grass. 40 So the people sat down in rows, in groups of a hundred and groups of fifty. 41 Then Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish, looked up to heaven, and gave thanks to God. He broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. 42 Everyone ate and had enough. 43 Then the disciples took up twelve baskets full of what was left of the bread and the fish. 44 The number of men who were fed was five thousand.
Jesus Walks on the Water
(Matthew 14.22-33John 6.15-21)
45 At once Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to Bethsaida, on the other side of the lake, while he sent the crowd away. 46 After saying good-bye to the people, he went away to a hill to pray. 47 When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, while Jesus was alone on land. 48 He saw that his disciples were straining at the oars, because they were rowing against the wind; so sometime between three and six o'clock in the morning, he came to them, walking on the water. He was going to pass them by, 49 but they saw him walking on the water. “It's a ghost!” they thought, and screamed. 50 They were all terrified when they saw him.
Jesus spoke to them at once, “Courage!” he said. “It is I. Don't be afraid!” 51 Then he got into the boat with them, and the wind died down. The disciples were completely amazed, 52 because they had not understood the real meaning of the feeding of the five thousand; their minds could not grasp it.
Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret
(Matthew 14.34-36)
53 They crossed the lake and came to land at Gennesaret, where they tied up the boat. 54 As they left the boat, people recognized Jesus at once. 55 So they ran throughout the whole region; and wherever they heard he was, they brought to him the sick lying on their mats. 56 And everywhere Jesus went, to villages, towns, or farms, people would take their sick to the marketplaces and beg him to let the sick at least touch the edge of his cloak. And all who touched it were made well.