Moo bataariŋo la duwaa
Dawuda la Jabuuroo, ka Yaawe* hakiloo bulandi.
1 Hee Yaawe, kana n jalayi i la kamfaa kaŋ,
waraŋ ka n kuluu i la jusukandoo kaŋ.
2 I ye n soo i la kalabeñoolu la le,
aduŋ i buloo laata n kaŋ ne.

3 I la kamfaa ye a tinna le,
n jaatoo maŋ sahayaa.
Kendeyaa te n kuloolu faŋo kono
n na junuboolu kamma la.
4 N na junuboolu la siyaa tambita n kunna le,
ì dunoo kuliyaata n ti le.
5 N na maadiŋolu tolita le fo ì ka sunkaŋ,
n na tooleeyaa kamma la.
6 N korita le las, m be laariŋ dek.
Tiloo muumewo n ka tu woosiyo le la.
7 M baloo kono ka kandi le ko dimbaa.
Kendeyaa te n jaatoo kono.
8 M fankoo banta le fereŋ,
n ka munta ì ye meŋ toñonka fo a nunkuta.
N ka ŋuntaŋ ne niitooroo kamma la.

9 Maariyo, m be ñaaniriŋ kuu-wo-kuu la, i ye a loŋ ne.
N na ŋuntaŋo maŋ tara i ye kumpa to.
10 N kijoo ka tara sawuŋ na le.
M fankoo banta le.
N ñaa la fanoo faŋo talaata le.
11 N teeroolu niŋ n kafuñoolu jamfata n na,
n na kuuraŋo kamma la.
M baadiŋolu fanaa sabata n na.
12 Moolu mennu ka n niyo ñini,
ye ì la kutindiŋolu laa n kamma le,
mennu ka n na mantooroo ñini,
ka kasaaroo le fo m ma.
Ì ka tu feeroolu le siti la n kamma.
13 Bari nte de, n ka munta le ko,
tulu sukiriŋo, meŋ buka i moyi,
ko mumunoo, meŋ buka diyaamu noo.
14 N ka munta ko, moo meŋ buka moyiroo ke,
aniŋ jaabiri te meŋ daa.

15 Bari m be jikiriŋ ite Yaawe le la,
ite m Maarii Alla le be jaabiroo ke la n ye.
16 Ŋa ñiŋ ne duwaa,
i kana soŋ ì ye seewoo n kunna,
wolu mennu ka kibiri n na boyoo la.
17 Kaatu m be boyoo le daa to,
aduŋ dimiŋo le ka tu n na doroŋ.
18 N sonta n na junuboolu la le.
Ì ye n dewuŋ ne.
19 N jawu kumbaa jamaalu semboo warata le.
Mennu ye n koŋ, daliila te a la,
ì siyaata le.
20 Moolu mennu ka n na ñiiñaa joo jawuyaa la,
ì keta m boyinkannaalu le ti,
kaatu n ka bula kuu kendoo le nooma.

21 Hee Yaawe, kana m bula.
N na Alla, kana jamfa n na.
22 M Maariyo, n na Kiisandirilaa,
naa n kaŋ tariyaake, ka m maakoyi.
The Prayer of a Sufferer
1 O Lord, don't punish me in your anger!
2 You have wounded me with your arrows;
you have struck me down.

3 Because of your anger, I am in great pain;
my whole body is diseased because of my sins.
4 I am drowning in the flood of my sins;
they are a burden too heavy to bear.

5 Because I have been foolish,
my sores stink and rot.
6 I am bent over, I am crushed;
I mourn all day long.
7 I am burning with fever
and I am near death.
8 I am worn out and utterly crushed;
my heart is troubled, and I groan with pain.

9 O Lord, you know what I long for;
you hear all my groans.
10 My heart is pounding, my strength is gone,
and my eyes have lost their brightness.
11 My friends and neighbors will not come near me,
because of my sores;
even my family keeps away from me.
12 Those who want to kill me lay traps for me,
and those who want to hurt me threaten to ruin me;
they never stop plotting against me.

13 I am like the deaf and cannot hear,
like the dumb and cannot speak.
14 I am like those who do not answer,
because they cannot hear.

15 But I trust in you, O Lord;
and you, O Lord my God, will answer me.
16 Don't let my enemies gloat over my distress;
don't let them boast about my downfall!
17 I am about to fall
and am in constant pain.

18 I confess my sins;
they fill me with anxiety.
19 My enemies are healthy and strong;
there are many who hate me for no reason.
20 Those who pay back evil for good
are against me because I try to do right.

21 Do not abandon me, O Lord;
do not stay away, my God!
22 Help me now, O Lord my savior!