Alla la semboo niŋ a la kiitiiteyoo
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: A si laa juloo la ì ka a fo meŋ ye ko, “Dinkee la Saayaa.” Dawuda la Jabuuroo le mu.
1 M be ite Yaawe* tentu la
niŋ n sondomoo bee le la.
M be kaawakuwolu bee le seyinkaŋ na,
i ye mennu ke.
2 M be jusulaa la le, aniŋ ka seewoo i la kuwo la.
M be suukuwo laa la le
ka ite Mansa Tallaa jayi i too la.

3 N jawoolu ka muru ì koo la le.
Ì ka taki le ì ye kasaara i ñaatiliŋo la.
4 Kaatu i loota n na boloo ye le,
i ye n na makatoo bayi.
I ye kiitiyo teyi n ye tiliŋo le la
ka bo i la mansasiiraŋo kaŋ.

5 I ye bantala banku* moolu jalayi le,
i ye moo kuruŋolu kasaara.
I ye ì toolu buruka duniyaa kono le fo fawu.
6 I ye ǹ jawoolu turutumbuŋ ne,
i ye ì la saatewolu buruka,
ì la kuwo keta ñinataa ti fereŋ.

7 Yaawe be tu la siiriŋ a la mansasiiraŋo kaŋ ne fo abadaa.
A ye a la mansasiiraŋo londi le ka kiitiyo teyi.
8 Ate Alla le ka duniyaa moolu kiitindi niŋ tiliŋo la,
a ka moolu kiitindi niŋ tooñaa le la.

9 Yaawe le mu moo toorariŋolu tuukuraŋo ti,
a mu ì ye tankadulaa le ti mantooroo waatoo la.
10 Moolu mennu ye ite loŋ famfaŋ,
wolu be ì jikoo loo la i kaŋ ne.
Yaawe, ite buka i koo dii moolu la
mennu ka i ñini.

11 Ali suukuwo laa ka Yaawe jayi,
meŋ na mansasiiraŋo be Siyoni*.
Ali a seyinkaŋ duniyaa moolu ye
a ye kuwolu mennu ke.
12 Ate meŋ ka moofaa juloo joo,
a ka moo toorariŋolu hati le.
A buka ñina moolu la kumboo la,
ì ka mennu toorandi.

13 Hee Yaawe, balafaa n ye.
A juubee mennu ye n koŋ,
ì ye n toorandi ñaameŋ,
ite meŋ ka m bondi saayaa daa to,
14 ñiŋ kamma la
n si loo saatee ñiimaa Siyoni dundaŋ daalu* to,
ka kuwolu seyinkaŋ moolu ye,
n ka i tentu mennu la,
ka seewoo, kaatu i ye n kiisa le.

15 Bantala banku moolu tuta jamfaadinkoo kono le,
ì faŋolu ye meŋ siŋ.
Ì ye jaloo meŋ laa, a ye ì faŋolu le muta.
16 Yaawe ye a yitandi ì la le
ate mu meŋ ti,
kaatu a ye kiitindiroo ke niŋ tiliŋo le la.
Moo kuruŋolu bulata
ì faŋolu la feere kuruŋolu le kono.
17 Moo kuruŋolu be taa kaburoo kono le,
banku koteŋ moolu mennu bee ñinata Alla la.
18 Bari Alla te ñina la moo bataariŋolu la,
fentaŋolu jikoo te buruka la abadaa.

19 Hee Yaawe, wuli,
kana soŋ hadamadiŋolu ye kututeyi.
Bantala banku moolu kiitindi i ñaatiliŋo la.
20 Yaawe, silaŋo dundi ì la.
Ì londi ñiŋ na ko,
ì mu hadamadiŋolu doroŋ ne ti.
Thanksgiving to God for His Justice
1 I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done.
2 I will sing with joy because of you.
I will sing praise to you, Almighty God.

3 My enemies turn back when you appear;
they fall down and die.
4 You are fair and honest in your judgments,
and you have judged in my favor.

5 You have condemned the heathen
and destroyed the wicked;
they will be remembered no more.
6 Our enemies are finished forever;
you have destroyed their cities,
and they are completely forgotten.

7 But the Lord is king forever;
he has set up his throne for judgment.
8 He rules the world with righteousness;
he judges the nations with justice.

9 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
a place of safety in times of trouble.
10 Those who know you, Lord, will trust you;
you do not abandon anyone who comes to you.

11 Sing praise to the Lord, who rules in Zion!
Tell every nation what he has done!
12 God remembers those who suffer;
he does not forget their cry,
and he punishes those who wrong them.

13 Be merciful to me, O Lord!
See the sufferings my enemies cause me!
Rescue me from death, O Lord,
14 that I may stand before the people of Jerusalem
and tell them all the things for which I praise you.
I will rejoice because you saved me.

15 The heathen have dug a pit and fallen in;
they have been caught in their own trap.
16 The Lord has revealed himself by his righteous judgments,
and the wicked are trapped by their own deeds.

17 Death is the destiny of all the wicked,
of all those who reject God.
18 The needy will not always be neglected;
the hope of the poor will not be crushed forever.

19 Come, Lord! Do not let anyone defy you!
Bring the heathen before you
and pronounce judgment on them.
20 Make them afraid, O Lord;
make them know that they are only mortal beings.